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Update on New Talks

For the Orthodox Faithful who are Confused About Covidism


                                             SECTION A


For the Orthodox Faithful who are Confused About Covidism

by Priestmonk Kosmas

14 September 2021


Updated and revised: 13 March 2023 (Note: apart from new sections being added, some previous sections have been either revised or extra information added - please re-read.)



INTRODUCTION: The Term “Conspiracy Theory” & How it is Used for Evil Purposes

Part One: How COVID-19 Vaccines Differ from Traditional Vaccines

Part Two: Orthodox Christians and COVID Vaccinations

Part Three: Orthodox Clergy Who are Pro Mass-Vaccination

Part Four: Orthodox Councils and Synods That Fell into Heresy or Other Errors

Part Five: COVID-19 Facts that are Being Intentionally Ignored or Hidden

Part Six: A New Commandment: Thou Shalt be Blindly Obedient to Your Doctor!

Part Seven: The Holy Fathers – You Must Disobey the “Orthodox” Heretics 

Part Eight: Saints and Grace-filled Elders on Traditional and COVID-19 Vaccines

Part Nine: Not All Doctors and Scientists Agree that COVID Vaccines Are Safe

Part Ten: Blood Clots, Heart Problems and Their Link to the COVID-19 Jabs 



Part Eleven: The Connection Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Aborted Fetuses

Conclusion: After the Lifting of COVID Restrictions in the Churches


To go to the end of the article, please click here.


INTRODUCTION: The Term “Conspiracy Theory” & How it is Used for Evil Purposes

Conspiracy theories in the world that later turned out to be true

At one time or another we have all probably seen articles and videos which present us with content that appears to be based on fantasy, paranoia, or deliberate lies. This is usually labelled as misinformation or disinformation. Misinformation refers to false or out-of-context information that is presented as fact, regardless of an intent to deceive. Disinformation is a type of misinformation that is intentionally false and intended to deceive or mislead.  

Many of us dismiss such information as “just another conspiracy theory by those crazy conspiracy theorists”, without conducting any form of investigation. However, when the issues presented are serious and can affect us physically and spiritually, each person has the responsibility to themselves and to their families to not so easily dismiss such “theories,” but rather to investigate whether there is any truth in them. This can only be done when people have access to uncensored information.

Considering the events taking place in the world over the last couple of years or so, it is becoming apparent that some of these so-called conspiracy theories are proving to be true. It would be worthwhile for Orthodox Christians to become familiar with some examples of true conspiracy theories, a selection of which can be found on the website Winter Watch. Winter Watch has put together twenty “conspiracy theories” now widely accepted as fact. Although I do not agree with all of the content on this website, I encourage the faithful to investigate these theories for themselves and make their own conclusions.


What is meant by the terms “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist”?

Before we continue, it is important to understand exactly what is meant by “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist”.

Conspiracy theory can mean one of two things. Firstly, it can refer to an event or situation that is believed to be part of a secret plan, usually arranged by powerful people or groups. Such a secret plan is typically illegal and often causes harm to people. Secondly, the term can be used to damage or discredit other people. This happens when those in power use this term to suggest that their own secret plan does not exist, and that those who believe that a secret plan does exist are crazy, deceived, misled, ignorant, of low intelligence, have a personal agenda, etc. In this case, opponents are termed conspiracy theorists, in order to make them seem ridiculous.

It should be noted that not all theories about secret, illegal, or harmful plans are true. Many theories of the past have been based on bad research, lack of evidence, speculation, or unstable minds. For our particular purpose, the point to consider is the fact that some past conspiracy theories have proven to be true and some current conspiracy theories might be true. The reality of this will be demonstrated below.

The reader should bear in mind that, where the terms “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” are used going forward in this book, it will generally refer to the damaging labels placed on ideas and people by those in positions of power. These labels can be highly effective when used as a weapon to silence anyone who is truly exposing corruption.




Who is using the label “conspiracy theorist” and why?

We need to know that those who do not want the truth about their corruption to be exposed will do whatever they can to stop it. Therefore, should any doctor, scientist, healthcare worker, academic, government worker, journalist, investigator, politician, military staffer, etc., try to tell others the truth, those in power who fight against the truth must attempt to keep them silent. The most effective way to do this is to discredit them by dismissing and labelling them as conspiracy theorists and to label their views as conspiracy theories. Western civilisation prides itself on free speech and encourages the free exchange of ideas and a free press. However, when it comes to corrupt people being exposed, suddenly those who are exercising freedom of speech are labelled as “deceived,” “enemies of democracy,” “conspiracy theorists,” “the lunatic fringe,” etc.


Opposition to the COVID-19 mainstream narrative: the latest “conspiracy theory”

A growing number of people do not believe the mainstream narrative regarding COVID-19. As such, an enormous amount of information is circulating, claiming that the COVID-19 crisis was planned for evil purposes such as for population control through sterilisation and death, to strengthen globalisation, and to bring about a New World Order. This has resulted in people not only being censored and labelled conspiracy theorists – or to use the latest insult, “spreaders of fake news” - but also in an all-out persecution against anyone who dares to speak out against the governments who are attempting to mandate vaccines and to strip their citizens of their human rights and freedoms. For example, some doctors, scientists, government workers, and many others who were held in high esteem before COVID-19, have now been stripped of their professional credibility and accreditation, have been banned from doing television interviews, and have even lost their jobs. If this were not enough, they have also been deplatformed from social media and prohibited from publishing their valuable articles in medical journals; all of this because they dared to expose what is turning out to be the worst evil ever perpetrated on the world. Dr. Peter McCullough particularly comes to mind.

In an effort to inform the faithful about what is happening, certain videos and articles have been added to our website that we would never have uploaded previously, out of fear of being labelled conspiracy theorists. However, the current situation in the world has forced us to openly denounce this evil, for the sake of our fellow Orthodox Christians.

In the past, we all might have mocked or disbelieved those who spoke of world domination, population control, mandatory vaccines, the restriction of movement, digital IDs, total government surveillance, microchips, censorship, etc., and yet when we now consider the nightmare that is unfolding before our eyes, and when we consider how saints and holy elders have spoken on exactly the same topics, we may not be so quick to judge anyone who would try to warn us.


How can a “conspiracy theory” make people sick or die?

In the past, when something was labelled a conspiracy theory, the truth was not always clear, and for this reason, it sometimes took many years before a conspiracy theory was accepted as fact or rejected as false. This is not the case with the current “conspiracy theory” that COVID-19 vaccines are causing people to become sick and even die in great numbers. Unlike other so-called conspiracy theories, this particular one has caused many renowned and eminent doctors and health professionals to speak out and confirm the truth regarding the dangerous COVID-19 vaccines. This can be verified by studying the information contained in Section Two of our Videos & Articles webpage.

The fact that governments, the mainstream media, the medical establishment, the World Health Organisation, the CDC, GAVI, the NIH, the FDA, etc., persist in labelling any concern about the danger of COVID-19 vaccines as a conspiracy theory, misinformation, disinformation and fake news (despite these concerns being based on increasingly obvious facts) only demonstrates that these people have an evil plan that they are determined to carry out. It is evil in that these people have allowed themselves to work contrary to God's commandments. What these deluded people do not understand, however, is that God has permitted them, for a time, to do what they are doing because of our sins, and He can destroy their plans with one nod. Be assured that God will do so when the people of the world offer Him their repentance. What will move God the most is the repentance of Orthodox Christians (especially the clergy) who have been given the truth and yet rejected it. This important topic will be covered later.


What is the largest, most sophisticated propaganda operation in history? 

The renowned and eminent American osteopathic physician, Dr. Joseph Mercola, is one major victim of the aforementioned insulting labels. Dr. Mercola is known for his tireless efforts to circulate important health information to the public, and is an outspoken promoter of medical transparency. For example, he spoke against the bird flu hoax, the dangers of the anti-inflammatory drug Vioxx, and the dangers of using mercury in dentistry.

 In his article dated 9 January 2023 titled, COVID-19 is the largest, most sophisticated propaganda operation in history, Dr. Mercola wrote the following regarding an interview with Professor Piers Robinson, co-director of the Organization for Propaganda Studies, with Asia Pacific Today:

In the video below, initially published in August 2021, professor Piers Robinson, Ph.D. — co-director of the Organization for Propaganda Studies, whose research specialty is organized persuasive communication and contemporary propaganda — speaks to Asia Pacific Today about propaganda in the age of COVID.

As noted by Robinson, COVID-19 is unquestionably the largest, most sophisticated propaganda operation in history. Psychological techniques were extensively used during 2020 to incite fear and panic in the population, while other persuasion strategies were used to get people to support and defend COVID measures such as masking, isolation, social distancing, lockdowns and jab mandates.



Watch full video here.


In the same article, Dr. Mercola mentions another propaganda expert, Professor Mark Crispin Miller. In his video, “2020: A Propaganda Masterpiece”, Professor Miller states that he believes the past three years have been a propaganda “masterpiece” of unequalled scale and sophistication. Dr. Mercola writes:

Another propaganda expert who has spoken about the overt use of propaganda to create and maintain the pandemic is Professor Mark Crispin Miller, Ph.D., whom I interviewed in June 2021 about the academic censorship he experienced at New York University.

Ironically, it was his teaching students how to question and resist propaganda that brought on the curtailment of his academic freedom, after teaching this important subject for over 20 years. Like Robinson, Miller believes that what we’ve experienced over the past three years is a propaganda “masterpiece” of unequalled scale and sophistication.



Watch video, “A Propaganda Masterpiece” here.


What Professor Robinson and Professor Miller have to say is of absolute importance if one is to properly understand the COVID-19 propaganda operation which is, unfortunately, still happening. The following video of an interview with Professor Miller by Dr. Mercola is well worth watching.


Watch video here.


Our Orthodox saints and Holy Elders were also called all kinds of names

If it is not bad enough that worldly people who are trying to expose the truth are called conspiracy theorists, what is far worse is that our own Orthodox saints and holy elders have been, and still are, disdained, persecuted and called all kinds of names when they spoke up against issues such as heresy, immorality, corruption in governments and, in general, all evil. These names are similar to those given to secular exposers of lies and corruption: conspiracy theorists, backward, ignorant, deceived, crazy, fanatical or the lunatic fringe. We read about this throughout the lives of saints, and what is most alarming is when this name-calling is committed by Orthodox bishops, priests and monastics who are not leading a proper spiritual life.

Who labelled Saint Paisios the Athonite a conspiracy theorist?

St. Paisios the Athonite was one of many Orthodox fathers who voiced a number of concerns about matters similar to those proclaimed by supposed conspiracy theorists. Several examples of his warnings can be found in various books of his teachings. It is interesting to note that, even during the saint’s lifetime, there were those - including some fellow Athonites, bishops, priests and monastics in Greece - who believed that the saint was too focused on conspiracy theories and should not have been spreading them far and wide. Some even believed that the elder, though spiritual, lacked the proper theological qualifications to express anything publicly at all. In other words, the saint’s foreknowledge of coming dangers was somewhat mocked and dismissed as the misguided beliefs of a simple monk, or even of a conspiracy theorist. Yet, we have arrived at a time when much of what the saint was saying is happening before us.

One of his prophesies was in relation to mandatory vaccinations. The saint warned of the following decades ago:

Now a vaccine has been developed to combat a new disease, which will be obligatory, and those taking it will be marked.

Source: Spiritual Counsels II: Spiritual Awakening (page 204)
Publisher: Holy Monastery of St. John the Theologian, Souroti, Thessaloniki, (December 2008)




Saint Paisios was not the only saint or elder who spoke about these matters

It is important to note that Saint Paisios was not alone in giving these kinds of warnings. Other saints and holy elders (including those that are still living) have taught the faithful similar things, even though they have been called fanatics, conspiracy theorists or deceived. For more information about some of the teachings of these saints and holy elders, please see Sections One and Four of the Videos & Articles page.


A holy Athonite Elder foresaw the wearing of masks in church

Another elder who spoke prophetically about what is happening today, as it relates specifically to the Church, was Elder Basil of Kafsokalivia, Mount Athos. His teachings and counsels have been published in two volumes by “Good Word” (Athens, 2018 – 2019). Many of his teachings and counsels refer to contemporary ecclesiastical matters (that are dogmatic in nature), Greek national affairs, and in general, other current events in Greece and in the world overall. We pray that his teachings and counsels will be translated into English soon. In 2009, he said:

They will legally introduce carnivals [mask-wearing]* in the Church with a law. Whoever does not participate in these carnivals will be persecuted! You will witness many shameful and foolish things! You will travel miles to find a good priest and spiritual father.” 
Elder Basil of Kafsokalivia, Mount Athos (†2015)

* By carnivals, the Elder is referring to sinful celebrations in Greece before Great Lent known as “Apokries”, where people disguise themselves by wearing costumes and masks so that they can freely sin without anyone knowing who they are (i.e. the Greek cultural equivalent of Mardi Gras).

(Read more on masks and Elder Basil of Kafsokalivia, Mount Athos here.)




Elder Ephraim of Arizona foresaw clowns serving Liturgy in church

It is said that Elder Ephraim of Arizona made a prophesy that a time will come when Orthodox priests will be serving as clowns. After his blessed repose, a controversy arose about whether such a holy hieromonk would ever refer to Orthodox priests as clowns. On 28 January 2021, Protopresbyter Stephanos Anagnostopoulos gave a sermon in the church of Saint Barbara of Amphiali (Metropolis of Piraeus, Greece), in which he confirmed that Elder Ephraim indeed referred to Orthodox priests serving as clowns. Before we read what Father Stephanos said during his sermon, let us learn a little about him.

Father Stephanos was a very close spiritual child of Elder Ephraim of Arizona for many decades, having first met him in 1961. He is a well-respected and traditional married priest of the Orthodox Church of Greece. He is 91 years old, the father of seven children, and the author of numerous books, some of which are: “My Elder Ephraim”, “My Holy Elder Joseph the Hesychast”, “Where Are we Going?”, “I am at Fault, are You?”, “Do You Know Who You Are?”, “Experiences During the Divine Liturgy”, “The Symbol of Faith as Knowledge and Life”, “The ‘Prayer’ in the World”, “Knowledge and Life of the Orthodox Faith”. (For more titles click here.) Many consider Father Stephanos to be a holy priest and, being so close to Elder Ephraim, he would be in the best position to speak about the Elder.

The following is an excerpt from the aforementioned sermon by Father Stephanos on Elder Ephraim’s reference to Orthodox priests serving as clowns:

“A third correction concerning the prophecy of Elder Ephraim, and which is now final. I got in touch yesterday, by phone, with Athonite abbots who are close to us, and two other monks who affirmed that they have heard from the mouth of the elder, in the decade of 2000-2010, in Arizona, the same prophecy, but with a different take. In other words, he said that there will come a time when the priests will be serving as clowns, and as clowns they will be serving the Divine Liturgy and let me not mention here, one by one, the other sacraments that he referred to. This is what he said, and he also added that blessed are those simple priests who uphold the Orthodox Church today with their simple holy life and will not succumb to the pressures. They will be counted by God as confessors and martyrs.” Protopresbyter Stephanos Anagnostopoulos

Listen to his sermon here




Are many Orthodox clergy ignoring the Saints and Holy Elders?

At this point, and in turning our attention more specifically towards leaders in the Church, many will ask the following important and fearful question: If Saint Paisios’ teachings have been translated into several languages, and there are also numerous other prophesies and teachings available regarding vaccines and masks, why are so many bishops and priests unquestioningly going along with the dominant, secular narrative about COVID, and forcing the faithful to get vaccinated and to wear masks in church? One possible answer is that these clergymen are unaware of the prophesies made by Saint Paisios and others. But this is highly improbable because there are many Orthodox Christians today, including clergy and monastics all over the world, that are speaking out against vaccines and masks, and quoting many saints and holy elders, including those above, to justify their concerns.

These clergymen who are pro-vaccination and pro-COVID restrictions in the churches, have been bombarded with telephone calls, emails and letters denouncing them for their obedience to governments (against their conscience) and their total trust in science and doctors, rather than in God. They also have access to the vast amount of alternative information circulating on the internet regarding vaccines and masks, both from spiritual and medical perspectives, so they have no excuse. Yet they continue to use their authority to force people to be vaccinated and wear masks. How long will God tolerate this deception and blasphemy?


Orthodox bishops and priests pushing for vaccines and masks

We are constantly hearing examples of how certain bishops are threatening their clergy with ecclesiastical sanctions if they do not receive a COVID vaccination or if they speak out against these vaccinations. These bishops are demanding that their clergy and laypeople listen to the doctors, in a shameful display of total disregard for the warnings of our saints and holy elders. These bishops declare that, if they do not get vaccinated, such clergymen and laypeople are irresponsible and are lacking in love for their fellow neighbour. These clergymen and laypeople are also told that they will need to repent of this “sin” for the rest of their lives. One wonders how the pro-vaccination and pro-mask wearing clergymen fail to ask themselves how the abovementioned saint and holy elders could have known what was going to happen if they had not been grace-filled and enlightened by God? Why would these clergymen be forcing millions of Orthodox Christians all over the world to go along with these things – to the point of even wearing masks in church  knowing very well about the prophesies of the saints and holy elders?

The majority of Orthodox Christians today find it difficult to believe that so many Orthodox bishops and priests have fallen to such a low level, and this is understandable since the faithful are inclined to have trust in their shepherds. Is it a wonder, then, that these Orthodox Christians, in order to justify what is happening, prefer to be in a state of denial rather than face the truth when it becomes apparent?

It is easier, and more comfortable, to go along with deception than to resist it. Only those who are leading a proper inner spiritual life have any chance of resisting heresy, schism, deception and, in general, all evil. We must be truthful, not only to God, but also truthful to those around us and even truthful to ourselves. For if we cannot be truthful to ourselves, then how do we expect to be truthful to God and to others? In fact, being truthful to ourselves should be our starting point followed by being truthful to others, and only then can we be truthful to God. This is the essence of spiritual life.

In the following chapters we will understand further that, apart from many doctors and scientists who have publicly denounced the COVID-19 propaganda, there are so many grace-filled saints, elders and clergymen who are not in denial about what is happening. From the beginning of the COVID-19 propaganda operation, these holy people have enlightened the Orthodox faithful in the truth, and they continue to do so today.

The phenomenon of Orthodox clergy falling into grave deception, and their attempts to draw the faithful into their deception, is nothing new. This will be examined, in detail, in the upcoming chapters. However, for this introduction, I will mention one example that will set the tone for the later sections that refer to the fall of many Orthodox clergymen during the COVID-19 deception.

The Romanian priestmonk, blessed Elder Justin Parvu (†2013), whose body miraculously gave off myrrh when he reposed, criticised the Romanian shepherds (bishops and priests) who were allowing their flocks to be attacked by the enemies of the Church. During the supposed Swine Flu pandemic (2009-2010), Elder Justin was one of the few Orthodox clergymen throughout the world who spoke out against the Swine Flu vaccination, the possibility of it becoming mandatory and the silence of the Orthodox shepherds in this regard. In 2009, Elder Justin said:

“Therefore, you need to pay very close attention: If you are not being told anything in the Church about these things, then you need to know that they are being paid to keep silent. And you as simple people, through the gift of the Holy Spirit, rightly feel that there is much more truth coming forth from the little sheep than from the shepherd. 

The time will come when you will be sold by your shepherds. They will watch you being ripped apart by the wild beasts and they will not come to your help. Know that these are those apocalyptic times that are about to fall hard on us.




And indeed, Elder Justin’s prophesy has been fulfilled exactly. During the COVID period, many Orthodox shepherds (bishops and priests) stood by and did nothing when they saw the enemies of the Church closing down churches and mandating a deadly vaccine. Perhaps I can humbly say that the situation is worse than that which the elder prophesied. Not only did our shepherds stand by and do nothing when they saw the sheep being attacked by the wolves, but the majority of them assisted the wolves and even became wolves themselves.


A final note

We pray that this book will be helpful and spiritually beneficial to the faithful who are truly confused about COVID restrictions, lockdowns, masks and mandatory vaccines. I have included in this book the voices of many eminent and renowned doctors and scientists who are revealing the truth regarding these matters. The fact that these brave people are being slandered, persecuted, deplatformed and even stripped of their titles and credibility, tells us that we should consider what they are saying. We should therefore not dismiss them simply because we are told to do so by the pharmaceutical companies and medical establishments, or the governments and the mainstream media that work for them. All this will be explained in much detail in the chapters following.

The faithful urgently need to know how to deal with the COVID issues when they affect our spiritual lives, and therefore, our salvation. Important matters such as COVID restrictions in the churches, the closing of churches, the connection between COVID vaccines and aborted fetuses, and the appalling number of clergy and monastics who are pro-mass vaccination and pro-COVID restrictions need to be investigated by anyone who is sincerely seeking salvation.

Remember that in all things, Orthodox Christians should look to the lives and teachings of the saints and elders for guidance, and this, with God's help, is what I have endeavoured to do, as thoroughly as possible, in this book. The faithful are encouraged to constantly check what they read by studying the saints and holy elders for themselves. The merciful God, seeing our desire for truth, will guide our path through the dangers and confusion of this world. Amen.


PART ONE: How COVID-19 Vaccines Differ from Traditional Vaccines

Is the topic of vaccines a medical issue only or is it also a spiritual issue? 

In the last 18 months [this was written in September 2021], I have received several emails from Orthodox Christians who are confused and disturbed over the COVID situation and the restrictions in the churches. Lately, these emails have especially been about COVID-19 vaccines.

In order to help the faithful, we began to put together, with God’s help, an archive of various Videos and Articles relating spiritually and medically to all this. This work is ongoing; we continue to add important information regularly. What follows are some important facts I have discovered over the last year or so, when dealing with the difficult topic of COVID-19 and the restrictions being imposed, vaccines, and mandatory mass vaccination.

As always, it is best to seek guidance from the saints and grace-filled elders, to see what they have said about vaccines in general, and especially about COVID-19 vaccines and mandatory mass vaccination. However, before we examine what they say, it is very important to provide some medical information, because the topic of vaccines needs to be looked at from both spiritual and medical angles, as they are related. We will see that even the contemporary grace-filled elders not only speak about the spiritual effects, but also the physical effects of the COVID-19 vaccines; it is amazing that often what they say corresponds with what the doctors and scientists say.


Do the COVID-19 vaccines meet the criteria for traditional vaccines? 

It should be noted that even though the terms vaccination or vaccines will be used throughout this book, I am referring rather to a novel experimental gene therapy (mRNA /DNA therapy technologywhich has not been used on humans ever before, and this technically is not actually a vaccine at all, in the traditional sense. Furthermore, the effects of this mRNA/DNA technology, according to many renowned scientists, are potentially very harmful and therefore it should be tested in humans only with caution over a long period of time. Many scientists are concerned about the potential for immune system problems, which indeed form perhaps the majority of the side effects and deaths reported from these new COVID vaccines.

(To read “RNA vaccines: an introduction”, click here.)  

Therefore, to make this book easier to understand, when the reader sees the words vaccination or vaccines one should know it actually means supposed vaccination or supposed vaccines. Indeed, if the manufacturers did not call them vaccines, this new type of technology would have become a great concern to the majority of the public. However, now countless unsuspecting people have embraced the COVID jab with open arms because they are constantly referred to as vaccines by so many in society all over the world. Only a small handful are sounding the warning bells that these jabs are not vaccines, but unfortunately, these people are discredited as conspiracy theorists.

The following is an extract from an open letter, dated 9 September 2021, to the NSW Minister of Education and Early Childhood Learning which systematically demonstrates, by medical definitions, that the current COVID-19 vaccines are not like traditional vaccines that have been used for
many years:

The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that a drug is called a ‘vaccine’ if it protects people before they come into contact with the disease, and if it prevents the transmission of the disease in the community. Yet this COVID-19 injection will not do these things. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administrator (TGA), states that this medical intervention will not prevent you getting the disease, nor will it prevent transmission of the disease in the community.

Further, the WHO definition states, “because vaccines contain only killed or weakened forms of germs, viruses and bacteria, they do not cause the disease or put you at risk of its complications.” Yet, the COVID-19 injections do not contain any of the killed or weakened Coronavirus 2019 (the causal agent); as such, it is questionable as to whether this intervention meets the criteria to be called a ‘vaccine’ at all.

(Read the entire open letter here.)





PART TWO: Orthodox Christians and COVID Vaccinations 

Are Orthodox Christians justifiably troubled about COVID vaccinations?

Many of the faithful have been put in a difficult position to either vaccinate or lose their jobs and freedoms. This has led many to get vaccinated even though they know it has been shown that vaccinations are causing numerous people to become sick and even die. Apart from this, the faithful need to know that these experimental vaccines can affect one mentally and spiritually - this aspect will be discussed further on. 

Before making any decision regarding vaccinations, I strongly advise that you take some time to look at the new category called Videos and Articles that has been added to our website, which includes topics such as COVID, vaccines, lockdowns etc., according to saints, elders, clergy, doctors and others. It has become obvious that the anti-Christian governments, the anti-Christian medical establishment and the anti-Christian media are pushing for mass vaccination, regardless of the
large amounts of evidence of disastrous side effects (many of which are life-long), and a relatively high death rate.

If that were not bad enough, the faithful are even more confused about the messages of support for the worldwide, unprecedented mass vaccination campaign which are coming from many Orthodox bishops, priests and monastics, who are cooperating with the civil authorities. Many of these clergymen and monastics have even gone to the point of being vaccinated in public for all to see, and there are now reports that Orthodox churches - some closed for public worship - are now being used as vaccination hubs. This has only added to the confusion of the faithful regarding the topic of whether to receive this experimental vaccination or not. It is so painful to see them lost, scared, anxious, depressed, hopeless, utterly confused and terrorised. Yet, now and then, the faithful hear a very different message from some clergymen. One such hierarch offering a different view is Bishop George of Canberra, Auxiliary Bishop of the Australia and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, who wrote:

People also need to know that many of those who are getting vaccinated are dying or experiencing severe side effects. We must be aware of what we are doing. 

Another hierarch offering a different view is Bishop Siluan of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Australia and New Zealand, who wrote:

We condemn any blackmail or any coercion, including that of vaccination. Without freedom of choice there is no humanity.

To the faithful who feel that they are being forced, and who are constantly hearing bishops and priests telling them to get vaccinated (and if they do not, that they are great sinners), this is like a drop of water to a person thirsting in the desert.




Does the Orthodox Church forbid vaccines?

There are no canons regarding vaccinations, but there are canons that forbid Christians doing harm to their bodies and to their souls by committing actions that are immoral or unethical. We also have saints and holy elders, both living and departed, who have clearly warned us with their precise prophesies and teachings about the events of today - including the dangers of mass vaccination.

Many Orthodox Christians are confused as to whether these teachings and prophesies relate to traditional vaccines that have been used for centuries, or to the new COVID vaccines. It is true that there are problems associated with traditional vaccines, particularly in regard to side effects. There are different organisations that have studied the side effects of various vaccines, and have made this information available to the public. The following are just two websites.

Vaccine Website 1

Vaccine Website 2

It should be noted that serious side effects have always been a concern with traditional vaccines. This will be looked at in more detail later. Some of the saints and elders have certainly spoken negatively about traditional vaccines. However, there seems to be a general consensus among the saints and elders regarding a specific vaccine that will be mandated or forced onto people on a worldwide scale, and that whoever does not accept this vaccine will not be able to “buy and sell”, meaning that they will lose many of their rights and freedoms. This is certainly what is happening now, although the situation in the future will be far worse during the time of the Antichrist.


Are there cases where traditional vaccines were mandated?

Although on a smaller scale, there have been cases in history where vaccines were made mandatory. The following are two examples, and a very recent third example has also been added:

Example 1: Mandatory Smallpox Vaccination for Infants

The United Kingdom Vaccination Act of 1853 made smallpox vaccination mandatory in the first three months of an infant’s life. A parent’s penalty for not complying was a fine or imprisonment.

Regarding mandatory UK vaccinations for infants in the 1800s, Dr Suzanne Humphries writes
the following:

The history of vaccination is more complicated than most people realise. The anti-vaccine movement is hundreds of years old, and heated up in the 1800s, when parents in the UK became fed up with watching their healthy infants and children become ill or die shortly after the smallpox vaccinations, or get sick from smallpox, despite being highly vaccinated. The smallpox vaccines were made from pus scraped off of diseased cows’ belly sores, contaminated with disease matter from a variety of animals and in some cases, humans.

Parents and doctors who refused smallpox vaccines, risked losing their homes, their furniture and their livelihoods if judges ruled against them. Smallpox vaccine history is not what you have been taught to think it is. This video describes the issues well. 

The author of this quote, Dr Suzanne Humphries, is a conventionally educated medical doctor, who was a participant in conventional hospital systems from 1989 until 2011 as an internist and nephrologist. She left her conventional hospital position in good standing, of her own volition in 2011. Since then, she has been furthering her research into the medical literature on vaccines, immunity, history, and functional medicine. She has lectured in various parts of the world on infant immunity, vitamin C, aluminium (aluminum), and vaccination. She holds board certifications from the ABIM (American Board of Internal Medicine) in Internal Medicine as well as in Nephrology.

(For more information, see Dr Suzanne Humphries website here.) 




Example 2: Mandatory Smallpox Vaccination for Soldiers

In 1777, George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, based at his headquarters in Morristown, New Jersey, ordered mandatory inoculation for troops against smallpox if they had not survived a smallpox infection earlier in life.

Example 3: Mandatory Influenza Vaccines in our own time

Some years before COVID-19, attempts were made in Australia to make annual influenza vaccines mandatory for teachers, healthcare workers, etc. that were largely unsuccessful. It should be noted that before the adoption of mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, influenza vaccines did, indeed, quietly become mandatory in early 2020 for healthcare workers and for residents in nursing homes, as well as for those who wanted to visit them. Now, only about a year later, the COVID-19 vaccines have also become mandatory.

Perhaps mandatory influenza vaccination was simply the latest step in a preparation, a type of conditioning of people, so that they would more easily accept (soon afterwards) the concept of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for the entire population of Australia. Each country is different, but a considerable number of countries are now using threats and coercion through restricting people’s freedoms, to achieve the same aim: ensuring the general public is “fully vaccinated”, whether they want to be or not, in a push for a fully vaccinated world.


A holy elder and 60 Minutes speak out against the Swine Flu vaccine

The saints and holy elders cautioned the faithful regarding the harmful effects of some traditional vaccines. For example, the Romanian priest-monk, blessed Elder Justin Parvu (†2013), whose body miraculously gave off myrrh when he reposed, said the following with reference to the Swine Flu vaccine:

Fathers will give up their sons, mothers, their daughters, unto death. Behold, we witness the fulfilment of this prophecy. If the mother will let the child be vaccinated, it's as if giving him over to die.... So, do not receive this vaccine or anything that the new political powers bring you today.




It would seem that the holy Elder was specifically speaking about the Swine Flu vaccines that were being pushed during that time, but when you read the whole text, it becomes apparent that he must have also been speaking about vaccines in the future; for what he revealed was said at a time when vaccines were generally considered safe and were not mandatory, unlike the COVID-19 vaccines which are proving to be more dangerous and deadly than any other vaccine. Regardless, one thing can be certain; Elder Justin was against vaccinations, especially the vaccination of children. He, perhaps, was one of the very few Orthodox clergymen of his time who was sounding the warning bells regarding the dangers of vaccines and the government's attempt to make them mandatory in the future.

(Read more here.)

This holy, grace-filled elder turned out to be absolutely correct about the Swine Flu. In a report by Mike Wallace, which aired on 60 Minutes in 1979, it was exposed that the Swine Flu vaccine of 1976 was inappropriately fast-tracked for public use. Furthermore, the report exposed the deceptive actions of the CDC when releasing vaccine information and in the promotion of a vaccine that was not safe for general use.

In other words, they lied to the American people, resulting in hundreds of cases of neurological disorders like Guillain–Barré syndrome. Those affected by the vaccine tried to sue the government for damages. More people died from the vaccine than from the Swine Flu. The vaccine was finally pulled from the market.

The CDC approved this vaccine without conducting any valid tests to prove whether a deadly new Swine Flu was actually circulating in the country. The propaganda at the time was that the new Swine Flu was going to be as deadly as the 1918 Spanish Influenza, which killed millions, and for that reason people needed to urgently be vaccinated. The World Health Organization identified that this was not the case, but the vaccine plan had already been put into effect. Citizens were heavily pressured to receive the Swine Flu vaccine, and this was done for political purposes. Being an election year, politicians could show they were acting to protect people from “the plague” of the times. Apart from this, there is a strong possibility that the rich and powerful pharmaceutical industry was spreading its wealth around to those who would promote their Swine Flu vaccine.

The government ran media campaigns claiming that many famous people had taken the shot, which also turned out to be untrue. One of them, who was interviewed by Wallace, was Mary Tyler Moore who stated that she never took the shot, even though CDC propaganda advertising said she did. She confirmed that she had serious doubts about the shot, even rejecting her own doctor's advice to receive it. Once all the information about the experimental shots became known, her doctor later allegedly told Moore that he was glad she did not listen to his advice.

The whole deadly Swine Flu emergency was a well-planned hoax. With this in mind, we cannot blame people for being suspicious when it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines and the heavy political pressure being used to force people to receive it.


See video report here 

Today’s experimental mRNA and spike protein vaccines, never before used on humans, are causing considerably more damage than any flu shot ever has. However, Big Pharma is firmly in control of the messages the corporate mainstream media broadcasts to the public (obvious propaganda), so the truth is hidden from the ears of many. Unfortunately, people need to investigate very carefully to find the truth for themselves, and are sometimes obliged to use alternative media sources because of the massive degree of propaganda and censorship being practised openly on social media and in news broadcasts.




Are the saints and holy elders just referring to mandatory vaccinations?

Our Orthodox saints and holy elders warned about a time when there would be world-wide mandatory vaccinations. They also warned about a time, as described in the book of Revelation, where one would need to deny Christ and then receive a mark in order to buy and sell. No one who has received vaccination was asked to deny Christ. However, we will see further on that many of our saints and holy elders say that mass vaccination is a preparation for the future mark of the Antichrist. Whether this mark is connected to a vaccine, or a microchip, or something else, remains to be seen.

What can be said for certain is that there is a general agreement amongst the saints and holy departed elders that Orthodox Christians should not receive a particular type of vaccine because it will cause physical, mental and spiritual harm. Many of our living holy elders are saying that the vaccine(s) specifically referred to by our saints and departed holy elders are indeed the mandatory COVID-19 vaccines, and furthermore, that Orthodox Christians should not receive these vaccines. Thanks be to God that there are still bishops, priests, monastics and laypeople who listen to the counsels of these holy people rather than the supposedly enlightened experts of this world.  Unfortunately, there are a significant number of Orthodox clergy and Orthodox physicians and scientists who do place more trust in the ‘experts’ than in the God-bearing saints and elders. More on this in Section One on our website.





PART THREE: Orthodox Clergy Who are Pro Mass-Vaccination

Are the pro mass-vaccination clergy wolves in sheep's clothing?

As previously mentioned, there are those who sadly do not follow the teachings of the saints and elders regarding these experimental vaccines, including patriarchs, bishops, priests, monastics and Orthodox physicians and scientists. Their views are easy to find because they prevail in the ecclesiastical world in comparison to those with an opposing view, who are consistently censored and scorned by these pro mass-vaccination Orthodox Christians.

Please note that when speaking of those shepherds, that is, bishops and priests, who are betraying their flocks, I am not referring to those who have mistakenly taken the vaccine out of sincere ignorance, simplicity, a genuine trust in the ecclesiastical and government authorities, or a true, but misguided, desire to combat COVID-19 and protect their flocks from it. We must remember that not all people have access to the internet; many Orthodox clergymen cannot even use a computer. Only God knows exactly how many of these clergymen truly did not go against their consciences. Everyone will give word for their own actions. When speaking of clergymen who are betraying their flocks, I am referring specifically to those clergymen who are pushing the agenda of the New World Order of terrorists on their flocks. It should be known that this book will not be lenient on these supposed shepherds (who have finally shown that they are, as Christ says, wolves in sheep’s clothing) because the saints and elders themselves are not lenient with them.




Five Examples of Orthodox Clergy who are pro mass-vaccination

The following are just five examples of the many hierarchs and priests, that are pushing, threatening, or sweetly convincing, the faithful to participate in mass vaccination. The first two use humanistic and emotional arguments to justify their positions. The third uses his knowledge of the holy Fathers to justify his pro vaccination position. The fourth example is of a hierarch who is strongly against Ecumenism and COVID restrictions including the closing of churches. The fifth example is of a popular abbot of Mount Athos who is considered a holy elder and, according to some, a miracle worker. Their unorthodox, condemning and, at times, bullying approach to those who refuse to be vaccinated and their clever worldly or patristic arguments are, unfortunately, typical of many Orthodox bishops and priests around the world, as well as monastics, who should be a light for the faithful.


Example 1: An Ecumenist hierarch says the unvaccinated need to repent

Speaking on state television, the head of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations, Metropolitan Hilarion (Alfeyev), a known ecumenist hierarch, said that those refusing to vaccinate are committing:

A sin for which they will have to atone* throughout their lives … I see situations every day where people visit a priest in order to confess that they had refused to vaccinate themselves or their close ones and unwillingly caused someone’s death... The sin is thinking of oneself but not of another person.

[*atone: do penance by making amends for one's sins] 

(Source - click here.)


Example 2: An Ecumenist patriarch says to follow the instructions of experts

Again, an Orthodox patriarch, Bartholomew of Constantinople, a hardened and veteran ecumenist, recently and sternly announced that:

The New Testament affirms that whoever does not love man, cannot love God. These people
are indifferent
to the protection of fellow human beings. The rejection of the mask and all precautionary measures does not arise simply from ignorance but from the dying of love
within them

Science, when it opens auspicious prospects for the future of mankind, is a gift from heaven. Our faith certainly is not affected when we follow the instructions of experts. Nor do the restrictions on participation in the Services diminish the importance of the Church and what is conducted in it for the life of the faithful. Protective measures are not directed against the Church. They protect the faithful, who, like everyone else, are just as vulnerable to the virus.

(Source - click here.)


Example 3: A traditionalist hierarch says that all Orthodox Christians must be vaccinated

This is an important example because it is not from an Ecumenist, but from a hierarch of the 
Orthodox Church of Greece who is known as an Orthodox traditionalist, and has written many popular patristic books. The following is an extract from a statement by Metropolitan Ierotheos (Vlahos) dated 31 August 2021, to the clergy of his diocese.

We should not be indifferent to the confrontation of this disease, that is why we must make
use of the vaccine, unless the doctor who follows the health of each one of you and is
scientifically trained, has a different opinion on this… 
As clergy we are obliged to take
measures to ensure good hygiene, so that we do not become a cause and occasion for the Christians whom we shepherd to be infected, because in such a case they turn against the Church and we are responsible.

I would like to point out that St. Nicodemos the Athonite has declared his opinion, (twice at least, from what I know) that if a Christian is not careful at the time of a pandemic and becomes the cause of death of others, he should be penanced as a murderer. Specifically:

In his “Rudder” (a footnote to the 66th Apostolic Canon) St. Nicodemos writes: “Note also that one is condemned as a murderer who, in a time of plague or pestilence, goes to houses or towns and infects others when he knows well that he himself is infected and thus becomes the cause of many deaths.”

In his “Manual for Confession” (On the Sixth Commandment) St. Nicodemos writes: "Thou shalt not kill”. In this commandment “those who, in time of plague, knowing they are infected, associate with others and thus infect them; those who kill themselves; and simply, all those who are reckless, are guilty of error.”

That is why St. Nicodemos recommends that the spiritual father asks the one confessing, among other things: “Perhaps you knew that you were infected and you associated with others, and so infected them and they died? For you are to be placed under a rule as a murderer.” So you can see the seriousness of the matter. Whoever, in a time of pandemic, as it happens in our time, is not careful and infects others, is judged with the penance of murder! A basic way of protecting ourselves and others is vaccination, as is the case with other diseases.

If your personal doctor, knowing your medical history, recommends that you do not take the vaccine, that does not mean that you should not take other necessary measures; and of course it does not mean that you will be recommending to Christians not to get vaccinated. In such a case you will give word to God, according to what the great teacher of the Church, St. Nicodemos the Athonite has written.

This is just one of the many arguments he made in his statement. What is important is that this hierarch uses his knowledge of the Holy Fathers of the Church (specifically Saint Nicodemos the Athonite in this case), to present such a convincing argument for vaccines, that it would lead Orthodox Christians to believe that they must get vaccinated. The faithful may believe that because this bishop is known as an Orthodox traditionalist, he must be correct and his advice should be followed. It is like saying that those who are Orthodox traditionalists can never make mistakes. Only those who do not study the lives of saints would believe this. It is so tragic and sorrowful for an Orthodox bishop to fall to this level. 

Let us examine the argument of this “patristic” hierarch who claims that Orthodox Christians must be vaccinated. He bases his argument on the teachings of Saint Nicodemos the Athonite, who wrote specifically about those who know they are infected and are not careful about infecting others. Furthermore, this hierarch emphasises Saint Nicodemos’ statement that if someone was to die because of the carelessness of a knowingly infected person, that person should be penanced as
a murderer.




We must point out that what Saint Nicodemos said is absolutely correct. However, the quote from Saint Nicodemos is not relevant to the COVID-19 situation because we are told from the medical authorities themselves that the vaccine does not prevent a person from catching or spreading this disease – something we are also hearing on the news continually. Apart from this powerful fact, there are many other facts (covered in Part Five), that contradict this clever hierarch’s misleading view that billions of people must be vaccinated and if they are not, they lack common sense and are deluded. Many in Greece, including Orthodox priests who are doctors and scientists, refuted his distorted arguments, which resulted in him firing back with more illogical reasoning. Let us put it this way, he was unhappy that people were disagreeing with him. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. (Matthew 24:11)

(Source - click here.) 

It should be noted that more children die from influenza every year than from COVID-19 - the survival rate of children after contracting COVID being 99.997% (statistically 100%). In general, many more people die every year from influenza and other causes than from COVID. As in every influenza season, people can reduce the spread of infection by simply staying home when they are sick, under a doctor’s care. The number of people that die of influenza around the world every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is roughly 290,000 to 650,000. But these figures are not accurate because many deaths are under-reported. In the US alone, it is reported that approximately 50,000 to 75,000 people die from influenza annually.

Is it possible that this popular, highly-educated, “patristic” hierarch does not know these facts? If he does know them, why is he misquoting Saint Nicodemos? If he does not know these facts, then he is clearly not as educated as he makes out. A truly educated person will always fact-check before writing public articles, both to ensure accuracy and to protect his reputation.  As such, this hierarch has just shattered his own image, as it is very hard to trust an ignorant person.


Example 4: An anti-Ecumenist hierarch says that vaccines are not harmful to our spiritual life

This is also an important example because it is from a hierarch who is known as the most outspoken anti-Ecumenist in Greece. The following is taken from a radio interview with Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus, dated 18 February 2021. On the issue of COVID-19 vaccines, he says:

It’s another kind of medicine. Vaccination is a success of human science, which God has
inspired. It is a method to deal with any pandemic. Deadly diseases of the past have been eradicated through vaccination… I do not consider it to be anything harmful for our spiritual life and neither is it a matter of spiritual life. Vaccination is simply a medical act of dealing with a dangerous microorganism

When asked whether he thought the COVID vaccination was the mark of the Antichrist, he said:

The mark of the antichrist will be a conscious act of acceptance... there will be agreement, compliance, consent. It will be your decision.

He also expressed his sorrow and grief that the churches were closed because of the belief that people might get sick:

We are sincerely saddened because the holiness of the Holy Relics, the Holy Icons, the Grace of the Mystery of the Eucharist, only transmit life. Illness or death can never arise from them.

(Source - click here.) 




On the one hand, this outspoken hierarch is against the closing of churches and against anyone who believes that one can get sick within the church, while on the other hand he is saying that the current vaccines are nothing but another kind of medicine. How can someone be so right in one thing and so wrong in another? This will be answered soon.


On 6 November 2021 this Metropolitan spoke on the Greek channel SKAI. He said that the priests who urge the people not to be vaccinated are schismatics.

(Source - click here.) 


Example 5: An abbot from Mount Athos expresses his opinion about vaccines

The following is a different type of example because it is of an abbot from Mount Athos who is well-known as a holy elder and, some even say, a miracle worker. Unlike the other four examples, Abbot Ephraim of Vatopedi contracted coronavirus and survived without being vaccinated (though later he did receive vaccination). Being vaccinated after recovering from coronavirus is absurd. Recovery from COVID would have provided the abbot with immunity antibodies, making any sort of vaccine unnecessary. It would also make any COVID vaccine he subsequently takes potentially dangerous to his health. On 9 September 2021, during an interview on Greek television, he said:

We need to get vaccinated, because I was unfortunately still unvaccinated, I had the intention of doing it, but for various reasons, I didn’t do it at that time. The Church does not dismiss science… Saint Nektarios, such a great saint, reposed in the hospital. This great saint accepted medical assistance. Saint Paisios had intestinal cancer, he went to the doctor, he had surgery, he stayed there at the Monastery of Souroti, and the doctor monitored him closely, and helped him as much as he could, and even he [Saint Paisios] accepted medical assistance. And many other virtuous people have also accepted medical assistance. This is not sinful.

He was then asked about some Orthodox hierarchs in Greece who were of the opinion that this vaccine is very bad. He responded by saying:

Just as we receive medical assistance for our stomach, for our intestines, for our legs, for our hands, we also receive medical assistance and protection for the issue of the pandemic which is extremely important. This is my opinion, I am not giving orders. This is my opinion, that every Christian must consider this and should get vaccinated because this is how, I think, we will be able to overcome this pandemic.

The reporter then asked the abbot what he thought about some clergy who have an opposing opinion about the vaccines, and generally about the pandemic, and who persuade many of the faithful with their ideas. He said: 

I think this is wrong, in my opinion, this is wrong. We should leave the people alone, and not spread propaganda. The priests can simply state their opinion, but it is better, if anyone has an opposing opinion, to keep it to themselves. They are allowed to have their own opinions… We need to listen to Socrates, who was a “Christian before Christ” as some say. He said, we need to listen to the experts. In the same way, we need to listen to the scientists and act accordingly, because this is for our good, for the good of our neighbour, for the good of our family, and for the good of all. From what they told me here, I don’t follow the news, but they told me that around 3 billion people have been vaccinated. So does that mean that they are all idiots and that the others [who oppose vaccinations] are the smart ones? You can see that even the World Health Organisation, after I researched a little, says very clearly what the vaccines consist of, what medical equipment and medical substances [are used] - they are not hiding anything, as some people are saying. They think that they are hiding something in there, that they are putting cells
[of aborted embryos] and various other things, but this isn’t true, and isn’t anything serious and is not true.


a) See video here.



b) See video here

When first reading the above interview, one can think it is a joke in bad taste, especially when he says that people should not believe that doctors are bad and need to be avoided. No one who is against COVID vaccines has ever said that all doctors are bad or that seeking medical help is sinful. The number of medical and spiritual errors made by this abbot leaves one speechless. His belief that people should not express their opposing opinions publicly while freely expressing his own opinions and thoughts on public television (just in the above short extract, he did this five times) is scandalous. 

Though a digression on the topic, the reader may note that the Elder’s advice to listen to Socrates is bizarre, especially considering we have so many Orthodox saints and holy elders who have spoken against these vaccines. It certainly says something about the person who is influencing tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians around the world. An important question naturally arises for pious Orthodox Christians: Can a person who ignores the grace-filled elders really be trusted?

It must also be pointed out that this popular abbot, during an interview, was asked his opinion about his patriarch's acceptance of the schismatic Ukrainian Orthodox Church (OCU), which has resulted in a tragic split between the Moscow Patriarchate and the Patriarchate of Constantinople. He avoided giving a direct answer. Here are his words:

Do not forget that the Holy Mountain is officially part of the Ecumenical Patriarchate... we, too,
are subordinate to the Ecumenical Patriarchate, we belong to it ecclesiastically, but this does not mean that we have ceased to love Russians. We also pray for them, and we pray that unity
will return

In other words, he chose to support his patriarch rather than condemn the patriarch's uncanonical act and its devastating consequences.

(Source - click here.)

In another interview the abbot was asked about wearing masks in church. His answer was:

Listen, if the State insists and wants us, for medical reasons, to put on a mask, we do not lose anything, my child. The mask does not touch on the ethos of the Church or the doctrine of the Church, so it doesn't matter, I don’t consider that a problem.



See video here

You will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16).

Again, we can ask ourselves, how does one whose spiritual father was a spiritual child of Saint Joseph the Hesychast, and is an abbot of one of the largest monasteries in Mount Athos, make these types of public statements? It would be best to let his spiritual grandfather answer this question for us.

In the book “Monastic Wisdom”, Saint Joseph the Hesychast writes:

Read, if you want, the Ecclesiastical History by Meletios of Athens, and see how many teachers – Origen and thousands of others – were at first great luminaries [lights] of the Church possessing extensive learning. But since they gave themselves over to the sea of knowledge before receiving, in hesychia, the purification of their senses and the peace and tranquillity of the Spirit, they sank in the ocean of the Holy Scriptures. They thought that their scholarly learning was sufficient. Thousands were lost and anathematised by the Councils, of which they had previously been champions. Read and you will see!




Great Fathers of the Church who fell into error

One example of the many that we find in the lives of saints that fell into error is that of Archimandrite Eutyches of Constantinople. During the Third Ecumenical Council, Saint Cyril of Alexandria was assisted by Eutyches in the defence of the Most Holy Theotokos. However, approximately fifty years later, this champion and defender of the Most Holy Theotokos fell, out of pride, into the heresy of Monophysitism and was condemned (anathematised) by the Fourth Ecumenical Council.

Therefore, it is wrong to believe that those who are known for their Orthodoxy, and even for their holiness, cannot fall into deception or heresy. We need to be careful and well informed, by reading the lives of saints (which includes the teachings of the Holy Fathers), so as not to put ourselves in a position of following mistaken, misinformed, deceived or heretical bishops, priests, monastics, etc.

Saint Justin Popovich taught that an Orthodox spiritual life is impossible without the reading of the lives of saints, and that the lives of saints are considered the true ‘encyclopedia of Orthodoxy.’ It would be safe to say that the main reason for the problems in the Orthodox Church during periods of deception and heresy, particularly the past 100 years of Ecumenism, is precisely due to the ignorance of Orthodox clergy and laypeople because they do not read and study the lives of saints. Lack of knowledge about the lives of saints is the cancer of Orthodoxy. Just like a cancer in a person’s body, which can start in one place and then spread to other parts of the body, sometimes even throughout the whole body; in the same way, ignorance of the lives of saints is like a cancer that spreads throughout the Church.




This would explain how we have gotten to the stage that many Orthodox shepherds easily accepted (and are continuing to accept) COVID restrictions in the churches and the closure of churches, and are now fully cooperating with the New World Order in their mass vaccination program. And of course, let us never forget that the heresy of Ecumenism spread throughout the whole Church because the majority of Orthodox Christians do not zealously and thoroughly study the lives of saints every day, as part of their lives. If anyone does study the lives of saints, their souls would react to this heresy, and all heresies, and reject them from their souls. Covidism should also be included as a heresy – this will be explained further on. 

(For more listen here.)

If Orthodox Christians eagerly and attentively studied the lives of saints, they would not make deceived statements like the following: “That bishop/priest/elder is holy and therefore everything he says must be 100% from God,” or “We have to be obedient to the bishops and priests. Such statements are spiritually very dangerous. By reading the lives of saints, we receive God's enlightenment, sanctification, humility, faith, repentance, and protection from heresy and deception. This is why the demons tremble when a Christian studies the lives of saints.

Read the lives of Saints Gerasimos of the Jordan (4 March), Andrew, Archbishop of Crete (4 July), Hosios, Bishop of Cordova (27 August), Paul the New, Patriarch of Constantinople (30 August), Eudocia the Empress (13 August), all of whom fell into heresy but, unlike Eutyches, later repented. But there are also many other examples in the lives of saints, of those who were considered great lights of the Church, but later fell into heresy; some were even creators of heresy (heresiarchs), and were anathematised by Orthodox councils because they did not repent. Saint Joseph the Hesychast mentioned Origen, an early Christian scholar, ascetic, theologian, priest, and a great defender of the Orthodox faith against heresy. He was a prolific writer who wrote approximately 2,000 treatises. He has been described as “the greatest genius the early church ever produced.” His works were read by many holy fathers of the Church, and yet, this great light of the Church fell into heresy and was anathematised by the Fifth Ecumenical Council.

With these examples in mind, no Orthodox Christian should ever say that someone cannot fall into deception or heresy – this includes patriarchs, bishops, abbots, elders, priests, deacons, theologians, and laypeople. This is why Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou continually teaches:

We listen to whatever the God-bearing saints tell us. That’s how we were taught by Saint Porphyrios, by Saint Iakovos and Saint Paisios, “Listen to the Saints, my son.” The bishops can make mistakes. The patriarchs can make mistakes. Synods can make mistakes. Where you have saints that agree, you don’t have mistakes! This is called agreement of the Fathers [the consensus of the Holy Fathers]. 

The holy Metropolitan also advises:

Difficult days are coming, or rather they have come. And we will not know who to listen to. The advice of the Bishop of Morphou [referring to himself] is to listen to the God-bearers. 





PART FOUR: Orthodox Councils and Synods That Fell into Heresy or Other Errors 

Is there a difference between a synod and a council?

Before proceeding, we need to understand whether there is a difference between a synod and
a council.

The word synod comes from the Greek: σύνοδος meaning assembly or meeting, and is similar to the Latin word concilium meaning council. An ecclesiastical synod is an assembly of bishops and other church officials that meet to discuss and rule on questions of doctrine, administration, discipline, and other matters. A synod/council is the governing body of a particular church. Therefore, synod and council can be used interchangeably. It should be noted that Orthodox Christians are not obliged to accept the decisions of synods or councils except in the cases of the first seven Ecumenical Councils and other local Councils that have been accepted by the whole Church. What this means is that the decisions of the local Synod of the Church of Greece, or any other local synod, are not in any way equivalent to the decisions of those councils and synods that were accepted by the entire Orthodox Church. By following this, Orthodox Christians are protected from thinking that all decisions made by any council or synod are to be obeyed. One frightful example of a Council making uncanonical decisions is the supposed Pan-Orthodox Council of Crete in 2016. Their decisions were not accepted by the entire Church – see here


If a synod says that we should be vaccinated, are we required to listen? 

In the previous section, we read Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou’s discerning words: “The bishops can make mistakes. The patriarchs can make mistakes. Synods can make mistakes.” We have already established that the lives of saints describe, in detail, many examples of patriarchs, bishops, abbots, priests, and other Orthodox Christians of the past that have fallen into heresy or other errors. However, the Metropolitan said that synods can also make mistakes. We can understand that individual clergymen can make errors, but to say that whole synods can make errors sounds hard
to believe.

It may seem that Metropolitan Neophytos’ words are encouraging Orthodox Christians to be disobedient to, or rebellious towards, their Churches’ synod of bishops. If this is true, it would certainly be a great sin. How are we to check whether there is any truth in what the Metropolitan is saying? Are we to believe him just because he said so? Do we believe him because he is a metropolitan? Do we believe him because we know he is a holy man? Do we believe him because he is a confessor of Orthodoxy who is being slandered and persecuted? As much as all this is true, it does not mean that the Metropolitan cannot, himself, make mistakes too, as we just learnt above. Metropolitan Neophytos always advises his flock to constantly check what he says, by studying the saints and holy elders. This shows his submission to the holy Fathers of the Church. This is, sadly, unlike many of the bishops today, who disdain the holy Fathers and prefer to submit themselves to their own intellect and to the academics, scientists, politicians, and, in general, to the rich and powerful of this world.




Have any Orthodox synods agreed to the mass vaccination of their faithful?

Have any synods made formal statements regarding the mass vaccination of Orthodox Christians? Perhaps they have not said outrightly that the faithful must be vaccinated, however, their statements and actions are showing that this is what they want. There are even cases where bishops agreed
with proposals that Orthodox Christians will require vaccination passports to enter churches. One
may say that this cannot possibly be true because Orthodox bishops would never allow such a thing.
Yet they have already allowed every other COVID restriction, the closure of churches being the ultimate example.

We can see that even when individual presidents of synods make statements regarding mass vaccination of their faithful, the rest of the synod does not seem to object. This leads us to one conclusion, that members of the synod either agree or are too scared to speak up. Orthodox synods are continually making decisions that are rapidly moving towards mass vaccination and, ultimately, to vaccine passports. Even though this shows the unbelief of these hierarchs and their clergy, pious Orthodox Christians should not be surprised, as these clergymen have been moving towards a completely secularised Orthodox church for many years now - a church that may appear Orthodox, but is totally alien to the spirit of Holy Orthodoxy.

For the time being, the pro mass-vaccination bishops are saying that they are not forcing people to be vaccinated, and that they are bishops of the vaccinated and unvaccinated. We know, of course, that this is not true, as will be seen in the following examples. Perhaps they are waiting for a supposed deadly variant never seen before, so that they will be able to realise and justify their dream by saying, “We now have no choice but to demand that everyone be vaccinated before entering the church.” The following are some examples of bishops, synods and an Orthodox institution that are strongly recommending their faithful to get vaccinated, but at the same time are mandating vaccination for their clergy and other groups in their Churches.




Example 1: Unvaccinated students are not permitted to study at an “Orthodox” College

Even though vaccination has yet to be mandated in all colleges and universities in the US, the following “Orthodox” Theological College, instead of adhering to the guidelines to supposedly
minimise the risk of COVID transmission, went one step above this and imposed mandatory vaccinations on their students, faculty and staff. It seems that the college made its own decision, in accordance with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese’s own mandate, forbidding religious exemptions (see Example 4 below: “Statement of the synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America”).

This reminds us of how some Orthodox bishops imposed, on their parishes and monasteries, blasphemous changes to the way they administer Holy Communion, without having been asked to do so by any health authorities. Why is there such a strong desire by Orthodox clergymen and Orthodox institutions to take steps that they are not required to take?

The College announcement states:

As during the 2020-2021 academic year, the institution will adhere to all state, federal, city, town, and HCHC guidelines to minimize the risk of COVID transmission. In addition, all students, faculty, and staff will be required to be fully vaccinated by August 17, 2021.

(Source - click here.) 

Several students are protesting the decision of the college. Below is a link to an article that speaks very negatively about anti-vax students, and demonstrates where many Orthodox churches are heading. Some students have already decided to leave. This is the best thing they could do since this college may be named Orthodox, but it is far from the true spirit of Orthodoxy. Although I am not very favourable towards theological studies in an academic environment, if one does wish to pursue studies in this area, the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York, would be a much better alternative since they incorporate Orthodox Tradition within a monastic environment.

(Article about student protest at the “Orthodox” college. Read here.) 

(Open letter to the “Orthodox” college. Read here.) 


Example 2: An Orthodox synod pushes a whole Orthodox country towards mass vaccination

Many Orthodox synods are heading in the same direction, that of mass vaccination. The synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece, in July 2021, stated:

… knowing that vaccination is a maximum act of responsibility towards fellow human beings, [the synod] recommends that everyone, in consultation with his or her doctor, use this gift that God has given us, in order to protect ourselves, but also every human being ‘for whom Christ died.’ (Rom. 14:15). And it genuinely wants to assure people that this vaccine does not contradict the Hagiographic [lives of saints], Patristic and Canonical teaching of our Holy Church.

Anyone who attentively reads the lives of saints, and the history of the Church will know that every measure taken by these pro mass-vaccination clergymen is contrary to Orthodox Tradition. We see in these blessed writings that God delivered villages, towns, cities, and countries from pandemics through Holy Communion, holy water, holy unction, prayers of the priest, prayers of the faithful in church, prayers of the saints, litanies, processions with holy icons and relics, etc.




Even though the above words of the pro mass-vaccination clergymen may sound eloquent and spiritual, we must remember one very important fact: pandemics of the past did not split the Church into the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, the terrorised and the terrorisers, or into those who have become worshippers of science and the vaccine syringe, and true worshippers of God. Whatever is not from God causes disunity. The current issue of mass-vaccination has created a great divide in the Orthodox Church. If anyone is happy about this, it is the devil himself, who loves, above all, to create disunity in the Orthodox Church. This happened with the introduction of the new calendar by Masonic bishops. It happened with the heresy of Ecumenism, and it happened with the recognition of the schismatic Ukrainian Church by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. And now it is happening again, with the COVID-19 mandates by clergymen of the Orthodox Church.

(Church of Greece Urges Vaccination – read article here.) 

(Greek Orthodox Church calls on faithful to get vaccinated – read article here.) 

(Church and Greek state now cooperate to persuade people to get vaccinated – read article here.) 




Example 3: Australian Archbishop declared that all Australians need to be vaccinated

Archbishop Makarios of the Greek Orthodox Church of Australia, with the consent of all his bishops, strongly urges everyone to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. He warns that vaccination is the only way to free the country from the pandemic. Speaking at a press conference on 26 May 2021, he said:

I would like to encourage all the people, it does not matter if they are Greek or not, Christians or not, Muslims or whatever, please get vaccinated. Don’t hesitate, take the decision and act. It’s not a matter that we have to protect our life or our health, we have to protect our society, we have to protect our country. The only solution that we have to get rid of the pandemic, the only light that we have to see at the end of the tunnel is to get vaccinated.

Orthodox Christians know that Christ is the only Light, but here, an archbishop of the Orthodox Church, on national television is telling his flock, and even those of other faiths, that the only light that will deliver Australia from the pandemic is the vaccine syringe! Does this sound like an alternative to Christ, a new god? The faithful need to investigate this matter and decide for themselves.


See video of the archbishop’s press conference here

Archbishop Makarios initially told all his clergy to get vaccinated and to enforce the vaccine passport in churches. Later, to save face, he was forced to change his position on vaccine passports after seeing the courageous open letters of Bishop George of Canberra, Auxiliary Bishop, Australia-New Zealand Diocese, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia and Bishop Siluan of Australia and New Zealand, Serbian Orthodox Church, to the government stating that they will not accept vaccine passports being used to enter their churches.

(Open Letter to NSW and Victorian State Leaders by Bishop George – read here.) 

(Open Letter by Bishop Siluan – read here.) 

After this divine blow, Archbishop Makarios in his encyclical, dated 19th of September 2021, wrote:

personally, I will never agree with a measure that divides the faithful between vaccinated and non-vaccinated. The doors of our churches will be open for all. I do not accept that there will be people who wish to come to Church and we will not allow them... On this most sensitive issue, I have already begun, since, ten days ago, talks with our leaders and certain religious heads of our country. Furthermore, there is a team of doctors, who is currently preparing a scientific and well-documented plan, with specific directions, so that the entry of those not vaccinated can be allowed in our Churches.

What these doctors will come up with is unknown, but we should not be surprised if they suggest that unvaccinated parishioners be segregated in enclosed glass areas in the churches – a similar principle that is used in many zoos. In the end, it is basically the same – they will not stop tormenting the unvaccinated faithful until they submit.

(The Archbishop’s encyclical and an article regarding it – read here.) 


Example 4: Statement of the synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

On 16 September 2021, the Holy Eparchial Synod of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America (Patriarchate of Constantinople) issued a statement in which it was emphasised that the Church not only permits, but encourages the vaccination of the faithful, including receiving approved COVID vaccines. The chief secretariate of the synod wrote:

Discussing the topic of the vaccination of the faithful, the hierarchs unanimously affirmed that the Church not only permits vaccinations against diseases (e.g. polio, smallpox), but that She encourages Her Faithful, after medical tests and approbations, to be vaccinated with the approved vaccines against COVID-19.

In addition, although some may be exempt from the vaccination for clear medical reasons, there is no exemption in the Orthodox Church for Her faithful from any vaccination for religious reasons, including the coronavirus vaccine. For this reason, letters of exemption for the vaccination against the coronavirus for religious purposes issued by priests of the Archdiocese of America have no validity, and furthermore, no clergy are to issue such religious exemption letters for any reason.

The Holy Eparchial Synod urges the faithful to pay heed to competent medical authorities, and to avoid the false narratives utterly unfounded in science and perpetrated on the Church by those who have succumbed to the disinformation and conspiracy theories that are widely available on social media sites.

(Source – click here.) 

Take note of what this actually means: if an Orthodox Christian objects to being vaccinated because of their religious convictions, such as the use of cells from aborted fetuses (Fetal Cell Line - FCL) in the testing of all the COVID-19 vaccines, and asks their Church for an exemption, they are to be dismissed by the bishops. In other words, the faithful’s pain of conscience is of no importance, according to the pro mass-vaccination clergymen. The tragedy is that many of these clergymen would not know what pain of conscience is. Why? Because their own conscience does not condemn them since it has been deadened through their willing participation in the World Council of Churches, which requires that they reject the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church (the Orthodox Church), the holy Fathers and trample on several Holy Canons of the Orthodox Church. Even if many Covidists are not Ecumenists, their silence regarding the blasphemous heresy of Ecumenism makes them guilty because, as a great saint says:

The silence of the clergy is atheism. Saint Gregory Palamas (†1359)

Refusing to grant religious exemptions to the faithful clearly means unemployment for thousands of Christians who are rightly opposed to the dangerous and unethical COVID vaccines.  It is difficult to understand how these bishops do not care that the faithful whom they are responsible for will lose their jobs and be unable to support their families. Perhaps it is difficult to expect an Ecumenist and/or Covidist to feel any compassion for their flocks, hence the label, “wolves in sheep’s clothing”.

(No to requests for COVID-19 vaccine religious exemptions – read here.)

(Statement of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops – read here.)




Example 5: A synod that is mandating vaccination for all its clergy and diocesan staff

On 1 December 2020 the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus issued a statement which strongly recommends that the faithful receive a COVID vaccine, according to the recommendation of the State Health Services. It further states that any “conspiracy theories” about the vaccine or declarations that the virus does not even exist, must be rejected. The synod justifies the restrictions in churches (including closures) as being for the protection of all, and as a step towards the final lifting of restrictions in the future. The statement reads:

Of course, no one will have to be vaccinated, but those who decide to be vaccinated should not burden their conscience with ungrounded and unscientific superstitions… We restrict our freedom and rights, voluntarily, even as regards attending church, so that we can protect both ourselves and our fellow man and be free of these restrictions as soon as possible.

After the publication of this statement, His Eminence Metropolitan Neophytos issued a statement on the same day, saying that the decision to recommend vaccination to the faithful was not a unanimous one (he, sadly, being the only one to oppose). The Metropolitan expressed that he disagrees with the advice of the synod that all believers should be vaccinated, stating:

I publicly express my disagreement with the announcement of the Synod… I retain my reservations about the contents and action of these vaccines.

On 18 July 2021 an encyclical was issued by the Holy Archdiocese of Cyprus on vaccinations, stating that no one will be forced to receive vaccination, but love and concern for the protection of others compels one to get vaccinated.

(See encyclical here.) 

Although the faithful will not be forced to receive vaccination, no clergyman is permitted to discourage them from doing so. The president of the synod, Archbishop Chrysostomos, warned that he would completely cut the salaries of the priests (whom he had received complaints about) that have been urging the faithful to resist vaccination or go to church without wearing face masks.

Furthermore, the clergy of the Archdiocese offices will not have the same rights as the faithful to choose whether or not they will receive vaccination. On 20 July 2021 the Archbishop stated:

Today, I made an announcement to the [staff of the] Archdiocese; that when they get back to work, [after the holidays]… those who have not been vaccinated must be vaccinated. Those who are not vaccinated should not go back to work. They must consider themselves fired; I will fire them, and I will not discuss this with anyone. They are either persuaded and get vaccinated or they are fired. That is all.

Some days later, he severely reprimanded those who expressed fears that taking the vaccine would be like putting the devil in them.

On 9 September 2021, the Synod of the Church of Cyprus once again assembled and made various announcements, one of which reads:

[The synod] reaffirmed its earlier decision, regarding the issue of how to deal with the coronavirus pandemic and the issue of vaccinations, and called on all hierarchs, priests and laity to be in compliance with the Synod’s decision! The members of the Holy Synod declared their support for this decision.

On the same day, Metropolitan Neophytos immediately issued his own statement, which ends
as follows:

In conclusion, I would like us to be very careful not to lead the people into division, to the vaccinated and the unvaccinated…. I remain Metropolitan for all, vaccinated and unvaccinated, repeating what I preached at the Vigil in honour of St. Mamantos on September 2, 2021: “The unvaccinated should pray for the vaccinated and the vaccinated for the unvaccinated. Each one is to support the other, and this kindness will attract the grace of the Holy Spirit, our Christ, and our heavenly Father.”

On the issue of vaccination with the vaccines that are circulating against Covid-19 coronavirus, I remain steadfast in my views that I have expressed publicly, always with discretion, even if I am in the minority.




On 14 September 2021, it was reported that the Archbishop of Cyprus was making more threats to his clergy and Synodal Members. He repeated his ultimatum to the priests who had been denounced for urging the faithful not to be vaccinated: that they would not receive their salaries if they did not withdraw their statements, make a public apology and submit a written statement of repentance to
the synod.

Yesterday I called the director of the Holy Synod and asked him to call all those who had been denounced to us at the Synod for violating the order of the Synod.

He called them for the last time, asking them if they wanted to retract their statements that the faithful must not get vaccinated in their sermons or confessions. If they do not do so, they will not receive a salary at the end of the month.

In fact, I told them to make their statements in the media and send them in writing to the Synod, because the situation is serious. We told them that within a week you should make statements of repentance and the Church forgives.

Speaking on television, the archbishop declared that everyone responded positively to his call, saying:

Since the Synod made this decision, we are convinced. There was a substantive dialogue, I had stated there that everyone could do what they want, we have democracy. If one does not want to be vaccinated, one may do so, but no one can tell others not to be vaccinated, that person has no such right. The Synod and all of us recommend that everyone be vaccinated so that this evil ends, to escape and hope that very soon it will be a disease that will be cured like all diseases and we will not have deaths.

The archbishop contradicts himself, because in this interview he says that everyone has the right not to be vaccinated, whereas some months earlier, he announced that any clergyman who does not receive vaccination will not be paid, a statement he repeats in this same television interview! This spiritual schizophrenia brings to mind the tyrannical and illogical bishops that we read about in the lives of saints.

(Cypriot Theologian: Archbishop Chrysostomos is Unpredictable and Unstable – read here.) 

(Archbishop of Cyprus Says Four Bishops are a Selfish and Conspiratorial Parasynagogue, Worthy of Defrocking – read here.) 

Again in the interview, the archbishop was asked to comment on the disobedience of a specific hierarch [Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou] and some of the clergy. He answered by stressing:

Whoever does not comply with the decisions of the Synod will not receive his salary at the end of the month.

The Archbishop clarified that if there were incidents of disobedience from hierarchs regarding the decision of the Holy Synod on vaccination, he would insist that these hierarchs be banned from the Synod (without mentioning his name, he is referring to Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou).


Do the pro mass-vaccination clergymen perhaps have another agenda?

The above five examples demonstrate that these pro mass-vaccination clergymen are not going to stop until every Orthodox Christian is vaccinated. As much as some of these clergymen believe that these vaccinations are necessary to “save” the world from the supposedly worst pandemic ever known, one has to realise that the majority of them have another goal. Let us examine what has happened and it will become clear what this goal is.

However, before we do so, it is important to note that at no time have I said that the COVID-19 virus does not exist, nor do I believe this. Most certainly it does exist and its effects can be devastating, as is the case with influenza, which many doctors and scientists agree is actually worse than COVID-19. These same doctors and scientists do not believe we are in a pandemic and, furthermore, that this supposed pandemic is being used for evil purposes. This will be shown further on in Part Nine

Now, back to examining what the ultimate goal of the pro mass-vaccination clergymen is. First, they introduced social distancing in the churches – the majority of the faithful submitted. Then they introduced masks in the churches – the majority of the faithful submitted. Then they closed the churches – the majority of the faithful submitted. Next, they will introduce vaccine passports – it seems that the majority of the faithful will submit to that as well. Once the pro mass-vaccination clergymen succeed in this, that is, once they have taught the faithful submission (or better still, blind obedience), then they will reveal their ultimate goal: union with the Western Churches and shortly after this, union with all religions of the world.




Using the same arguments that they are using now to convince the faithful to be vaccinated, many of these clergymen would convince the faithful to accept union with every heresy that the world has to offer – if you do not submit to union, you have no love for all the people in the world; God is love; In the great litany during the Liturgy, we pray for the unity of all; and other such arguments they will spew forth. They will vomit out of their mouths whatever the demons will inspire them to say. This process has, in fact, been going on for years with regard to union with other “churches,” in the hope of slowly wearing down the faithful to finally submit to a union not according to God – a classic case of boiling frog syndrome. (See here). 


Have there been synods in the past that were wrong? 

Let us, then, follow Metropolitan Neophytos’ advice and use the lives of saints and elders to check whether even whole synods can make errors. The following are ten examples where councils or synods of bishops fell into heresy or other errors. 


Example 1: A synod of bishops agrees to the closure of hundreds of monasteries

After the Greek Revolution began in 1821, it took some years for Greece to be completely free of the Turks. In 1832, Otto, a 17-year-old Bavarian prince, became the first King of Greece. Because of his youth, King Otto was vulnerable to many influences, especially from the Bavarian Roman Catholic establishment. King Otto was, himself, a Roman Catholic, and his wife was Protestant. The Orthodox Church was unwilling to submit to his power and control, especially because he was not an Orthodox Christian. King Otto understood that monasticism is the backbone of Orthodoxy, and it was for this reason that he and his advisors decided to do what they could to weaken the influence that monasticism had on the Greek Orthodox population. He therefore passed three laws that allowed monks and nuns to leave their monasteries and marry, without any ecclesiastical consequences.

How did the Greek Orthodox Synod react to this uncanonical action of King Otto? Father Savvas Agiorites will answer this for us. The following is an extract from an interview conducted by Father Peter Heers with Father Savvas:

We have the phenomenon known as Caesaropapism, where the Church is very much obedient to the state.  Forgive me, but all that has now taken place with some hierarchs, who said that we must be obedient to the state and to science, and this reminds me of the hierarchs and synod in the days of Otto and of the Bavarians, who imposed, with three laws, the closure of 400 out of the 600 monasteries of Greece.

This occurred after our supposed liberation from the Turks; when we supposedly had a state. The Bavarians came and governed us and imposed, with three laws, the closure of 400 monasteries. They understood very well what they were doing. They wanted to strike at the heart of the faith of the people, at the heart of Orthodoxy, because they knew that the people relied upon the monasteries. From the monasteries the people would draw life and courage for existence. And that which not even the Muslim Turks did over the course of 400 years (500 years in some places), they accomplished with three laws. And, unbelievably, the synod itself had published an encyclical — it is appalling to hear this, but unfortunately there was this encyclical which said:

“The hierarchs, after consideration, have decided that whichever nun or monk wants to marry can do so and have no sin in so doing. We so declare.”

In other words, they gave a blessing to the nuns and monks to deny their sacred vows at their tonsure and marry, in violation of all the holy canons! A denial of their tonsure, a denial of their dedication to God, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit! A denial of vows, because a monastic makes a vow of total dedication of his life to God and of lifelong obedience to God.

Unfortunately, we are experiencing something similar now, namely, that the hierarchs have forbidden the faithful from partaking of Holy Communion. It is appalling and transgresses all of the holy canons we mentioned. This is appalling! And this is under the pretext of obedience, first to science and then to the state (which is following science). This is precisely what we should not do, as was said during another interview.


Listen to entire interview here


Example 2: A synod of bishops unjustly condemns a great saint

In the lives of saints, we read that several synods/councils unjustly condemned some of God’s saints. A notable example is the unjust condemnation of Saint John Chrysostom (commemorated 13 November). This synod and the synods in the upcoming examples are often referred to as “False Synods”, “Robber Councils”, “Pirate Councils”, or “Mock Synods”.

In 403 AD, a council of bishops (a synod) was called to condemn Saint John Chrysostom. This was due to their jealousy that Saint John was popular among the faithful, and because he continually reprimanded the empress, his clergy (especially his bishops), and the monks. This so-called synod became known as the “Synod of the Oak”, and it was attended by a shockingly large number of bishops. Two saints also attended this synod, Saint Isaac the Ascetic of the Dalmatian Monastery at Constantinople and Saint Cyril of Alexandria (before he became bishop). Saint Epiphanios of Cyprus was invited to the synod, but once he realised that he was being manipulated by Saint John’s enemies, he left Constantinople, unwilling to take part in an unlawful council.

Saint John sent some of his representatives to the council, but they were not permitted to speak. In other words, no opposing opinion was allowed during this council. Saint John was unjustly condemned to be deposed (i.e. defrocked), and banished into exile. Saints Isaac and Cyril later repented for their unjust condemnation of one of the greatest saints of the Orthodox Church.




Example 3: A synod of bishops proclaims a heresy as Orthodox

In 754 AD, the heretical Emperor Constantine V (Copronymus) summoned 338 Orthodox bishops to condemn the veneration of icons – the disdain for icons was then, and still is now, the heresy of Iconoclasm. The iconoclastic council took place in the palace of Hieria, opposite Constantinople. Out of fear, and in obedience to the emperor, all of the bishops present agreed to this heresy and condemned the defenders of the holy icons by calling them idolators. They went so far as to anathematise three great confessors of Orthodoxy, Saint Germanos of Constantinople, Saint John Damascene and Saint George of Cyprus, along with other holy men and teachers. Opponents of the Council described it as the “Mock Synod of Constantinople” or the “Headless Council,” because no patriarchs or representatives of the five great patriarchates were present: the see of Constantinople was vacant; Antioch, Jerusalem and Alexandria were under Islamic dominion; while Rome was not invited to participate.

After this Council, the bishops and priests obeyed the decrees that were published against the holy icons and their veneration, and it was left mainly to the monks to defend the Orthodox veneration of icons. They refused, with violent resistance, to accept the heresy of Iconoclasm. In response, Copronymus amused himself by treating them with cruel harshness. For example, monks were forced to appear in the public arena (the hippodrome) at Constantinople hand in hand with prostitutes, while the iconoclast public spat on them. Monastics were forced to choose either to marry (against their vows and against the canons) or suffer the loss of their eyesight. The emperor even considered the annihilation of monasticism. In 787, the Seventh Ecumenical Council condemned Iconoclasm and proclaimed anathema to whoever does not venerate the holy icons.

It is hard to believe that so many bishops, priests and Orthodox Christians followed the heresy of Iconoclasm, even though icons were part of Orthodox worship for over 700 years. But it is also hard to believe that so many bishops, priests and laypeople accept the dictates of governments which are openly imposing anti-Christian laws on the Church, including the mass vaccination of the world. Like in history, there are always those bishops and priests who are willing to show their obedience to these worldly authorities, even if it means denying their Orthodoxy.




Example 4: A synod of bishops unjustly condemns a saint and proclaims a heresy as Orthodox

In 449 AD, another false council was assembled, this time by Dioscorus, the heretical patriarch of Alexandria. A large number of heretical bishops and monks were determined to see the triumph of Monophysitism, to reinstate the heretical Archimandrite Eutyches (mentioned above), and to defrock the confessor of Orthodoxy, Saint Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople. Also present were bishops who supported Saint Flavian and his Orthodox confession.

At the opening of the council, the papal representatives were prevented from reading the letter from Saint Leo, Pope of Rome. In this letter, Saint Leo defended the Orthodox teaching of the two Natures of Christ. The heretical bishops did not allow the holy Patriarch Flavian to answer for himself, nor did they wish to hear his Orthodox confession (which was identical to that of Saint Leo). After lengthy arguments and much disorder between the Orthodox and the heretical bishops, the enemies of truth prevailed over the Orthodox bishops at this council. They recognised as “praiseworthy”, and supposedly “Orthodox”, the heretical teaching that there is but one nature in Christ. The Council also proclaimed, with enthusiastic approval, the evil and heretical Archimandrite Eutyches as “Orthodox” and “pious”, while the truly Orthodox and pious Flavian was condemned as a heretic.

With total disrespect and as ones possessed, the ungodly ones (mostly bishops) ran towards the saint and threw him to the ground, beating him with punches, kicks, and sticks. Even though he was barely alive, Dioscorus demanded that all the bishops sign the decree deposing Flavian. The allies of Dioscorus signed it without hesitation; but those bishops who understood in their conscience that what had taken place was unjust and illegal, would not consent to sign the unlawful decree. However, when they tried to leave the church, they were suddenly surrounded by armed soldiers. They detained those bishops in the church until night, until they finally signed the decree (though against their will), having been terrified by threats of punishments.

Thus ended this godless council, known to history as the “Robber Council of Ephesus”. The holy confessor Saint Flavian died of his injuries three days later, while on his way into exile.




The heresy of Monophysitism was finally condemned two years later in 451 at the Fourth Ecumenical Council. At this council, Saint Flavian was proclaimed an Orthodox Confessor of the Faith, and Patriarch Dioscorus of Alexandria and Archimandrite Eutyches of Constantinople were anathematised – cut off from the Church forever!

Thus, we see three examples where the synod condemned holy confessors of Orthodoxy, and in two of these synods, open heresy was also officially proclaimed by the bishops. Neither the saints nor their supporters were allowed to speak, and the bishops who officially proclaimed heresies can only be described as bullies and as ones possessed. These are just three examples of the many in the lives of saints that demonstrate that not every decision made at a synod is correct and Orthodox. However, because of the current situation in the Church, it would be beneficial to outline some more examples. Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!” (Matthew 11:15).


Example 5: A synod of bishops agrees to the state’s new law known as automatic divorce

An article in the New York Times from 1981 makes reference to 55 bishops of the Orthodox Church of Greece, who reluctantly agreed to accept a new law, known as “automatic divorce” in cases where a couple has been separated for a period of time. Only one bishop refused to agree with this new law, and that was Metropolitan Augoustinos of Florina. The following is an extract from The New York Times Archives, 29 March 1981, Section 1, Page 21:

The 55 other bishops of the Greek Orthodox Church have reluctantly agreed to go along with a new law providing for what is known as “automatic divorce" in cases involving separation of at least seven years. But the 56th, the 73-year-old Bishop of Florina, continues to resist. “There is no force on earth that would make me condone automatic divorce,” says the Bishop, Augoustinos Kantiotes, who has for some time been mounting a challenge to existing church-state relations. “It is not only contrary to the Bible’s teachings but facilitates the breakup of the family, which is the nucleus of society.”

With the Bishop defying legal action, the Supreme Court and threats of imprisonment for disobeying court rulings, the Government sought to bypass him by making it the duty of the archbishop [of Greece] to dissolve a marriage when a bishop refused to do so. But the archbishop declined, so it was finally agreed this month that the responsibility should fall on the Holy Synod, the Orthodox Church’s 12-member governing board.

In other words, the Archbishop of Greece and the bishops all agreed to a law that was contrary to the Holy Canons of the Orthodox Church. Only one bishop stood up against this uncanonical act, and that was Bishop Augoustinos Kantiotes of Florina. This is a wonderful example of a true bishop, who did not obey an anti-Christian law that a government tried to forcibly impose on the Church.

Read more on the life of Metropolitan Augoustinos here




Before we go on to the next example, it would be spiritually beneficial to turn our thoughts and hearts to a sermon that Metropolitan Augoustinos gave regarding the matter of automatic divorce. The following sermon is from his book, “Drops From the Living Water: Orthodox Homilies on the Sunday Gospel Readings”. 


John was cast into prison. (Matthew 4:12-17)

The excerpt of today’s Gospel reading describes the end of the life of St. John the Baptist in only
a few words: “John was put into prison....” John was put into prison. What does this mean? It means that John was arrested and thrown in jail. St. John the Forerunner in prison! What did he do wrong?

Did John commit any crime for which he should be put in jail? He was a holy man, and as Christ said, there was no other like him in the ancient world. Even in his mother’s womb, John was holy – his birth was a miracle. He was dedicated to God from his youth. While still a young man, he left the world, crossed the Jordan River, and went to the desert where he lived for many years fasting, praying, and studying God’s work [i.e. the Scriptures]. His clothing, summer and winter, was a coat made out of camel’s hair. His food was locusts and wild honey. His drink was the water of the Jordan; his bed, the sand; his home, the caves; his company, the wild beasts. After such an exercise in austerity [i.e. asceticism], John surpassed all earthly standards and became like an earthly angel.

Yet in spite of this, this earthly angel was arrested and thrown in jail. And we ask again: What did John the Forerunner do to deserve such punishment? He preached the truth with boldness. He censured [reprimanded, criticised, condemned, denounced].

Is truth evil? No, it is virtue. It is the most important thing there is on earth. Truth is God. The lie is the devil.

But, although truth is a heavenly thing and all should love it, in a faithless and corrupt time, if there’s anything that people hate, turn away from, and persecute, it’s the truth. Just as someone whose sight is damaged by the sun finds the sun burdensome and wishes to live in a dark place, evil and corrupt people want to live in sin and ignorance, which is the terrible darkness of the soul. When they see some light of the truth, they tremble in fear that their evil deeds will become known. Like bats and owls that don’t like the light of day but hide from it and fly only in the night, people who commit crimes want to live in the darkness where no one can see and criticize them.

Is someone telling the truth? Is someone reproving and condemning evil? The people of darkness, as the Proverbs of Solomon say, will hate this person. Yes. Nothing is hated more in this sinful world than the truth and public censure [reprimand].

One of our ancient forefathers, Socrates, was hated so much by the Athenians because he told the truth and reproved the people for the wrongs they were doing that he was condemned to death. Socrates was given poison.

Let us now turn to John the Forerunner. He was a true man. He called the light, light, and the darkness, darkness. He flattered no one. He preached the truth to all, small and great. In his time a great scandal broke out. King Herod, the son of the Herod who slaughtered the infants of Bethlehem, had a wife. Without cause he sent her away and took another woman – the wife of his brother! Four sins, then, he committed. First, he sent away his legal wife without a cause. Second, he took another woman. Third, he married a relative. And fourth, he, as king, set a terrible example for his people.

Many saw what Herod did, but no one protested. Only one did, and that was John the Forerunner. John went to the palace and dared throw the thunderbolt: “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife” (Matt. 14:4). Herod, instead of repenting and feeling remorse [guilt, shame] for the great sin he had committed, hardened all the more. He became enraged at John the Forerunner and ordered that he be arrested and thrown into jail.

We live in a time when the sins of adultery and fornication are spreading terribly. Those who divorce their lawful wives and live with mistresses are not few; they are many, thousands. Some of them are well known and have official positions. Recently, legislation has been passed allowing divorced people to marry within the Church. John the Forerunner should live in this time of corruption to speak and shout out not once, as he did then, but many times: “It is not lawful.”

That which John the Forerunner said we have to say to the bishops. We must not grant divorces and then bless the marriages of adulterers to adulteresses.

As bishop, I have declared, with God’s help, that I will not sign such divorce papers. I am not John the Forerunner, nor am I worthy enough to tie the laces of his sandals. I am simply a little, imperfect, sinful bishop. But in spite of my smallness, imperfections, and sinfulness, I will keep my word. With God’s help I will not sign divorces that have been granted under civil law.

The government has threatened the Bishop of Florina with imprisonment. Thus, we are going to prison – we who have committed the [supposed] great crime of condemning this unlawfulness – and the contemporary Herods who divorce their wives without cause are free.

Through the intercessions of John the Forerunner, may God have mercy on this world.




Metropolitan Augoustinos’ sermons have been published in several books. I strongly recommend that the faithful purchase these excellent books, which are included in the Recommended Books category on our website.


Example 6: A synod of bishops temporarily permits abortion

During the Turkish invasion of 1974, in order to terrorise the Greek Cypriot population and to force it to move to the southern part of the island, Turkish soldiers and Turkish Cypriots were responsible for the rape of many young girls and women while they were in prison camps and occupied areas. There are even testimonies of rapes taking place inside of Christian churches. The Orthodox Church of Cyprus temporarily permitted abortions for girls and women who fell victim to rape and became pregnant. At the same time, with no objection from the Cypriot Church, the Red Cross was also sending pills which could terminate pregnancy to the prisoners and those in occupied areas. 

How are we to look at this decision of the Synod of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus? This question was answered directly by the well-respected and holy elder, Father Epiphanios Theodoropoulos (†1989). He was a celibate priest who refused to become a bishop so that he could better serve the people by reconciling them with God through holy confession. Confession was his greatest happiness.

The following is an extract from the book, “Counsels for Life: From the Life and Teachings of Father Epiphanios Theodoropoulos,” where the elder was asked if he thought the decision of the Synod of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus to temporarily allow abortions in the case of rape during the invasion of Cyprus by the Turks was correct. And he answered:

No! It is not correct. If the raped woman was worldly, then no question is posed - she will not ask the Church what to do, anyway. If, however, the girl is faithful, then she will keep the consequence of her rape [i.e. the baby] and when she appears before God, she will tell Him: For the sake of the words of Thy lips have I kept the ways that are hard. (Psalm 16:4). That child was my disgrace, my martyrdom, my cross. I kept it and did not transgress Your will. Think with what boldness such a woman will stand before the throne of God!

The questioner then said to the Elder: “What is higher, though: life or honour? I think honour. For this reason, in order for a girl to avoid public mockery due to the birth of an illegitimate child, it would be good for her to proceed to abortion.” The Elder responded:

There is, however, a big difference, which you are not taking into consideration: You do not have the right to keep your honour, taking away the life of someone else, as is the conceived embryo. Life and honour can consequently be compared but only when they coincide in the same person.

After reading this, many who suffer from rationalism will find it very difficult to understand the Elder’s reply. Being brainwashed by feminism for many years would make it even more difficult to understand the canons of the Orthodox Church on this matter. The following are some quotes from an Orthodox Pro-Life website.

 . . . the wilful abortion of children is an act of murder, and the sinful character of that act always remains, even when conception has taken place in the most tragic circumstances. Metropolitan Theodosius, Orthodox Church in America, 1980

 The Church affirms that life begins at the moment of conception, and once this new life has begun in a woman, even in cases of rape or incest, she can no longer think solely of herself. Her life and the life of the baby are in the hands of the Lord. While rape and incest are grievous sins, the Church does not permit one sin to be resolved by allowing for an even greater sin to follow. Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada and Australia - Bulgarian
Patriarchate website

It is necessary to provide respect to women who are pregnant. They need our protection. This is also very true in the case of the single mother who has been abused and violently raped. This is what happened during the Turkish invasion in Cyprus in 1974. On one hand we have the tragedy of women being raped and on the other we have a life in the womb, a living person who is not at fault and who is part of the woman’s body. Who knows what that person will become because in each case man is made with the hope that he can become like God. Fr. George Metallinos, University of Athens, Professor of Theology (Unborn.gr).




Example 7: A synod of bishops agrees to a false union between the Orthodox and the Papists

In order to save the Byzantine Empire from invasion, Emperor Michael Palaeologus asked the pope for financial and military help. The pope agreed under the condition that the Greek Orthodox recognise papal supremacy and all of their heretical dogmas, which included the heretical addition to the Creed. Although the holy Patriarch Joseph, many of his clergy, and pious Orthodox Christians strongly protested against this union, Michael was able to persuade several pro-West bishops to attend a council in order to uncanonically accept the union. This false union became known as the 1274 AD Council of Lyons.

The Emperor, by royal decree, imposed the union by any and all means. He ignored the protests of the clergy and citizens of Constantinople. Cruel persecutions were unleashed on those who disagreed to the union. Patriarch Joseph was replaced with John Vekkos, and the prisons were crowded with both clergy and laity due to their refusal to compromise their Orthodox Christian beliefs by accepting a false union and heresies.

During that time, Mount Athos was exercising a growing influence on the spiritual life of the entire Byzantine Empire. The Athonite fathers, comprised of Greeks, Georgians, Serbians, Bulgarians and Russians, addressed an epistle to the apostate Michael, declaring that they despised the union. They neither recognised the pope’s primacy nor considered his name worthy of commemoration. They refused to use unleavened bread (wafers) and refused to change the Symbol of the Faith by adding the ‘filioque’ (that is, “and from the Son”) with regard to the procession of the Holy Spirit. The monks declared the Emperor a heretic, subject to the condemnation of the Church, and an apostate from Her, unless he were to repent by forsaking the papal union and innovations. Because of their refusal to recognise the pope or the innovations demanded by the Emperor, many of the Athonite fathers suffered martyrdom.




Emperor Michael did not save his kingdom but what he did do was commit numerous evil crimes in his attempt. Soon after, in 1282, he died miserably in a military campaign. The Orthodox people were so resentful toward him that his son, Andronicus, dared not bury him publicly, but buried him at night without a funeral or prayer. He was cut off from the Orthodox Church, and he was not even received by the heretical papist “Church”. It should be emphasised that Michael Palaeologus died outside the Church of God.

Following Michael’s death, his widow, the Empress Theodora, issued the following decree:

As sovereign, I detest and regard as loathsome this action [the Union] that has recently occurred in the Church and created disunity in it.... And, as the Holy Church of God has determined not to permit any official commemoration of my deceased spouse, our master and king, because of the aforementioned deed and disunity. As sovereign, I also, submitting all things to the fear of God and obedience to the Holy Church, approve and accept, the Church’s decision, and I will never dare to perform a memorial service for my majesty and spouse.

Patriarch John Vekkos was deposed after Michael’s death. In 1283, at a true synod which met at Constantinople, he was formally charged with heresy and banished into exile. Joseph, who had been deposed after the Council of Lyons, was once again restored as Patriarch of Constantinople.




Example 8: A synod of bishops declares absolute obedience to the God-hating Soviet Union

A few years after Tsar Nicholas lost his power in 1917, the communists began a great persecution of the Russian Orthodox Church. Many churches were destroyed and bishops, priests, monastics, and laypeople were either killed or were sent to concentration camps. Seeking to convince the Soviet authorities to stop their campaign of terror and persecution against the Church, Metropolitan Sergius, acting as the temporary head of the Russian Church, tried to look for ways of bringing about a peaceful reconciliation with the godless government.




On July 29, 1927, he issued his infamous ‘Declaration’: an encyclical letter where he professed the absolute loyalty of the Russian Orthodox Church to the Soviet Union, to its government's interests. In it, he stated:

We need to show, not in words but in deeds, that not only those who are indifferent to Orthodox Christianity, not only those who have betrayed it, but also its most zealous adherents, for whom it is dear as truth and life, with all its dogmas and traditions, with all its canonical and liturgical structure, can be faithful citizens of the Soviet Union, loyal to the Soviet government. We want to be Orthodox and at the same time recognise the Soviet Union as our civil motherland, whose joys and successes are our joys and successes and whose failures are our failures. Any blow directed at the Union, be it a war, a boycott, some kind of social disaster, or just a murder from around the corner, like the Warsaw one, is recognised by us as a blow directed at us. (Epistle to Pastors and their Flocks, 1927)

The declaration sparked an immediate controversy among the Russian churchmen, many of whom (including many distinguished and respected bishops in prisons and exiles) broke liturgical communion with Metropolitan Sergius. This attitude of submission to the USSR is negatively referred to as “Sergianism”. Even so, Metropolitan Sergius was able to find several bishops who were willing to agree with him. They felt it was necessary to compromise with the anti-Christian Soviet authorities “for the good of the Church”. In their deceived minds, they believed that their absolute obedience to the Soviets would “save” the churches from being closed and would prevent the clergy, monastics, and laypeople from being persecuted. It should be noted that those who did not agree with the Declaration were horribly persecuted, and the Sergianist bishops, who knew about these persecutions, remained totally silent. Moreover, some of these deluded bishops even betrayed, to the Soviets, certain clergy who were unwilling to compromise with the atheist government.

After some time, the Soviets showed their true intent by increasing the persecution of the “official” Church. Therefore, at the end, this Declaration brought no benefit to the Sergianist hierarchs, to the clergy, to the monastics, nor to the churches – almost all of them were persecuted. By the end of the 1930’s the Russian Orthodox Church had been virtually eliminated as a visible body, with only a very few churches remaining open for propaganda purposes.

This reminds us of what is happening today. We continually hear from the hierarchs and clergy that “we have to be obedient to the government or they will close down our churches”. Yet, even though many Orthodox hierarchs and clergy proved to be very willing, and among the most “obedient” to the COVID policies formed all over the world by anti-Christian governments, at the end, they still closed the churches! The “obedient” Orthodox Church of Greece followed every blasphemous demand that the atheist Greek government requested, and they ended up enduring the worst COVID restrictions in the world. “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!” (Matthew 11:15).

And what can be said about so many Orthodox Churches around the world that are being obedient to their governments regarding mandatory vaccines? The Moscow Patriarchate, to this day, believes that what Metropolitan (later Patriarch) Sergius and his bishops did during that time was the right decision because it “saved the Church” from being destroyed – ignoring the fact that this compromise led to nearly the whole elimination of the Russian Orthodox Church.


Example 9: A synod of bishops declares that Christ is not God

In 325, Saint Constantine the Great assembled a council of 318 holy Fathers to condemn the priest Arius who, although gifted, educated and ascetical, proved to be a heretic. He denied that the Son of God is consubstantial with the Father, that is, he denied that Christ is God. This council became known as the First Ecumenical Council.

Many saints from the East and the West were present at this council, including Saint Nicholas of Myra in Lycia, Saint Spyridon, Saint Athanasius, Saint Achilles of Larissa, Saint Paphnutius, Saint James of Nisibis, Saint Macarius of Jerusalem, Saint Alexander of Alexandria, Saint Eustathius of Antioch, Saint Eusebius of Caesarea, Saint Metrophanes of Constantinople, and Saint Hosios of Cordova.




The Council condemned the teaching of Arius (Arianism) and, since he refused to repent, Arius was anathematised. The most important work of this Council was the confirmation of the Symbol of Faith [The Creed], which was later completed at the Second Ecumenical Council. The following is an excerpt from the Creed that refers to Christ as God:

And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only-begotten, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God; begotten, not made; being of one essence with the Father; by Whom all things were made;

At this council there were four miracles which confirmed that what the holy Fathers confessed
was correct.

However, after Saint Constantine died in 337, his son Constantius became ruler of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, and he was inclined towards the heresy of Arianism. After becoming sole ruler of the Roman Empire, he summoned many councils, hoping that some compromise could be reached with the Arians. The most infamous of these was the third Council of Sirmium in 357. At this council, the bishops declared that the Father is greater than the Son, and that it was forbidden to use the term “consubstantial”. In other words, “Orthodox” bishops confessed that Christ is not God. This council was no longer a compromise but a victory for the Arians in that their heresy was clearly declared. This confession was later known as the “Blasphemy of Sirmium”.

It should be noted that Saint Hosios of Cordova, who had been the champion of the true Faith since the First Ecumenical Council, was forced to sign the heretical formula of the third Council of Sirmium. This was due to cruel persecution, which included physical violence. Shortly after this, on his deathbed, Saint Hosios repented and anathematised the Arian heresy, giving strict orders that no one should receive it. He departed this life at the age of 102.




Example 10: A council of bishops recognises Ecumenism and the World Council of Churches

In 2016, an attempt was made to bring together representatives from every Orthodox Church in the world to form a “pan-Orthodox” council. Many clergy favourable to the heresy of ecumenism were hoping that this council might thereby be recognised as an Ecumenical Council later on. Plans for the “Pan-Orthodox” council were made and it was to be held in Crete in 2016. However, this dream of the ecumenists collapsed when only 10 of the 14 Orthodox Churches in the world attended.

The Churches that had representatives present included: the Church of Constantinople, the Church of Alexandria, the Church of Jerusalem, the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Church of Romania, the Church of Cyprus, the Church of Greece, the Church of Poland, the Church of Albania and the Church of Czech Lands and Slovakia.

The Churches that did not attend were: the Church of Antioch, the Russian Orthodox Church, the Church of Bulgaria, the Church of Georgia and the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). Although canonical, the OCA is not recognised as autocephalous by some other churches.

Out of the 350 bishops who were invited, only 162 participated, and out of those, only ten were allowed to vote. This is contrary to what we see in the history of Church councils. During the true pan-Orthodox synods and the Ecumenical Councils, all the bishops were permitted to vote. For instance, in the First Ecumenical Council (mentioned in the previous example), 318 Fathers attended, all of whom had the right to vote; it was likewise in the other six true Ecumenical councils. What occurred in Crete seems more to fit with the “Robber Councils” that we read about above – in that only some were allowed to speak and vote. The fact that the voting by all of the assembled bishops was not permitted in the so-called pan-Orthodox council already showed that there was something wrong.

Even though many unorthodox decisions were made at this council, for brevity, we will only look at its endorsement of Ecumenism. Presented below are the words of Father Peter Heers, who closely studied the documents and declarations of the Council using an Orthodox “microscope”:

We mentioned earlier that one of the aims of this "Council" was to solidify the Orthodox Church's commitment to ecumenism. This text on relations to the Heterodox achieves this goal. It contains positive references to the World Council of Churches, made with apparent enthusiasm.

In paragraph 21 of the text, the following is stated:

"The Orthodox Church wishes to support the work of the Commission on 'Faith and Order' and follows its theological contribution with particular interest to this day. It views favourably the Commission’s theological documents, which were developed with the significant participation of Orthodox theologians and represent a praiseworthy step in the Ecumenical Movement for the rapprochement [reunion] of Christians."

The positive evaluation of the texts accepted within the WCC alone is sufficient for an Orthodox Christian to reject the text. Is it possible for a Pan-Orthodox Council to favourably view theological documents of the WCC when these very texts are filled with heretical Protestant views that have been repeatedly criticized by many Local Orthodox Churches?

In paragraph 19 of the text, the Toronto Statement of the WCC is referred to positively, as a foundational document for Orthodox involvement. What, however, does this statement express? Among other things it states that the WCC includes churches which hold that:

    • the Church is essentially invisible,
    • there is a distinction between the visible and invisible body of the Church,
    • the baptism of other churches is valid and true,
    • there are "elements of a true Church" and "traces of Church" in other member churches in the WCC and the ecumenical movement is based on this
    • there are church members extra muros (outside the walls), and that
    • these aliquo modo (in some way) belong to the Church, and that
    • there is a "Church within a Church."

Upon this foundation the Orthodox participate in the WCC, an organization in which the anti-Orthodox "invisible and visible Church" theory clearly dominates, overturning the whole of Orthodox ecclesiology.




The "Council" of Crete is the only council of bishops ever to recognize, promote, praise and accept ecumenism and the World Council of Churches. This stands in direct opposition to the witness of the choir of saints, including - among many others - the great elder Ephraim of Katounakia who by revelation was informed that ecumenism is dominated by unclean spirits.

The implications are enormous: what experience and inspiration of the Holy Spirit could they be expressing in Crete when they stand in opposition to the saints of the Church?


For video of Father Peter's lecture click here.

For full text of Father Peter's lecture click here

After reading the examples of how individual clergymen and monastics, as well as councils and synods, can fall into error and heresy, it would seem like spiritual blindness of the worst kind for any Orthodox Christian to say, in a spiritually drunken state, that Orthodox Christians must accept vaccination and the COVID restrictions in the churches just because their synods or bishops or priests or monastics or Orthodox doctors and scientists, told them to do so. Any Orthodox Christian who has this attitude shows that the Gospel, lives of saints and the holy Fathers are completely alien to them.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. (2 Timothy 4:3-4)

In other words, the time will come when people will not accept Orthodox teachings. Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they want to hear. They will turn from the truth, and by blocking their spiritual ears like the Pharisees of old, they will eagerly listen to deception and heresy.



PART FIVE: COVID-19 Facts that are Being Intentionally Ignored or Hidden  

Important facts omitted by the pro mass-vaccination Orthodox clergy and others 

Now that we have established that councils, synods, bishops, priests, monastics, etc. can make mistakes, let us return to the recent statements of the clergymen mentioned in part three. As “wise” and “spiritual” as their words might sound, what they said completely ignores the large number of people around the world who have already become very sick and even died from the vaccines.

Also omitted from the decisions, speeches and writings of the pro mass-vaccination clergymen and Orthodox physicians and scientists, are many important facts. The following is a list that is ever-growing. Refer to Videos & Articles Section Two for continually updated important facts:


1. COVID vaccine risks; Warnings from renowned doctors and scientists

  • COVID vaccines can cause immediate and severe reactions.

  • COVID-19 vaccinations are linked to a much higher rate of deaths compared to traditional vaccines.

  • Many renowned physicians and scientists are warning the public not to take these vaccines. (See Part Nine below.) Unlike traditional vaccines, COVID vaccines are an unprecedented novel gene therapy composed of either mRNA or DNA packaged in a synthetic lipid nanoparticle, all of which are potentially harmful to the body and have already caused severe injury and death to several who received them.

  • Approval by the FDA or other regulatory agencies does not guarantee safety, and the approval of the COVID-19 vaccines was, and is, heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical companies who make them.

  • A look into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database leaves no doubt about the serious risks of COVID-19 vaccination – Note that VAERS reports between 1-10% of the adverse reactions and deaths and is only a database, providing no studies, conclusions or warnings.

  • The health risks of being vaccinated are indisputable, but are hidden from the public eye.


2. The COVID vaccines are inadequately tested and ineffective

  • There have been absolutely no mid- and long-term safety data for these vaccines. No one knows the long term side effects of mRNA/DNA or other coronavirus vaccines.

  • Despite the fact that COVID-19 vaccination side effects are very serious, only a few physicians and scientists around the world are studying the adverse reactions and deaths. Those that raise questions are seen as “anti-vaxxers” or spreaders of medical “misinformation”.

  • This is the first vaccine to make no clear claims about reducing infections, transmissibility, or deaths that can occur from the disease.

  • The COVID-19 vaccines do not act as traditional vaccines in that they do not prevent people from catching or spreading the virus, as confirmed above by the The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administrator (TGA) in Australia. In America, the CDC openly accepts these facts, although spokespeople for the institution tend to de-emphasise them and persistently repeat warnings that people need to be vaccinated so they will not become sick and spread the virus. Whether people are vaccinated or not, they can, knowingly or unknowingly, each spread the disease to their neighbours. The act of vaccination offers no protection from being a transmitter of disease, or even a “superspreader”.

  • At first, national public health agencies around the world were strongly declaring that people need to be vaccinated to stop the spread of the virus. When it became evident that vaccinated people were still getting sick and spreading the virus, these agencies and their friends in the mainstream media, Big Tech and social media, became concerned that the public would refuse vaccination. So now, the new argument is that if a person is vaccinated and contracts COVID, their symptoms will be significantly reduced (i.e., there will be less suffering).

  • Unlike many other vaccines, continual boosters are needed because, according to the manufacturers, COVID-19 vaccines stop working after some months.  This would normally be seen as a negative aspect, that the vaccines were faulty, but this deficiency has instead been used (shockingly) as an incentive for continual vaccinations, without a clear end in sight.

  • The COVID-19 vaccinations are promoted as a tool against the Delta variant, despite evidence that they are ineffective against this same Delta variant.


3. COVID infection is less serious than claimed; alternative treatments are available

  • For many patients, COVID-19 is not worse, and quite possibly less dangerous, than influenza.

  • More children die from influenza every year than from COVID-19 - the survival rate of children after contracting COVID being 99.997% (statistically 100%). Dr. Vladimir Zelenko says COVID is safer for children than the flu. (See here.) In general, many more people die every year from influenza and other causes than from COVID. As in every influenza season, people can reduce the spread of infection by simply staying home when they are sick, under a doctor’s care. The number of people that die of influenza around the world every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is roughly 290,000 to 650,000, which is more devastating than COVID-19. But these figures are not accurate because many deaths are under-reported. In the US alone, it is reported that approximately 50,000 to 75,000 die from influenza annually.

  • The official survival rates, taken from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US, are also very high and themselves argue against mass vaccination from both a common-sense and public health perspective.

    0-19 Years: 99.997%

    20-49 Years: 99.98%

    50-69 Years: 99.5%

    70+ Years: 94.6%


    Although the survival rates shown here are very high, these percentages are possibly even higher when we consider how they are calculated by tallying all deaths that were supposedly due to COVID. There is a great deal of evidence that many recorded COVID deaths were actually due to other causes, which would mean that actual deaths due to COVID are minimal. It is clear, regardless, that the death rate is higher in the elderly and in people above 50 years of age – the very age ranges where people are often suffering from many underlying health conditions as well.

    When we look at the numbers above, we can see how strange it is that public health authorities are not using their current strict measures against more dangerous illnesses such as Ebola
    (which has had outbreaks) or Anthrax (which also has a vaccine available – although a more traditional one).
  • Newly released data from Israel, as well as a study from the Cleveland Clinic, USA, show there is no reason for a person to be vaccinated if they have previously been infected with COVID-19. Those who have had COVID-19 are much less likely to contract the Delta variant, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalised with the virus. The fully vaccinated are still getting COVID and experiencing adverse reactions. Natural COVID immunity is better than being fully vaccinated.

  • The COVID-19 vaccinations are given and even mandated to people who have already had and recovered from coronavirus, that is, those who should have natural immunity.

  • There are safe and effective medications and supplements for the prevention and early treatment of COVID-19, according to peer-reviewed and publicly available journals. These recommendations (unlike those promoted by the CDC and other health agencies around the world) are subjected to peer review and can be taken with greater confidence than the statements made at various times by medical organisations. It is important to realise that the latest recommendations for masking, for vaccination and now for the introduction of “booster shots” are not based on peer-reviewed evidence, but are simply formed from the opinions of so-called experts (a.k.a. secular medical “saints”). They are sometimes supplemented by “data” provided directly from the drug companies, who have serious conflicts of interest in that they gain huge financial benefits and profits from providing more vaccines.

  • Therapies exist for the prevention and early treatment of COVID-19, and this is a fact that the pharmaceutical companies do not want people to know. Vaccines are the only solution presented and promoted.


4. Lack of post-vaccine testing

  • Regardless of the fact that some individual post-vaccine autopsies have shown fatal vaccine injuries, no specific post-vaccine autopsy studies have been conducted and publicised by governments or health authorities. No public health agencies have asked for autopsy studies, even though so many deaths have been reported after people have been vaccinated – some died on the first day, some on the second, some even a few weeks later, and so on. These deaths should be enough to suspend the vaccination program, as is typically done with any other medication (a medication is usually suspended after 25 deaths).  Why have the public health authorities all over the world not demanded specific vaccine autopsy studies after so many deaths have occurred? Are they hiding something? 

    For more information, read the following articles:

a) First Autopsy of Dead Person Vaccinated for Covid Found to Contain Spike Proteins in Every Organ of Body - click here.

b) German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries - click here.

  • Not one safety update to the major world media has been given to the public from the World Health Organization (WHO), from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from other public health agencies around the world, from the mainstream media outlets, from the scientific community or from medical experts, despite obvious safety concerns. Important safety information should be frequently shared with the public as new facts emerge, particularly with a brand new medical treatment.  History shows us that new drugs need to be monitored for possible unexpected side effects.  Medical treatments once hailed as miracles sometimes are found to have such serious side effects that they need to be removed from the market (see the history of thalidomide, or the diet drug Fen-phen). More on this later. 

  • Publicly available databases with data of vaccine adverse events such as the TGA database in Australia, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database in the United States, the Canada Vigilance Adverse Reaction Online Database, and the United Kingdom’s Yellow Card database show the COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to serious medical side effects and harms such as paralysis and even death. However, not one safety update to the major world media has been issued to raise the alarm about these concerning adverse events. 

    It must be emphasised again that safety updates to the public are different to the reporting of vaccine adverse events, which we see is happening (this will be discussed in the next point). For example, we can find on the VAERS website that there have been 1,700 reports of pregnant women who have miscarried after being vaccinated. Yet, there are no public safety updates warning pregnant women of this danger - so women who are pregnant are not made aware of this higher rate of miscarriage before they consider a vaccination. The same principle applies to other adverse effects. It should be pointed out that the simple reporting of side effects gets buried in research papers and news articles, where it is easily overlooked by the general public. It would seem that this is planned, since it would provide less obligation or legal liability to the pharmaceutical companies.

  • The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States shows that healthcare workers have reported the COVID-19 vaccines to be the cause of: 13,900 deaths, 57,000 hospitalisations, 76,000 urgent care visits, over 100,000 doctor’s office visits, 5,800 anaphylactic reactions (throat swelling that causes suffocation), 4,800 cases of Bell’s Palsy, 1,700 miscarriages, 6,200 heart attacks, 5,222 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis, 18,000 cases of permanent disability, 2,900 cases of thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), 14,300 life threatening allergic reactions, 27,000 severe allergic reactions, and 7,600 cases of reactivation of shingles (painful herpes zoster), among others - data dated 7 September 2021. (See current VAERS update here.) 

    The government VAERS reporting system is believed, by statistical analysis, to only receive reports of about 1% to 10% of the actual adverse events and deaths from vaccines that are happening in the United States. It is estimated, then, that 90% to 99% of adverse effects or deaths from vaccines have not been reported to VAERS. So, the above numbers perhaps could be multiplied by a number between 10 and 100 to get a more accurate idea of what the real figures are. (See OpenVAERS website.) 

    It should be noted that on the VAERS website it says, “Reports are not proof of causality.” This means that the adverse events reported above are not technically proven to be caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Although there may be some truth to this, one has to question whether the big, influential, rich and powerful pharmaceutical companies have any influence over VAERS. This suspicion naturally arises since it is being exposed, more and more, that Big Pharma companies are influencing medical industries, medical establishments, medical boards, governments, politicians, the mainstream media, the entertainment industry, large corporations, Big Tech, (Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook), etc. There seems to be a lot of money being distributed around the world by Big Pharma to promote COVID-19 vaccines.

    Considering the figures above, it is truly striking that no mention is made publicly about the risks of coronavirus vaccination, and instead there is the worldwide promotion of a concept that the coronavirus vaccines are a medical miracle, that they are remarkably “safe” and stunningly “effective”.   It seems as if the facts shown above of serious side effects do not exist to Big Pharma and to those who are being influenced by them. Perhaps it is because these Big Pharma companies want to ensure that the vaccines do not have any negative publicity, which could hurt their revenue, even if that means hiding the truth from the public. This is the biggest propaganda machine ever seen in the history of the world. Some brave public health scientists and other informed individuals who have tried to raise public awareness as to the dangers of the vaccines were (and continue to be) ridiculed and sidelined. Many of them have been “deplatformed”, as if they were a danger to public safety, similar to a terrorist organisation. 

  • There are scientific concerns that the recent virus variants, like the Delta strain, are a consequence of the vaccines, and therefore extending the worldwide supposed pandemic for months longer than necessary. This is similar to how people use a large number of antibiotics irresponsibly – the antibiotics merely cause the bacteria to become resistant. When this occurs, the bacteria often become worse and deadlier than they were previously. This is currently happening with the Delta and other COVID strains. Leading scientist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche states that: 

Mass injection in the middle of a pandemic is prone to promoting selection and adaptation of immune escape variants, that are featured by increasing infectiousness and resistance to spike protein (S)-directed antibodies (Abs), thereby diminishing protection in vaccines and threatening the unvaccinated. 

(Read his statement here.) 

(For a detailed look at how the FDA has been compromised by drug companies, click here.)


5. The extreme vaccine push by drug companies, governments, Hollywood, mass media, etc. 

  • The reluctance of the public health authorities to warn the public about, or even to study, the reported adverse events seen after COVID-19 vaccination is very suspicious.

  • The influence of the pharmaceutical industry and its allies, in pushing a worldwide vaccination campaign, cannot be underestimated.

  • The COVID-19 vaccinations are, unlike any other medical treatment in recent memory, heavily promoted and protected by the media, politicians, Hollywood and worldwide governments.

  • Governments have poured billions of dollars directly into Big Pharma companies by purchasing millions of vaccine vials and then by directly funding their transportation to the people in order to roll out national mass vaccination programs.  Yet, not one cent has been invested into medical research investigating post vaccine deaths (autopsy studies). As mentioned above, there seems to be very little government interest in investigating the reasons for the relatively high incidence of deaths after vaccination against COVID-19 compared to more traditional vaccines.



There are several more facts that can be added to this list but what is clear is that there is abundant evidence readily available to support the above discussions. Yet, the synods and prominent clergymen mentioned earlier, along with many others who are of the same mindset, scandalise and confuse countless Orthodox Christians around the world by declaring that all should be vaccinated if they do not want to be considered “indifferent to the protection of fellow human beings”, or as someone who is “thinking of oneself but not of another person” or even, shockingly, “condemned as a murderer.” They ask us to listen to the doctors and medical experts, yet when prominent and highly respected physicians speak against the vaccines, they do not listen.  Selective hearing? We need to seriously contemplate why these pro mass-vaccination clergymen are asking Orthodox Christians to ignore all the facts contradicting their own agenda and the agendas of those who they follow obediently.

Clearly, influenza has a higher death rate than COVID-19, yet, we do not recall Orthodox clergy in the past ever insisting that the faithful receive a flu vaccine in order to not supposedly commit the sin of carelessly infecting someone else. The concept of influenza vaccination among the faithful seems to have been irrelevant in years past, despite the medical dangers it poses. What has changed? These Orthodox clergymen are being obedient to the newly canonised “saints” of the New World Order – “Saint” Fauci of Wuhan and Washington, “Saint” Bill Gates the Great, Emperor of the World, to name a few. In other words, many of these clergymen “loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” (John 12:43). We read in the Holy Gospel, “Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!” (Matthew 18:7). In other words, how terrible it will be for the world due to its temptations to sin! Temptations to sin are bound to happen, but how terrible it will be for that person who causes someone to sin!



PART SIX: A New Commandment: Thou Shalt be Blindly Obedient to Your Doctor!

Do we owe doctors our complete obedience because they are “given to us by God”?

We often hear that doctors have been given to us by God and that any Orthodox Christian who dares to disdain them is committing a serious sin. The Patriarch mentioned in Part Three, Example 2, states that “Science… is a gift from heaven.” 

It is true that God has given us doctors, scientists and scholars, and this is why the Church has many saints that were doctors, scientists and scholars: Saint Luke the Blessed Surgeon, Saint Panteleimon, Saints Cosmas and Damian, Saint Luke the Apostle, Saint Innocent of Alaska, Saints Philonilla and Zenaida, Saint Catherine, to name a few. This, however, does not mean that we have to be blind to the fact that there are some doctors who are more like medical monsters than medical doctors! As Archimandrite Savvas Agiorites says, “Not everyone who puts on a white coat is a good doctor.  He might even be a butcher.” These monsters, whose numbers are increasing, have destroyed the lives of many thousands of people. Despite this, so many Orthodox clergymen are telling the faithful: Listen to your doctors! Listen to the experts! They know what is best for you!

The following comments regarding doctors are meant to be sarcastic, to prove a point, but unfortunately, they are not far from the truth: They are above the saints! Trust them more than the Mother of God! They are our saviours and not Christ! We ourselves, as Orthodox clergymen, are obedient to them and that is why we agreed to COVID restrictions in the churches; and to prove our ultimate obedience and trust in our new gods, we agreed to close the churches!

But doctors do not always know what is best for us, and we will now examine the truth of this.




While there are countless medical horror stories out there that were perpetrated by medical monsters, for the sake of brevity, let us look at three examples horror stories. Note that the drugs mentioned below were approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The faithful should understand that FDA approval for a drug or medical treatment does not necessarily mean that a treatment is safe. Monitoring for dangers after the release of a new medical treatment is critical. 


Horror Story 1: The Thalidomide Disaster

Thalidomide is a drug that was developed in the 1950s. It was originally intended as a sedative or tranquiliser, but was soon used for treating a wide range of other conditions including colds, the flu, nausea, and morning sickness in pregnant women. 




Yet, this supposed wonderworking drug turned out to be disastrous. The babies of women who took Thalidomide while pregnant were born with serious deformities, such as missing or severely deformed arms or legs, etc. It took five years for the connection to be made between thalidomide use as the cause of deformities in newborn children. Despite those women trusting their doctors, thousands of children were born, all around the world, with missing or deformed arms and legs. This should be a lesson to us all: that a thorough investigation of how a drug interacts with the body needs to be conducted before being offered for use by the public, and this should also apply to the COVID-19 vaccines.

(Read the Science Museum article “Thalidomide” here.) 

(Read the Thalidomide Society article “About Thalidomide” here.)


Horror Story 2: The Fen-phen Cover-up

In the 1990s, a new diet medicine, known as fen-phen, hit the market. This new “miracle drug” was shown to be very effective in making weight loss easy, attracting those who were desperate to lose weight. The fen-phen craze gained momentum and by 1996, an estimated 18 million Americans were prescribed the drug.




In 1997 fen-phen was exposed as being a serious danger to many people’s health. The drug was linked to heart valve problems and, in some cases, primary pulmonary hypertension, an incurable and potentially fatal disease. These side effects were occurring in young women (since they were the majority of those taking the drug), who normally do not suffer these types of cardiac injuries in their age group. These serious side effects eventually led to its removal from the market, and in the lawsuits that followed, the drug company had to pay legal damages in the billions of dollars.

In an article from CBS News on 7th April 2000, a former FDA scientist, Dr Leo Lutwak, claims the pharmaceutical company that manufactured fen-phen knew about the problems with the drug long before it was pulled from the market. He raised the alarm that a cover-up occurred because, as Dr Lutwak notes, the drug company twisted the research data available to make it seem as if there was no way to predict fen-phen’s hazards. He said that:

I felt from the very beginning the drug companies were covering up. I felt from the very beginning that these drugs were dangerous…. I followed the rules and regulations, I didn't go public. I tried to work within the system, it didn't work. People died as a result of a dangerous deadly drug
being released.

Earlier, in 1999, an investigation revealed that the manufacturer knew more than it cared to admit about the pulmonary hypertension risks. Naturally, the pharmaceutical company, American Home Products, denied this charge. In October 1999, American Home Products agreed to pay up to $4.83 billion to settle the more than 11,000 fen-phen lawsuits, one of the biggest product liability settlements ever. As part of the settlement agreement, the company admitted no wrongdoing. Even after this agreement, lawsuits continued. In April 2005, the magazine, “American Lawyer” featured an article on the flood of fen-phen litigation. In this report, we are told that more than 50,000 product liability lawsuits had been filed by those who claimed they had been victims of the fen-phen medication. Estimates of total liability ran as high as $14 billion.

In 2008, a study showed that the heart valve problems caused by fen-phen typically remain for years after users stopped taking the medication, and that permanent damage to the heart could occur even with light use. This horror story highlights how a socially popular medical treatment can be a grave danger, even if approved by the medical authorities. Only time could reveal the truth, and independent research work that was not influenced by the drug company.

(Read WebMD article “Lasting Damage From Fen-Phen Drug?” here.)

(Read CBS News article “FDA Doc Claims Fen-Phen Cover-Up” here.)


Horror Story 3: The Vioxx Catastrophe and how the FDA was involved

The case of Vioxx in the early 2000s cannot be forgotten because it led to serious complications and the death of many unsuspecting patients. Vioxx was an anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving pill that claimed to have fewer side effects on the gastrointestinal system than naproxen or ibuprofen. In the major study that led to its FDA approval, it was seen that there was a doubling of the risk of heart attacks in the group which took Vioxx. The company argued that Vioxx was not to blame, and the FDA agreed to approve the drug. 




In the years that followed, millions took Vioxx. It was seen later that many of these patients, at least 88,000 to 140,000 of them, developed serious heart conditions, and about 44,000 to 70,000 people died from these heart problems. Vioxx, after being approved, was withdrawn due to these serious safety risks. There was great controversy because:

1. The drug company, Merck, hid the increased heart problems from the public and
2. Workers for the FDA claim their supervisors told them not to warn the public.

In a 2006 survey of FDA scientists, about one out of every five FDA scientists agreed that they:

have been asked, for non-scientific reasons, to inappropriately exclude or alter technical information or their conclusions in an FDA scientific document.

In other words, about 20% of FDA scientists were told to lie or make alterations of critical drug information by their supervisors. David Graham, a scientist in the Office of Drug Safety within the CDER (part of the FDA), testified to the US Congress that he was pressured by his supervisors not to warn the public about the dangers of drugs like Vioxx.

(Read the article “Vioxx: The Downfall of a Drug” here.)


Should we ignore medical disasters of the past because we are told to?

The above medical horror stories, along with other medical disasters, are historical facts. Although thalidomide tragically changed peoples’ lives, it did result in tighter drug testing and reporting of side-effects, so that this type of medical error would not happen again. But it did happen again in the 1990’s with fen-phen, and then in the early 2000’s with Vioxx. 

Now with the current, aggressive push for all people to be vaccinated, we see similarities to these previous horror stories. The evident lack of safety testing in long term animal trials, and the refusal of the drug companies and the FDA to discuss the high rate of adverse events, including death, reported to VAERS and other vaccine-injury related databases, are very concerning. What is also concerning is the constant media promotion of the vaccines as “safe” and “effective” without presenting clear evidence to support these catch-phrases. All of this is frightfully similar to what occurred in the past with drugs like Vioxx that had to be removed from the market, and which unfortunately left a trail of destruction in the lives of many unsuspecting patients. The valuable lessons of the past have been completely forgotten. Without a doubt, the safety standards in the pharmaceutical industry have dropped to an all-time low. It seems like we are repeating history, but on a massive scale.




People are now being coerced into taking an experimental vaccine never before used in humans and not to question, in any way, whether it is safe, whether the pharmaceutical companies put their profits before safety, or whether the doctors promoting these vaccines are ethical. As pathologist Dr Michael Robles states, “When it comes to vaccines the wise path is to proceed slowly.” Until recently, this was the common practice. Now the only path available to the public is to get vaccinated as soon as possible or else face great social pressure and sufferings.

Yet, much of the public does have serious suspicions: why are the pharmaceutical companies, that are responsible for making COVID vaccines, being exempt from all liabilities? How were they able to validate their vaccines for human use and start using their drugs in patients, be it under “emergency use” or not, within 6 to 9 months? Due to the need for careful testing, clinical trials and investigations for risks of harm, it often takes 5 to 10 years and sometimes more to complete all four phases of clinical trials needed before full approval is granted and licensing can occur. No COVID-19 vaccines (including the Pfizer BioNTech) have been tested for mid- or long-term side effects, but autoimmune and inflammatory disorders are proposed by scientists as possible long-term consequences that might occur much later on after being vaccinated- being years, rather than a few months, later. The situation today can be considered far worse than even that which happened in the horror stories presented above. This is because in the past those who manufactured the drugs that caused serious harm were held legally responsible for the damage they caused in people’s lives.

After having read the many examples from history, can anyone now really say, with confidence, that they are not concerned about what could happen in a few years as a result of these new types of vaccines? More so, can anyone say that we should ignore history, our common sense desire to be careful, and nearly everything else presented to us here, both medically and in the counsels of the saints and elders and, instead, blindly follow the commands/dictates/coercion/threats of the pro mass-vaccination clergymen who seem to resemble more closely the spirit of the government officials, the public health officers and the promoters of the New World Order, rather than the spirit of the true shepherds of Christ’s One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church? Let us look at this more closely.




Many Orthodox clergy and others are ignoring medical science and history

Apart from the above three horror stories, there are so many other medications that have been taken off the market because they caused serious side effects, permanent damage and even death. It is therefore alarming that Orthodox hierarchs and priests are using their spiritual authority to insist that the faithful ignore the possibility that COVID vaccines could be, like any new treatment, similar to these historical medications. They are, in essence, demanding that the faithful put aside their right to investigate medications and vaccines, or even to be cautious about them, and instead, out of obedience, to blindly receive a lightly tested, completely new form of vaccine technology. Yes, Orthodox clergymen all over the world are saying, with authority (forcefully), that the faithful, including young children, teens, healthy people and pregnant or breastfeeding women, need to get vaccinated or else! If you ask questions, watch out! If you contradict them, watch out! And if you refuse vaccination and warn others to do the same, you had better run from them, as it is highly possible that these power-hungry and deluded clergymen will get to the stage of using the ultimate punishment – excommunication, that is, no Holy Communion - until you have agreed to be vaccinated.

This demonstrates that not only do they lack discernment and are committing a grave sin, but they are also breaking international law. Coercing their faithful to submit to a mass vaccination program is contrary to the Nuremberg Code.

These pro mass-vaccination clergymen are unfortunately cooperating with pharmaceutical companies, the mainstream media, governments, etc. who have all proven to be antichristian, worshippers of money, power-hungry, and self-appointed population controllers. This does not mean that the pro mass-vaccination clergy are aware of the wish of these enemies of humanity to reduce the world’s population, but it does mean that they have become useful, ignorant puppets who are proving, beyond anyone’s expectation, successful propagandists for the New World Order.

But it seems we do not have to wait for the pro mass-vaccination clergy to get to the stage of using the ultimate punishment (excommunication) as, in a way, being barred from receiving Holy Communion is happening right now. There are bishops throughout the world that are agreeing with their governments to only allow those who have vaccine passports into churches, which would mean that the unvaccinated would not be able to commune. This is precisely what excommunication means – being excluded from Holy Communion. Glory be to God that there are true bishops who have declared that they will not agree to this. Monks have left - and are still leaving - Mount Athos in masses because they refuse to accept this anti-Christian policy. We should not be surprised that many Orthodox Christians are ready to endure sufferings and even death rather than submit to the new heretics that God has permitted (because of our sins and indifference to heresy) to temporarily persecute the faithful. But, like other heretics in the past, they will be crushed when God sees our repentance.




Are these harsh words also referring to clergymen who decided to be vaccinated? 

Again, it must be stressed that I am not speaking about clergymen who, for their own personal reasons, decided to get vaccinated - fear, ignorance, ecclesiastical coercion, government coercion, one-sided media and medical propaganda, etc. We are specifically referring to those pro mass-vaccination clergymen who, through dictatorial force and threats, have imposed restrictions in the churches and allowed them to be closed with no resistance.  Moreover, they defend every COVID restriction and the closure of our churches – all “for the good of public health”. These things remind us of the God-hating communist regime of the past, and of those communist countries that continue the policy of total elimination of all religion from the world, especially Holy Orthodoxy. Lenin, Stalin and Mao would be very proud of the pro mass-vaccination Orthodox clergymen. These poor, deluded, men are so spiritually blinded that they cannot see, from history, that once the proponents of the New World Order achieve their goals, they will finally get rid of the pro mass-vaccination clergymen too, because in their world, religion has no place. This is what the communists did in Russia. After the Russian Orthodox hierarchs compromised with the communist government and remained silent while clergymen, monastics and laypeople were imprisoned, and while the churches and monasteries were being destroyed, then the communists turned around and began eliminating them as well. History tells us that this is what happens in these situations. So, the pro mass-vaccination clergymen had better “enjoy” their freedom because it will not last long.

We may be accused of using harsh language about these pro mass-vaccination clergymen, these wolves in sheep’s clothing, these enemies of Orthodox Tradition, these despisers of the Holy Fathers, these disdainers of the Holy Canons, these blasphemers of the Holy Mysteries of the Church, and these worshippers of the vaccine syringe; but the faithful should know that we never say anything we cannot back up with the Scriptures, the Holy Canons, with examples from the lives of saints and from the history of the Church. We will be using these sources throughout the remainder of this article but, for the time being, let us hear from Saint Seraphim of Sarov, what God has in store for these clergymen and monastics, if they do not repent and admit publicly that what they have done is an absolute sacrilege.




The Lord hath revealed to me, that there shalt be a time, when the hierarchs of the Russian land and other spiritual persons will deviate from the preservation of Orthodoxy in all its purity, and for this the wrath of God wilt strike them. For three days I stood, I besought the Lord to have mercy on them and besought it better to deprive me, the wretch Seraphim, of the Kingdom of Heaven, than to punish them. But the Lord inclined not to the plea of the wretch Seraphim and said that there would not be mercy for them, since they will teach human teachings and commandments, while their hearts stand far from Me. Saint Seraphim of Sarov (†1833)

No Orthodox Christian owes obedience to such clergymen, monastics or, as Saint Paul says, even
an angel.

But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed. (Galatians 1:8)

There is surely something spiritually wrong with these people, as the saints and elders will explain.


PART SEVEN: The Holy Fathers – You Must Disobey the “Orthodox” Heretics 

What is meant by covidism and covidists?

Before we examine what the holy Fathers and the grace-filled elders teach us regarding obedience to the so-called Orthodox clergymen who are teaching heresy, let us first learn what is meant by covidism and covidists. 

Covidism is a term we began to use about a year ago to help the faithful understand that what is happening today in the churches is a new heresy, and all heresies need a name to make it easier to distinguish them from the truth. Until the Church officially names this heresy, we will refer to it as covidism and, to those who follow this heresy, as covidists. 

Covidism is the heretical belief that one can contract diseases from a place, object or sanctified person in which the grace of God dwells. This would include the church building, the cross, icons, holy relics, the clergy, holy water, holy unction and holy oil. Covidists wrongly claim that, because of the risk of disease, it is necessary to wear a mask and, in many cases, they forbid the faithful to venerate holy objects and to receive a blessing from the clergy. However, all these restrictions are sacrilegious and blasphemous, and cannot be found in the lives of saints or anywhere else in Orthodox tradition.

This reminds us, to some extent, of the heresy of Gnosticism. Father Geoffrey Korz of Ontario, Canada put together something relating to this similarity. See here 

Extreme covidism is the blasphemous belief that one can contract diseases from Holy Communion - the Holy Body and Blood of Christ.  If the covidists did not believe that partaking of Holy Communion can be a means of contracting disease, why would they be using multiple spoons or sterilisation methods during its administration? They cannot use the excuse that they were forced by the health authorities, because the health authorities, so far, have not interfered in this matter. The covidists, themselves, are entirely responsible for this ultimate blasphemy.

For some reason they have gone above and beyond even what the anti-Christian authorities have mandated. Why are they doing this? This question will be examined later on, but the main thing that Orthodox Christians need to know is the following:  when the Covidists spread the heresy of Covidism, they are to be rejected, and the faithful should have no doubt as to whether such an action is permitted by our holy Fathers and grace-filled elders.




Clergymen are using the teaching of obedience to enforce vaccination and heresy

The reason we are spending so much time speaking out against pro mass-vaccination clergymen, is because Orthodox Christians have been absolutely tossed to and fro because of what they have seen and heard from their own bishops and priests. Many have submitted to vaccination because of the strong advice and personal example of these clergymen receiving vaccination in public, so as to inspire people to do the same. To some extent, this is understandable because we are taught by the holy Fathers that we should be obedient to Christ’s shepherds. As we will shortly see, however, the same Holy Fathers tell us to be disobedient to shepherds who have become wolves – those who are not teaching Orthodoxy but heresy.

We seem to hear a great deal about how Orthodox Christians need to be obedient to the clergy, but we do not hear much about our spiritual obligation to be disobedient to clergymen that have become wolves in sheep’s clothing. For example, pious Orthodox Christians should never listen to bishops or priests that are ecumenists. It is painful to say, but there are even whole synods today on which every bishop is an ecumenist, or at the very least, synods on which most bishops are ecumenists while truly Orthodox bishops are in the minority.

Should pious Orthodox Christians listen to the decisions of these ecumenistic synods of bishops? We know that heresy is of the devil, and that it darkens the soul. So, why would anyone listen to a clergyman whose soul is darkened by the heresy of Ecumenism? What good thing could he say? No one should listen to the ecumenists because they are enemies of Orthodoxy.

It is beyond comprehension why Orthodox Christians, who know that the ecumenists and covidists are enemies of the Faith, would choose to be obedient to them rather than to the holy Fathers and grace-filled elders. Something is not right, spiritually, in such people. Those who know what the saints teach regarding disobedience to heretics within the Church will give word on the Day of Judgment.

When considering whether to listen to the saints, holy elders and eldresses or to the hierarchs and priests who are pushing for vaccinations - many of whom, as we said, are ecumenists, modernists and anti-traditionalists - the faithful should keep in mind the following. After the death of holy people, their bodies and bones show signs of holiness such as golden coloured bones, incorrupt relics, the giving off of myrrh and miracle working. As much as it is impossible to squeeze water from a rock, likewise it is impossible for the bodies or bones of ecumenists, modernists and anti-traditionalists to show any signs of holiness such as those described above. To date, the remains of these enemies of the Orthodox Church have never shown any signs of holiness, nor have they performed one miracle - and they never will. Amen. 

Let us, then, check with the Holy Fathers and grace-filled elders as to what faithful Orthodox Christians should do when confronted with clergymen who are trying to contaminate them with heresy.


How should we deal with clergymen who are trying to teach us heresy?

During the COVID-19 crisis, we often hear Orthodox Christians say that they need to be obedient to their bishop or spiritual father, who is telling them to get vaccinated. Furthermore, they believe they have no sin if they obey their hierarchs and priests because it is the clergy that will be responsible.  However, only those who are ignorant of the lives of saints and their teachings believe such nonsense, as the following quotes will demonstrate:

1. Saint Paul the Apostle (1st Century)




But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be excommunicated. (Gal. 1:8) 




2.  Saint Meletios of Antioch (†381)




 Do not show obedience to bishops who advise you to do and to say and to believe in things which are not to your benefitWhat pious man would hold his tongue? Who would remain completely calm? In fact, silence equates to consent





3. Saint Symeon the New Theologian (†1022)




...in matters where no transgression of God’s commandments or of the apostolic Canons and rules has taken place, you should obey the spiritual father in all things and to submit yourselves unto him as if he were the Lord Himself. However, in all things where the Gospel of Christ and the laws of the Church are in danger of being overturned, not only to him should you not submit when he admonishes and commands you, but not even to an angel who just came down from heaven and who evangelises you different things from what the eyewitnesses of the Logos [Word] had been evangelised.




4. Saint Nicodemos of Mount Athos (†1809)




If your elder is mistaken in the affairs of the state [government] and its institutions, do not be curious. If, however, he is wrong in matters of the Faith, leave and abandon him, be he a man or even an angel from heaven.

Several people found this quote of Saint Nicodemos confusing. The following is an attempt to explain the saint’s words:

If a person’s spiritual father falls into error on matters regarding how the government is run and generally in all worldly matters, a person does not have the right to leave him. However, if that spiritual father is wrong about matters of the Orthodox Faith, then a person should leave and have nothing to do with him.




5. Saint Nektarios of Aegina (†1920)




 Just as the unskilled doctor sends many people to the gates of Hades [physical death], similarly, the incompetent and irresponsible spiritual father sends many souls to Hades. O, what a terrible evil for someone to find [spiritual] death while seeking treatment.




6. St Nikolai Velimirovich (†1956)




Saint Nikolai in his Prologue on 6 May writes:

Are the people at fault if godless elders and false prophets lead them astray? The people are not at fault to as great an extent as their elders and the false prophets, but they are at fault to some extent. For God gave to the people also to know the right path, both through their conscience and through the preaching of the word of God. Thus, the people should not have blindly followed their blind guides when they led them on false paths and distanced them from God and His laws. Brethren, God is just and He knows the measure of everyone’s faults, and He will not let the small and ignorant to suffer as much as the learned and the great. O All-seeing Lord, save us, that we be neither blind guides nor blind followers. Strengthen our hearts that, as leaders or followers, we will always be Thy servants alone. To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen.




7. Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco (†1966)




In the last days, evil and heresy will have spread so widely that the faithful will not be able to find a priest or shepherd to protect them from delusion and guide them to salvation. At that time, the faithful will not receive proper guidance from men [the clergy]; but their guide will be the writings of the Holy Fathers. Especially at this time, every believer will be responsible for the whole fullness of the Church [the Orthodox Faith and Tradition]. Brethren, it is time for us all to undertake our responsibility to God and to history. Do not tolerate any more foolishness or misguidance from priests or bishops. Do not turn a blind eye for you will be co-responsible. The Saints are forewarning you.




Elsewhere Saint John says:

The Antichrist will provide opportunities for Church life. He will allow the Church to hold services, and promise that wonderful temples will be built… There will be a mass falling away from the faith, during which many bishops will betray the faith, and point to the wonderful position of the ‘Church’ as justification


8. Saint Paisios of Mount Athos (†1994)




During these difficult times, each of us must do whatever is humanly possible, and what is not humanly possible should be left to God. In this way, our conscience will be at peace, knowing that we did whatever we could do. If we do not react, our ancestors will rise from the graves. They suffered so much for our homeland, but what are we doing for our country? It is unacceptable for Greece and Orthodoxy, with her traditions, her Saints and heroes, to be fought and persecuted by the Greeks themselves while we do not even speak! This is terrible! 

I asked someone, ‘why do you not speak? How can so-and-so do this?’ He replied, ‘what can I say? He is complete filth.’ Well, if he is filthy, why does no one say anything? He should be held accountable! No, they leave him be. Just say, ‘I don’t agree with this. Do things honourably. Do you want to serve only yourself and ruin everything else?’ If Christians do not react or confess their faith, the perpetrators will do worse things; but if we react, the perpetrators will pause to reflect. Unfortunately, today’s Christians are not fighters.

The early Christians were strong; they changed the world. In the Byzantine era, when an icon was removed from a church, people reacted. Christ was crucified that we may rise again, and we are indifferent! If the Church does not speak so as not to break with the government, if the archbishops or metropolitans do not speak so as to get on well with everyone because they need their help with their institutions, if the Athonite monks do not speak so that their allowances are not cut off, then who will speak?




9. Metropolitan Augoustinos of Florina, Greece (†2010)




The bishop must obey the Gospel. This is why when the bishop is ordained, he is ordained under the Gospel. As the Fathers say, this means that the people shall obey the bishop on one condition – that the bishop obeys the Gospel. But when the bishop does not obey the Gospel and does not do according to the Holy Canons, then the clergy and the people are not obliged to obey the bishop. In the event of a dilemma because of a contradiction between the Gospel and the bishop’s teaching, ‘we must obey God rather than men!’ (Acts 5:29).




In cases where the bishops are silent and the pulpits are silent, then heroic clergymen and monks, even ordinary lay people have the right and the obligation to say those things which the bishops dare not say either because of cowardice, or a worldly spirit, or a mistaken belief. Whenever the pulpits [i.e. Orthodox preachers] were silent, simple and humble monks and people, men and women, supported Orthodoxy. Let us not forget that Romania was liberated from [the communist president] Ceausescu with the help of an unknown cleric who lit the fuse of freedom and destroyed Ceausescu’s dictatorship and tyrannical regime [he is referring to Father George Calciu]. Therefore, each clergyman is not a slave of his hierarch, but is only required to obey his bishop when that bishop is a fighter in the holy struggle . 




10. Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, Cyprus




We listen to whatever the God-bearing saints tell us. That’s how we were taught by Saint Porphyrios, by Saint Iakovos and Saint Paisios, “Listen to the Saints, my son.” The bishops can make mistakes. The patriarchs can make mistakes. Synods can make mistakes. Where you have saints that agree, you don’t have mistakes! This is called agreement of the Fathers [i.e. the consensus of the Holy Fathers]Difficult days are coming, or rather they have come. And we will not know who to listen to. My advice, as the Bishop of Morphou, is to listen to the God-bearers.




11. Elder Savvas Agioritis (the Athonite)




When asked whether Orthodox Christians have sinned if they are obedient to bishops and priests who are telling them to do the wrong thing, he answered:

Of course these Orthodox Christians are guilty of sin, because we have to choose the right Spiritual Father…. we are rational sheep. [i.e. Christ’s sheep that can think for themselves.] Therefore, we have to judge the actions of the Spiritual Fathers. Not to judge them, personally, but judge them in order to discern the correct spiritual father from the incorrect spiritual father - the fraud, as the blessed Father Athanasius Mitilinaios would say. How would you discern the wolf, the fake shepherd, from the true Shepherd? You would have to have some sort of criteria. You would have to judge, and Christ Himself told us, “judge with righteous judgement” (John 7:24).




Christ did also say “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” (Matthew 7:1), which some hierarchs like to repeat often. But [when these clergymen say this] they mean not to interfere at all because the hierarchs, and even the priests, are beyond criticism, and they can do whatever they want and say whatever they want. Who said that? [No Holy Father teaches this. - Editor] All of them are subject to the Gospel and to the Holy Canons. And that which they say and advise to people must be in line with that which the Holy Canons say.




Father Savvas continues:

We have a testimonial from Saint Nikodemos Agioreitis, as written in his “Exomologetarion: A Guide to Confession,” of one Spiritual Father who blessed his spiritual child to receive Holy Communion without restrictions [penances], although he should not because of some deadly sins he had committed. Of course, his spiritual child was condemned into Hell after his death. Saint Nikodemos writes this. And he appeared to his Spiritual Father who was still alive, and said to him, “Because of you, I am in Hell. And since I went to Hell because of you, I will also take you with me.” And in that same moment, he took his Spiritual Father to Hell. So, these are the things from our Ecclesiastical History and we must not forget them.


Where will this distorted obedience lead?

As such, many people have fallen into immorality, deception, and heresy because they do not understand the true concept of obedience to one’s spiritual father or bishop. Instead, ignorant Orthodox Christians have accepted the grave error of distorted obedience. I remember reading in a life of saint that heretical spiritual fathers, who were still part of the official Orthodox Church, were using their positions to convince their spiritual children to accept their heresy. Perhaps it was Saint Symeon the New Theologian or some other great saint who advised the Orthodox Christians not to confess to these “wolves in sheep’s clothing,” and he blessed them to confess their sins to monastics, who were not even priests. Unfortunately, we need to accept the painful realisation that heretical Covidists are using their positions as bishops or spiritual fathers to coerce their flocks into accepting the heresy of covidism, which includes mass vaccination, COVID restrictions in the churches and the closure of churches. Why are they doing this? It has become evident that some are doing it out of ignorance and others out of fear. Unfortunately, there are also those who are motivated by money, power, popularity or even the desire for acceptance from those outside the Church. In general, however, as is the case with all heresies, the covidists are driven by the evil spirits. 

Working in a similar way as the covidists, the ecumenists will use their positions as bishops or spiritual fathers to make the faithful accept union with the Papist and Protestant “churches”, claiming that they, also, are “Christians”. (Read “The Non-Orthodox: The Orthodox Teaching on Christians Outside of the Church” here.) This will be easy for the Ecumenists to achieve because there are some similarities between Orthodoxy and other “Christian Churches”. After they achieve this, they will attempt to do something that seems absolutely impossible – to unite with every other religion in the world. But why is it impossible when the ecumenists and the covidists have conditioned Orthodox Christians to accept, over many years, every spiritual atrocity – praying with heretics, heretical statements, sacrilegious and blasphemous COVID restrictions in the churches, the absolutely demonic changes to the administering of Holy Communion, the closure of churches, mass vaccination of the faithful, and the highly probable vaccine passports to enter the church? This is a wearing down process, and recent events demonstrate just how worn down we have become in that the majority of Orthodox Christians accepted the aforementioned abominations, with little or no protest.

So, please, do not say that union with every religion is something that is impossible. But Orthodox Christians should never fear because even if the ecumenist bishops were to join with “Christian Churches” and other religions, those who do not accept this union will remain living members of the Orthodox Church, which means that they will be the Church. Saint John Chrysostom clearly states:

If only three people keep the right faith intact, these alone will comprise the Church of Christ.

Christ promised that His Church will never be destroyed or lost:

on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it 
(Matthew 16:18).



PART EIGHT: Saints and Grace-filled Elders on Traditional and COVID-19 Vaccines

Can the saints and elders speak about medical matters?

Before listening to what the saints and grace-filled elders have to say about traditional and COVID-19 vaccines, we need to determine whether we should even consult them at all, since they have not studied these matters, nor have they any medical qualifications.

The reason this question needs answering is because in the Church today, there is a prevailing unorthodox belief that God cannot enlighten grace-filled elders about medical matters, because they are limited by their lack of medical qualifications, and we are therefore not required to listen to them.  The following view, (which is unfortunately held by many) was written by an Orthodox priest in a letter to Bishop George of Canberra, Auxiliary Bishop of the Australia and New Zealand Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.  This priest also sent a copy of his letter to all the other priests in the diocese. It reads:

I also point out that as vaccination is a medical issue, the views of those undoubtedly expert in prayer life such as Athonite elders, should not override the medical views of immunologists and epidemiologists. Our spiritual elders have not acquired medical expertise overnight.

Of course, rationalistic statements like this are blasphemous because this would mean that God cannot speak through His chosen ones on topics other than prayer, spiritual life and what they have actually studied. This belief is contrary to what we read in the lives of saints and the prophets, as we will soon see. First, however, let us examine the problems that rationalism can cause in the spiritual life.


Logic and rationalism have taken priority over God

Saint Paisios the Athonite often spoke about rationalism and how it becomes a problem when it is used in the spiritual life without faith in God. To fully appreciate what the Saint teaches about this topic, it is important that the faithful first understand what is meant by the terms rational, rationalism and rationalist.

Rational: Rational decisions and thoughts are based on reason rather than on emotion.
(Other words for rational: logical, intellectual)

Rationalism: the belief that your life should be based on reason and logic, rather than on emotions or religious beliefs.
(Other words for rationalism: reasoning, logic)

Rationalist: a person whose beliefs are based on reason and logic rather than on emotion or religion.
(Other words for rationalist: atheist, disbeliever)

Saint Paisios often spoke about the dangers of rationalism in spiritual life. His position on rationalism has been outlined in the book titled, Spiritual Counsels I: With Pain and Love for Contemporary Man, published by the Holy Monastery of St. John the Theologian, Souroti, Thessaloniki, (December 2008).

The following is a footnote with some extracts from this book (pages 244-246):

When Saint Paisios refers to logic, and [he] reprimands it, he does not mean by this term the gift of reason with which God has honoured human beings, but rather rationalism, or, as he calls it “afflicted reason”, the logic that is void of faith in God, rejects divine Providence and denies the possibility of miracles. 

Saint Paisios: I said to a Catholic, a man with a good disposition, who came to see me and was in tears, “Among the most important differences that we have with you, is that you put the mind first, whereas we put faith. You have developed rationalism and, in general, you stress the human factor. This way you limit the power of God, because you put divine Grace aside.”

Question: In other words, Geronda [Elder], what has happened is that logic and rationalism have taken precedence over God?

Saint Paisios: Could it be that what we are talking about is not logic but pride? Because you see, this kind of logic is actually impaired, rather than sound, reason. Pride is reason that is impaired, full of egoism [egotism], harbouring demons. When this sort of logic is involved in our actions, we grant rights to the devil to intervene. 

(To read the full text of the above, click here.) 


As Saint Paisios explained, logic (reasoning) is a gift given to humans by God and is therefore not something that is opposed to the spiritual life. People use logic in their daily lives, and without it they would be unable to function. However, logic becomes a problem when it is used in the spiritual life without faith in God. Miracles and God’s Providence cannot be explained logically, as the rationalists continually try to do. Miracles and God’s Providence can only be explained by putting faith before logic. When this does not happen, an Orthodox Christian can eventually become an unbeliever by denying the existence of the spiritual world.


Educated and uneducated saints who had knowledge of topics never studied

The following three examples contradict the rationalist priest quoted above, and many others of the same rationalistic mind, who claim that our Orthodox spiritual elders are unable to speak on medical matters because they have not acquired medical expertise such as immunology and epidemiology.


Example 1: Saint Porphyrios of Kafsokalivia (†1991)




An excellent example of a grace-filled elder, which shows the above blasphemous belief to be untrue, comes from the life of a recently canonised saint of Greece, Saint Porphyrios. Although the saint had only gone to school for a couple of years, doctors would often let him sit in on their meetings with patients, and ask his opinion and diagnosis, which turned out to be correct, because he was enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Saint Porphyrios often surprised and amazed scientists, doctors and academics by being able to discuss topics on their level, despite never having studied their subjects. Many examples of this can be read in books of the Saint’s life.


Example 2: Saint Paisios the Athonite (†1994)




We also read in the life of Saint Paisios the Athonite that he only completed elementary school,
and yet:

He was knowledgeable about everything, though without occupying himself with everything. He knew about the things of the world while living in the desert. Though far from everyone, he was spiritually with all, and he loved the entire world. He knew many things without having studied. He associated comfortably with scientists and other distinguished people, speaking with them easily and without any feelings of inferiority. On the contrary, the worldly wise consulted him…. He could, with one descriptive hand gesture, communicate information about a person or an entire situation. 

Source: Elder Paisios of Mount Athos by Hieromonk Isaac (p. 682-683)
Publisher: The Holy Monastery of Saint Arsenios the Cappadocian, Chalkidiki Greece


Example 3: Saint John of Shanghai and San Francisco (†1966)




In the life of Saint John we learn that, through divine enlightenment, he was able to diagnose which patients were going to live or die.

Vladyka visited prisons and celebrated the Divine Liturgy for the convicts. On one occasion in Shanghai, Vladyka John was asked to give communion to a dying man in a Russian hospital. This time he took another priest with him. On his arrival he spotted a sociable young man in his twenties, playing a harmonica. This lad was to be discharged the next day. Vladyka John called to him and said: “I want to give you communion right now.” The young man immediately confessed his sins and received communion. The astonished priest asked Vladyka why he did not go to the one dying, but instead spent time with an obviously healthy young man. Vladyka answered: “He will die tonight, and the other, who is seriously ill, will live many years.” It happened just as
he foretold.

(Source: “Life and Miracles of St. John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco—One of the Greatest Saints of the 20th Century” by Bishop Alexander (Mileant) - click here.)

As we can see from the above three examples (and there are countless others) the saints and grace-filled elders certainly can be enlightened to speak about matters that they have not studied or are qualified in, and this includes medical issues. That is why the expression “blasphemous belief” was used above. It is the demons who do not want Orthodox Christians to seek spiritual guidance from the saints and grace-filled elders. The demons know that God enlightens the holy elders to reveal His will to the faithful, and this disgusts them; the more they can influence the faithful to listen to clergymen or monastics who are not filled with grace (that is, the rationalists), the more they can lead the faithful away from God.

The decline in true spiritual shepherds and the large number of rationalists in the Church is truly devastating. But we should not fall into despair regarding the state of the Orthodox clergy in our times because this was prophesied by numerous saints and elders. One such prophesy is that of Abba Pambo.


A Prophesy of Abba Pambo about the clergy of the end times 

Abba Pambo, a fourth century holy desert father and a disciple of Saint Anthony the Great, can enlighten us with his prophesy about the clergy of the end times. He clearly says that the clergy of the last times will not imitate the lives of the holy elders, nor will they listen to their counsels. Instead, they will be obedient to the powerful of the world and they will seek the rationalist advice of academics. All should be amazed at the accuracy of what this holy father predicted over 1600 years ago. It is up to each person to decide whether Abba Pambo’s description of the clergy in the last times applies to many clergymen of today, especially in the light of what we saw during COVID.




In those days, the love for God in many souls will grow cold [Matthew 24:12] and great distress will fall upon them. There will be conflict between nations, migrations of peoples, unstable Kings, rulers will be corrupt, the priests will become prodigals [i.e. immoral, corrupt], and the monks will live negligently.

The clergy will be indifferent concerning salvation, as much for their own souls as for the souls of their flocks, and they will despise any such concern…

They will neither want to imitate nor listen to the lives and counsels of Elders, but mostly, they will be all talk and say: “If we had lived in those times, we would have behaved in a similar way.

The bishops of those times will be subservient [i.e. obedient and compliant] to the powerful of the world, and they will make decisions according to the gifts they receive from everywhere, and consulting the rational logic of the academics. Abba Pambo (†375)


Two points particularly stand out about Abba Pambo’s prophecy. The first is where the saint says that the clergy of the last times will not want to listen to or imitate the lives and counsels of grace-filled holy elders – those men who were granted the gift of discernment by God. This is important, as it is evident that many of today’s clergymen, especially bishops, are not seeking or listening to the guidance of holy elders or, for that fact, the saints. We know this because if they were, they would not be forcing the faithful and pious clergy to wear masks and receive vaccinations. Furthermore, they would not be imposing on the churches other unholy, uncanonical, blasphemous, sacrilegious, and atheistic practices, which cannot be found anywhere in Holy Scripture, in the Holy Canons or in the lives or teachings of the saints. 

The second point is where the saint says that the bishops will be consulting the rational logic of the academics. Clearly this is happening today, and the quote from the above-mentioned rationalist priest is only one small example from a large number of examples that exist in the Church in our day. They are listening to governments, scientists, and doctors - many of whom are hostile to Christianity - who they consider to be higher than God Himself. “But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: ‘We ought to obey God rather than men’” (Acts 5:29). The apostles said this to the secular authorities who were demanding that they disobey God by ceasing their preaching. This can also apply to the clergy and the faithful towards their bishops: it is better to obey God rather than bishops that have gone astray.


The Rationalists want us to blindly follow the “Medical Experts”

Those who deny that God can speak through holy people that have attained a high level of sanctity, tell us that we must not consult God’s saints, but rather seek advice from the medically qualified. Would that mean, then, that the rationalists do not want us to question the minds of “medical experts” who promote things such as euthanasia, abortion at any stage of pregnancy (including the murdering of children after birth), hormone therapy for transgender youth and gender re-assignment even for little children, to name only a few?

Having medical qualifications does not make someone infallible and therefore above criticism. There are so many doctors over the last decades that have committed anti-Christian acts that would shock even Josef Mengele, if that were possible.

It is our God-bearing elders who, for centuries, expressed the Mind of God during times of confusion and deception among the clergy and laity regarding difficult issues, whether of the spiritual or the worldly kind.


Rationalism not only leads to deception, but also to heresy 

A good example of the damage that rationalism can cause in spiritual matters is with regard to the Fourth Ecumenical Council. Many “Orthodox” rationalists believe that the decision of the holy Fathers of this Council to anathematise those who did not believe in the two natures of Christ, but only in the divine nature (Monophysitism), was a mistake which came about due to a language barrier. They blasphemously assert that the Greeks and Monophysites were unable to communicate properly because of the difference in language and that the Holy Spirit, Who inspired the holy Fathers, therefore made a mistake. In other words, they are saying that God was unable to enlighten both sides to understand each other in order to avoid a major schism (which has already lasted for 1600 years).

It is not as if there is a lack of examples in Church history regarding differences in language being overcome by God’s intervention. Saint Ephraim the Syrian, who knew no Greek, was able to speak to Saint Basil the Great in fluent Greek, even down to the exact dialect. All clergymen who study at Theological schools should be well aware of this example (and so many others) in our Church history. Even in our own times, we have several wondrous accounts of how Saint Paisios the Athonite, who knew only Greek, was able to communicate with foreigners in English, French, and other languages.

Sadly, miraculous occurrences such as these seem to be of no interest to those who put themselves above the Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council. The Orthodox rationalists stubbornly persist in believing that God cannot enlighten His saints to know languages they have not learnt or to have knowledge they have not acquired through study, and to express God’s will for the benefit of Orthodox Christians.

In any case, regardless of the alleged language problem, the miracle by Saint Euphemia at the Fourth Ecumenical Council confirmed, without question, that the dogma of the Monophysites was heretical.




(Read about the miracle of Saint Euphemia at the Fourth Ecumenical Council here.)


It should be noted that the Coptic, Syrian, Ethiopian and Armenian Churches of today do not accept the dogmatic definition of the Fourth Ecumenical Council, that is, they oppose the Orthodox teaching of the two natures in Jesus Christ, the Divine and the Human natures (in one Divine Person). These Churches belong to the Oriental Orthodox Churches and are not in communion with the Eastern Orthodox Church. There can be no unity with the Oriental Orthodox Churches until they renounce the heresy of Monophysitism and accept the Fourth through to the Seventh Ecumenical Councils. (The Oriental Orthodox only accept the first three Ecumenical Councils).   

If one wants to be considered an Orthodox Christian, they will need to confess that the Fourth Ecumenical Council was NOT a mistake, and that the Oriental Orthodox Churches (i.e. the Monophysites) are outside of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church of Christ. Without this confession, there can be no salvation. Furthermore, if any Orthodox clergyman tries to convince the faithful of anything contrary to this, the faithful need to immediately cut all ties with them, since this is not an Orthodox confession of faith. This, of course, does not mean to leave the Orthodox Church, but rather to search for right-believing and faithful clergy. There are plenty of Orthodox priests who do not believe this heresy, and therefore it is up to the faithful to seek them out and spiritually submit themselves to them. As Father Seraphim Rose (and others mentioned in Part Seven) say, even if it were difficult to find such clergymen, we have, as guides, the lives and teachings of our God-bearing saints and elders. We will have no excuse at the Last Judgment if we willingly submit to clergymen who are deceived and heretical. 


Who should the bishops, with solely administrative capabilities, listen to? 

In the abovementioned quote, Abba Pambo is saying that it is important for those clergymen who have not yet reached a high level of spirituality, to listen and submit to God’s holy elders, that is, those who have acquired the Holy Spirit. Many bishops, for example, have very good administrative capabilities, but are undeniably lacking in spirituality.

Father John Romanides (†2001), known as one of the most outstanding Orthodox dogmatic theologians of the 20th Century, addressed this issue. This patristic priest, professor and preacher wrote the following:

In the past, bishops did have this spiritual experience and when they came together as a body [synod], they knew in their heart what they heard from the Holy Spirit on a specific issue. And when they made decisions, they knew that their decisions were correct, since all of them were at least in a state of illumination, and some of them had even reached glorification or theosis. So, as you can see, in the early Church, the charismatic element or those with the gifts of the Holy Spirit led the way, while the institutional element or those with solely administrative capabilities followed behind. In other words, those known for external ecclesiastical and administrational talents listened and accepted the decisions of the more spiritually advanced 

(Source: Patristic Theology, pp. 214-215 – click here) 

Today, the majority of bishops are simply administrators, since they have not invested the time or attention necessary for gaining even the most basic level of spiritual illumination. Therefore, they are not able to properly discern right from wrong in many theological and moral issues. As such, these administrators should humbly follow the consensus of the grace-filled bishops and elders who have reached a high level of spirituality. Unfortunately, so many do not do so (due to their pride and ignorance). This would explain why so many bishops and their blindly obedient priests, have easily accepted ecumenism, covidism, mass vaccination and inevitably, vaccine passports. Perhaps it would be best to say that they have accepted, or will soon accept, whatever the evil spirits suggest to them in preparation for the Antichrist.


If we should not listen to the covidists and ecumenists, to whom should we listen?

With the above in mind, as well as what was covered in Part Seven regarding the fact that synods, bishops and priests can make mistakes, Orthodox Christians may ask themselves who they should turn to for guidance, especially regarding the current issue of COVID vaccination. This may seem like a complicated matter, but it is actually quite simple. Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou answers the question in an enlightened way.

Where you have saints that agree, you don’t have mistakes! This is called agreement of the Fathers [the consensus of the Holy Fathers] listen to the God-bearers. 

There are no mistakes when the saints agree on a topic. This is why it is vital that faithful Orthodox Christians seek the shared teachings (consensus) of our saints and holy elders for guidance and enlightenment in all important matters. This takes time, of course, since unlike Protestants, Orthodox Christians do not cherry-pick one quote or another from the Scriptures or some favoured teacher as a proof text to guide our decision-making. Instead, Orthodox Christians search for the shared consensus of the Church fathers and Holy Elders on any question, and this holy consensus provides us with reliable guidance from the Holy Spirit. By contrast, the ecumenists and covidists of today rarely refer to the saints and elders, but rather to themselves or other like-minded heretics. If they do refer to the saints, it is in a distorted way, cleverly designed to lead the faithful to follow their way of thinking. 

Let us listen, then, to those who have acquired pure hearts, those who have acquired God’s enlightenment, so that we can wash, from our souls, the stench of the heresies of Covidism and Ecumenism, heresies that are held so deeply in the hearts of so many “Orthodox” heretics. Through the prayers of our holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us and save us. Amen.


What do our saints and holy elders say about vaccines?

The following is a list of grace-filled elders, both living and departed, who spoke or are currently speaking about vaccines in general and especially the experimental mRNA/DNA vaccines. 


1. Saint Paisios the Athonite (†1994)

The following is a prophesy made by Saint Paisios the Athonite over 30 years ago – long before the COVID-19 “pandemic” occurred:




Now a vaccine has been developed to combat a new disease, which will be obligatory, and those taking it will be marked.

Spiritual Counsels II: Spiritual Awakening (page 204)
Publisher: Holy Monastery of St. John the Theologian, Souroti, Thessaloniki, (December 2008)

These spiritual counsels were produced using live recordings of the saint and these recordings, we are told, still exist. While some do not believe in their existence - and that much of what is written in the volumes of Spiritual Counsels are not the saint’s exact words - what is known for certain is that the Greek version of the above book was published in 1999, twenty years before we had ever heard of COVID-19 and mandatory vaccinations. 

What does Saint Paisios mean by “will be marked”? Many think that he meant it will be a preparation for the final sealing of the Antichrist where Christians will have to deny Christ in order to buy and sell (to live), as we read in the Book of Revelation:

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Revelation 13:16-17).

Many of our elders have said that the current vaccine is not what we read in Revelation because no one has been asked to consciously deny their faith. Instead, they seem to agree that what is happening in the world today is a preparation for the coming of Antichrist where many people will deny Christ in order to be able to function in society.


2. Elder Justin Parvu of Romania (†2013)

The following quote from Elder Justin was said during the time of the Swine Flu vaccine. It is worth re-presenting it here, as it is also relevant to the COVID vaccine.

 Fathers will give up their sons, mothers, their daughters, unto death. Behold, we witness the fulfillment of this prophecy. If the mother will let the child be vaccinated, it's as if giving him over to die.... So, do not receive this vaccine [swine flu] or anything that the new political powers bring you today.




(Read more about Elder Justin Parvu of Romania here.) 


3. Elder Savvas Achilleos of Athens (†2016)

Another elder, Father Savvas Achilleos, spoke about a future flu and vaccine. In his lifetime, several bishops, clergy and monastics in the Church of Greece believed that Elder Savvas was deceived, a deceiver, mentally ill, and a conspiracy theorist. He was even persecuted by his own bishop! The following was taken from a sermon given by the holy elder in 2007:

They are warning us that the flu is coming. How do they know this? Tell me, how? It is because they themselves will manufacture it and release it. Possibly, this will not be a common epidemic form of the flu, but a flu that will come when they themselves will bring it upon the world. A manufactured disease right from the United States of America. What causes this new disease which looks like the common flu? It is caused by a pathogenic mycoplasma. These are the medical terms. It will be transmitted through an anti-flu vaccine. This is the point where we must be very careful. The world will feel the need to receive the anti-flu shot, yet this vaccine will contain a cruel illness in and of itself and will not contain anything that will prevent people from contracting the virus. It is highly recommended to not proceed to any vaccination.

(Read more about Elder Savvas Achilleos of Athens here.) 

(Watch original video “Father Savvas Achilleos prophecy from 2007” here.) 




4. Elder Savvas Agioritis (the Athonite)

Elder Savvas, a graduate of the School of Dentistry and the School of Theology, at the University of Thessaloniki, said on 25 December 2020:

There exists on the Internet a video where Bill Gates says that if we succeed and everything goes well with the vaccine and the other measures we are taking, we will succeed in reducing the global population by 15 percent; and he considers this a success - eliminating 1 billion people! And he’s saying this to our face, that this will happen through the vaccine. There exist naïve, very naïve people who will rush to get the vaccine. We owe it to them to forewarn and inform them of all this.

(Read more about Elder Savvas Agioritis (the Athonite) here.)


Also, on 31 December 2020, Elder Savvas said the following:




We must tell you about some facts which we have received relating to these famous vaccines against COVID which are now being administered in our country [Greece] - that they contain aborted embryos and for certain this major crime which is to be condemned by all of us pious Orthodox Christians and someone who accepts to take these vaccines, agrees to this major crime. Because, for these vaccines to be made some people were sacrificed. It does not matter that they were embryos, they were still people. Therefore, this is another reason for Christians to not proceed to take these vaccines.

Likewise, another issue is that these vaccines, as scientists have said, will enter into our genetic composition and that they will transform and change our sense of self, our essence, our personality, our feelings and this opens the road for altered human nature, that is, altered man or mutated man, something which is unacceptable.

We have to be mindful of these things, so that we recognise what is being planned is so deceitful, so rushed, so secretive. Why don’t they sell it freely at chemists [i.e. pharmacies]* but instead offer it at these vaccine centres by these means, so secretively and hurriedly and we could say with military means and methods? All of this is very suspicious, particularly when you consider that people like Bill Gates have as their objective the reduction in the global population. Let us bear this in mind and act according to our conscience. 

* This has now changed. People can now go to chemists to get vaccinated.

(Listen to an extract of Father Savvas’ sermon in Greek here.) 


5. Elder Parthenius of St Paul’s Monastery, Mount Athos

Elder Parthenius gave a talk on 13 January 2021, saying we must pray that:

this evil, this storm, this disease will pass us by.

In the same talk, the respected Elder emphasises that he does not bless anyone to receive the coronavirus vaccine, because it is too much in line with what is written in Revelation 13, which describes the seal that will be required for people to buy or sell, or to live an ordinary life. The Elder notes that the COVID vaccine is not exactly the same thing, but the similarities are apparent. It is especially telling, the Elder believes, that the companies which produce the vaccine are exempt from any liability, which is a mockery of the people. Elder Parthenius also said, given how much mankind flagrantly violates the commandments of God, it is no wonder that there are so many misfortunes and tragedies in the world.

So as not to leave Orthodox Christians in despair, the Elder gives us some hopeful advice:

After all, the Lord has arranged things so that we cannot understand everything that is happening to us… ask the Lord and Our Lady the Theotokos to grant us to live well in this year… When I finish my prayer rule, I recite this prayer: ‘My Christ, Theotokos, cover us; help us!’ That’s where our hope is… Our hope is that whoever trusts in God will not be ashamed. We must rely not on our own strength, but on the mercy and love of God.

(Read “Elder Parthenius of St Paul's Monastery Mt Athos Against Vaccines” here.) 




6. Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, Cyprus

Metropolitan Neophytos, who many consider to be a grace-filled elder and who is a great venerator of the contemporary elders of Greece, said on 2 December 2020:

Now I speak to you at another level not at a spiritual level - at a scientific level, at a human level. My study, the reading I have made in scientific websites, the scientists that I trust - now pay attention to the following - who have God in them, the doctors who have God in them, the microbiologists who have God in them, the epidemiologists who have God in them, all say that no vaccine, not only the vaccine for the coronavirus, should be mandatory. No vaccine! If it is mandatory, it is a violation. Do you hear? It is a violation of our soul and of our body. Everyone is to reflect and see what they want, examine their faith, whom will you trust? What I am telling you has meaning. Whom will you trust?

Do not be like lost people. Do you know one bad thing about having too much information: You hear one thing this way, you hear another thing a different way, you hear a third and something different. You don’t know whom to trust. This is a very bad thing that happens in our times. One good thing I have is that I know whom to trust for many matters. For scientific matters, I know which scientists to trust, for spiritual matters, which people. And something else! We are people of prayer, others a little, others a lot, but we pray. Why don’t you pray and say, “My Christ, either enlighten me what vaccine to take if it is needed or if I should not hurry towards this.”

(Read the talk “The Weakened Faith of our Generation” by Metropolitan Neophytos here.)

Metropolitan Neophytos, during a talk on 17 December 2020, said something that was very shocking:




Vaccines will prove themselves to be very dangerous for people. In the same way we have genetically modified food, we will have, slowly, slowly, modified people.

(Read the talk “We will have Modified People...” (Part 1) - A Call to Prayer” by Metropolitan Neophytos here.) 

And on 13 May 2021, Metropolitan Neophytos, said:

I have not been vaccinated so far, nor do I intend to be vaccinated in the future, as I consider these vaccines very dangerous. After all, in many of my interviews and sermons, which are already circulating on the internet, I have clearly and responsibly explained the reasons why I refuse to be vaccinated.


7. Elder Philotheos of Karakallou Monastery, Mount Athos




During an interview on 11 June 2021, Elder Philotheos said:

We sense that the coming of this pandemic was no accident, and in fact, that it was manufactured. And then came the vaccine, supposedly ‘to suppress the pandemic,’ but we sense that this is all being directed, is artificial, in order to achieve what they want—their ultimate purpose. And we can see in the way they are now imposing the vaccine that the dark forces have their ultimate goal. We have also been prepared for this by the Revelation of St. John the Evangelist, and we have been warned by the Apostolic Fathers who speak of the days of
the Antichrist.

This ultimate goal and purpose is the “future sealing”. And they’re preparing for all this now. So we see in what a dictatorial way they are trying to push the vaccine! With what brainwashing from the media and the Internet! And we know they’re paying the reporters, the channels, and all that. They abolish democracy, abolish human rights, abolish so many things these days. How do they reconcile all this? Under the pretext, of course, of the pandemic that they have produced.

They are already saying that the coronavirus will come even stronger in the autumn so they can influence the rest of the people! But all this troubles us and causes us, justifiably of course, to be suspicious. And that is why we see the work of the devil behind all of this.

We hope in the enlightenment of God and in the goodwill of many Christians and intelligent people who see this and resist it and sense that something is happening behind it all. And as you can see, many things will be revealed. The grace of God will reveal them. That’s why we are pained and worried to see this situation now, and we implore God’s grace and the Panagia [Theotokos] to guard her people, God’s people.

(Read “Abbot of Athonite Karakallou Monastery Speaks Out On Covid and Vaccines” here.) 


8. Elder Gabriel the Athonite

The following is an urgent plea that was made during an interview on 27 June 2021, from Elder Gabriel, a disciple of St. Paisios the Athonite:

Question: Elder, what do you say about the vaccines? What is your opinion?

We are not going to be vaccinated! Renowned doctors are saying it. The Abbot of St Paul said, ‘Whoever is vaccinated will live for only 3-5 years.’

To be blessed by God we need to have Holy Confession, praying ‘Lord Jesus Christ Have Mercy on Me!’ and ‘Most Holy Theotokos save us!’ Read the Holy Bible and give alms to a poor family. When our Spiritual Father gives us His Blessing to have Holy Communion, these are the golden keys that open Heaven and the blessings of God to earth. 

Question: Elder, do you believe the vaccines are conditioning us to accept the mark of the antichrist? 

Yes, because they are pressuring us. I have people telling me their relatives get sick, they go to the hospital, they die and they tell the relatives, we’ll pay you to sign that your relatives have died from COVID! What is this, is it valid? 

They want to depopulate the world, this is why they create vaccines. I was told they will create many vaccines which will dominate their body and study the brain. With a click of a finger they will create Hypertension and Thrombosis. They want to depopulate the world, they’re scared to start a war because they’ll be in danger.




Question: Do you think Elder, the blood banks are filled with infected blood? 

Of course they are. They murder babies and put aborted embryos in the vaccines, these cause infections in your body… If a healthy person receives the vaccine not knowing what’s in it, it’s similar to someone who told his relatives to write the following on his grave, ‘I was well, I went to the doctor to become better and now I ended up here, in my grave.’

Someone specialised in the armed forces, told the soldiers in his base as they were training in dangerous exercises, if you make a mistake, you die, you need to be very careful. There was a big sign saying, ‘The first mistake you make will be the last one of your life.’ 

If you take the vaccine you might not have another chance to make another mistake. How many decades have they been around for? Nobody was forced before to take the vaccines and now they’re forcing you; it’s dangerous.

These people aren’t trustworthy. Can you trust somebody who kills embryos and puts them in vaccines? People such as these are capable of anything.

A policeman told me, he knows a nurse who says she sees many [people in the hospital with] complications after having the vaccine, including Thrombosis.

(Read “This Could be the Last Mistake You Ever Make! Please Don’t!” here.)




9. Elder Euthymios of Kapsala, Mount Athos

(i) First letter – 14 April 2020

One of the most respected elders on Mount Athos today, Elder Euthymios of Kapsala, a disciple of Saint Paisios, wrote an open letter to all the faithful, dated 14 April 2020, concerning how Orthodox Christians should respond to the coronavirus. Though rather long, I have decided to include the Elder’s letter in full because if only a link was provided, many people may decide to skip it, and the spiritual loss would be great. This important letter is truly God-inspired. If one were to just read this letter, they will be able to acquire all they need to know about the coronavirus and vaccines. The Elder’s letter reads as follows:

My views are clear in what follows. They are completely personal, without any desire of imposing them on others.

To the many unbearable problems which men have, the threat of the virus has now been added too, which has ended up a nightmare. People suffer more from their fear, panic, and involuntary reclusion than they do from the virus.

The [Greek] state has taken protective measures, but the Church has her own means of confronting the virus. Now, humbled as never before, weakened and bound by the state, she is unable to grant them to her faithful.




In older times and in similar cases of deadly epidemics, she would perform sanctifications of
the waters and go out in procession with the sacred icons and holy relics. Why should these not be done today as well? “Is the Lord’s hand unable” to help us in these days too (cf. Is. 59:1)?

During the third decade of the twentieth century, my village was struck by a plague which killed fifty little children in a few days. They could not dig the graves fast enough. Then they brought the skull of Saint Haralambos from [the Monastery of] Saint Steven’s in Meteora and the plague immediately ceased.

Ever since the Lord performed the Mystical Supper and handed down the most holy mystery of the Divine Eucharist, the world-saving Divine Liturgy has not ceased to be celebrated to this day. Neither Diocletian, nor the Turks, nor the communists in Russia, nor the Germans during the
years of the occupation managed to stop the Divine Liturgy and the faithful from approaching
Holy Communion

And now, with the fear of the virus, the churches have closed down and the faithful are deprived of the saving grace of the mysteries, of which they have so great a need. On the contrary, while everyone here [in Greece] remains fearfully silent, in the Orthodox Churches of Serbia, Bulgaria, and Georgia divine worship continues unhindered, the churches are open, Divine Liturgy is celebrated, and the faithful are not afraid of being affected by the virus.




The protective measures employed by the present government are unconstitutional, unbearable, extreme, and unfair to the Greek Orthodox, while they have also created an atmosphere of terrorism, which the media aggravate.

Yes, the virus exists and we must protect our health and the health of those around us. Fear, however, must vanish, because when man is in a state of fear he cannot think and act rationally and discreetly. In a similar case, when the eruption had occurred at Chernobyl, people had then panicked and were examining the vegetables and fruits in order to eat those that had the least exposure to radiation. When Saint Païsios was asked, he said that we should do the sign of the cross and eat fearlessly, which he himself first did, setting an example.

Were he alive today, it would be inconceivable for us to see him wearing a mask and gloves, carrying a little bottle of alcohol [methylated spirits] in his pocket and avoiding people or speaking to them from a distance. He would surely be pacifying the people, he would be helping them put away fear, and most of all he would be saddened by the closing of the churches. Such a fear is unbefitting for Christians inspired by the example of the God-Man and by the Martyrs of our Faith.

Many are anxiously expecting the defeat of the coronavirus by the invention of the vaccine, which will be mandatory for all. As for us, we refuse to be vaccinated. Whoever is afraid, let him receive as many vaccines as he likes, but he should know that they may produce unforeseen and grave side-effects, as was the case a few years ago with the vaccines against the bird flu given to children, many of whom became paralysed.




Likewise, many of those who received the vaccine against hepatitis B contracted multiple sclerosis, and the same happens with other vaccines as well. Unless God guard us, what can vaccines and medicine do? The godless Kazantzakis [an atheist Greek writer – Editor] was vaccinated so as to be protected from cholera during a trip of his, and he still fell ill.

We have superior vaccines and the “medicine of immortality”, the holy Mysteries. We have time-tested doctors, specialists on viruses, Saint Haralambos, Saint Bessarion of Dousikou Monastery, who are [intercessors] for the plague, and so many other saints. Now, however, with the strict limitations the people remain helpless and uncomforted.

And while everyone is struggling to confront the virus, some people have other things in mind and as their goal. Top doctors and scientists are pointing out that what is happening is a discipline test: the goal is to manipulate the people in the direction they want.

This seemed strange and incredible until recently, but it is not imaginary, since men are now publicly saying that “The coronavirus pandemic has brought to light the need for a world-wide democratic government” (George Papandreou) and proposing that “each man have on him a microchip with biometrical data in relation to this virus or to other epidemic measurements” (Evangelos Venizelos).

These people are openly speaking of the mark [of the Antichrist] and world-wide dictatorship, but do we get it? And what are we doing? Saint Païsios has spoken and written so much about this topic. Can we possibly trust these men who have enslaved us to the foreign lenders and who are now leading us into slavery to the Antichrist?

Foretelling the future hardships, Saint Païsios would emphasise: “Only with a good spiritual life shall we make it through”. God has permitted this great trial because of our sins. We have need for sincere repentance, inexhaustible patience, and unceasing prayer, which strengthens our faith. We wish our brethren a good Resurrection under whatever circumstances.




May the Risen One, the Lord of life and Vanquisher of death, comfort and enlighten all of us by the light of His Resurrection, and may He give power and endurance to His people. By His grace may we arrive at the day of our deliverance from sin and from all evils. Amen.

With pain of heart and sincere brotherly love,

Priestmonk Euthymios

Cell of the Resurrection, Kapsala, Mount Athos

14 April 2020 

(Source: click here.)


(ii) Second letter – 20 June 2021

On 20 June 2021, Elder Euthymios, more than a year after his first letter, wrote a second letter concerning mandatory vaccination in response to questions from an abbess. Again, the whole letter is included because the words of Elder Euthymios are truly those of a grace-filled elder. I strongly encourage everyone to read this letter in full.  

Venerable Abbess, your blessing.

I received your letter some time ago, and I beg your pardon for delaying to respond due to a lack of time. It is indeed difficult for me to respond to letters, but, because I saw your concern for all that has been happening in our days and your good disposition to act according to the will of God, I am responding to you.

I do not know you, and it is difficult for you to meet me as you desire. You ask whether you may share my response with others, to which I have no objection. Besides, my views on the coronavirus and the vaccine are well-known, and I say more or less the same things to pilgrims as well, when they ask me.

Every day, “like the waves of a billowy sea,” pilgrims come to Mount Athos and some of them even to our cell. All of them, as well as those who send letters, have but one anxiety and one question: “What will happen with the mandatory vaccine?” All of their other problems which used to overwhelm them have now been delegated to second place.

In his attempt to deal with the coronavirus epidemic, his Excellency the Prime Minister of our country [Kyriakos Mitsotakis – Editor] has imposed a strict control, which seems to surpass the endurance of our people. He imposed the strictest limiting measures, the greatest fines, and the most extended lockdowns out of all the countries of Europe. He incompetently interfered in the matters of the worship of the Church by closing down the temples and depriving the faithful of the assistance of the sanctifying Mysteries with measures that are exceptionally strict and unfair toward Christians. His actions reveal his inclination to humiliate and weaken the Church.

In fact, in his excessive zeal to deal with the virus successfully, he has proposed a certificate of vaccination and announced that the vaccinated will enjoy privileges. This will not be a simple paper, a usual certificate. If (as we hope not) this is employed, then whoever will not be vaccinated and will not have this certificate will be excluded from everywhere. Τhe Council of Europe (2361/2021) has ruled that the vaccine is not compulsory and that there should be no discrimination between those vaccinated and those not vaccinated. Behaving tyrannically, the Prime Minister of Greece becomes, as we say, “kinglier than the king”, he divides the Greek people, and he enforces a dictatorship of the worst kind.

Some bishops have undertaken to apply this unconstitutional and illegal attempt of the Prime Minister, threatening and blackmailing priests, monks, and the people of God to become vaccinated. Do they have such authority to force them to be vaccinated against their will?

Our Saviour Christ would heal only those that asked for healing. As for the rest, before healing them he would ask them, “Do you wish to be made well?” He neither heals nor saves us without our consent, although He greatly desires our salvation. God does not abolish our freedom. He respects our free will, which He Himself gave to us. According to the holy Chrysostom, “God does not force those that wish not” (PG 51, 143).




Our present-day “saviours” do not take us into account at all. Under the pretext of health they abolish our freedom. Then, from the fear of the virus we passed on to the terrorism caused by the compulsory vaccination. Unfortunately we are experiencing division, hatred, and the distinction of people into categories. The present-day situation is somewhat reminiscent of Greece at the time of the civil war. It prepares and prefigures the age of the Antichrist. Just as at that time whoever does not have the mark will be excluded from buying and selling, from public positions, and from travel, similarly, if this certificate of vaccination is put into practice, whoever is not vaccinated will be excluded from everywhere. Fear, coercion, surveillance are the common elements.

The topic of the coronavirus is of course, at first glance, a medical matter, but it has become more of political one (the politicians and the journalists speak more), it is also economic, and it has become a perfect means of enforcement and control. To be sure, it is also spiritual, since under its pretext our free will is abolished, while cells from an aborted embryo were used in the preparation of the vaccine. 

Τhere are testimonies going around which are continually increasing, according to which at the airports there is a device that recognises who is vaccinated and also that on certain mobile phones with a certain application a twelve-digit number appears when a vaccinated man approaches. This evidence proves that the vaccinated can be tracked through the vaccine. On all these matters the experts will enlighten us and I believe that God will uncover the whole truth. 

Much money has been employed and much advertisement has been done for this vaccine. Many have done it wishing to protect their health. They have every right to do so. We sincerely wish none of the vaccinated to come to any harm. Nevertheless, they should let the people be, leave them free to choose. No one should nor has any right to coerce those that do not wish to do the vaccine to be vaccinated.

We are not against vaccines in general. The old, tried vaccines saved many. The newer ones have many unwanted effects. Regarding this specific vaccine people are justifiably fearful. This is a vaccine that became compulsory by law even before it was made, of which the producing companies were exempt from responsibilities and compensations, which was put into use so quickly before it was sufficiently tested, which does not fully protect the vaccinated, and every day we learn of serious side-effects and deaths of vaccinated individuals. We learn these facts not only from statistics but also from acquaintances and relatives of ours. 

As we lamented for the death of acquaintances and relatives from the coronavirus, so now we lament for the sick and dead from the vaccine. To escape Scylla (the virus), is going to Charybdis (the problematic vaccine) the only solution? Is there no cure for the virus? 

I am not a doctor to express an opinion. Nevertheless, I know doctors that have successfully treated patients with the coronoavirus using antibiotics, vitamins, and other medicine. A doctor that I know gave antibiotics and other medicine to hundreds of patients and no one died. There is a cure for the virus, but some people do not want it. They only promote the vaccine. I read the well-known statements of the French scientist Luc Antoine Montagnier, Nobel prize winner, who said, “There are effective cures which are also cheap, such as azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine. The vaccine is not a cure. Research must turn to the therapeutic approach.” If the vaccine was truly sufficiently tested and effectively protective without side-effects and deaths, people would be internally informed and all of this propaganda and pressure would be unnecessary. They would ask for the vaccine on their own. Too long has our people been plagued with this painful coronavirus affair. Let them at last leave everyone free to act according to his judgement,
without pressure.




In the difficult years that we are living, more than in any other age, our refuge and salvation is our Church. The Church is not simply the ark that saves us: she is for the difficulties. [I.e. she is particularly meant to help us especially in difficult situations.] Wherever science and human attempts are unable to help, the Church, when she uses her own spiritual means and her own salvific medicine, makes possible even the impossible and heals every disease. She is able to eliminate any epidemic, no matter how contagious and deadly it may be, as Church history teaches us. Just as Noah’s ark, which prefigured the Church, contained both clean and unclean animals, so also our Church contains saints and sinners, righteous and unrighteous, masked and non-masked, vaccinated and non-vaccinated. There is room for everyone in the House of God. We must not separate people, nor should we consider the vaccinated as marked deniers of Christ. And again, neither should the vaccinated reprove and unbearably pressure those that do not wish to take the vaccine, as is usually the case. In the future, when the truth concerning the vaccine will have been revealed, perhaps many will regret having done it, as some have already regretted it. It has already been announced that two well-known companies have withdrawn their vaccines as being dangerous. Is it with such vaccines that the Prime Minister is trying to build the much-promoted immunity wall? And does he have no responsibility for those who have suffered irreparable damage to their health and for those that have died? Are they playing with people’s health and life? How can we still believe that they are interested in our health?

Venerable Abbess! With these short lines I am expressing my pain of heart and replying to your question, which is similar to the anxiety and concern of a multitude of people. I worry over the division of our people. The political parties have always been partitioning and dividing the people. The Church unites us amongst ourselves into one body with Christ as the head. Even the name “Church” [Ecclesia – ‘congregation’] is a name of unity. History teaches us that whenever the people was divided, disaster followed. Whenever the enemies of our Nation were planning and “meditating evils” for us, they prepared the division of the people beforehand. Before the Fall [of Constantinople] they had divided us with false unions into unionists and anti-unionists, before the Asia-Minor Catastrophe into Royalists and Venizelians, before the civil war into communists and nationalists, and before the Turkish invasion of Cyprus into Macarianists and Antimacarianists. In similar situations the solution is not the submission of the Truth to falsehood for the sake of unity but the selfless struggle for the prevalence of the Truth which sets us free. We are in need of repentance and prayer that God may grant an end to this trial. The Holy Spirit, Whose descent we are celebrating, “calls all to unity”. Because He is also the Spirit of Truth, may He reveal to us the whole truth regarding the vaccines. 

I pray the Trinitarian God grant His grace to all that act with pain of heart and sincerity for the health of men, to all that respect freedom, and to all that struggle for the unity of the people, giving hope and strengthening their faith.

With my love in Christ, and boundless wishes,

Priestmonk Euthymios

Cell of the Resurrection, Holy Mountain

20 June 2021

(Source: click here.)


10. Elder Julian of Prodromos Skete, Mount Athos

Elder Julian revealed on 13 August 2021: 

To accept the vaccine is a denial of Christ! These vaccines defile the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’ (our bodies). Those who have accepted the vaccine will not be able to discern the changes that will be occurring within their bodies. They will lose their inner freedom. The vaccines will change human nature – in order to prepare people to accept the demonic sealing


See video here

This video, with an English transcript of Elder Julian’s words, was uploaded by the Gregory Decapolite YouTube channel. The video clip already has a considerable number of views (approximately 90,000), so it seems that it has been circulating amongst many Orthodox Christians.

Having never heard anything about Elder Julian before, I decided to make some enquiries about him. I was not told anything specifically about the Elder, only that most of the Fathers at Prodromos Skete have been at the forefront of the struggle against both Ecumenism and Covidism.

The reader may note that the Elder said: “To accept the vaccine is a denial of Christ!These words, on appearance, seem very disturbing and could lead those who have received vaccination into despair and hopelessness. However, it is important to note that none of the other elders quoted above have said anything close to this. We even read that Elder Euthymios, in his second letter, writes: “We must not separate people, nor should we consider the vaccinated as marked deniers of Christ.” There seems to be a clear and serious contradiction here – but is there perhaps something more to what Elder Julian is saying? There may be other explanations.


What do we do when a teaching is different to the consensus of grace-filled elders?

Elder Julian’s words seem very troubling and it was not originally intended that they be included in this book because they would certainly cause great confusion and despair among the faithful, especially for those who have already received the vaccine. Furthermore, not being able to find out anything about the elder when making enquiries about him, made me very uneasy. 

Nevertheless, it was decided to include the comments of Elder Julian, as it is a good way to demonstrate how to react when one elder has a different view to what the other grace-filled elders have said. What should the faithful do when there seem to be contradictions by certain elders? The answer is simple, we follow the advice Metropolitan Neophytos gave us:

We listen to whatever the God-bearing saints tell us... Where you have saints that agree, you don’t have mistakes! This is called agreement of the Fathers [the consensus of the Holy Fathers].

In this case, it must be emphasised that Elder Julian’s statement,To accept the vaccine is a denial of Christ” was not said by any of the other elders or saints quoted above and therefore, the faithful are not obligated to accept this teaching.

We may still wonder why Elder Julian said this, while the other elders did not go that far. To answer this question, we need to approach this apparent difference with discernment, with humility, and with a distrust of our own judgment. In situations like this, Orthodox Christians can react in various ways. Some may agree that those who accept vaccination are denying Christ and proclaim this to all, whether verbally or in writing. Others might reject the Elder and his teaching because it differs from that of other grace-filled elders, and by doing so, they could be wrongly rejecting a saint. Lastly, there are those who know that words may not always mean what they seem to mean. All this will be discussed below.


What are some reasons for the apparent contradiction?

It is always best to ask the Elder to clarify what he meant before jumping to conclusions. As it might take a while to receive an answer, let us look at some possible explanations for what seems to be a contradiction in the teachings of one elder compared to other elders:

Possible reason 1: Human error

One possibility is that Elder Julian simply made an error. We know from the lives of saints that, being human, holy people can also make mistakes, and this is why we always look for the agreement of the Holy Fathers (i.e. the consensus of the Fathers). This shows the difference between those things which are simply the personal opinion of the individual elder or saint, and those matters which are part of the teaching shared by all God’s holy ones – both saints and elders – who have spoken on any given question.

Possible reason 2: Incorrect translation

We need to question whether the translation of Elder Julian’s words from Romanian into English is accurate. When listening to a recording in another language and reading the English transcript, many bilingual people notice that the translation can contain several errors. Furthermore, the translator’s interpretation of someone’s words is, at times, not fully in the spirit of what the person is saying. In the world of translation, it is a well-known fact that to do the job properly, translators must be extremely proficient in both the languages involved. They must also be skilled at understanding the nuances of each language and the essence of any expressions used. It is possible, therefore, that what was translated may not be exactly what the Elder said. If one “i” in a word can make a difference between heresy and Orthodoxy, then we should not be surprised if people make errors in their translations that could significantly change the entire meaning of the original. We do not know if this is the case with the translation of Elder Julian’s words; we are merely pointing it out as a possibility.

The reason we are suggesting that there may be an error in the translation is, at the beginning of the quote, the Elder says: “To accept the vaccine is a denial of Christ!” but at the end of the quote, he says that the vaccine will “prepare people to accept the demonic sealing”. We know from the holy Fathers that to accept the demonic sealing, Christians will have to deny Christ in order to buy and sell (to live). Even though there are some similarities right now with what is mentioned in the book of Revelation, Christians are not currently being asked to deny Christ before receiving the COVID vaccinations. Therefore, if one is denying Christ by accepting the vaccine, they cannot at the same time be preparing to accept the demonic sealing where they will deny Christ. This does not make sense, and for this reason there may perhaps be something wrong with the translation of the quote.

Possible reason 3: Our own limited spirituality and understanding of spiritual matters

We often read something in the lives of saints or the writings of the holy Fathers that we do not understand, or that may seem contradictory. The humble person will not judge what they are reading but instead will say that they have limited knowledge and spirituality, and that is why they do not understand. When a person does this, God will enlighten them and grant them discernment. As for those who put themselves in a position of judging the saints and elders, and their writings, God darkens their minds to such an extent that if they do not repent and humble themselves, they can fall into abominable sins, diabolical deception, schism, or heresy.




Therefore, we must examine, with humility and distrust in our own intellect, the words of Elder Julian. It is possible that there is more to his words than we can see? When the Elder was speaking about the current vaccines, he may have had in his mind something along the lines of what was allegedly said during the 2005 Pentagon briefing. In this video, we hear the speaker say that through a vaccine they are able, “essentially to turn a [religious] fanatic into a normal person; and we think that will have major effects in the Middle East.” In other words, they claim they have technology that is able to make a religious person into a non-religious person and this can be done through a vaccine. If this is true, then believing Orthodox Christians can be made to deny Christ through a vaccine which directly alters their physical and spiritual powers.


What should we keep in mind to avoid spiritual disasters?

What we have learnt above is a very important lesson. We must never take what a single individual saint or elder says and make it a teaching that must be followed. As mentioned, without a humble spirit, someone might read Elder Julian’s quote and, without really knowing exactly what he meant, start spreading throughout the Orthodox world, a message that “whoever gets vaccinated is denying Christ!” This could have spiritually devastating consequences. We must understand, then, that if there is a teaching that does not match the consensus of the saints and elders, we must not accept this teaching as it stands. Similarly, even if an angel teaches something different to what the saints and holy elders agree on, we must not accept this either, as instructed by Saint Paul, who is the “mouth
of Christ”:




But even if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you, let him be accursed (Galatians 1:8).

In the history of the Church, misinterpreted or obscure (unknown or rare) teachings have been the cause of deceptions, schisms and heresies, such as the schism of the Old Believers in Russia. To avoid falling into these soul-destroying evils, we must constantly remember the words of Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou:

Where you have saints that agree, you don’t have mistakes! This is called agreement of the Fathers [the consensus of the Holy Fathers].

With regard to Elder Julian’s teaching specifically, that those who receive the vaccine are denying Christ, we are not obliged to accept it for the time being until we receive clarification from the Elder himself as well as further confirmation from those elders who are known for their sanctity. 


Does the vaccine have any possible dangerous spiritual side effects?

Another concerning thing that Elder Julian said on 13 August 2021, was: 

These vaccines defile the ‘temple of the Holy Spirit’ [our bodies]. Those who have accepted the vaccine will not be able to discern the changes that will be occurring within their bodies. They will lose their inner freedom. The vaccines will change human nature – in order to prepare people to accept the demonic sealing

Many of the other elders quoted above, generally agree that the vaccine will cause people to get sick and even die – there is a consensus about this. However, Elder Julian also mentions something else that is very alarming. He is saying that because of the vaccines, Orthodox Christians will lose their inner freedom, that is, the freedom of their mind, emotions, and actions; their human nature will be changed, and all this will be a preparation to accept the seal of the Antichrist. Is Elder Julian the only person who believes this? No, in fact, Elder Julian is not alone in saying these things. Metropolitan Neophytos and Elder Savvas Agioritis also made similar comments. Let us examine these similarities.

Elder Savvas Agioritis (the Athonite) said the following on the 31 December 2020:

…these vaccines, as scientists have said, will enter into our genetic composition and that they 
will transform and change our sense of self, our essence, our personality, our feelings and this opens the road for altered human nature, that is, altered man or mutated man, something which
is unacceptable.

Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou, Cyprus said something similar around the same time:

Vaccines will prove themselves to be very dangerous for people. In the same way we have genetically modified food, we will have, slowly, slowly, modified people.

The alarming things that were said by these three elders are also being mentioned by some scientists and doctors, that is, that the vaccine will alter human nature. We will be looking at what these scientists and doctors are saying further on, but for the time being, let us focus on what the elders (and even some clergymen) are saying, though there is not a full consensus of all the elders just yet. As mentioned earlier, we may not know much about Elder Julian, but we do know that Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou and Elder Savvas Agioritis are elders who are known for their spirituality and their courageous confession of the truth.

It is interesting that recently a hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church publicly stated something similar to the above three elders. On 18 July 2021, Bishop Porfiry, Vicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, vicar of the Solovetsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Stavropigial Monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, during a sermon said:

The vaccine is a genetically engineered, high-tech product. It contains proteins, messenger RNA, or DNA, these agents are built into the human genome*, change it, modify it, edit it. And at this point, the Christian who is responsible for his salvation must stop. We all know what genetically modified foods are. If it is a tomato, for example, it has only an outward resemblance to the fruit that was grown in our garden. But what is a genetically modified person or, if you will, a person with an edited genome? To what extent has the image of God remained intact in him? And who can guarantee that this intervention has not caused irreversible damage to our image of God?

* Genome: the entire genetic code of an organism: the inheritable traits of an organism which are stored in a full set of chromosomes.


See article and video here

Again, it must be stressed that there is no consensus of the holy fathers about this idea, but it does raise concern when it is being said by people that we should take seriously – grace-filled elders, clergymen, scientists and doctors. It may, therefore, be wise to consider what is being said without declaring it as absolutely right or wrong. With time, God will reveal the entire truth about this matter, as well as for other matters that are presently unknown.

In any case, just the simple fact that all of the grace-filled elders quoted above are warning us about the COVID vaccines in general, should be enough for pious Orthodox Christians to pay attention, to listen to their advice, and to act accordingly. In other words, we must not ignore what is being said by the grace-filled elders who agree with each other that the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for a high rate of sickness and death.

At this point, it is worth noting that all of the above ten quotes were said by Orthodox elders with no qualifications in immunology, vaccinology or epidemiology. We also need to remember what was said earlier about how this is not a hindrance to their interpretations of science or their understanding of medical topics. Saints Paisios and Porphyrios were able to speak to experts on their level because they were enlightened by God, as confirmed by scientists and doctors who knew these saints personally. Of course, this is hard for those who suffer from rationalism to accept, but nevertheless, these elders, through their blessed lives, miracles, clairvoyance and prophecies, have proven to be holy, grace-filled, and enlightened by God Himself for the benefit of Orthodox Christians. As such, it is them we should listen to and not to those who have the external appearance of being Orthodox clergymen or monastics, but whose souls are far from God, due to their pride and, in many cases, their involvement in heresy. For, as Saint Paul said in his second epistle to Saint Timothy: “having a form [appearance] of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!” (2 Timothy 3:5). By “turn away” the great saint means to ignore, and not to follow, teachings that are contrary to the Orthodox Church.

(Read Saint Paisios of Mount Athos: Rationalism in Our Times)





PART NINE: Not All Doctors and Scientists Agree that COVID Vaccines Are Safe

Should we be concerned that the Covidists sound the same as the non-Orthodox?

After finalising the above section, an article, dated 11 October 2021, was sent to us, which mentions some of the issues just covered. The author, Austin Stevenson, is a Ph.D. Candidate in Theology at the University of Cambridge. He is a supervisor in Theology and Religious Studies in the Cambridge Divinity Faculty, and he teaches courses for Ridley Hall and the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion. This academic is not an Orthodox Christian and people may wonder why he is even being quoted. It is noteworthy that what he is saying summarises and mirrors what is being proclaimed all over the world by the mainstream media, Big Pharma companies, medical establishments, medical boards, governments, politicians, the entertainment industry, large corporations, Big Tech (Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook), etc., all of whom have shown a strong anti-Christian bias. Furthermore, this “Christian expert” is using the same rationalistic arguments as the pro-mass vaccination and pro-vaccine passport clergymen of the Orthodox Church, clergymen whose faith and zeal for the truth should be an example to the laypeople, but they have unfortunately proven to be rationalists rather than men of faith and lovers of truth. Sadly, many laypeople have a much greater love and zeal for the truth than do their spiritual leaders. Elder Justin Parvu of Romania prophesied about this, saying:

 And you as simple people, through the gift of the Holy Spirit, rightly feel that there is much more truth coming forth from the little sheep than from the shepherd.




Now let us return to the matter of Stevenson’s article titled, “My body is a temple”: Vaccine hesitancy, religious exemptions, and the integrity of Christian witness.  In this article he writes against Christians seeking exemption on religious grounds, and is a disturbing example of rationalism at its best, mixed with lies and misinformation. In fact, what he writes sounds very much like many Orthodox bishops who are outright refusing to grant religious exemptions to any Orthodox Christian.

In 1 Corinthians, Paul writes, “do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, which you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you were bought with a price; therefore, glorify God in your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) Here, Paul is repeating a refrain from earlier in this same letter: “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?” (3:16)

It has become common for Christians to claim that being forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine is a violation of their religious convictions because their body is a temple, and they are commanded to keep it pure. They make this argument for a variety of reasons. For example, some believe the vaccine has dangerous side-effects; others think it contains microchips; and some have suggested that it can alter your DNA or cause infertility. Each of these, it seems, would violate the purity of their bodily temple, making it unsuitable as a vessel for the Holy Spirit.

It is worth stating unambiguously that there is no evidence that any of these things are true of the available COVID vaccines, beyond some extremely rare and typically mild side-effects. Nonetheless, the question I would like to consider is whether a vaccine could, in theory, go against Paul’s exhortation in this passage...

Source: ABC Religion and Ethics




The fact that the author says, “there is no evidence” of dangerous side-effects, “beyond some extremely rare and typically mild side-effects” (which is, of course, untrue), already makes people suspicious about the truth of anything else he says. Information contained in the links from Section Two of this website, as well as what has been written in this article so far, leaves one with no doubt that this academic cannot be trusted, nor can we trust the rationalist Orthodox clergymen who continually parrot the same ideas.

When someone resorts to lying, is it any wonder that people find it hard to believe anything they say? The more they lie (and this includes Orthodox clergymen), the more people do not trust them. We will see below that there are several doctors and scientists who believe that these vaccines do indeed cause infertility. As for containing microchips and altering DNA, we can only say that some of the grace-filled elders are inclining towards believing this to be a real possibility. Similarly, there are doctors and scientists saying that there is a high chance COVID vaccines could indeed contain microchips or alter one’s DNA (that is, become part of your genome for life). However, as we will see in the next section, there are doctors and scientists who straight out say that this is actually happening. 


Should we listen to doctors and scientists who say that COVID vaccines are unsafe?

It is not only our Orthodox saints, elders and pious clergymen who are speaking out against forced vaccination, but also credible doctors and scientists. They disagree with what we hear and see from the hostile mainstream media, governments, medical establishments, social media, Big Pharma companies, etc. These doctors have a range of backgrounds and religions and are not given the opportunity to inform the public of a different view from that which is being spread throughout the world. Once held in high esteem in the medical and scientific world, they are now being discredited and deplatformed; some have lost their jobs; others are being investigated by their state medical boards; some have even lost their licenses to practice medicine; and many of their writings are no longer published in prestigious medical journals, but only in lesser-known medical ones. Their attackers use this to discredit them. 

Read article: Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics

The following are just a few examples of the many eminent and renowned doctors and scientists who are totally opposed to COVID-19 vaccines, believing them to be dangerous. Also included are whistleblowers, many of whom are doctors and scientists. The similarity between the beliefs of these doctors and scientists, and the saints and grace-filled elders mentioned in the previous section, is amazing. Who should we listen to? Many are confused about who to trust because they are continually bombarded with the same one-sided message: that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.

We have also heard the identical message from the new representatives of the pharmaceutical companies. Who are these new representatives, you may ask? They seem to have a few things in common: they are all male, they wear black clothes, and most of them have beards. They were once representatives of Christ’s Church, but of late, they have found a more profitable profession. These pharmaceutical “reps”, without any formal training in sales and marketing, were able to convince millions of Orthodox Christians to receive COVID-19 vaccinations, contrary to the advice and warnings of the saints and grace-filled elders. The faithful need to make their own decision about who they want to listen to, and this is the reason an alternative message is being presented here.


What do other doctors and scientists say about COVID vaccines?

1. Dr. Peter McCullough – cardiologist and epidemiologist




The renowned and eminent Dr. McCullough is a scientist, internist, cardiologist and epidemiologist with 40 plus years of medical experience, living and practicing in Dallas, TX, USA. Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been at the forefront of the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster. He has 46 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and he has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis. He is considered among the world’s experts on COVID-19 by many doctors.

See The McCullough Report website. 

Dr. McCullough at first recommended vaccination for the vulnerable, while at the same time strongly advising the medical community around the world to focus on early, effective outpatient treatments.

This is an excerpt from Declaration of Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH written on 28 May 2021, where he says that survivors of COVID-19 should not be vaccinated because they have immunity:  

In summary, it is my opinion that SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] causes an infection in humans that results in robust, complete, and durable immunity, and is superior to vaccine immunity.  There are no studies demonstrating clinical benefit of COVID-19 vaccination in COVID-19 survivors and there are three studies demonstrating harm in such individuals.  Thus, it is my opinion that the COVID-19 vaccination is contraindicated* in COVID-19 survivors. 

* A contraindication is a specific situation in which a drug, procedure, medical treatment or surgery should not be used or performed because it may be harmful to the person.

Read Dr. McCullough’s full declaration here.



Also see video here

If those who have had COVID should not be vaccinated because they have immunity, what does Dr. McCullough say about those who have not had COVID? Should they receive the vaccine? The following quotes from Dr. McCullough will answer these questions.


On The Pete Santilli Show, on 8 September 2021, Dr. McCullough said:

On January 22nd we passed the line at 186 deaths, that’s raced up to 13,000 deaths… 50% of these deaths occur within 48 hours, 80% occur within a week, 86% of the time there is no other explanation of why they died – they went into a vaccine centre patriotically, got their vaccine, and they’ve died. This is extraordinary… I think the real number a month ago was 45,000 deaths, this is more than a war [i.e. more have died from COVID-19 vaccines than in some wars]




In some countries where they had low levels of COVID like Australia, there’s multiple reports in Australia, there’s more vaccine deaths than COVID deaths, so it’s clear the vaccine is not helping - it doesn’t work, it doesn’t cover Delta, and now these deaths; on top of that we have over 200,000 hospitalisations, ER visits, office visits, we have 545,000 certified injuries, we have FDA official warnings: myocarditis in Pfizer, Moderna, blood clots in the brain and other areas for J&J and now paralysis for J&J. So, the FDA is trying to tell Americans: watch out, these products have huge safety issues.


Watch the interview


In a lecture given on 24 September 2021 in Michigan, Dr. McCullough presented alarming data related to COVID vaccines, and the fraud being done to the public by their national health authorities. He also emphasises the urgent necessity of active resistance to the COVID-19 vaccines and to being denied access to early medical treatment. He also discussed the overall importance of early treatment compared to the effectiveness of the experimental vaccines.

Regarding early treatment being more effective than vaccination, Dr. McCullough said:

You know what determines who gets hospitalized or doesn’t get hospitalized in the United States? If they got early treatment. That’s what makes a difference, not a vaccine. Take a look at these papers. Every single paper that makes a claim a vaccine prevents hospitalization and death, your next question [should be] ‘Who received early treatment and who didn’t?’ 




Dr. McCullough then presented evidence that the Pfizer vaccine has completely and utterly failed, using data from Israel, that administered the Pfizer vaccine to their population:

Israel’s post-vaccination curve in their country is bigger than their pre-vaccination curve. If you had asked the question, ‘Would Israel have been better off not to vaccinate a single person?’ the answer is, ‘Yes,’ from an epidemiology perspective. Yes, [the Pfizer vaccine] is a complete and total failure. Yet, what are they doing in Israel? Doubling down. Boosters. They’ve got 11 million people in the country, [and] they’ve already "boosterized" two million people.




Regarding early treatment therapies using ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine:

Ivermectin is supported by over 60 studies, over 30 clinical trials. When our Director of the National Allergy and Immunology branch [of the NIH: Dr. Fauci] … got on TV and said categorically there is no evidence supporting ivermectin, he was committing fraud. You don’t say, ‘No evidence’ when there are over 30 randomized trials in aggregate (total) that support it.

Do you know hydroxychloroquine [HCQ] today is not used in a single hospital despite a high-quality study [having confirmed its effectiveness]? It’s a crime. What’s going on is absolutely a crime against humanity. [There should be nothing to stop physicians from prescribing these early treatments, for doctors are] completely entitled to prescribe hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin … according to regulatory law. In Italy, they have announced zero cases, but they use a hydroxychloroquine-based program.




In one of the major Indian provinces, just two days ago, they announced zero deaths with an ivermectin-based protocol. [The successful] Mexico City [results also used an] ivermectin-based protocol...

With such an omission [of early treatment] we promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization, and death. It’s called malpractice, and there will be judgment for this…

Dr. McCullough says people should demand early treatment from doctors:

The best place in the world [to have COVID-19 is where there is a doctor willing to treat patients] early with a sequence multi-drug approach. Demand it, and tell your family members to demand it. Vaccinated or not, demand it.


Watch entire lecture here


In October 2021, Dr. McCullough was interviewed by Michael Welsh. In this interview, Dr. McCullough talks about how people are scared to be vaccinated

There is zero tolerance for electively taking a drug or a new vaccine and then dying!... And I can tell you, the word got out about vaccines causing death in early April, and by mid-April the vaccine rates in the United States plummeted! They absolutely plummeted! … Americans were frightened of their relatives, people in their churches, and their schools dying after the vaccine. They had heard about it, they saw it. There was an informal internet survey done where, several months ago, there was 12 percent of Americans, who knew somebody in their circle who had died after the vaccine.

Regarding COVID vaccine deaths:

I’m a doctor. I’m an internist and cardiologist. I just came from the hospital. In my practice, where I see patients a few days a week in the office, and I’m in the hospital and I do academic work. I’ve had a woman die of the COVID-19 vaccine! And it was explosive! She had shot number one. She had shot number two. After shot number two, she developed blood clots throughout her body. She required hospitalization. She required intravenous blood thinners. She was ravaged. She had neurologic damage.

She finished after that hospitalization in a walker. She came to my office. I checked for more blood clots. I found more blood clots. I put her back on blood thinners. I saw her back about a month later. She seemed like she was a little better. Family was really concerned…. The next month I get called by the Dallas Coroner office saying she’s found dead at home.

Regarding the running of the COVID vaccine program:

The CDC and FDA are running the program. They are NOT the people who typically run vaccine programs! The drug companies run vaccine programs… But the drug companies are now just the suppliers of the vaccine! Our government agencies are now just running the program. There’s no external advisory committee! There’s no data safety monitoring board! There’s no human ethics committee! NO ONE IS WATCHING OUT FOR THIS!

And so, the CDC and FDA pretty clearly have their marching orders… They’re giving NO REPORTS to Americans. No safety reports. We needed those once a month. They haven’t told doctors which is the best vaccine. Which is the safest vaccine. They haven’t told us what groups are to watch out for. How do we mitigate risks? Maybe there’s drug interactions. Maybe it’s people with prior blood clotting problems or diabetes.

They’re not telling us anything! They literally are blindsiding us, and with no transparency, and now Americans are scared to death! You can feel the tension in America. People are walking off the job! They don’t want to lose their jobs! But they don’t want to die of the vaccine!


Watch full interview here


Attacks and suppression:

Unfortunately, there is a strong push to discredit Dr. McCullough as he does not follow the popular COVID narrative. His interviews and articles are constantly labelled as “misinformation”. Wikipedia writes the following about him:

During the COVID-19 pandemic, McCullough advocated for early treatment including hydroxychloroquine, dissented from the recommendations of government public health agencies, and contributed to COVID-19 misinformation.

Dr. McCullough has put himself at great financial and professional risk. Both his alma mater [the university he attended] and previous employer have stripped him of his professorships and positions. McCullough’s previous employer, a hospital whose foundation established a scholarship in his name, sued him for more than $1 million. McCullough’s lawyer issued a statement saying the lawsuit was a “politically motivated attempt to silence Dr. McCullough.” On 5 August 2021, the Federation of State Licensing Boards issued a warning that physicians who post COVID misinformation on social media could lose their medical licenses, so more punishment could be in the near future. 

Source - click here 


During the Michigan lecture quoted above, Dr. McCullough calmly explained how his professional titles are being taken from him:

Today I was stripped of the editorship of Cardiorenal Medicine, a Swiss-based journal and in the last year, I have lost my job at a major health system, with no explanation and no due process. I’ve been stripped of every title that I’ve ever had in that institution. I’ve received a threat letter from the American College of Physicians, and a threat letter from the American Board [of Internal Medicine].

This has happened, he said, because of his “lawful” participation “in a topic of public importance”. He continued:

What we are doing is lawful. What’s not lawful, and what’s not right, is what’s happening with respect to censorship and the threat of reprisal.

Dr. McCullough predicted that the eight professional acronyms behind his name:

…will be progressively erased. This is going to happen because there’s powerful forces at work, far more powerful than we can possibly think of, that are influencing anybody who is in a position of authority.


For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. McCullough please refer to Section Two of our website, item numbers: 111, 139, 142, 161, 180, 199, and 233.


2. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko - Board Certified Family Physician




Dr. Vladimir Zelenko was a board-certified family physician with over 20 years of experience. He is published in top peer-reviewed journals with world renowned physicians. Dr. Zelenko’s team was one of the first in the US to successfully treat thousands of COVID-19 patients in the pre-hospital setting, and he was the first in the world to have developed a safe and effective oral therapeutic treatment plan against COVID-19: his now famous Zelenko Protocol, which has saved countless lives worldwide. He was the doctor who recommended that President Trump take hydroxychloroquine, and he had provided counsel to White House personnel, multiple governments, hospitals, physicians and various public figures, along with everyday patients who have been treated by him personally. He had been nominated for a Nobel Prize for his work on COVID-19 treatments. Dr. Zelenko passed away on 30 June 2022.

In an interview with Australian politician, Craig Kelly, on 2 September 2021, Dr. Zelenko said: 

My team has treated approximately 7000 COVID patients at this point, but even more significantly, we’ve educated hundreds, if not thousands at this point, of physicians around the world who have done the same; so as a collective group, we are in the millions of patients treated, high risk patients treated successfully with COVID.  So that is the perspective I am coming from.

Craig Kelly: You’ve had 7000 patients, what is your “scorecard”? How many patients have needed hospitalisation, how many have been on ventilators, how many have you lost from the 7000? 

Well, we haven’t lost a patient for the last 8 months, thank God.  In total, we’ve lost 3 patients, we’ve hospitalised probably around 20, but they all came home.  We have had around 6 ventilated patients, and to be honest those patients are the ones who presented after two weeks of being really sick, and there was damage control at that point.


Watch full video here.


In an interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola in July 2021, Dr. Zelenko says:

If you look at the CDC’s data, anyone 18 and younger has a 99.998% chance of recovery from COVID-19 with no treatment. [Their risk of dying is] one in a million. It’s safer than influenza virus. If you gave me a choice, I would rather my kids have COVID-19 than influenza. So, why would I immunize a demographic that has close to 100% chance of recovery with an experimental vaccine that has already killed more kids than the virus?

Fear is an extremely useful tool in manipulating the behaviour of people. And that fear has been used to create a psychological motivation to get vaccinated with a vaccine that, in my opinion,
has no medical necessity, has tremendous amount of actual and potential risks, and very questionable efficacy




There are also reports of declining sperm counts and testicular swelling in men, and menstrual cycle disruptions in women of all ages. “There is an absolute effect on fertility,” Zelenko says. We just don’t know to what degree yet. 


See article and video: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Discusses How Covid-19 Shots Might Reduce Lifespan 


When speaking to Israeli politicians and Health Minister on 5 August 2021, calls the vaccines “poison death shots”. During this interview, he said:

We are seeing the number 1 cause of death, in the short term, is from blood clots and most of it is happening within the first 3 - 4 days

The other problem is that it's causing myocarditis, or inflammation in the hearts of young adults. And the third problem, which is the most disturbing, according to the New England Journal of Medicine article, their preliminary data, is the miscarriage rate in the first trimester, if a woman gets vaccinated in the first trimester [the rate] goes from 10% to 80%. I want you to understand what I just said: the miscarriage rate in the first trimester of pregnant women when they get vaccinated goes up by a factor of eight…

There is definite evidence that it affects fertility, damages ovarian function, reduces sperm counts[that's] number one. Number two, [it] definitely increases the amount of autoimmune diseases – who knows over time how that is going to reduce lifespan? And just last week a paper came out showing that it increases the risk of cancer. Any way you want to look at it, whether in an acute setting where it causes blood clots, inflammation of the heart and miscarriages, in the mid term sub-acute setting where it can result in a pathological disastrous immune reaction or in the long term whether it causes autoimmune diseases, cancer and infertility – now that’s a big concern…




If you look at Dr Malone, who invented the mRNA technology, has original patents for the vaccine, he’s saying do not use this, the government is lying to you, the side effects are horrific. Dr Cahill from Ireland said that she believes that within 2 years, 90% of the people that are vaccinated will be dead. When Dr Michael Yeadon was asked that question, he said he wouldn’t go that far. So, I don’t know, maybe it’s not 90% but what is the percentage? And maybe it’s not 2 years, it’s 3 years. And Dr. Luc Montagnier, who is the Nobel Prize winner for the discovery of HIV is saying that this is the biggest risk of genocide in the history of man.


Watch full video here.


Attacks and suppression: 

Because of his stance against the COVID-19 vaccines and his highly successful prevention and early treatment protocols, Dr. Zelenko and his family were threatened and significantly affected financially. His speech was heavily suppressed by the powerful, and was even banned from Twitter for discussing his methods, despite seeing great success in patients who follow his treatment protocol. 

In the same interview with Israeli politicians, Dr. Zelenko said:

I receive daily death threats. I risk my life, my career, my financial life, my reputation, almost my family, everything, just to sit here and tell you what I’m telling you.  So, I’m just summarising:  there is no need for this vaccine…   

The faithful should understand that not only is Dr. Zelenko suppressed and attacked, but so are those who follow his life-saving protocols. In Australia, three doctors in Melbourne who were using the protocols of Dr. McCullough and Dr. Zelenko are now under review for supposedly “promoting discredited COVID treatment”. The following two articles speak for themselves.

Article 1: Melbourne doctors under review for promoting discredited COVID treatment

Article 2: New restrictions on prescribing ivermectin for COVID-19

For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. Zelenko please refer to Section Two of our website, item numbers: 143, 221, 230 and 249.




3. Dr. Roger Hodkinson - pathologist




Dr. Roger Hodkinson is a medical specialist in pathology, a graduate of Cambridge University and a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists (FCAP) and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC). He has over four decades of clinical experience. During his long career he has had many leadership roles in Canadian medicine both provincially and nationally, including being a university teacher, national pathology board examiner, and laboratory accreditation inspector. He was previously the President of the Alberta Society of Laboratory Physicians, an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Alberta, and CEO of a large community based medical laboratory with a full menu of testing for infectious disease and virology. He is currently the Chairman of an American biotechnology company active in DNA sequencing. He has many years of service in public health advocacy as Honorary Chairman of ASH, Action on Smoking and Health, which is the leading non-profit organisation in Canada tackling the predatory marketing strategies of Big Tobacco on consumer markets, for which he was recognised as ‘Citizen of the Year’ in Edmonton, Alberta.

Dr. Hodkinson is one of the most well-rounded and experienced physicians worldwide who is providing warnings about the experimental gene therapy injections being forced on unsuspecting populations. He is also one of the many experts who is speaking out about the censorship of safe, effective, and accessible early treatment options that are available or rather, were available before being suppressed or even banned in some countries. Drawing upon his vast experience in clinical and laboratory medicine, Dr. Hodkinson emphasises the potential dangers of the injections to children, pregnant women, and to both male and female aspects of fertility.

When asked to make a comment on the COVID vaccines for this article, Dr. Hodkinson sent the following on 4 October 2021:

The so-called vaccine is better described as the “Clot Shot”, as it is killing as many as it allegedly saves due to blood clots in vital organs. I’m talking about heart attacks, strokes and pulmonary emboli [blood clots in the lungs]. This experimental agent has never been safety tested by the usual 5-7 year protocol due to the Covid-19 pandemic being called a Public Health Emergency – it was no such thing, and its use is therefore reckless, particularly for children and pregnant women. The Clot Shot should be stopped immediately. It will be remembered as the most grievous blunder in the history of Public Health.




In an interview with Anna Brees, on 11 June 2021, Dr. Hodkinson said:

This of course is an experimental vaccine. It should never have been released. It was never an emergency which predicated the development of the vaccine. And as with all vaccines, there are complications, which were predictable... In particular, complications are now coming out that are very disturbing. The latest one, over the last few days, starting off in Israel, is the frequency of myocarditis in young adult males. And [it’s] worse, the younger they are, [especially] in teenagers. Just so I can translate that, myocarditis is a medical term for inflammation of the heart…. 

Myocarditis is never ‘mild’, as they are describing it for the general public, meaning ‘not terribly significant’. The heart muscles, the cells that make up the heart muscles never regenerate. If one [cell] dies, [it’s] done. It’s not like the liver or the kidney that regenerates. When a heart muscle dies, it is dead, and it’s never replaced. Myocarditis, means a generalised inflammation of the heart muscle. So, muscle cells in the heart will be dying. The number [of dying cells] is hard to determine, obviously, because the person is still alive.

But I can tell you [with] categorical certainty, supported by Dr. McCullough’s conversation with me this morning, that myocarditis is totally unpredictable in terms of its long term consequences. [The consequences] may only present 20 years later, because of the reserve of the heart*...  We are talking here about cardiac arrhythmia developments, abnormal heart beats. We are talking about heart failure, and so on. This is a most worrying development, and of course it is exactly the kind of complication that would have come out of a normal clinical trial for a vaccine, which typically takes a couple of years.… 

* Note: The reserve of the heart (the backup ability) hides the fact that myocarditis has caused cell death – once that reserve goes away (in 20 years or so) – then the consequences are seen. So, children who have suffered myocarditis, may not have ill effects from it for a few decades yet.

Regarding vaccine mandates, he said:

None of the so-called mandates, first of all, are supported by any scientific consensus whatsoever.




Regarding fertility issues, Dr. Hodkinson made the following concerning statement:

Look, last time I checked, pregnancy takes nine months. You cannot conceivably check for fertility issues if you are only doing a clinical trial for four to six months, that never even included pregnant women other than those that got pregnant during the trial. And there were only 40 of them. There are very serious scientific possibilities here for long-term infertility. The studies have not been done. We do know for a fact that the placenta and the testes have a very heavy expression of the receptor for the spike protein, which is being produced in large amounts by the vaccines. We do know that. 

Further in the same interview he comments on vaccinating children:

When it comes to injecting this stuff into the arms of children, I call that state-sanctioned child abuse, of the most monstrous scale. It is utterly unacceptable and it should stop immediately.




Regarding censorship he said:

The people who you should be speaking to of course are the silent majority of physicians who are being intimidated, brutally, into silence. These colleges, these regulatory bodies are there to do one thing, and one thing only, to protect the general public from us. That’s their job…. 

The worst censorship of course is with physicians. They are the ultimate resource of trust and reliable information to the general public. But the other two sources, [which] you’re well aware of, are being equally censored in a brutal fashion. The media, the mainstream media, of course, is not running anything. At least in Canada, the reason is because the Prime Minister has bribed them into silence. He’s actually giving them billions of dollars to support their activities and of course ‘you don’t bite the hand that feeds you’. Do you? [The media will not go against the government out of fear of losing financial support.] 




So many people are culpable (to blame) here; politicians, regulatory bodies, media, physicians, individual physicians. Everyone in that group is culpable of the most terrible crime ever committed on humanity. It is on that scale. And I am not exaggerating here. I’ve got my head screwed on. I know exactly what is going on. And it’s absolutely tragic.


See video of the interview here

Read transcript of the interview here 

For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. Hodkinson please refer to Section Two of our website, item numbers: 85, 97 and 239.


Attacks and suppression: 

Like many of the anti-COVID-19 vaccine doctors and scientists, Dr. Hodkinson is also continually censored, and fact checked. The following are some excerpts from an article by the Associated Press News, “Pathologist falsely claims COVID-19 is a hoax, no worse than the flu”, which demonstrates to what lengths the media and others will go to discredit any doctor or scientist who does not follow the narrative regarding COVID-19: 

CLAIM: COVID-19 is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated” and “just another bad flu”… 

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. Not only is COVID-19 deadlier than the flu, but symptoms can be long-lasting, according to medical experts…

He went on to call COVID-19 “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public”…

Hodkinson’s claim that masks are “useless” is false. Studies show that masks work to slow the spread of the virus. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has long advised
people to wear masks. In November, the CDC said that masks can also protect wearers who are not infected.

This is part of The Associated Press’ ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform.

Source - click here

See AFP Fact Check website here

To show the extent of the lies, the following was taken from an article by the Swiss Policy Research titled “Are Face Masks Effective? The Evidence”, which was last updated in September 2021. This article specifically states that the WHO admitted that the only reason they recommend mask-wearing is due to political lobbying, and not for any scientific reason:

The WHO admitted to the BBC that its June 2020 mask policy update was due, not to new evidence but “political lobbying”: “We had been told by various sources WHO committee reviewing the evidence had not backed masks but they recommended them due to political lobbying. This point was put to WHO, who did not deny it.” (D. Cohen, BBC Medical Corresponent).

Source - click here

The CDC has also bowed down to political pressure after admitting that masks are ineffective.


One of the main criticisms of Dr. Hodkinson, by those who oppose his views, is that they claim that during a live phone call (which exists on video) Dr. Hodkinson said that he was the former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. However, Dr. Hodkinson clearly stated that he was the former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada’s Examination Committee in Pathology, which is true. Regardless, this slander spread on the internet.

To make things worse, the website World Doctors Alliance, at one time, wrongly identified Dr. Hodkinson as the Chairman of the entire Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. The current version of the website fixed this error and now refers to Dr. Hodkinson instead as “Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons.” One would think that this error is no longer an issue. Apparently, it must be an issue because his detractors keep bringing it up to cast doubt on Dr. Hodkinson’s person.

The following is an example of a supposed fact checking website, AP NEWS, attempting to discredit Dr Hodkinson. They write the following:

Roger Hodkinson, a pathologist who identifies himself as the former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada Examination Committee in Pathology, made the comments by phone during a public meeting in Edmonton, the capital of the Canadian province of Alberta…

Some online posts referred to Hodkinson as a former chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Hodkinson has never been chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the group said…

On Nov. 20, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada clarified that although Hodkinson was certified as a general pathologist in 1976, he was never a chairman. “We would like to clarify that Dr. Hodkinson is not nor has ever held the position of chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada,” the organization said in a statement.

As you can see, the claim was repeated three times in a small article. This emphasis is very important to them because it makes Dr. Hodkinson look like a pathological liar who has no credibility whatsoever, medical or otherwise. After reading the three paragraphs written by these self-proclaimed fact checkers, one cannot be blamed for thinking it is the ramble of mentally ill people. Even though they know he did not say he was the chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, they cannot help making every attempt to discredit Dr. Hodkinson.

Source - click here




Even Snopes.com, who is also totally against Dr. Hodkinson, admitted that Dr. Hodkinson did not claim to be the Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada:

This caller in question was not the Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (nor did he claim to be in the video) 

Note the clever choice of words in a further quote from the abovementioned article: 

It should be noted that while the caller identified himself as Hodkinson and a viral video released later displayed Hodkinson’s picture and his title, the original video of the call simply showed a telephone logo displayed on a black screen. In other words, Hodkinson was not an advertised speaker at this meeting, and it’s possible (although not probable) that the audio featured someone claiming to be Hodkinson and not the doctor himself. We reached out to Hodkinson for confirmation and will update this article accordingly if he responds.

It is very dishonest for the website Snopes.com to use expressions such as, “the caller identified himself” or “someone claiming to be”.  In general, many “fact checkers” use words and sentences in a sly and manipulative manner to suggest that doctors and scientists who disagree with them are untrustworthy, suspicious and people of no importance.

Source - click here

Why are they doing this? Because they know that a doctor with Dr. Hodkinson's credentials will be taken seriously and therefore, they must do anything they can to discredit him, even if they have to lie in the process. This is true about the mainstream media coverage of not only Dr. Hodkinson, but almost everyone else who does not agree with their COVID-19 narrative and who is against pro-mass vaccination (even the vaccination of little children, whose chance of dying is statistically 0%). Let us hear what WHO whistleblower, Dr. Stuckelberger also has to say about their agenda.


4. Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger, World Health Organisation (WHO) - Health scientist & whistleblower




Dr Astrid Stuckelberger (MSc PhD PD) is an international health scientist who has conducted and directed clinical and epidemiological research studies, and who has been informing policy-makers in health and related fields, for 30 years. She was a long-serving member of the World Health Organisation (WHO), with experience in public health and medicine, and she also has worked alongside international experts for the UN and the EU. She is the president of the Geneva International Network on Aging (GINA), an organisation at the WHO, since 2008. Dr. Stuckelberger has published 12 books, contributed to several WHO publications, and she is an author on more
than 180 scientific articles, policy papers, governmental publications, and official reports of the UN
and the EU. Today, she is an internationally recognised expert, and she is called upon for her perspective on issues related to evidence-based informed policy, health innovation and ethics assessments, pandemic and public health emergency management, as well as the topics of longevity and well-being.

In an interview in June 2021, Dr. Stuckelberger said the following:

Clearly, they [the leaders of the New World Order (NWO)] want to destroy the population. They want to annihilate those who will survive [by making] their brain to be completely dysfunctional, obeying. They want to even put nanotechnologies under the skin [and] make an ID passport with the vaccine, so you see clearly that technology is going to “lead” people. 

Lastly and most importantly they want to take away from people their belief system, their spirituality, and their humanity 

The plan is to keep on, and to make it stronger, and stronger until they control everybody with technology: with the ID vaccine passport. This is their aim: it is that they are controlling us little humanoids, trans-humans, which have chips and are controlled by this nanotechnology that seems like science fiction, but it’s already here…

Further on in the interview, she states:

This is just going to go on forever, because what they’re doing (you can see it happening now), is that those who got vaccinated thought that the vaccination would liberate them and [it’s] the opposite! … They [the NWO] are dependent on what they call the mutation - they are using this as a gimmick. They say, “Oh, there’s a mutation: [we need] a new vaccine!” So, not only do people have to take two vaccines now, which is also unprecedented with an experimental injection, but now [due to the mutation(s)] they have to keep on wearing masks, and they have to keep on doing lockdowns and distancing. It doesn’t solve anything. [People] think they are going to travel, but then they will need to have an ID vaccine passport that will force them to get vaccinated regularly, so they can control them more and more: their health, maybe eliminate them. It’s really cruel.

We see the plan is done for 2031 in the papers of the governments: you have to look for it - there’s already a plan… The other sign is that John Hopkins University has issued a pandemic plan for SPARS 2025-2028. So, they will not stop. As long as people believe, they’re going to make them believe SPARS and everything. Every flu is going to be transformed into a drama. So for every flu [it will be emphasised], “You’re sick?… you’re going to die!” and people are so afraid of death. They think, they give their life, [they take on great] risk for people who lie to them; they believe in a government who lies to them. So, they are using fear, and those who are fearful and don’t change will probably, unfortunately, die.

So, I’m just calling people to wake up and take back your health. Don’t believe in the government; they are creating a perpetual pandemic. It is an eternal pandemic. This is the worst nightmare you can have; to be in perpetual fear your whole life; perpetual vaccination. So, you see, that’s what they want, and they are doing it in front of everybody’s nose. It’s crazy.


Watch full interview here


5. Dr. Dolores Cahill – professor and immunologist




Dr. Dolores Cahill, Ph.D., is a world-renowned scientist specialising in immunology and molecular biology. Dr. Cahill has been active within European Union (EU) scientific circles for approximately 15 years.   She has played an advisory role for understanding science and innovation as a Member of Ireland’s Advisory Science Council (2005-2014). She has been a European Commission Seconded National Expert (2013-2014) as well as a European Commission Expert for over 10 years. She is president of the World Freedom Alliance, a worldwide platform of organisations promoting justice in healthcare and true dialogue for health science and politics, while aiming to bring corrupt officials worldwide to account under the law.

Prof. Dolores Cahill PhD is currently the most censored Irish citizen. Videos of her presentations and interviews are being censored by the media and major websites like Google, YouTube, Facebook, RTE, BBC and Sky. Her videos and interviews can be found on her website.  


See Dr. Dolores Cahill’s website here


As we have seen, many doctors, scientists and whistleblowers who are against the COVID-19 vaccines are discredited by the mainstream media, the medical establishment and social media. However, perhaps none of this compares to the brutal and vicious attacks against Dr. Cahill. The onslaught against her is often personal, and the amount of lies and misinformation about her is disturbing. Why are they especially targeting her? After reading her quotes and watching video interviews with her, it will become obvious why there is so much vitriol* against Dr. Cahill. It should be noted that attacks on Dr. Cahill began before COVID-19 because she began to expose the dangers of vaccines in general. Her position made the vaccine companies very unhappy - or should it be said, very unhappy financially.

*Synonyms for vitriol: hatred, venom, contempt, maliciousness, hostility, rage, and bitterness.


In an interview with Mike Ryan on “Asia Pacific Today” on 6 July 2021, Dr. Cahill said: 

I think what people may not have heard before is that zero of the mRNA [vaccines] have ever been licensed because so many animals suffered and died in the clinical trials. So, without the lockdown and the public health emergency measures, these clinical trials would be stopped immediately because they only have emergency use - that means only for as long as countries
in the world declare an emergency. That is why there is such censoring of doctors, professors
and scientists who say there is no need for an emergency because we have prevention
and treatment.

As we know, and I have been studying it for 25 years, there is a bigger phased agenda, including under Agenda 21, to reduce the life expectancy and the health of people and that was published from 1992. I read it 20 years ago, and the time frame they said, when the harm and increase in death and reduction in life expectancy [would occur], was between 2020 and the end of 2025. So, the plan is for this emergency to go on for 5 years and therefore you can have these injections that have emergency use. That is why there is such a resistance in all of our countries, wherever you are in the world, about the vaccines, against reporting how much real harm there is, and against saying they are entirely unnecessary and they should be stopped immediately – all of these mRNA trials are causing much more harm than good

Regarding these emergency-use vaccines:

Normally if you have a clinical trial, if 25 to 50 people die in the entire world, the clinical trials would be stopped around the world, so, there are a few questions, in a way. Even people who may have gone along with this in the beginning, the simple question is why are prevention and treatment not being given, especially to the elderly, to prevent suffering and death? But the second huge question is: why are these mRNA clinical trials still going on?

Regarding giving COVID-19 vaccines to children: 

It is absolutely criminal! The chances of children dying of SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] is zero – absolutely zero. And also, it is entirely unethical, immoral, unlawful, for medical professionals to be enrolling children in a clinical trial for something they have no, absolutely no, risk of dying at all – zero. And that is well understood for over a year. There is emerging data that (and we will have to do years of research) many of these mRNA injections will affect their fertility in the future. So, there is no benefit to these children and there’s been so much information for doctors, and of course for the regulators, that the regulators from around the world should just come out and
stop it.




And I did read from the World Health Organisation that they said that they really do not recommend these injections for children. But really, anyone under 50, or anyone under 60, with prevention and treatment now available, no one in the world need die. And it is shocking and outrageous, and I would say a crime, and a crime against the young people because they are definitely getting heart attacks, and becoming very ill, and the list of adverse events for children, as well as adults, there’s about 60 different diseases.

I would say, giving the mRNA injections to people is probably the worst decision anyone can make for their health and certainly it is shocking that when these parents realise that they were lied to for a whole year, because the parents are thinking they are doing the right thing for their children, and they are not. It is shocking and I am really disappointed, in a way, that we haven’t been able to stop these clinical trials around the world – that is a great disappointment to me, and I think it is unbelievable that we have not been able to do it.  

Regarding people’s disappointment and anger:

I think the sad thing will be that when the people realise, those who have had the injection, that it will shorten their lives by many years, they will be extremely disappointed and angry, and also their loved ones, because we see now, every day, people are getting clots.




Regarding life expectancy: 

In the next year or two, sadly, we will see a lot of unnecessary deaths… in the animal studies, either all of the ferrets died or many of the animals died and got very ill. And I would say, sadly, that everyone who’s got the mRNA injection will have their life expectancy reduced significantly. 

…the people that will die will be as [a result of] an adverse event from the mRNA injection, and will not be anything to do with SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] or any variant. And, sadly, the deaths could be significant proportions of the population, so it could be 10% of the population. So people who are over 60 and with any kind of underlying health conditions, probably will die within the next
2 to 3 years


Watch full interview here

See Moderna’s view of its vaccines as an “operating systemhere


In an article titled, “Wise Words By Dr. Dolores Cahill, Professor In Immunology And Vaccines”, the author quotes Dr. Cahill as follows: 

If you have had the vaccine, rest assured that your DNA is now changing. Do you have any idea of the implications of that? Your genetic makeup is mutating. 

You are being put under extreme pressure to take a substance that changes your genetic makeup, all because of a virus that has no more than a 0.03% fatality rate. A virus that is parallel with the flu (which has mysteriously vanished since the arrival of Covid). Not to mention that the FDA have not approved this as a legitimate vaccine as yet, but have only approved it for emergency use.

This means that it’s being tested on you! Most “vaccine” companies don’t even refer to this as a vaccine, but as an “operating system.” I’ll assume that Mr Gates likes to call it this!

See article here




The following is a description of the interview with Mike Ryan on “Asia Pacific Today” on 6 July 2021:

The mRNA vaccines enhance the illness and the disease. Citizens subjected to punitive restrictions on their liberties and movement for more than 12 months, are now being forced into mass, and what will soon be, mandatory vaccination programs to gain back their freedoms. Political leaders continue to use the vacuous [thoughtless] and dishonest slogan of “following the science” that many still believe, but are they leading us into another form of Hell?!!! 




Covid-19 vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission. We’ve seen outbreak infections where vaccination rates are high; Covid deaths in double vaccinated people. It’s now also clear that natural immunity confers longer lasting and better protection against infection. Not only are we mandating vaccination, but authorities are doubling down on their targets and threatening further restrictions and denial of vital services such as healthcare. The media, community and business leaders, professional class and politicians of all colours are mute [silent].


See video here


Attacks and suppression: 

As with almost every leading expert who speaks out against the official pandemic narrative, Professor Cahill has suffered professional and personal retaliation. In her case, Professor Cahill was forced to resign her position as vice chair of the Scientific Committee of the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI), a partnership between the European Commission and the pharmaceutical industries in the development and promotion of new drugs. 

The following are just a few of the slanders that are aimed at discrediting Dr. Cahill. As mentioned above, you will notice that they are very brutal compared to what is said about many other doctors. When the attackers write articles discrediting other doctors who are against the COVID-19 vaccines, the information comes across as a matter of fact. But in the case of Dr. Cahill, the comments are vicious and come across as personal attacks. Here are just some examples:

In an article by McGill University’s Office for Science and Society, titled, “The Strange Case of Dr. Cahill and Ms. Hyde” we read the following: 

Professor Dolores Cahill’s scientific résumé can legitimize her false claims about COVID-19. Her crusade of misinformation raises the question of how far academic freedom goes.

Here the article admits that because of Professor Cahill’s scientific resume, people may believe her and therefore academic freedom should be put aside and be replaced with academic silencing. This is contrary to what has always been encouraged in the medical world – which is freedom of medical opinion, peer discussion and peer review. 

The author continues his ignorant, or perhaps intentional, false claims: 

Cahill, who until recently was teaching a class for first-year medical students called “Science, Medicine and Society,” has been making a number of staggeringly erroneous claims about COVID-19 and its associated vaccines since the beginning of the pandemic, never correcting her mistakes and always doubling down. She has said, falsely, that COVID-19 can be prevented by taking vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc, and that the most efficient treatment is in the form of hydroxychloroquine, a cheap medication against malaria and autoimmune diseases that turned into an object of worship for some individuals, even as the evidence clearly showed it did not work against COVID-19. 

The evidence that the author claims he has, is supposedly from 12 clinical trials which were not designed well and did not include zinc – the main therapeutic intervention for which the hydroxychloroquine serves as a delivery agent to deliver zinc into cells. The author dismisses the available evidence from doctors who have successfully treated millions of patients with zinc, vitamin C, vitamin D, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine – see Number 2 in this list.

The author of the article continues his attacks on Professor Cahill:

One of the claims these students had to debunk: that once you get COVID-19, you are immune for life. This brazen assertion’s confidence is in contradiction with actual knowledge in the field, which is that we do not clearly know how long immunity does last. But this is the upside-down world at University College Dublin right now, where students are teaching their own professor basic facts about a topic she should be familiar with. 

The article states that her first-year medical students had to correct their professor regarding immunology, even though Dr. Cahill is a world-renowned scientist in immunology and molecular biology. The article fails to take into account that her medical students, being uneducated on immunology, are more easily brainwashed by the mainstream media and eager to reject her ideas without critical thinking. It is absurd and embarrassing for the author to suggest that medical students have gained the knowledge and experience to supposedly correct a professor who has been in the field, in high and important positions, for over 25 years. It would be more beneficial for the students to investigate her ideas alongside those they are being force-fed by the media, rather than making a dramatic scene.

Source - click here


An article published by “Medika Life” on 23 May 2021, was titled “Prof Dolores Cahill is the Latest Quack to Commit Career Suicide: What pushes aging academics into the world of medical misinformation and conspiracies?” This article attempts to discredit Dr. Cahill in the most vicious way. It states:

The world of science doesn’t tolerate heretics and heresy and Dolores Cahill has discovered in the last few months, that the doors to the hallowed halls of academia have been slammed firmly closed in her face, hopefully permanently. Her campaign of concerted anti-covid propaganda is dangerous and disingenuous to her colleagues and those who have lost loved ones to the virus. 

It’s hard to explain exactly why these individuals, people like Christiane Northrup and Michael Yeadon, choose to cast away careers of reasonable repute for the world of conspiracy and anti-establishment propaganda. There are distinct financial gains for many to be made from engaging with this fringe, popularity, notoriety, and an opportunity to finger your nose at the establishment. 

These two paragraphs are filled with emotional hatred for Dr. Cahill, as the author openly states her career should be “permanently” ruined. These comments slanderously suggest Dr. Cahill is acting out of base motives like fame, fortune or rebellion against authority. We see how the attacks above are personal - they have nothing to do with a criticism of what she said – only a criticism of the doctor herself. Such a reaction against a respected research scientist is dumbfounding.

In another section, filled with bitterness, journalists try to discredit Dr. Cahill by saying that she no longer follows “evidence-based science” because she does not follow the mainstream media narrative regarding vaccines: 

The truth is, for whatever the reasons, that Dolores Cahill is deluded. She may very well believe the untruths she is sprouting and may not even be motivated by grift [a desire for financial gain], but her associations with anti-vaxxers across the globe and her rapid adoption into their ranks as one of their own, clearly shows where her loyalties lie. Loyalties that are most certainly no longer with evidence-based science. 

Evidence Cahill’s use of Del Bigtree, the conspiracy king of Youtube, to get her message out. This is a pattern we see repeated across the anti-vaxx clan hood, where individuals like Bigtree and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. offer up their platforms to promote views that resonate and reinforce their own warped views of medicine and health.

Cahill is clearly willing to go to any lengths to endorse her own views on vaccines and is not averse to exposing the public to risk. She should be considered untrustworthy, a danger to public health and we strongly advise anyone against listening to her advice. History tends to be far more forgiving than the scientific community; a fact Ms. Cahill would do well to remember.

Source - click here


In an article in the “Irish Times”, dated 21 October 2021, it states:

Former UCD [University College Dublin] professor, Dolores Cahill was one of a number of conspiracy theorists who met a senior Conservative MP in London recently, it has emerged…. 

Other well-known anti-vaccination campaigners and conspiracy theorists present included lawyer Anna de Buisseret who has called vaccines a “bioweapon” and Michael Yeadon, who previously worked for Pfizer and claims vaccines are part of a “mass depopulation” programme. Also present was John O’Looney, a funeral director who has claimed thousands of elderly people have been secretly euthanised during the pandemic….

She ceased her employment as a professor with UCD at the start of this academic year amid increasing controversy about her public remarks on Covid-19 and vaccinations. She had applied for retirement some months previously.

The same article claims that Dr. Cahill is facing charges:

Ms Cahill is facing charges in Westminster Magistrates Court for her involvement in an anti-lockdown rally in Trafalgar Square a year ago. She was one of the speakers at the rally which saw clashes with police and the arrest of 32 people. 

A warrant for Ms Cahill’s arrest was issued by the court two months ago after she allegedly failed to answer a summons. However, this warrant had been withdrawn by the time of her meeting with Mr Brady. The case is due to proceed on November 1st. 

Regarding the above, Dr. Cahill stated that she had no knowledge of any of this; she could not have failed to answer a summons when, at the time that the summons was issued, she was not even in the country. Furthermore, she was simply exercising her democratic right to free speech. It is becoming illegal, apparently, to non-violently protest whatever one wishes. This is contrary to what the Western world has constantly boasted about: “free speech”, a great liberty denied to many who were suffering under communism behind the ‘Iron Curtain’ during the 20th century. Clearly, free speech is now quite limited. The coercion, misinformation, oppression and limitation of all kinds of freedoms, which have been seen worldwide during the coronavirus times, suggest that the Western world is now suffering a great social illness, similar to the illness of communism. A horribly sick society is presently developing, and the illness is progressing day by day, an illness which resembles, very closely, that spread by Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Adolf Hitler.

The continuation of the “Irish Times” article:

 In Ireland, gardaí [Irish police force members] are investigating what role, if any, Ms Cahill played in encouraging a severely ill Covid patient to leave a Co. Donegal hospital last month.

Ms Cahill was not present when anti-vaccination activists entered the hospital and encouraged Dungloe resident Joe McCarron to leave. However, she was thanked repeatedly by one of those present for providing assistance over the phone. Mr McCarron died several days later after being readmitted to hospital in a serious condition.

Source - click here

Dr. Cahill answers many of these, and other, accusations during interviews. It would be very difficult to address all the accusations presented here, but the point we are making is that anyone who is against the COVID-19 narrative (especially credible people) will be savaged in both the mainstream media and social media.




What we need to know is that those who do not want the truth to be exposed will do whatever they can to stop that from happening. Therefore, should any doctor, scientist, health care worker, academic, government worker, journalist, investigator, politician, military staffer, etc., try to tell others the truth, those in power will act to keep them silent. One of the most effective ways to silence someone is to discredit them by labelling them as conspiracy theorists and dismissing their views as not worthy of any consideration at all. Western civilisation prides itself on (i) free speech, (ii) encouraging the free exchange of ideas and (iii) a free press. When, however, these three freedoms are used to try and expose corruption, or simply to raise the alarm that corruption is a possibility, then suddenly those who are exercising their freedoms are labelled as “deceived,” “enemies of democracy,” “conspiracy theorists,” “the lunatic fringe” - to name only a few – as the list of insulting labels grows daily.

For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. Cahill please refer to Section Two of our website, item number 192 and the News/Videos section on her website. 


6. Dr. Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP & Chief Scientific Officer, Allergy & Respiratory Division




Dr. Michael Yeadon is a qualified and highly experienced researcher within the life sciences, particularly in biology and pharmacology. He completed training in biochemistry and toxicology, and received his Ph.D. in respiratory pharmacology. He has worked in the industry for 32 years, mostly within major pharmaceutical companies, and also worked for 10 years in the biotechnology sector. He is the former Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer, a position he retired from in 2011, which was at the time the most senior research position within that research and development area of the company. He then founded, developed and eventually sold his own biotech company called Ziarco, which was purchased by Novartis in 2017. He has also worked as an independent advisor for over thirty start-up biotechnology companies.

During his work at Pfizer’s research unit in Sandwich, Kent, United Kingdom, Dr. Yeadon oversaw the development of drugs for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).  His unit developed inhaled and oral therapeutics that showed positive results in clinical trials for asthma, allergic rhinitis and COPD.

In late August, 2021, Dr. Yeadon spoke to a crowd of people in Canterbury, UK. He said:

I am pro new medicines of all kinds... I’m in favour of all modes of new medical treatments, whether they are biologicals or vaccines, small molecules, cream sprays, ointment, whatever.
But I’m fervently against unsafe medicines or medicines used in an inappropriate context


Watch full video here.

Read transcript here


In an extensive interview with Del Bigtree on “The Highwire” on 11 June 2021, Dr. Yeadon said
the following:

I’m afraid I came to the conclusion – it’s a big claim what I’m going to say, but it’s literally – every single one of the central narrative points that your governments, and mine, tells you about this virus and what you should do, they’re all lies.

On how governments around the world are telling the same lies, at the same time he said:

All the things I’ve just described that I call the lies of the narrative, we never would have used any of those things in 2018 or 2015. All of them have been invented all at once and then spread around the world in 2020It’s the same lies, at the same time, from every government I can find out, all at the same time. So, I’m afraid, if someone would like to suggest to me, the coincidence that could have led to that innocently – I will try not to grin while you explain it to me – I mean, give me a break!

There is no way seven or eight narrative points – scientifically proven to be incorrect – could appear in the broadcasts of Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, UK, USA, Scandinavian countries, all at the same time, when they’d never been used before and never been part of the pandemic preparedness plans of any nations. If someone would like to suggest to me how that is not unequivocal [undeniable] evidence or at least international cooperation, on a supra-governmental level. So, you start by the observation that in February-March 2020, there was already a plan to deceive you – right? That’s true. And then a whole bunch of stupid things have happened with the vaccines and we’ve gone through several and we’re not at the end of it yet…

Regarding the PCR test not being a suitable diagnostic tool, Dr. Yeadon said:

I started looking at what they were doing for diagnostics, and they were using this PCR test – I’m sure you’ve talked about it on your program. It is a very powerful technique, but it is not a good technique for diagnosing viral infections as the inventor Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for its invention, told us repeatedly…

… if you run very high cycles in PCR you can end up with a false positive, you can end up with a test that you declare positive, but you use such cheating circumstances, contrived circumstances, you wouldn’t rely on it. What it doesn’t do, is tell you that the person is clinically ill, and it doesn’t tell you if they are infectious – and isn’t that what we want to know?

… I was one of, I think, maybe twenty authors that wrote a critique of this PCR test… when it was interpreted and adopted around the world, almost everybody would end up with an inaccurate test that would very often show positive even though there was nothing there.

Regarding the lies that there are no safe and effective treatments, he said the following:

They implied, or told us, that there were no treatments and that’s simply not true. There are some really good treatments for this infection, that’s one of the things I, as a drug discoverer, makes me very angry, that good treatments that are well-evidenced have been hidden from us, and sick people have been deprived of excellent, safe therapy, in order to continue people’s fear – unfortunately. That’s the situation.

We know that over the last year and a bit, lots of physicians, and I’ve gotten to know one, Dr. Peter McCullough, in the States, really passionate… He and others, I call out Pierre Kory, Zev Zelenko, and Didier Raoult in France, they have tested and proven that things like hydroxychloroquine used early in infection can reduce viral replication; that at any stage of the disease you could use ivermectin and it reduces inflammation in the lungs….

There are 3 maybe 4 really good drugs, and had these been made available, then honestly, I think we would have been through this in a couple of months

People have died in my country [England], tens of thousands have died who probably could have been saved, so I will accuse right now the scientific advisors to my government and senior ministers of mass murder. I want to see you guys in the dock [on trial] because that’s what you have done.




Regarding the severity of the coronavirus, Dr. Yeadon said:

When you look at the global infection fatality rate ration, it’s a measure of how dangerous is this virus - it turns out it is a little bit more than seasonal influenza… yet governments give us the impression, and all of their policy responses, give you the impression that nothing has been as bad as this since say the first world war, the 1918 [Spanish] flu, and it’s simply not true.

Regarding the virus being spread by people with no symptoms:

The thing that really triggered me in the middle of the year was when I was told that people without symptoms can be a respiratory health threat to other people. Now I knew that wasn’t true – remember this is my area, I worked in pulmonary disease for 32 years in total

In order to be a good source of infection, you need to have a lot of virus in your airway. If you only have a little bit of virus, you can’t breathe it on people and the chances that you will infect someone else is very low… People with lots of virus in their airways will have symptoms – no question, no arguments….

I don’t think people without symptoms can infect anybody, not at all. But for the whole 15-18 months in my country, we’ve been told every day by lying adverts from the media – I blame the media as well, they’re absolutely dreadful liars, they damage their own society and their own lives and children as well – they’ve lied every day and they’ve said one in three of us has got the virus and is spreading it without knowing. It’s just an utter lie…




On the lie that no one has immunity because it is a novel virus:

The other lie was: This is a novel virus and because it’s novel no one will have any immunity, and it frightened the world. And I think in the first 3 weeks, I worked out that was not true… I realised it was something like 80% similar to SARS 2003 and maybe 60% similar to common cold causing coronaviruses and I thought, phew, we’re going to be okay. I figured there’d be a lot of people who had been exposed to one or other of those – immunology is my strongest suit in this scare – and I knew that meant lots of people would have prior immunity, that is they had encountered something similar, they have overcome the virus, and with stable respiratory viruses, if you overcome them, you will be left with very durable, strong immunity

During the same interview with Del Bigtree, Dr. Yeadon turned to the topic of vaccines:

We should turn, I think, to the vaccine don’t you think Del, because I just don’t understand how any of the scientists involved in what they are doing can sleep at night.

If you look at the designs of these vaccines, every single one of them contains a genetic code for the spike protein, the virus spike protein, the little pike you see on the cartoon picture of the virus… I found 3 papers that worried the hell out of me. Spike protein from the 2003 SARS,
if you give it to animals intravenously, it causes blood clots
… I was sitting there and I was absolutely horrified!...

There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I’ve never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines. You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.




Dr. Yeadon said he had a discussion with German Thai physician, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, award winning researcher with over 300 articles in immunology, bacteriology, virology and parasitology:

We had a really long call and we unfortunately both concluded the same thing, that all of these vaccines will cause the recipient’s body to manufacture all or part of the spike protein… So, he and I thought it is certain some people are going to get blood clots.

Regarding the danger of vaccinating so many people without long-term safety data:

Why have we got ourselves into a position where we vaccinate 75% of the population of Britain, and we’ve got no long-term safety [data]What happens if something bad happens? …bad things do happen; some of them we predicted, and they’ve come true. And it makes you think: is someone trying to kill large numbers of people? I’m afraid I’ve come to the conclusion that the only thing that ties every single one of the major observations is that whoever has organised the lies has, as an objective to ultimately lead large numbers of people to their deaths.




Dr. Yeadon continued on the topic of vaccines with a strong message:

These are the most dangerous vaccines ever…. Don’t get vaccinated with these COVID-19 vaccines, I don’t think they are safe enough. 

Regarding vaccine passports:

I am a scientist. I am absolutely certain that no one will benefit at all from vaccine passports. It doesn’t make people safe, it doesn’t mean you can’t carry the virus from one person to another…. It is appalling that the media has not even asked themselves: what is it about this passport system that is going to make people safe? Because once you start asking that question, you realise the answer is, it doesn’t work, it’s a stupid idea… 

On coercing people to get vaccinated so they can participate in society:

The family went to get vaccinated, not because they were frightened of SARS CoV-2 or getting COVID, they looked like a pretty fit family to me, not the kind of people who were typical victims of this virus. The reason they got it is they had been told you’re going to need vaccine passports to travel or to go to university or to maybe go to a sports ground. I say to people, when your government is doing something that is a) stupid and b) illegal, you’ve got two choices. 1. You can go along with it and [2.] the other is to stand up and fight it.

Regarding the illegality of coercing people to take medical procedures:

To say that that young man can’t go to a chosen university unless he is vaccinated, that’s illegal, that’s called coercion. You are not allowed to coerce people to take medical procedures, especially experimental medical procedures. It is explicitly prevented by the Nuremberg Code. To coerce someone to take an experimental medical procedure is illegal under international law – all our countries have signed up to it.




On the importance of stopping the vaccine passport system:

In terms of vaccine passports, I cannot think of a battle, a political battle that is more important in my entire 61 years than preventing this system coming into being. And here’s the reason: If we allow ourselves to be fooled that by carrying a little app on our phone that says, “Mike, you’ve been vaccinated” and you can cross, let’s call it a regulated threshold, what we will be allowing, what we will be bringing into being is the world’s first common format digital ID with an editable health flag – and this whole system would be inter-operable from anywhere in the world – Birmingham Alabama, Birmingham Midlands, UK.

So, you can present your credentials and if the algorithm judges you’re the right person, you’ve been vaccinated, it might open a door or allow you to pass its international border but there is no limit to what you can be prevented from doing. So, if Visa and Mastercard got together and said before the contactless system* will open for your card, you will have to present your vaccine passport – I don’t know, seven lines of code, it will be done.

Contactless payment cards have a chip inside them that emits radio waves. To pay for something with a contactless credit card, you hold the card near a payment terminal (known as an RFID reader) and it picks up the signal, communicates with the card and processes the payment.

Regarding the vaccine passport database and the control of people:

What I think will happen is if the vaccine passport system goes into being, whoever operates that database and the algorithm, has complete control over you. If you want to cross, what I call a regulated threshold – it could be entrance to a large store, an aircraft, going onto a campus, but it could be a gas station, it could be using your contactless card – any regulated threshold or transaction, whoever has control of the database has control over you. And if they decide you are not allowed to do something, then you’re prevented and there’s nothing you can do about it because all the security detectors around you are operating and beeping around you, and you’ve no choice.




Dr. Yeadon warns that vaccine passports will not be valid unless people receive continual booster shots:

Now, this is what I think is possible, and it’s not a plot from a Sci-Fi novel. I think the whole point of the pandemic and the lies and the vaccines was to get you to electronic digital ID. Once that system is up and running, and we’ve already been told about this, about variants, which are a lie, you might have to have booster shots, they’ve said. And I know you don’t need booster shots, so I’m terrified of booster shots because they are not vaccines and yet they are being manufactured – at least one of them – Moderna said that we are bottling a billion doses of booster shots. And when I heard that I actually felt real fear because I thought, it’s not a vaccine in there is it, they are already vaccinated, I checked and the immunology shows that there is not enough antigenic drift for you to need to give them an additional vaccine.

So, what I’m worried about is the vaccine passport, it will ping: “Dr. Yeadon, go to your nearest vaccination centre in the next 2 weeks to receive your 3rd vaccine.” And there will be a note at the bottom: “If you don’t comply, your vaccine passport will become invalid.” And I’ve just described a world in which you won’t be able to move around, use your bankcard, buy gas, enter a store. I’m not saying that’s what is going to happen, but I’m saying it could happen. There’s already enough evidence that there are some really bad actors around. So, if we allow this system to come into being, I think it will be misused for exactly the purpose I’ve described.

So, at the very least we will be giving up control to a machine database – to whoever operates it. What if, what’s in those vaccines, the 3rd one and the 4th one and the 5th one is a gene sequence designed to kill you? I don’t know, it’s not my crime. But if I wanted to set up a system where I could have complete control and administer to billions of people (with plausible deniability), over months to years, something that would injure them and kill them, I couldn’t think of a better plot than this one…

Regarding evil people who will do anything to gain control.

You’re relying on people not being that evil, but I’m afraid people are that evil. There has always been – look at Pol Pot, look at Nazis, look at Stalin, look at Argentina in the 70’s – there are people everywhere, over time, who have been willing to kill people to get their way. And all I’m suggesting is that’s what’s happening now, and the only difference is it’s technology rather than weapons, and the only other difference is the internet has allowed it to involve pretty much
every person on the planet
. But apart from that, it’s the same grubby, revolting people with
criminal minds... 




Dr. Yeadon gives a final message during this interview regarding the virus and personal freedoms:

Don’t be frightened of the virus, it’s pretty much gone now, but be terrified of your government. You must take back your freedoms, with no more ado, you must take back your freedoms! They are not going to give it back to you because they have not taken it from you legitimately. There was never any need to lock you down, it doesn’t work, they make you wear masks to frighten you, they told you wrong things about the severity of the virus, deprived you of effective medical treatments and then expose you to, I’m afraid, dangerous vaccines, and now I think the coup de grace [final blow] will be a combination of vaccine passports and then the next step. So, take your freedoms back, peacefully, I do not encourage anyone to break the law, but the restrictions that are being placed on us – 18 months! The flu takes a few months to go through a country, how is it that people could possibly believe that after 18 months this bad smell is still circling around ready to kill people… you are being misled.


Watch the full interview here.



Watch COVID-19 Lies (excerpts from the Del Bigtree interview) here


In an article written by Dr. Yeadon on 16 February 2021, titled “The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic” he writes about the dangers of not allowing scientific debate:

When scientific debate is stifled, people die. Science requires the airing of opinions and debate to allow the evolution of ideas. Censorship has meant that nothing has been learnt, no model adjusted and errors compounded.

Read full article here


On the website “Christians For Truth”, in an article titled, “Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon: COVID Vaccines Are Designed ‘To Kill You and Your Family’ With ‘Plausible Deniability’” dated 7 April 2021, Dr. Michael Yeadon is quoted as saying:

I’m very worried … that pathway will be used for mass depopulation, because I can’t think of any benign [harmless] explanation.

Stop… and think, ‘why is my government lying to me about something so fundamental?’ Because, I think the answer is, they are going to kill you using this method. They’re going to kill you and your family.

People can’t deal with this level of evil, but Soviets, Hitler, Mao show it’s a possibility…. But I remind you of what happened in Russia in the 20th Century, what happened in 1933 to 1945, what happened in Southeast Asia in some of the most awful times in the post-war era. And, what happened in China with Mao and so on. And the people going along with it, I think they would probably say, ‘I was only following orders,’ which we have heard before.

Finally, in an email correspondence, Dr. Yeadon concluded:

I have latest taken to signing off with ‘May God save us’, because I think we need God now more than at any time since WW2.

Read entire article here



Watch video here: Former Pfizer Chief's Stark Warning  



Watch video here: Dr. Mike Yeadon - PCR Testing

Read article here: Former Pfizer VP warns booster shot is an extermination weapon to mass murder human beings 

Read article here: Former Pfizer scientist warns that governments and pharmaceutical companies will continue to deceive and enslave people before killing them off


Attacks and suppression: 

There are numerous articles on the internet which attack Dr. Yeadon, saying he has now become an anti-vax proponent or an anti-vax hero; that he does not ‘follow the science’ and is no longer recognised as the man people once knew.

One particular article written by Kelly Hawes in the Herald Bulletin on 17 April 2021 titled, “Sorting the crazies from the experts” insinuates that Dr. Yeadon is part of a growing anti-science movement because he disagrees with the current COVID-19 narrative.

The post making the rounds on social media suggests that anyone who has already taken a COVID-19 vaccine might be doomed.

It quotes Mike Yeadon, a man it identifies as the former chief scientist at Pfizer, warning that a small percentage of these folks will be dead within weeks and the rest will have an average life expectancy of two years.

I’ll be honest. When I first saw the post, I thought it might be satire, a claim so absurd as to be beyond belief. I had never heard of Yeadon, but a quick internet search revealed he was never the chief science officer at Pfizer. According to a fact check by Snopes.com, that job has been held by a man named Mikael Dolsten since 2010.

Notice how the author writes deceptively, saying that Dr. Yeadon identifies as the former chief
scientist at Pfizer, and then says an internet search shows that “he was never the chief science
officer at Pfizer”. This creates confusion and makes Dr. Yeadon look like a liar. Yet, the very next
paragraph writes:

Yeadon did work for Pfizer. He was vice president and chief scientific officer for Pfizer’s United Kingdom-based allergy and respiratory unit until that unit shut down in 2011.

So, he was never a chief science officer at Pfizer but he was a vice president and chief scientific officer for Pfizer’s United Kingdom-based allergy and respiratory unit! This type of deceptive writing and twisting of the facts exposes the writer’s need to manipulate readers into believing Dr. Yeadon is not trustworthy. The article continues, with its manipulative writing technique:

And just to be clear, the division had nothing to do with vaccines or infectious diseases. It was focused on developing drugs to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Here, the writer makes out that Dr. Yeadon could not know anything about vaccines, yet his area was in respiratory health - which is exactly how you catch COVID-19!

Snopes also took a look at Yeadon’s frequently cited pronouncements about the pandemic. All of them, it said, proved to be “alarmingly incorrect.”

The news service Reuters took an in-depth look at how Yeadon had gone from quiet scientist to hero of the anti-vaccine movement. Former colleagues told Reuters they no longer recognized the man they once knew. They described the Yeadon they remembered as a knowledgeable and intelligent man who always insisted on seeing evidence and generally avoided publicity.

Common sense says that this “knowledgeable and intelligent man who always insisted on seeing evidence,” used this very knowledge and intelligence and saw, as did many others, that there exists concerning evidence that much of the Coronavirus and vaccine narrative is based on lies. Again, please note that I am not saying COVID-19 does not exist, but that many of the “facts” proclaimed by many media outlets and government bodies surrounding COVID-19 and the vaccines are sadly false.

The writer cleverly mentions that Dr. Yeadon has gone from a quiet scientist, who generally avoided publicity, to hero of the anti-vaccine movement. The purpose of this is to make out that Dr. Yeadon has changed for the worst. But the truth of the matter is that Dr. Yeadon’s motivation now is to save people with some urgency (a true doctor’s aim), not personal glory or gain. What glory or gain does he receive when he is constantly being shamed by the media and is now ostracized by former colleagues? So the question remains: is Dr. Yeadon sincerely trying to help people by raising the alarm, or is the author of the above article correct when he says that he is one of the crazies who are against the COVID-19 vaccines? By presenting here what Dr. Yeadon believes, and what those who are against him believe, one can make their own informed decision.

Source - click here


7. Dr. Robert Malone - inventor of the use of mRNA and DNA as vaccinations




Dr. Robert Malone, MD, MS, is an internationally recognised scientist of great relevance to the discussion of the coronavirus vaccines, as we shall see. He is indeed one of the inventors of mRNA vaccines. In the late 1980s, he pioneered the first experiments which showed the possibility of delivering RNA (or DNA) into cells as a therapy to activate immune responses. This is rightly called ‘genetic therapy’ and, specifically in the case of Dr. Malone, he and his colleagues identified that such genetic therapy using mRNA or DNA could activate the immune system and act as a vaccination.

Today, Dr. Malone serves as a specialist in clinical research and project management, with particular insight into vaccines and biodefense. He holds numerous patents relating to gene delivery and vaccines, including mRNA and DNA vaccines. He has unique scientific expertise in virology, immunology, molecular biology, pathology and pharmacology. He trained as a researcher at the University of California at Davis, the University of California at San Diego, and at the Salk Institute of Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories - famous for its contributions to the field of vaccinology. Dr. Malone received his medical training at Northwestern University, completing his physician training there and receiving a doctorate in medicine (MD), and went afterward to Harvard University to complete clinical research in a post graduate Fellowship. He also did additional training in Pathology at the University of California as well. 

Dr Malone is not opposed to mRNA vaccines per se (understandably, since he helped to invent them), but he has indeed been outspoken in his concerns about the current use of the mRNA coronavirus vaccines. He believes the development of these vaccines was a rushed process. He is concerned, along with others, that the “spike” protein made by the vaccine can cause health issues, for which there is already evidence. He also feels that in the push to get the vaccines out, not enough testing was conducted to fully understand the potential risks and complications, as would have happened under normal circumstances. For such caution, he has been slandered, mocked and has even received death threats (see below). 


In an interview with Del Bigtree on “The Highwire” in June 2021, Dr. Malone gives his honest concerns about why mRNA is the wrong technology to use against COVID-19 and, in particular, the danger it could pose to young people: 

Regarding the importance of disclosing the risks:

To be responsible, we need to disclose to the public, completely, what these potential risks are. I think that’s fundamental bedrock bioethics. 

Regarding the vaccines and reproductive organs. 

The government isn’t being transparent about this, but you can talk to 20 different women who have had the vaccines and I guarantee that a lot of them are going to tell you that they’ve had disruptions in their menses, really heavy flow, other things like that. So that talks about an interaction with the vital reproductive organs.

Regarding the risk-benefit ratio of the vaccine, he said: 

My position is, I can’t say whether the risk-benefit ratio makes sense or not because I don’t think they are following protocol and actually calculating the risk-benefit ratio – that’s No. 1. And No.2, that idea of risk-benefit ratio is typically applied as a function of special population, so, the risk-benefit ratio for pregnant women, the risk-benefit for adolescents, elderly – all those things have to be calculated [because it’s different for each group] and a decision made…. So, this kind of hand-waving, you know, move on, there’s nothing here to see – I call it ‘fake it till you make it’. This is the way things are going and that’s not okay. We’ve got human lives at stake and their livelihoods, and their health and well-being.

Regarding censorship of vaccine adverse events, Dr. Malone said:

With the censorship like the Facebook group for people that claim to have vaccine adverse events, these people who have had these symptoms, these events, and it has really disrupted their lives – they call me, they’re full of tears and agony and consternation – putting out the message to everyone around them, their family, friends, kids, whatever, that they couldn’t
possibly have had a vaccine related adverse event because these vaccines are safe
, is one
of the most profound gaslighting things I’ve ever heard of. Then to delete the Facebook group
that these people – 250,000 I think – have joined, and you just delete it and flush them. What you are telling these people is that they’re crazy. It is the ultimate gaslight. And some of these people are committing suicide, they’re desperate. It is – I don’t want to say a crime – but this is
profoundly wrong.




Regarding the banning of Ivermectin: 

Ivermectin is one example [of a treatment with which Dr. Malone has been involved] and the data coming in is fairly strong, that Ivermectin has benefits both as a prophylactic [preventative] and as a therapeutic for severe disease and hospitalisation… Oddly, the FDA required that we prove the mechanism of action of Ivermectin using cell culture (which is over the top) if they would allow us to proceed with clinical trials… I don’t know what to say about that… I wanted to say, yes, but 500,000 are dying a day here in the United States, and you’re worried about the potential risk of a 40-year-old drug that has one of the best safety records in the world, administered at known safe doses?…. It just seems that there are a bunch of things here that don’t make sense. 

And by the way, we’ve barely scratched some of the issues: we haven’t talked about the lab leak, what went on in Wuhan, what the documentation is about when they started building the vaccine. The repurposed drugs – there’s going to be a good book about that. For our studies, the FDA is still throwing up objection after objection after objection… With the FDA it’s a paradox. Every time we have a meeting with them, they say, well, you’ve got to do these things and then we’ll let you go. And we say, okay, we’ll do those things… and each time they’ll come up with new objections. It’s very odd. People in my team, and myself, have never seen anything like this before. And I don’t wish to be a conspiracy theorist, but it just doesn’t make sense.

They’re blocking the development of known safe agents that are off patent – that drug companies can hardly make a nickel on – instead of Remdesivir costing $8000 a treatment – it would cost something like $50 for a hospitalisation. And they appear to have better effects than Remdesivir. Now, something is not right there, and I think most of us can put a name to it – this is another one of those that looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck but we can’t call it a duck. That duck is regulatory capture* by the pharmaceutical industry.

* using regulations to ‘capture’ the market – in other words, the FDA will regulate to protect the drug company’s product in order for them to make a profit. 

Regarding whether children and young people should get the vaccine:

I was asked by a podcaster in the UK point blank, do I think children should be vaccinated, and my personal opinion is no. The justification is that Delta variant is going to spread more readily and creates an added threat to children – my problem with that is that it sounds a lot like scare tactics because I haven’t seen any data on the effects of the Delta variant in children. So, if you are going to make public health statements, they ought to be data based. That’s the core here – let’s do science-based medicine, let’s stop the ‘fake it till you make it’. So, if Delta variant represents an enhanced risk for children and adolescents, show me the data, show all of us the data – you owe it to us.




Dr. Malone speaks about how we need the government to openly and honestly present actual data:

My point is: the government doesn’t have the right to coerce you to do things with your body. It is their obligation to convince us based on real information. Give us the information so we can make our own judgements as adults because we are competent, we understand intuitively risk-benefit, we know that some people die in airplanes and yet we take airflights all the time, likewise with our cars. We can process this stuff, we’re not children, we don’t need the government to tell us what to do. What we need the government to do is be frank, open and honest about what the actual data are, and stop the scare tactics. 

So, where I come down is, children and adolescents, I’m not aware of data about the Delta variant being an enhanced risk – it may be – show me the data. 

Regarding young adults being coerced to take a COVID vaccine so they can continue their studies:

In terms of young adults being required to be vaccinated before they return to their universities… that sounds like coercion to me, and that’s not right, because these are experimental products. I suspect those university administrators… might want to think twice because they ought to factor in their risk-benefit calculation for their financial risk, the potential lawsuits they are going to get from people that have been denied the opportunity for higher education because they have elected to not take the vaccine.




On why he has decided to speak out:

The pivotal event for me was when TrialSite News asked me to evaluate the Pfizer data package and the European Medicines Agency assessment letter that they publish normally… and I worked through those, and it was clear to me that this was not right and proper. Then there was the Dr. Bridle response and assessment (from Canada); I was on a phone call with the Canadian physician that told me about what he was experiencing and how the government was just summarily dismissing his posting to the government database of adverse events that his patients were encountering, and he told me about how the government – there’s a whole cadre of self-appointed academic police that attack physicians and scientists that say anything about this. I don’t get that…

I saw all these things coming together, I saw all the suppression of information and communication, I saw the safety signals, I saw the misrepresentation of how the vaccine had been characterised in the Pfizer case, I saw the New England Women’s Nurses Study and it just came to me that we have reached a tipping point. Then the whole mRNA inventor thing became a big kerfuffle and I found myself in a position where people were looking to me to provide leadership. And I was being able to say things on LinkedIn and social media that other people were being censored for. I think it was because of my CV and these past contributions and perhaps the censors thought I had enough legitimacy that they were going to think twice before they just automatically whacked me. So, I had a platform, I had the CV, legitimacy, the signal was there, there was a bunch of worrying things, I’m seeing my fellow physicians just being hammered if they even start talking about it, so I started speaking up...

Now I’m in a position, ethically almost, where I feel the need to use this moment in time and this platform to share key information.


Watch full interview here


In an interview on “Real America’s Voice” on 28 July 2021, Dr. Malone said:

When asked whether he is an anti-vaxxer, he says:

I’m the opposite of an anti-vaxxer, I’m a true believer, but I am also committed to safety and
good science.

Regarding the virus mutations:

The mutations is another misleading set of statements from Dr. Fauci. The “escape mutants”* that are escaping vaccine selected pressure are most likely developing in the people that have been vaccinated, not in the unvaccinated. So, that’s just another convenient lie. 

* to clarify ‘vaccine selected pressure’: coronavirus strains that ‘escape’ the ‘pressure’ of the vaccines and are still strong enough to cause infections are called by scientists ‘escape mutants’. They have mutations that allow them this art of escaping the vaccine protection, thus they are called ‘mutants’ or more commonly ‘variants’. The most well-known one at the time of this writing is the Delta variant. Dr. Malone is implying that the vaccines helped to pressure the coronavirus to mutate into a variant that could escape them. He is suggesting here that Dr. Fauci is being misleading in not reporting, or perhaps not recognising, that the vaccines are what has helped to push along the Delta variant to become the dominant strain at the time of this writing.


Watch full interview here 


In an interview on “Real America’s Voice” on 24 August 2021, Dr. Malone speaks about emergency use authorisation to vaccinate children and liability protection:

I would imagine that what they will do is an emergency use authorisation for the paediatric population for Pfizer. So that will keep Pfizer indemnified because that’s something that Pfizer has been seeking in all of their world-wide contracts with other governments, is full indemnification*. They will not sell you vaccines unless you waive liability if you’re a government, head of state, whatever. So, that’s the Pfizer position – we don’t want to own the liability here. And that raises the question: what is it they are so scared about? If these are fully safe vaccines, why does Pfizer believe it has to have liability protection?  

* Indemnification: to be held blameless. In other words – under their contracts with different nations - Pfizer cannot be blamed for any adverse event. Could this be because they are concerned that adverse events may happen? They are certainly well prepared legally for such a possibility.


Watch interview here 


Attacks and Suppression:

Dr. Malone’s contributions are often hidden or downplayed by the mainstream media. They cannot cope with the fact that one of the inventors of the vaccines questions their use at this time for coronavirus, and that he is actively sounding alarm bells. Thus, he has been the target of an angry press in such prestigious journals as The Atlantic and on other websites. One website, for instance, called him a “well known vaccine-sceptic”; a curious labelling, seeing as he made a career developing a vaccine strategy, and having assisted in many vaccination projects. He has had (temporarily) his LinkedIn site taken down, and has even received death threats. “Dr. Malone was de-platformed from every media platform,” according to another co-suffering, persecuted physician mentioned above, Dr. Zelenko. Truly, the degree of censorship and the manipulation of ideas being practiced today by media sources and their allies is beyond comprehension. As mentioned above, Dr. Malone has been slandered, mocked and has even received death threats.

Regarding being fact checked, Dr. Malone said during the Highwire interview above:

Now, I’ve been fact checked by “Politifact” and our friends at “Reuters” and they’ve said that this is false information I am giving out and they gaslighted me, good and hard, but fortunately I’m a scientist that doesn’t say things just out of the blue because I feel like it, or I think it’s the right thing to say. I say things because there is data behind it, and so I was immediately able to flip the multiple peer-reviewed publications and call them out. Of course, in the modern world, being mainstream media means you never have to say I’m sorry or retract anything.




On 7 October 2021, “The Desert Review” printed an article titled “Inventor of mRNA banned by the New England Journal of Medicine”, in which they write:

Today, a new level of totalitarianism was reached when Dr. Robert Malone was banned from reading the New England Journal of Medicine…He is thus, the father of the modern mRNA vaccine technology, and he has spoken out against its recent misuse in the COVID-19 pandemic.

Unfortunately, there has been retaliation, more than one would expect in a free society. Here is a level of retribution one would typically find in Russia or China, not in the United States of America. This country used to be the model for free speech.

Now it seems that a recent email from The New England Journal of Medicine has banned Dr. Robert Malone. On October 7, 2021, Dr. Malone reported the following:

“For your information, I have now been banned from reading the New England Journal of Medicine. They have blocked my IP address. I wonder how many others have been blocked?

Read full article here



For several videos of Dr. Malone - see here.



COVID, Ivermectin & ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’: Highlights of Dr. Robert Malone’s Blistering Interview To Joe Rogan - see here.


8. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg – physician, epidemiologist and politician




Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is a German physician and public health expert.  He completed his medical training in Berlin and Hamburg, receiving his medical doctorate and publishing his thesis at the Bernhard Nocht Institute in Hamburg.  He holds postgraduate qualifications in internal medicine and pulmonology.  His other areas of experience and expertise include public health, environmental medicine, bioethics, and epidemiology – with a particular emphasis on the international management of pandemics.  

As a physician, he worked in roles as diverse as being a ship’s doctor and port health authority in Hamburg, Germany to being a director of health centres (gesundheitshauses) in Flensburg, Germany, where he participated in many public health and epidemiological projects.

Dr. Wodarg is a former member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) where he led an inquiry into alleged corruption and conflicts of interest related to the EU’s response to the Swine Flu pandemic of 2009.  His investigation discovered a hornet’s nest of lies and corruption inside the World Health Organisation (WHO). He introduced, into the European Parliament, a motion to investigate what was determined to be a “Fake Pandemic.” This fake pandemic enriched pharmaceutical companies in a corrupt manner and led to unnecessary vaccinations, bringing vaccine-related harms to many Europeans.  He did a great deal to deflate that fake pandemic scare at the time, much to the alarm of the corrupt pharmaceutical companies and their willing governmental allies.

To read the article, “Why EU investigated WHO for ‘fake pandemic’”, click here.

As MP in the European Parliamentary Assembly, and also a member of the SPD party in the German Bundesdag (from 1994-2009), Dr. Wodarg served as a public health advocating doctor-politician.  He combined his medical knowledge and public health expertise to advocate for health transparency and the protection of human rights over corrupt institutions. He did this at the national (German) and even international level (European Union). His work against corruption continued as a board member of Transparency International Germany, where he was the head of this organisation’s anticorruption Healthcare Working Group.   However, due to his refusal to follow the mainstream COVID-19 narrative, Dr. Wodarg’s Transparency International membership was “suspended” on 25 March 2020.

Dr. Wodarg is also the author of many health and science articles, books, newspaper articles, political journal articles, internet articles and other publications.  This is in addition to his teaching and lecturing at multiple German and European Universities.

Dr. Wodarg is truly one of the world’s foremost experts on pandemics, and one of the wisest and most experienced voices in the world when it comes to providing an informed medical and public health perspective on the current COVID-19 situation.


In October 2021, Planet Lockdown conducted an intimate sit-down interview with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. There were three major issues that were discussed in the interview:

  1. The broad issue of corruption in the World Health Organisation (WHO),
  2. How we should understand the “pandemic”, or lack thereof
  3. How we must stop this diabolical trend towards a fake medical dystopia that will take over all aspects of our lives.

Planet Lockdown had this to say about Dr. Wodarg:

He is one of the most honest and thoughtful people we have ever met and has an amazing resume and has lived a rich life full of experiences that uniquely qualifies him to understand the depth and breadth of this complex situation we find ourselves in.

He began his career as a doctor in internal medicine, but was unhappy about the focus on making money off people who were sick, so he went on to be a public health official in northern Germany where he is from.

There he conducted surveys to measure annual flu waves, by having his secretary call factories, schools and businesses to see if people were at home sick. It wasn't uncommon in a decent flu wave for 10% to be at home sick.

From there he became a member of the German Parliament. While there, the Swine Flu scare occurred, and he knew something wasn't right when 800 cases in Mexico was declared a pandemic. He dug into the issue and discovered a hornet’s nest of lies and corruption inside the WHO.

He floored a bill called Fake Pandemic and did much to deflate that fake scare at the time, to the consternation of the corrupt functionaries of these institutions. He went on to work in the Council of Europe and is truly one of the most honourable and honest voices to provide perspective on our current situation.

We were honoured to get one remote interview earlier in the year and this in person one. Listen and learn from this man of integrity!



Watch full interview here


Unlike our previous format, we have decided to present the reader with some direct quotes by Dr. Wodarg, and commentaries on these quotes by the renowned and eminent osteopathic physician, Dr. Joseph Mercola. Dr. Mercola’s commentaries are very important to us because he is one of the few doctors speaking out about the COVID-19 narrative. Because of his outspokenness, he has been vilified by social media as a “spreader of misinformation”.  The fact that he is labelled in this way demonstrates that he must be on the right path.

Below is the entire article by Dr. Joseph Mercola titled, “The WHO Is an Institution of Corruption”.


Story at a Glance

* Fundamental corruption at the World Health Organization (WHO) contributed to manufacturing a “test pandemic”

* Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former head of health at the Council of Europe, explains that a pandemic used to be associated with widespread severe illness and death, but by changing the definition, removing the severity and high mortality criteria, the WHO can now make a pandemic whenever it wants

* COVID-19 was a “test” pandemic, not a virus pandemic, because PCR tests may give a positive result when it detects fragments of coronaviruses that have been around for 20 years, a fragment of virus too small to make you ill or a fragment of COVID-19 that was there weeks ago

* The mass COVID-19 shot campaign is riddled with conflicts of interest at a fundamental level, and these conflicts are putting people’s lives at risk by putting vaccine production ahead of disease prevention

* As Wodarg noted, if you want to earn money producing vaccines, you need new markets in which to use them, and new diseases so you can sell your vaccine.


Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an internal medicine doctor and former head of health at the Council of Europe, spoke with Planet Lockdown on the fundamental corruption at the World Health Organization and how it contributed to manufacturing a “test pandemic.” [1] 

The seeds were sown more than a decade ago during the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic. In 2010, Wodarg accused pharmaceutical companies of influencing WHO’s pandemic declaration, calling swine flu a “false pandemic” that was driven by Big Pharma, which cashed in on the health scare[2]  

According to Wodarg, the swine flu pandemic was “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the century.” [3] As noted by Planet Lockdown, Wodarg, then a member of the German Parliament, “knew something wasn’t right when 800 cases in Mexico was declared a pandemic”: [4] 

He dug into the issue and discovered a hornet’s nest of lies and corruption inside the WHO. He floored a bill called Fake Pandemic and did much to deflate that fake scare at the time, to the consternation of the corrupt functionaries of these institutions. 

With a Definition Change, WHO Could Create Pandemic Anytime 

Secret agreements were made between Germany, Great Britain, Italy and France with the pharmaceutical industry before the H1N1 pandemic began, which stated that they would purchase H1N1 flu vaccinations but only if a pandemic level 6 was declared by WHO. 

Six weeks before the pandemic was declared, no one at WHO was worried about the virus, but the media was nonetheless exaggerating the dangers. [5] Then, in the month leading up to the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, WHO changed the official definition of pandemic, removing the severity and high mortality criteria and leaving the definition of a pandemic as “a worldwide epidemic of a disease.[6]




This switch in definition allowed WHO to declare swine flu a pandemic after only 144 people had died from the infection worldwide[7] While the swine flu scare was eventually deflated, this wasn’t so with COVID-19, even though the real signs of a pandemic are absent. As Wodarg explained, it used to be that a pandemic was associated with widespread severe illness and death, but that’s no longer the case: [8]

There was an explanation of what a pandemic is and it always was going with many, many people dying from infections. Many severe diseases, hospitals being overcrowded. It was such a catastrophe… and everyone in the street would notice that there is a pandemic because the neighbours would get ill, the people at work would get ill. In the bus, you would see people coughing. In a pandemic … it’s something each of us would experience. This was a pandemic. And WHO changed it.

By removing the severity and high mortality criteria, WHO could make a pandemic whenever they wanted. “The pandemic is just a picture spread by the media, making us afraid. But what the people experience is not what we used to understand when we used the word epidemic or pandemic,” he said. [9] Now, the word pandemic has to do with fear, not illnesses. “It’s a brand for fear.




COVID-19 Is a ‘Test’ Pandemic 

If there hasn’t been a true pandemic, in the old definition of the word, then how are the media and government getting all of these high case numbers for COVID-19? This is due to the PCR test. 

“It was accepted by WHO, and they said when the test is positive, we have a case of COVID-19. And this is how they started counting the cases,” Wodarg said. “What they counted was the activity of testing. And the more they tested, the more cases they found.” [10] 

Positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests are not designed to be used as a diagnostic tool as they cannot distinguish between inactive (noninfectious) viruses and "live" or reproductive ones[11] 

Inactive and reproductive viruses are not interchangeable in terms of infectivity. If you have a nonreproductive virus in your body, you will not get sick from it and you cannot spread it to others. Further, many if not most laboratories amplify the RNA collected far too many times, which results in healthy people testing positive.” 

The higher the cycle threshold (CT) i.e., the number of amplification cycles used to detect RNA particles the greater the chance of a false positive. While any CT over 35 is deemed scientifically unjustifiable,[12],[13] the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended running PCR tests at a CT of 40. [14]

A test known as the Corman-Drosten paper and tests recommended by the World Health Organization were set to 45 cycles. [15],[16] When labs use these excessive cycle thresholds, you end up with a grossly overestimated number of positive tests, so what we're really dealing with is a "casedemic" [18],[19] an epidemic of false positives. 




Wodarg says COVID-19 “was a ‘test’ pandemic. It was not a virus pandemic,” [20] because PCR tests may give a positive result when it detects coronaviruses that have been around for 20 years. He explained: [21] 

“The SARS viruses, they are very long RNA viruses. There are 30,000 letters in this genetic information. The PCR test only takes a very small part of them, or two parts of them. So two words out of a whole book … before you start testing, you can already estimate how often this test will be positive. If you take a sequence which is in many varieties of viruses, you will have many positive tests.”

The PCR test only tests for certain sequences of the RNA. It gives a positive result when it only finds a small fragment; it doesn’t need the whole virus. If the virus was there weeks ago or you have a touch of the virus present, but no infection, it can still test positive and add another COVID-19 “case,” even though you’re not actually sick. 




COVID-19 Shot Conflicts of Interest Putting Lives at Risk 

The mass COVID-19 shot campaign is riddled with conflicts of interest at a fundamental level, and these conflicts are putting people’s lives at risk by putting vaccine production ahead of disease prevention. As Wodarg noted, if you want to earn money producing vaccines, you need new markets in which to use them, and new diseases so you can sell your vaccine. 

“This is a very serious matter,” he said, which has nothing to do with health or hygiene “it has to do with criminology”: [22]

When they want to sell their vaccines, they need people who are ill so they can make clinical studies. So, when there is an outbreak, and they want to make clinical studies with their vaccine to protect people against this disease just breaking out … there is a conflict of interest. If you have normal ways to stop the infection, with hygiene, with distancing, with isolating, with consulting with people, giving advice how to behave … if you stop the disease quickly, you’re not able to have enough cases for your study.

So we have a “pandemic” that’s based on a test that doesn’t prove infection, but what it did do was make people afraid. And that fear was the basis for saying we need a vaccine. The shots, however, aren’t effective.

In November 2020, Pfizer, in a joint venture with Germany-based BioNTech, announced that their mRNA-based injection was “more than 90% effective” in a Phase 3 trial. [23] This does not mean that 90% of people who get injected will be protected from COVID-19, however, as it’s based on relative risk reduction (RRR).

The absolute risk reduction (ARR) for the jab is less than 1%. “Although the RRR considers only participants who could benefit from the jab, the absolute risk reduction (ARR), which is the difference between attack rates with and without a jab, considers the whole population. ARRs tend to be ignored because they give a much less impressive effect size than RRRs,” researchers wrote in The Lancet Microbe in April 2021. [24]

Nonetheless, the jabs received emergency use authorization, which has paved the way for vaccine mandates and other assaults to your freedom and health. 




Will Vaxxed People End Up Sicker? 

The lack of effectiveness is one key reason why Wodarg believes most people do not need a COVID-19 jab. The other reasons include serious risks of adverse events from these experimental jabs, and the fact that, Wodarg says, cross-immunity exists due to multiple previous exposures to other coronaviruses in most people. [25] The genetically produced so-called vaccines are not necessary, because we have immunity.” [26] 

As he stated, your immune system is well-equipped to protect you, and new viral exposures each year help to keep this complex system updated. Risk increases when you avoid regular viral exposures to keep your immune system ready: [27]

“Those new ones that come, this is some work for your immune system to get an update, but it doesn’t make most people very sick, only in a few, rare cases. When we are not trained, or we didn’t have contact with viruses for a very long time, because we were isolated somewhere alone, not having our grandchildren on our knees, not experiencing any training — it’s the same when you are out of training and you suddenly have to climb a high mountain. Maybe your heart goes into failure and you die — maybe you die when you have contact with something your immune system has forgotten.”

The spike protein that the shots stimulate your cells to produce is also deeply concerning, since it’s toxic: [28]

Vaccines are made to stimulate our cells, we don’t know which cells, or where the injection goes, but those cells that get contact with the vaccine, they produce spike proteins, which are very toxic. Normally, those spike proteins don’t come into the blood, this is why we don’t get seriously ill from coronaviruses. When you inject them, you bypass the natural immunity.”

This is a likely reason why there are so many side effects associated with the shots, as injecting these spike proteins is unnatural and very dangerous. It’s since been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus. [29]

Further, Wodarg says, once your body has been injected with the spike protein, it may have an overreactive response the next time it comes in contact with a typical coronavirus, potentially leading to a dangerous cytokine storm.

When counting COVID-19 cases this winter, Wodarg believes it is important to ask whether the person received a COVID-19 shot or not. “I am quite sure,” he said, “that those people vaccinated will be the severe cases and that those who are not vaccinated will just experience a normal flu.[30]

What’s more, once you’re vaccinated, they have all your data — the batch of the shot, the date and time. So, you’re essentially part of a clinical trial that you’ve never agreed to, and there’s no transparency about the risks involved. Wodarg believes that the pandemic “emergency” is being prolonged from month to month because it helps their injection studies, even as there are massive conflicts of interest involved.

If you listen to the media, you’ll be brainwashed that the jab is necessary, but don’t fall for the hype, including that getting the shot will earn you your freedom back. Wodarg said: [31]

You won’t be free to travel. You will be controlled nevertheless, because the next virus already comes, the next jab is waiting. They want to perpetuate this game with us, with vaccines and with vaccine passports. It’s just the perfect control by this market and it has nothing to do with health. So we have to stop it.  




Sources and References

[1], [4] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021
[2] Daily Mail January 17, 2010
[3] The Times of Israel May 14, 2020
[5], [7] BitChute, TrustWHO
[6] Wayback Machine, WHO Pandemic Preparedness September 2, 2009 (PDF)
[8] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 2:05
[9] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 5:40
[10] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 8:50
[11] CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel July 13, 2020 (PDF)
[12] The Vaccine Reaction September 29, 2020
[13] Jon Rappoport’s Blog November 6, 2020
[14] FDA.gov CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel Instructions, July 13, 2020 (PDF) Page 35 15 WHO.int Diagnostic detection of Wuhan Coronavirus 2019 by real-time RT-PCR, January 13, 2020 (PDF) 16 WHO.int Diagnostic detection of 2019-nCOV by real-time RT-PCR, January 17, 2020 (PDF)
[17] Eurosurveillance 2020 Jan 23; 25(3): 2000045
[18] PJ Media October 27, 2020
[19] AAPS October 7, 2020
[20] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 14:02
[21] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 9:40
[22] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 16:30
[23] Pfizer November 9, 2020
[24] The Lancet Microbe April 20, 2021
[25] Medical Hypotheses November 2020, Volume 144, 110049
[26] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 29:03
[27], [28] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 25:15
[29] Circulation Research March 31, 2021
[30] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 28:16
[31] Rumble, Planet Lockdown, Wolfgang Wodarg, Full Interview, October 18, 2021, 34:57 




Attacks and suppression:

The renowned and eminent Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is continually condemned for speaking out about the COVID-19 pandemic and for his strong opposition to the use of COVID-19 vaccines. He believes that the COVID-19 pandemic was fabricated in order to promote continual vaccination. This doctor is mocked in many articles, with headlines such as “Famous Doctors and Their Dangerous Disinformation”, “3 biggest vaccine misinformation campaigns + their origins” and “Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an infamous German doctor has been spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about COVID-19.”

Critics of Dr. Wodarg claim that his views are not credible, despite the fact that one of his main fields of expertise is the international management of pandemics, which involves analysing the spread of contagious diseases during pandemics. He led the investigation and the exposure of the fake Swine Flu pandemic in 2009. He has also taken a strong stance against corruption and the lack of transparency by the World Health Organisation, health agencies, governments, and pharmaceutical companies. It seems that it is from this time that his enemies began to attack him.

Because of Dr. Wodarg’s comments on the COVID-19 pandemic and its parallel to the Swine Flu hoax of 2009, his position as a board member of Transparency International Germany (where he was the head of this organisation’s anti-corruption Healthcare Working Group) was suspended on 25 March 2020 “until further notice”. This means that Dr. Wodarg can no longer exercise any functions on the board or as head of the health working group for the time being. The Transparency Chairman, Hartmut Bäumer, said that the reason for this suspension was that Wodarg had expressed his views on “radical media” which “regularly work with conspiracy theories, with anti-democratic and sometimes anti-Semitic prejudices” and “oppose the basic democratic principles of Transparency”. You will note that the Transparency Chairman did not dispute any of Dr. Wodarg’s views because if he did, it would easily be revealed that the Chairman’s disagreement is not based on science. In other words, Dr. Wodarg’s views are brilliant, indisputable, and based on scientific and factual evidence.


In an article published in “The Philadelphia Inquirer” on 2 February 2021 titled, “The COVID-19 vaccine does not cause infertility, as social media myths are claiming”, the reporter writes:

Anti-vaccine activists have been having a field day with the myth that COVID-19 immunizations cause infertility. There is zero evidence to support this canard, but it has caught on because it has the thinnest veneer of scientific plausibility, plus a coincidental echo in a science fiction mini-series.

The co-originator of the myth is Wolfgang Wodarg, a German politician and physician who left medical practice in 1994. He was “the prime mover” in 2010 behind cries that the swine flu pandemic was fake and that drug companies had used the crisis to squander money on “inefficient vaccine strategies” that exposed people to “insufficiently tested vaccines,” as an article in the journal Nature reported.

Read full article here

The author of this article very cleverly refers to Dr. Wodarg as one “who left medical practice in 1994.” She is trying to confuse people into thinking Dr. Wodarg is no longer qualified to speak about these matters as he has been out of medical practice for over 25 years. Yet, if one re-reads his biography above, it is clear that he is not only qualified, but over-qualified to speak on this matter. The use of terms such as “zero evidence”, “canard” (meaning false or baseless), and “thinnest veneer of scientific plausibility” are also used to discredit and attack Dr. Wodarg and his well-informed scientific position on these matters.


The following are three articles which demonstrate the level of slander and attacks on Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg’s reputation, qualifications and expertise.

  1. Famous Doctors and Their Dangerous Disinformation - read here.
  2. Three biggest vaccine misinformation campaigns + their origins - read here
  3. Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an infamous German doctor has been spreading dangerous conspiracy theories about COVID-19 - read here


For more videos of Dr. Wodarg please see below: 

Because we found the first two videos very powerful, we decided to provide the transcripts. People can follow the text while listening to Dr. Wodarg speak, and use the text to copy and paste as needed.


Wolfgang Wodarg | Another Interview 1 | Planet Lockdown - see video and transcript here



Wolfgang Wodarg | Another Interview 2 | Planet Lockdown - see video and transcript here



Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg - All You Need to know About COVID - see here.



A Conversation with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg and PANDA's Nick Hudson - see here.



Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg gives his impressions about the current situation, April 2021 - see here.


9. Dr. Pierre Kory - Lung and Critical Care Specialist 




Dr. Pierre Kory is a founding member and president of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care
Alliance (FLCCC) and co-author of the MATH+ and I-MASK+ Prophylaxis and Treatment Protocols

Dr. Kory is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and former Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin. He is considered one of the world pioneers in the use of ultrasound techniques in the assessment of the critically ill patient. He helped develop and implement the first national education courses in Critical Care Ultrasonography in the U.S., and served as a Director of these courses with the American College of Chest Physicians for several years. Dr. Kory is also the senior editor of the most popular textbook in this field, titled “Point of Care Ultrasound,” a book that is now in its second edition and has been translated into seven languages worldwide. He has led over one hundred courses nationally and internationally, teaching physicians this now-standard skill within his specialty.

Dr. Kory appeared as a witness before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs on 8 December 2020, which held a hearing called “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution”. Before the Senate Committee audience, Dr. Kory called upon the government to swiftly review the already expansive and still rapidly emerging medical evidence on Ivermectin:

People are dying at unacceptable and untold rates. I am a lung and ICU specialist, and all I do right now is take care of COVID-19 patients dying of breathlessness in ICUs. By the time they get to the ICU, it is nearly impossible to save most patients. They simply cannot breathe…Ivermectin and the components in the I-Mask+ Protocol could save hundreds of thousands of people around the globe who do not have to die while they await the widespread distribution of the vaccines…

Please note that when Dr. Kory said, “while they await the widespread distribution of the vaccines…,” people may have the impression that he is pro-COVID-19 vaccines. It would seem that perhaps Dr. Kory at the time (late 2020, before the vaccines had arrived…) was somewhat positive towards the COVID-19 vaccines, not knowing the high rate of side effects and death. It is important to remember however that during this meeting his aim was to emphasise the need for early treatment, regardless of vaccination status. We will see Dr. Kory’s true position in full detail further down.

Regarding the safe and effective use of FDA-approved drug, Ivermectin, in treating COVID:

There is a drug that is proving to be of miraculous impact. If you take it, you will not get sick… And when I say ‘miracle,’ I do not use that term lightly. Ivermectin obliterates [COVID] transmission… Early treatment is key. We need to offload (unburden) the hospitals… When used as directed, Ivermectin prevents the need for hospitalisation.




Dr. Kory spoke about the amount of evidence the FLCCC Alliance has collected and compiled into a manuscript. He emphasised that the amount of published evidence on the use of Ivermectin in COVID-19 cases was certainly more than what was needed for FDA approval on an “emergency” or “compassionate use” authorisation basis. Unfortunately, during the pandemic, certain drugs and vaccines were approved for emergency use with very little supportive evidence.

That happened for Remdesivir, a drug with far less supportive evidence and much, much higher cost. Why can’t it happen for Ivermectin given this level of evidence? How many more trials have to be done when our manuscript details results from over twenty studies— with over ten of them randomised controlled trials?

Regarding Ivermectin being a readily available solution that should not be dismissed:

I don’t know how much longer I can do this, especially knowing that it will all be needless death from here on out, given there is a readily available solution. A solution that cannot be dismissed or ignored. There is a critical need to inform health care providers in this country and the world. The leadership of our governmental health care agencies has a great responsibility here. All we ask is for the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA to conduct a rapid review of the literature reviewed in this presentation and provide guidance to the country’s health care providers.

If we do nothing, the present trend will continue. History will judge. The American people will cry for answers or will praise the courage of those elected to represent their interest.

Unfortunately, this testimony by Dr. Kory was ignored, as was the evidence presented by other medical and scientific experts.

Read news article here

Read research article here 


In an interview on 1 June 2021 with Dr. Bret Weinstein on the “Dark Horse Podcast”, Dr. Kory spoke about how doctors have been told precisely how they are to treat patients with COVID-19:

I started to see all the institutions coming up with their treatment protocols. You weren’t allowed to stray from the protocol, even if you’re an expert. Literally, the leaders of the hospitals were saying, “Don’t use—” and you couldn’t do anything else. You couldn’t actually [function as a] doctor and, suddenly, I felt like I was being handcuffed. It was bizarre. I’ve never seen that in my life before.

I’ve never been asked to do that before. I’ve always been asked to use the best extent of my experience and judgment and insight to best help the patient. That’s the oath I took. The oath wasn’t, “Do what the gods of science say—” Paul [Dr. Paul Marik] calls the healthcare leaders the gods of science and knowledge because we’re just little mortals and we have to listen to the gods. I’ve never been asked that before.

Oftentimes, I’m sorry, but I don’t want to sound so dismissive, but many of them are really desk jockeys. They’re not on the front lines. They’re reading some papers. They think they know what the disease is. They don’t know what this disease is. They’re not sweating it out, seeing day to day, the manifestations, the responses to therapy, the lack of responses. They don’t understand this disease, and yet they’re telling everyone how to treat it. We want a seat at the table, we expert clinicians. Where’s the expert clinician committee? 



To read the entire Hippocratic Oath, click here.


Regarding the history of Ivermectin, Dr. Kory says:

Ivermectin, it’s one of the most common medicines in the world. It actually works against parasites, so worms, different parasitic diseases that affect humans and animals. It’s very common medicine given to animals. It also won the Nobel Prize because it essentially transformed the health status of huge portions of the globe. There’s a lot of continents where parasitic diseases were endemic and absolutely decimated the health status of really low and middle-income countries. One of them is a disease called onchocerciasis or African River Blindness.

There were some populations in Africa, some societies where I think it’s like 50% of the men by the time of age 40 were blind [from the parasitic disease]. You had villages where all the people were blind. Here comes Ivermectin, known to be this really effective [drug], and it basically eradicated the disease. It’s been used now for 40 years, 4 billion doses. The WHO has administered mass distribution programs to many of those areas. For that reason, it’s one of the greatest feats of a medicine in history. Maybe not as big as penicillin. That’s one of the biggest discoveries. Literally, it’s on that shelf, right? That’s just parasites...

Around 2012, the first study started coming out of labs in virus models. They started looking at
cell culture models in labs. They showed that Ivermectin was working against Zika and dengue and West Nile and influenza. It was showing antiviral properties in experiments. Here, you
have this phenomenal anti-parasite drug. Now, it’s showing that it has efficacy
[effectiveness] against viruses…

Then you know the story with COVID is that a group in Australia published a study, I think it was late April of 2020, showing that in their cell culture model, it basically eradicated all viral material within 48 hours… People were dying. There’s so much that was going on that a couple of countries, Peru, in particular, they did the boldest move and because of it - that was really emergency thinking, emergency action - based on a basic science lab experiment, they recommended Ivermectin to the population… It was very controversial … Really, the excess deaths were plummeting [after Ivermectin] in all these regions in Peru.




Regarding the health agencies limiting choices on how to treat COVID-19 patients and not allowing the use of Ivermectin:

The fact that our public health agencies are basically limiting the choices and the treatments that they champion and they’re literally excluding this one - [Ivermectin, this means] they have failed their goal of protecting the global health of citizens. I think it’s colossal, and it will be a historic injustice to the world. I cannot believe that this is occurring. Literally, people are dying because they don’t know about this medicine. Providers are being told not to use the medicine.

 I’ve never studied a medicine which has more evidence than this. You talked about meta-analysis. Everybody’s waiting for this big randomized controlled trial, which oddly isn’t really being done, right? Well, actually, that’s not necessarily true. There is a trial that was funded in large part by philanthropy that we know about that’s being conducted. That trial will probably meet these ever-elusive criteria of the trial [needed for FDA approval]. You have dozens of randomized controlled trials conducted by interested and committed clinicians from oftentimes low and middle-income countries around the world and there’s no conflicts of interest. None of them are going to make a million dollars by finding out that Ivermectin works in COVID. None of them have a conflict of interest.

I thought that this was a data argument in the beginning. Actually, to be honest, I want to be fair… I kept trying to argue data-- I would say, “But you know, meta-analyses are stronger than any big trial. You don’t need a big trial.” I would have these data arguments, but it’s not about the data. There’s something else. There’s that thing that we can see and feel out there that is just squashing, distorting, suppressing the efficacy [effectiveness] of Ivermectin and it’s egregious [horrific] … There are forces that are seeking to make sure that Ivermectin is not accepted widely as an effective therapy. It still leaves me speechless…

You have epidemiologic analyses, and then the clinical experience of doctors. You can’t find a doctor who has incorporated Ivermectin into their treatments who will come back and say, “My patients didn’t get better.” …If you know how to treat patients, and you are a good student, and you’re a good clinician which is to say a keen observer of diseases in patients who are ill, you can see these dramatic impacts of Ivermectin.




Regarding the use of Ivermectin as a preventative medication:

We forgot to mention the prevention. I keep talking about treatment. We all recognize it’s much better to not get sick, than to get sick and to have to treat… For me, there’s data for prevention, early outpatient treatment, and late-phase hospital critical care. They’re all astoundingly positive. The strongest evidence with the highest magnitude impact is the prevention trials. Now, I think we’re up to 13 or 14 [prevention trials]. At the time that I wrote my paper, I think we had eight or nine. They’re tremendous. They are absolutely lights out.

My favourite trial is from Hector Carvalho who’s a researcher down in Argentina, who’s now a friend of mine. He’s a really interesting guy, and he’s another one who’s just fighting for good treatment. He did a study with his colleagues where they basically got 1,200 healthcare workers, high-risk people, and they asked them who would take the Ivermectin. 788 took Ivermectin once
a week for 10 weeks, and then the other 407 didn’t. Nobody got COVID in the 788 who took
it weekly.

Now, there’s a bunch of studies. Some are every two weeks, some are every month but all of them have single-digit risks of getting COVID. The ones that take [Ivermectin] once a week are 0%. Nobody got COVID if you took it once a week. The group who didn’t take it at all in this high risk [group], 58% got sick. 58% got sick versus 0%....

Dr. Kory talks about the sinister reason Ivermectin is being ignored:

We’re in a system where we’re completely beholden to those with financial interests. A little drug like Ivermectin, which is off patent. It’s manufactured throughout the world. No one’s making money off of it, that doesn’t get heard. There’s no voice…




The YouTube, the censorship is their weapon… It’s how they’re fighting against Ivermectin, but the opponents and I don’t like talking about it, but I wrote a white paper, it’s on our website, which is getting a lot of attention. I basically list the opposition. Those that would lose financially by Ivermectin becoming the standard of care. Number one, is the entire global vaccination policy would be kneecapped. The Emergency Use Authorisations [EUAs] would probably be revoked, if you had an effective preventive as well as treatment option…

I do think that there’s some sociopaths that are exerting this, or just, they’re able to - here’s the most magnanimous I can be. I definitely see intellectual laziness is driving this. Some of this is benign neglect, much of it occurring across professional medicine. A lot of doctors are just parroting what they’re told, that the evidence is insufficient, poor trial, small, and nobody’s critically looking at it. Even public health agencies, I think, are also guilty of that, of not exerting and spending the resources that they should critically examining this.

That’s the kindest I can be, but I also think that there are forces [behind Ivermectin suppression]. For instance, what I believe that happened at the WHO, is I believe that committee … that had to do the most recent review on Ivermectin, were basically told that they can’t come out of that room with a recommendation for Ivermectin. Let’s say the motivation… (at great cost of lives) would be so people could make money. That would be a very sinister one… I do think there are people who are so convinced that vaccines are the answer to this, and that goal needs to be achieved at all costs, which is mass vaccination.

They see Ivermectin as disrupting that. Maybe they have some greater public health goal, and that is how they rationalise what they’re doing. That’s the kindest I can be…




Regarding being told that all people need to take a COVID vaccine:

The fact that they’re insisting that everyone get vaccinated, whether you’ve had it [i.e. COVID] or not, it’s extremely disturbing because it’s all downside. You’re only exposing them to the risks of the vaccine without the benefits. How can you credibly do that?

Regarding whether Ivermectin works against the COVID-19 variants:

There’s insufficient evidence to show that Ivermectin doesn’t work against the variants. In fact, it shows that it does work against the variants. That’s a very common question we get, and we had concerns. We didn’t have the data, but from everything that we see, it works in India… The states in India are absolutely decimating it. It’s working against the Indian variant…

We’re thinking that with some of the variants, you need higher doses or longer durations. That’s the only question, but the efficacy [effectiveness] is still there. We think that you need higher doses, and really the efficacy of Ivermectin, like almost any other medicine in an acute illness, it’s about timing.

You can probably get away with lower doses and short durations if you take it upon first symptom. Going back to my cupboard analogy, where I want every household in the country to have a bottle [of Ivermectin] in the cupboard to take upon first symptoms, even before.


Watch interview here

Read transcript here


On 8 October 2021, Dr. Pierre Kory tweeted regarding members of congress being treated with Ivermectin and using FLCCC protocol for COVID:

Fun fact: Between 100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers & family members) with COVID.. were treated by a colleague over the past 15 months with Ivermectin & the I-MASK+ protocol at http://flccc.net. None have gone to hospital. Just sayin.’

FLCCC – Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance of which Dr. Kory is a founding member, on the same day added the following:

FACT: Between 100-200 members of Congress and their families & staffers have been treated with Ivermectin & our I-MASK+ protocol for COVID. NO hospitalizations. Not one of them reported that to the people. They saved themselves & stayed silent as Ivermectin was torched [maliciously blackened].

See Twitter post here

Read article here.


Below is a selection of other interesting tweets posted by Dr. Kory.

On 20 October 2021:

I am now an expert witness (pro bono) in a big lawsuit against a large pharmacy chain responsible for their pharmacists (also named) ILLEGALLY PRACTICING MEDICINE WITHOUT A LICENSE... by refusing to fill IVM. Hey pharmacists still doing this s_ _t: heads up, they're coming for you!

On 22 October 2021:

Great quote by Louisiana AG Jeff Landry in regards to pharmacists refusing to fill ivermectin: “I don’t know where their conscience was when they were giving out opioids like M&Ms, IVM is not even a scheduled drug. Suddenly they found a #$&! conscience.” (expletive mine, had to)

On 23 October re: The Desert Review article “Freedom and Ivermectin prevail” (Read article here.) 

Article shows the U.S outperformed the U.K and Australia in controlling summer Delta Surge with the use of IVM... this despite CDC/FDA unleashing #pharmageddon on IVM in August.. U.S doc's held fast, stuck to their guns, and are ending the surge. Go Docs!  

On 24 October 2021:

Another sign the world has gone completely mad. Yes, let’s give sick COVID patients placebo for the 35th time despite Mexico's IVM program finding 76% less hospitalization, Misiones 88% less mortality, La Pampas 55% less mortality, and.. Uttar Pradesh eradicating COVID. Go IRB's!

On 31 October 2021 regarding The Brownstone Institute article “106 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted” (Read article here.) 

CENSORSHIP (blocking/deplatforming/media ignoring) & PROPAGANDA (horse dewormer/made-up overdoses/fake dangers) rage on - this crap https://cnn.it/3Esufr2  is 100% fabricated at worst or 100% cherry picked at best - contradicted by 91 studies https://bit.ly/3pMouQW. Nice try CDC!


For Dr. Kory’s Twitter account, click here.


Attacks and Suppression:

In the same interview quoted above, Dr. Weinstein talks about the attempts to censor his interview with Dr. Kory:

I think I need to say a word or two in light of the fact that there is an industrial-strength campaign to censor this story. I need to say something rather directly to those who are most likely to attempt to censor it. What I want to say is that Dr. Kory is not only an advocate for a therapy that is incredibly useful in the context of COVID-19, but he is also someone who has pioneered therapies already that are now the standard of care for COVID-19 patients. That means he has earned the right to talk about whatever he thinks is important.

In the same interview, Dr. Kory speaks about censorship:

It’s limiting discussion, limiting choices, limiting approaches. It’s hard, yes. I don’t know. Did we all forget the history books that we read? When has censorship ever been a good thing?

I get the intention. You want to protect people because medical misinformation might harm them. I have two problems with that, which is if you’re going to limit science, that’s antithetical to science. Science is about exploration, hypotheses. Science is never discovered at the NIH building. It’s actually the people on the ground doing experiments, making deductions. We should flow the information to them, not they flow the information to us.

Then there’s the placing of medical misinformation on a par with [same level as] violent hate speech, White supremacy. I’m sorry, but medical misinformation, it’s not as harmful as you would think…. I think people do not need to be protected to that extent. People have judgment [they can think for themselves]Censorship is not the answer to that. 


As we have seen with the medical professionals above, Dr. Pierre Kory has also been subjected to ridicule for not following the mainstream media narrative. In one article titled “2 fringe doctors created the myth that Ivermectin is a ‘miracle cure’ for COVID-19 – whipping up false hope that could have deadly consequences,” the author writes: 

Together, [Dr. Pierre] Kory and [Dr. Paul] Marik lead the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, a nonprofit organization founded by fringe doctors and former media pros that has led an increasingly concerted campaign, hinged on twisted science, to promote Ivermectin as a cure-all for COVID-19. 

“Ivermectin is effectively a ‘miracle drug’ against COVID-19,” Kory told members of the Senate Homeland Security Committee last December, saying data showed “profound efficacy” of the drug “in all stages of the disease.” He concluded that if everyone were to have access to the antiparasitic, “the pandemic will end, the economy can reopen, social interactions and activity can resume, and life can normalize.”

That is not true. But Kory and Marik, through the FLCCC, have led millions of people (including the podcast host Joe Rogan and many of his followers) to believe that hard data from around the world supports the treatment of COVID-19 with Ivermectin. Some of it comes from studies that cite data that has been found not to exist. In other instances, they cherry-pick information or jump to conclusions about Ivermectin’s role in ending illnesses to make Ivermectin sound more effective against COVID-19 than it is. 

The truth of this pandemic is that there is no single, surefire treatment for COVID-19 patients. By suggesting that a prophylactic miracle alternative to vaccines exists, Kory, Marik, and the FLCCC are giving people false hope that can have grave consequences.

The article continues to mock Dr. Kory under the subheading, “A once respected doctor whose hospital rejected his unsupported treatment ideas for COVID-19”. They write:

“There’s no money to be made” in selling Ivermectin, he promised. But the FLCCC does solicit donations from its followers through its website, and has an extensive online store full of Ivermectin t-shirts, mugs, and fanny packs…

Kory recommends a weekly dose of Ivermectin to prevent COVID-19 infection.

Dr. Graham Walker, a San Francisco emergency physician who has treated COVID-19 cases and has been a vocal debunker of Ivermectin misinformation online, said of Kory, “He paints himself as a savior, which then implies that every other doctor is not a savior.

Kory recently got COVID-19 while taking the drug weekly.

“My case was pretty mild,” Kory said during an August FLCCC webinar, while still recovering. “I took treatment doses of Ivermectin and I’m doing much better.”

Source - click here


Dr. Kory’s Wikipedia page which was updated on 29 October 2021:

Kory testified twice to the U.S. Senate regarding COVID-19. During his testimony in December 2020, Kory erroneously claimed that the antiparasitic medication Ivermectin was a “wonder drug” with “miraculous effectiveness” against COVID-19.

See his Wikipedia page here


For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. Kory please refer to Section Two of our website, item numbers: 63, 91, 185, 300 and 316.


10. Registered Nurse Megan - Whistleblower




Nurse Megan [surname unknown at this time] is a registered nurse in Minnesota, USA, with 15 years of experience. She has witnessed, firsthand, the injustice and the lies coming from the media and from national leadership with regard to the treatment of COVID patients in the hospital where she works. Megan is extremely distraught over this whole thing, and can no longer sit back and watch people needlessly die.

In an interview on The Stew Peters Show, titled “Nurse Whistleblower: ‘I’m Watching Them Commit Murder’”, published on 27 September 2021, she courageously came forth to speak about what she, and other nurses witness every day, and to call all nurses to stand up and fight for their patients. 

Nurse Megan exposes how the media is spreading three lies:

I was sitting with the daughter of a patient who was sobbing, her heart was literally broken because her father was about to die. And she pleaded with me to look her in the eye and tell her we were doing everything we could to save her father. In that moment, something inside of me just broke because I can no longer look at these family members and say that that statement is true. I am tired of the lies.

I made an oath, as a nurse, to do no harm and in my mind, I have a duty to act because I can no longer sit by and listen to the lies that the media is telling about the hospital. There are three lies: … they’re telling people there’s no early treatment, they’re telling people that ICU’s are full, and they’re telling people that the COVID patients that we have in the hospital are unvaccinated, and all three of these are lies and, as nurses, we have a duty to stand up and call them out.




On national leadership lying about remdesivir being the only treatment for COVID-19:

…The really huge travesty here is that these care standards are coming down from national leadership. I truly believe that the boots-on-the-ground doctors and nurses think that they are doing what they can for these patients because the truth is being hidden from them. They’re being told by national leadership that remdesivir is the only treatment available, and we know that that is not true. We know it’s not true.

The nurse mentions that, according to her observation, monoclonal antibodies are a viable treatment that is working for people, but her hospital refuses to prescribe them. Stew Peters explains that this is because of money, since the hospital cannot bill insurance companies for monoclonal antibodies. Hospital administrators are therefore restricting doctors from using this treatment because of profits, regardless of the fact that results have been very positive. The nurse says:

They’re following the standards that the government set out, and in my opinion, that is costing lives, and something is very, very wrong. 

When asked whether ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are used in her hospital, Nurse Megan replies:

No, they are not, and actually I just reached out with a team of doctors to try and get a meeting together to broach some of those subjects and try to look at some of the studies, and this is what I’m calling out for every nurse to do, right now, today. 

I am done lying to family members and telling them that we … are providing every treatment possible. We need to be calling out our hospitals, we need to be calling out our administrators, and we need to be providing this data for them, showing them what’s working and calling them out, and demanding that they do these treatments. We have power as nurses, this is our job, to advocate for patients, and it is time to stand up and do this, right now, today. 

Ivermectin is an FDA approved, Nobel prizewinning drug that has saved millions of lives, yet hospitals across the USA are only allowed to use the experimental and dangerous remdesivir. Remdesivir was first developed in response to Ebola but its clinical trial use showed that it caused renal failure and kidney issues in the patients who received it. Subsequently it was stopped. Alarmingly, this drug is part of the NIH and CDC approved protocols, despite all its dangerous side effects. Nurse Megan reports that she has tried to speak to the doctors in her hospital about safer alternatives. She says:

We are not offering them Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, we’re not offering them the monoclonal antibodies, we’re not offering them convalescent plasma, we’re not offering them the choice of hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin because they’re not “FDA approved” for the use in COVID, but there was no trouble pushing the vaccine that was not FDA approved for the last year.

The interviewer asks Nurse Megan whether the media reports that the Intensive Care Units (ICU’s) are full of unvaccinated people are true, based on her firsthand experience. She answers: 

It is not true. There are two lies in the statements that the media is making. The first lie is that the ICU’s are full. Most ICU’s that I am aware of in Minnesota are running at 30-50% of their normal capacity. They have empty beds because we do not have the staff to safely care for these patients. We have empty beds but we do not have enough nurses to care for these patients.

The second lie is that most of the patients are unvaccinated. That is absolutely not true. The majority of the patients that we have seen are vaccinated, fully vaccinated patients, and in most of the unvaccinated population they are getting COVID from their vaccinated family members   




Some of the common vaccine injuries reported include young people getting myocarditis, heart issues and strokes. When Nurse Megan is asked whether she is seeing vaccine injuries firsthand in her hospital, she replies:

We are seeing those things. We actually had a paramedic in our hospital die within seven days of receiving the vaccine. He’d had a prior COVID infection and he had a massive heart attack within 7 days of having the vaccine, and that hit home, that was personal. And yes, we are seeing vaccine injuries, we are seeing an increase in strokes, and increase in M.I. [Myocardial Infarction – heart attack], pulmonary embolism*, blood clots in the legs, cognitive decline – major cognitive decline in the older population, neurological symptoms; we’re seeing all of that, and it is again, just criminal that their stories are not being told.

* A pulmonary embolism (PE) is a blood clot that develops in a blood vessel in the body (often in the leg). It then travels to a lung artery where it suddenly blocks blood flow.

Nurse Megan believes that the crisis in hospitals is no accident: 

It’s not an accident that the government is rolling out these vaccine mandates right before the beginning of flu season in the hospitals, one of our highest seasons of people coming in that need care; that is not an accident. It is not an accident that 20-30% of the health care force is ready to walk away. It is mind-blowing to think about the ramifications of that, but we need to think about that… People need to stand up and realise that if we don’t fight this, we will lose everything anyway. And I sincerely believe that that is what the government wants [i.e., chaos].


Watch the interview here.


Attacks and Suppression:

We are not sure whether Nurse Megan is still working or to what level she is being persecuted. However, we can speculate that anyone who exposes the things she has, certainly will be severely persecuted. More information will be added as we find it.


11. Dr. Paul E. Alexander - PhD, Epidemiologist 




Dr. Paul E. Alexander is a scientist who received his bachelor’s degree in epidemiology from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, a master’s degree from Oxford University, and a PhD from McMaster University’s Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact.

He is a former advisor to the World Health Organization (WHO) and Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) on the COVID pandemic and a former senior advisor on COVID pandemic policy to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) during the Trump administration.

In a radio interview on “The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show” on 16 September 2021, Dr. Alexander spoke about the lack of safety testing of the COVID-19 vaccines:

I’m sharing my view based on all of the science right now — children are not candidates for these vaccines, under any circumstance. The vaccines have not been safety tested. They provide no opportunity for benefit for children, only potential opportunity for harms — and we are seeing the harms that have emerged and the CDC’s various databases and the adverse events, the deaths - this is a very serious issue. And children have a natural protection that, if we bypass it and we inject into the arm, we could get levels of death occurring in children in the United States similar to what we’re seeing in the adult reporting in the CDC’s adverse [event] database, which only captures 1% [of events]. And already we have 14,000 deaths.

He warns about the dangers of booster shots:

When we look at Israeli data today, we see that Israel implemented its booster program, two shots, August 1. When we plot the graphs, we saw that the infections were going up steadily. But what is very interesting and staggering is, if you look at August 1 onwards to now, you see that infections have exploded.

In fact, what is showing is that a booster program, the third shot, not only did not stop the transmission, it exploded the transmission. And we’re arguing that the vaccinated persons are carrying such a high viral load in their mouth, in their oral cavities, and nasopharyngeal passage, that they’re contributing to the spread. 




Regarding the false information that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated:

This is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. This has been falsely [reported] by the CDC and NIH. This is a pandemic of the vaccinated, because when you look at the data out of U.K., the most up to date data, we see that the persons who have died infected with Delta, 70% of the deaths reported by Britain today — today — are those who were double vaccinated. So what the media is saying is completely misleading to the public…

The reality is we’ve always known that you never, ever vaccinate during an ongoing epidemic or pandemic. That’s a virologist’s greatest fear because you drive the variants and mutations. It is vaccination [that does this]. You are putting evolutionary selection pressure on the pathogen…

And then what they’re realizing now is the Pfizer vaccine that we have existing right now in the United States, clearly in Israel — because the Pfizer vaccine is the Israeli vaccine — it just does not hit the Delta anymore. The Delta bypasses the antibodies that the vaccine produces…

The Wuhan strain — the Wuhan, the original strain February, 2020… is long gone, a year now. It doesn’t exist. You are being vaccinated with a vaccine that will fail. I want you to listen to my words: Will fail. And those doing it, those in public health, the medical doctors know this.




On natural immunity, Dr. Alexander says:

There is no vaccine that confers immunity like naturally acquired immunity… Another thing to show you: Gazette, et al, just published a paper preprint out of Israel — and why Israel again? Because Israel was the first out of the box with Pfizer, has the most complete data, the most population vaccinated today.

They’ve just published a study that was stunning, and it should turn this whole vaccine issue on its head now and should stop this garbage by the CDC and NIH about natural immunity not being a prominent issue and [that natural immunity] doesn’t really exist. That is bogus, BS.

… You allow the rest of the society — the infants, the children, the teenagers, the young, the middle-aged who are healthy and well – to live a largely unfettered life, free — no masks, free — and let them face the pathogen like we’ve done for every pathogen. They will become population-level naturally immune... not this narrow spike-specific conferred vaccine immunity that is bogus.

Natural immunity is robust, complete, durable, and lifelong. We have evidence today of people from 1918 Spanish flu. We are seeing that the immunity has survived a hundred years.


Listen to entire interview here


On 28 August 2021, an article titled “COVID-19 Mandates Will Not Work for the Delta Variant” by Dr. Alexander states how the government COVID response lockdowns and other measures have caused great damage to the economy and the population, especially the less-wealthy citizens. He writes:

They destroyed businesses, destroyed employees who were sent home, destroyed lives, and destroyed the lives of children who committed suicide.

Yet the elites are far removed from the ramifications of their nonsensical, illogical, specious [i.e. that which appears correct but is actually false] policies and edicts. Dictates that do not apply to them or their families or friends. The ‘laptop’ affluent class could vacate, work remotely, walk their dogs and pets, catch up on reading their books, and do tasks they could not do had they been in the workplace daily. They could hire extra teachers for their children etc. Remote working was a boon [benefit for them].

The actions of our governments, however, devastated and long-term hurt the poor in societies and terribly and perversely so, and many could not hold on and committed suicide. American Institute for Economic Research’s Ethan Yang’s analysis showed that deaths of despair skyrocketed. Poor children, especially in richer western nations such as the US and Canada, self-harmed and ended their lives, not due to the pandemic virus, but due to the lockdowns and school closures. Many children took their own lives out of despair, depression, and hopelessness due to the lockdowns and school closures

We argue and hold that these lockdown strategies have devastated the most vulnerable among us – the poor – who are now worse off. Lockdowns have hit the African-American, Latino, and South Asian communities devastatingly and have decimated developing nations. Lockdowns have made poor persons even poorer. Lockdowns and especially the extended ones have been deeply destructive and there was absolutely no reason to ever quarantine those up to 70 years old.

Dr. Alexander says that lockdowns have not worked and never will:

Our core position since the start of the Covid-19 response in February 2020 (and which remains fixed for how the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Caribbean nations, European nations, and all other global nations must presently respond to the Delta variant/mutation) is that we do not lock the society down or close schools or impose mask mandates, etc… In fact, even with respect to the initial [Wuhan] variant it became clear very early on in the pandemic that it was probably no more lethal than annual influenza, yet we persisted with draconian devastating lockdown policies that only served to harm the people. These restrictive policies worked to ruin and kill (directly and indirectly) more persons than SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] itself

None of these restrictive policy measures such as lockdowns and school closures have worked in the past for Covid-19 and they will not work now with this media-driven hysteria over the Delta variant. If reimposed, they will once again cause crushing harms and deaths due to the collateral effects

Regarding vaccine passports, Dr. Alexander warns:

That our governments are even considering the issuance of what have become known as Covid-19 ‘vaccine passports’ is very troubling on many levels. The very idea is anathema to our democratic principles and rights that are enshrined in the US Constitution.

The vaccine passports are being considered and/or introduced by various government bodies which will constrain the rights of citizens under the questionable guise of safety. These passports are simply unjustifiable on any grounds, not the least of which is the fact that SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] is no more deadly on a population level than influenza. Supposedly, the passports are designed to allow individuals to partake in everyday commerce and “life” with freedom.

Regarding the media’s role in spreading misinformation and creating fear:

We were fantastically misled by the media and experts who doled out misinformation related to Covid-19 and the lockdowns and we were driven into a life of fear. This really is and was a pandemic of fear, of ignorance, and of hysteria. It continues to be so, supported by a corrupted biased media. This is ‘panic porn’ driven by a craven, inept media, and the corrupt public health officials who are using the Delta variant (soon another e.g. Lambda or Epsilon), to drive further fear. We wonder if it is pure incompetence or unabashed unbridled bias and corruption?




Regarding the testing and quarantining of asymptomatic people (people with no symptoms):

There was no reason to test or quarantine asymptomatic individuals. And in relation to the testing of ‘asymptomatic’ people we can point to the subtle nature of the creation of an environment of fear. The mere use of the word ‘asymptomatic’ implies that everyone being tested is sick! They are not! They are healthy people! Why would we ever do mass testing for viral or other pathogens in healthy people? Readily accessible data showed consistently that there was near 100% probability of survival from Covid for those 70 and under (99.95%). Therefore, we strongly secure and safeguard the elderly as our core approach, while the young and healthiest among us should be ‘allowed’ to live their lives without fear. This was and is our position as we argued and continue to argue for a ‘focused’ and ‘targeted’ approach based on risk. We continue to suggest a similar approach for the Delta variant, based on the UK and Israel data (and other emerging data) and all other nonlethal variants yet to emerge.

On learning to live with the virus just like we do with the common cold and seasonal influenza:

It remains an impossibility to eradicate a viral pathogen, especially if it is highly mutable like the flu virus. We as humanity have learned to live with such viruses. It is likely that Covid-19 will become the 5th ‘common cold’ coronavirus (if it isn’t already) and be with us for decades, in a mild, mainly nonlethal form, and will exhibit a seasonal pattern. Indeed, we have almost zero concerns about the common cold, and yet, the common cold is responsible for many deaths in the elderly or those with compromised immune systems.

We will learn to live with it as we have for other pathogens, e.g. common cold, seasonal influenza etc., and we argue that this latest Delta variant is the step toward this largely ‘benign’ relationship with humans… We can learn from this public health debacle created through wilful ignorance and the near criminal merging of politics with medicine and not repeat the mistakes.

Read article here




On 29 October 2021, an article written by Dr. Alexander titled “The research is in: COVID jabs are ineffective at preventing coronavirus infections” speaks about two further studies and reports that provide evidence that that the COVID-19 injections are failing in their advertised purpose. He writes:

The evidence is pouring in that the COVID-19 vaccines are not as efficacious [effective] as advertised against the Delta variant that became dominant in the fall of 2021. The Delta is learning how to thrive. The evidence has further accumulated to show that the vaccinated are showing viral loads (very high) similar to the unvaccinated, and the vaccinated are equally as infectious

The data seems to suggest that the infection is 50:50 (vaccinated versus unvaccinated) while the U.K. is reporting 70% of deaths in the vaccinated (Delta variant), though there is debate on differential based on < 50 versus >50 years old. It appears that it is the vaccinated who are getting infected and thus transmitting the virus at a far greater rate. This unravels the demand for universal vaccine passports.

In this article, Dr. Alexander goes on to present a combination of twenty-two studies and stories that highlight just how big a problem the vaccine inefficiency is for the NIH, CDC, FDA, and vaccine developers. He states:

It certainly highlights the problems with vaccine mandates that are currently threatening the jobs of millions of people. It raises further doubts about the case for vaccinating children…

In conclusion, many people want the vaccine and they should be free to accept it as individuals. The public benefit of universal vaccination is now in grave doubt, and, as such, should not be expected to contribute to eliminating the social cost of the virus, much less be mandated by governments.

Read the entire article and summary of the 22 studies here


Attacks and Suppression:

Dr. Alexander, as well as all physicians and scientists who speak against the worldwide narrative, has been targeted, marginalised and dismissed by his colleagues, media and government sources.

On 17 September 2020, an article from “The Globe and Mail”, titled “McMaster professor embroiled in White House controversy over reports he attempted to muzzle scientists” accuses the McMaster University professor, Dr. Alexander, of trying to silence scientists by making them change their reports in order to downplay the severity of the pandemic. The reporter writes:

On Wednesday, HHS announced Dr. Alexander is “leaving the department” permanently… The development comes after Politico and the Washington Post published a string of e-mails from Dr. Alexander and Mr. Caputo attempting to silence scientists working on COVID-19 or make them change their reports to downplay the pandemic’s severity and support Mr. Trump’s messaging.

In a lengthy e-mail to The Globe and Mail on Wednesday and a subsequent interview, Dr. Alexander accused the CDC of “generating pseudo scientific reports” and said he was more qualified to analyze COVID-19 data than the 1,700 scientists at the agency.

“None of those people have my skills,” Dr. Alexander said. “I make the judgment whether this is crap.”

…McMaster [University] distanced itself from Dr. Alexander on Wednesday.

In e-mails to the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Alexander also tried to give orders on what Dr. Anthony Fauci, the U.S.'s top infectious diseases expert, would say publicly. In these messages, Dr. Alexander said he “vehemently” disagreed with Dr. Fauci on widespread testing for university students, and asked that he tell the public masks for schoolchildren are not necessary, Politico reported. Dr. Alexander claimed “there is no data, none, zero, across the entire world” that showed COVID-19 transmission in children. He also ordered the NIH to stop adhering to randomized controlled trials, generally considered the best way to test new drugs.

Dr. Alexander’s positions in these e-mails largely contradict scientific consensus and back Mr. Trump. The President has often played down the seriousness of the pandemic, which has killed more than 200,000 Americans. And his allies have called for new COVID-19 treatments to be approved using lower-quality studies than randomized control trials.

Dr. Alexander told The Globe and Mail that he was pushing the CDC to make their reports more upbeat so people would feel more confident going out and spending money.

“Your restaurant will be able to keep their store open and have their livelihood and not go bankrupt, and not hang themselves because of no money. The employee could keep a job and not go into depths of despair and drink and commit suicide,” he said. “Don’t just put in negative things. People want to hear the good news too.”

Dr. Alexander said “there might have been one or two times” that the CDC changed its reports because of him, but he said he “can’t remember exactly” what the changes were. Dr. Alexander said that “nobody at HHS manipulated any data” in the reports, and that his changes were about messaging and presentation.

From the above accusations, one can see the desperate attempt to silence Dr. Alexander for exposing the truth surrounding COVID-19, including lockdowns, masks, the ineffectiveness of vaccines and how all this has caused devastation in the world.

Source - click here

For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. Alexander please refer to Section Two of our website, item numbers: 137, 147, 300 and 328.


12. Dr. Jane Ruby – Medical Professional and Pharmaceutical Drug Development Expert




Dr. Jane Ruby is a medical professional and a pharmaceutical drug development expert with over 20 years of experience with regulatory processes for drug approval by the FDA and the EMA (European Medicines Agency, the European equivalent of the US FDA and the Australian TGA). She is a nurse practitioner who also completed a PhD in psychology and a 2nd doctoral degree in Education. Her two masters degrees are in international health economics and nursing. Dr. Ruby has worked on human research studies, helping to launch some of the most famous compounds in the world used for depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, opioid addiction, and cardiopulmonary diseases. She is also a highly published international health economist who has appeared on numerous TV and radio shows across America.

We would like to thank Dr. Ruby, who kindly looked over this section and edited where necessary.

On 5 October 2021, in a “Learn True Health” podcast, host Ashley James interviewed Dr. Ruby. In this podcast, Dr. Ruby explains the different phases of clinical trials and why we should be alarmed at how the current injection trials have not gone through the proper study progression. She also shares how the COVID shots could potentially harm us.

Regarding the vaccines not giving immunity or protection but only harming people, she says:

These injections are not vaccines because they do not confer immunity, they do not confer protection. They are not for your health. I’ve seen enough evidence, data, and whatever you want to call it that I’m comfortable saying that these injections, and the materials in them, are meant for harm on a mass level. We’ll talk about the details of that. But the reason I’m saying it now, is because if that’s true, and it appears to be, I mean Occam’s Razor, right? [Occam’s Razor is a principle that means, the simplest explanation is usually the best one.]

If you’re coming at me with a knife, you’re not coming to hug me because you’re happy to see me. So, let’s just say, it’s so blatant that it looks like premeditated murder. And as far as I know, in the United States, across all of our laws—our federal laws as well as most or all individual state laws—there’s no immunity* for premeditated murder.

*Here, Dr. Ruby is suggesting that the much-publicised ‘immunity’ from prosecution that the drug companies currently enjoy in US Federal Law (from harm caused by the vaccines) may not stand up in court if murder charges were filed.

Regarding the false assumption that doctors cannot prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) because it is not approved for COVID:

As a prescriber, a doctor, or nurse practitioner, I can prescribe a drug for anything, as long as I take responsibility for it. I’ve seen it work [in places]. Somebody wrote a paper [a study]. It’s not illegal for me to prescribe. This is where the hoax came in around ivermectin and HCQ. It wasn’t approved for COVID so we can’t use it, and the doctors that are going along with that, when they know that they have every legal right to prescribe off-label, should be in Gitmo [Guantanamo Bay detention camp] right now.

Regarding the Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccine and pregnant women:

When the approval came out… under [the title] pregnant women [it says], I can quote it for you: “Insufficient data to establish efficacy [effectiveness] and safety.” Well then, how the heck do you not put pregnant women under the category called contraindications, which is the signal to us, as providers, not to give it to those populations? It shouldn’t be given to populations in which you have never tested it.

Dr. Ruby explains in detail the process of how vaccines are approved for use. Then she concludes:

So, I have maintained that, in my estimation and my expert opinion, the entire emergency use authorisation (EUA) was illegal and the approval and the extension of the EUA for the non-name product were all illegal. And this is the basis upon which I’ve submitted affidavits to a lot of different legal groups that are bringing suits against our Department of Defense because this is designed to take out our military.

Read one of Dr. Ruby’s affidavits here

Regarding how many doctors are working for the drug companies, Dr. Ruby says:

That’s a topic that I get very passionate about. There are countless doctors in the United States, Canada, across Europe, across the world, Asia, Africa that are complicit*, and it’s either one of two things. By now I don’t give them the benefit of the doubt anymore. There’s too much information for them not to at least know there’s something wrong, but I think it’s mostly because they’re incentivised.**

* Complicit: choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, especially with others; having complicity.

** Incentivised: motivated by a reward, which is often financial. See here

I’ve seen insurance companies, Blue Cross and Blue Shield—I’ve seen that so I’m just going to speak about that, I’m sure there are many more—that have sent notices to doctors that have been leaked to us on the Stew Peters Show. And they’ve said, “Doctor, if you can get 60% of your practice injected, you will get a bonus at the end of the year of $75,000.” That doctor tells you, yeah, you should get it. “But doctor, I have lupus, I have fibromyalgia, and I had breast cancer five years ago. Do you really think I should get it?” “Yes, you should really get it.”

I call them zombie doctors at first because they seem to be going around in lockstep saying, yeah, get it, get it, get it. There’s no way they don’t know something’s wrong right now. There’s no way anymore.

One of the doctors that I ask to regularly check this article for medical accuracy, made a comment that confirms Dr. Ruby’s statement in the paragraph above:  

Just yesterday I heard two doctors in the hallway while passing through the hospital. They were surgeons, it seemed. One was saying how he was seeing a red inflammation of the chest wall in vaccinated children. He said, “I’ve never seen anything like it”. The other doctor asked, “and it’s from the vaccines?” The first doctor replied: “There’s no other explanation”.

Whether these doctors come out and expose this is unknown. What this example demonstrates is that many doctors are seeing the effects of the COVID-19 vaccines on children and adults and yet, very few have the guts to come out and expose the truth about them. These doctors declared the Hippocratic Oath or one of the modern versions such as the World Medical Association Declaration of Geneva

I will maintain the utmost respect for human life;

I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat;

Unfortunately, the majority of doctors choose to put their personal income in front of millions of people who have become sick and died.




On why the companies producing these shots have not held press conferences to defend
their products

If you had a company where the information was spreading around, at least through social media and alternative media… and they were saying that your medication was causing acute cardiac death in teenagers, was filled with stainless steel mechanical parasites, toxic industrial chemicals, don’t you think you’d want to hold a press conference and vindicate yourself? Don’t you think you’d want to come forward and provide as much information as possible to dispel this despicable rumour about your product that you worked so hard on, that you put in billions of dollars—billions?

They know what they’re doing. You don’t spend that kind of money and not know what you’re producing. You haven’t heard one of these four companies come forward. There’s been no defence. There’s been no press conference. Even the FDA doesn’t hold press conferences. They don’t care. They don’t care.

Regarding the lies about the effectiveness of the shots, Dr. Ruby says:

Do you want proof that these companies are lying? They told you at the beginning of the year, 100% certainty that these are 95% effective. Oh, but six months later they want to give you a booster because it’s waning [decreasing in strength]. I’ve never even heard [that before]. You’re either efficacious [effective] or you’re not. You don’t have waning efficacy [effectiveness], “Oh, my insulin doesn’t work anymore.” It just doesn’t work like that. This is proof that they’re lying.




On how politicians and others are looking out for financial gain, not the citizens:

Politicians aren’t going to get you out, they got you in. You guys should watch the interview with Dr. David Martin… with a Canadian interviewer (Canada Health Choice), and it is stunning evidence of Trudeau’s business interest in either the mRNA technology or the lipid nanoparticle technology. Like a long, long-standing [interest]. This is going to line his family pockets for generations to come and he knows it.

This is about money, it’s about power, it’s about control. All three things are not always the same motivator in a person. And I’m not picking on one leader. We have a fake leader because this was installed, this was an installation. And then for the first time ever in our country’s history, we had electrified barbed wire around our three branches of government.

It is down to the people. What do I mean by that? I’m not saying, take to the streets… You have the power, but it’s collective, and you’ve got to stop pearl clutching. “Oh my God, is the government really lying to me? Oh my God, how could they put stainless steel particles and parasites into these injections?” Well, they are, and your government is lying to you.

... Fauci’s in on it. It’s a Gates thing. The pharmaceutical companies have been literally tanking, if you really look at their history. This is their lifeblood now. This is the way they’re going to make their trillions. It is down to the people

Dr. Ruby is saying that before this supposed pandemic, pharmaceutical companies were losing profits and therefore they needed to think of a way to increase them. Their answer was vaccine mandates – governments all around the world purchasing, from the pharmaceutical companies, trillions of dollars worth of vaccines and boosters for their citizens. The reader should keep in mind that profit for the pharmaceutical companies is only one aspect of the agenda. There is also sterilisation, depopulation, and world-wide control. This is the main agenda, but why not make some significant profit in the process?

Regarding finding a way to fight back, Dr. Ruby encourages everyone to start in their neighbourhood:

Start in your neighbourhood committees, your town councils, your school boards. If you don’t have children or grandchildren, it doesn’t matter. Go stand with your fellow citizens. They’re trying to get the boot off the neck because the people locally have the power over you. They’re affecting your life, whether they’re forcing you into a mask, or this or that or some other crazy nonsense, and you’ve got to wrangle the power back. Find a legal way, hold a quorum, kick them out, whatever you need to do but take that power peacefully, legally, but take it back and take it back soon. Then from there, once you get that power hold, you can go to the next level. Maybe it’s a regional thing or something like that…

This is not political at all. Freedom is in everybody’s good interest.

Dr. Ruby gives advice to those who have lost their jobs:

The other thing is to form mini-communities because we have to get ourselves off of the corporate teat. I’m going to lose my job, we got the letter. Yeah, they’re going to fire you. They’re coming after two things

The first one is your livelihood. Of course, it’s going to be the hardest thing. And the second thing is your babies. They’re already putting in their data for 5 to 11 [year olds]. You know that the FDA is going to approve it, then the CDC is going to recommend it, and then the rest of the world goes in lockstep. So, the point is they are coming after those two things. You know it’s going to happen so stop whining and bitching, and step forward and start thinking! [Dr. Ruby anticipated this development which has now occurred in the United States as of November 2, 2021.]

Put your energy into [thinking, for example], I’m an electrician, and my wife is a bookkeeper or an accountant. Okay, how can we, with our families, with our neighbours, get ourselves off of the corporate dependence and start to provide services for each other? [We need to think about this] because there’s going to be a little bit of a darker time before we get to the other side of this, in my opinion. And if I’m wrong, you’ve prepared and didn’t need it. I’ve always been of the philosophy that I’d rather prepare for something and not need it than to not prepare and need it.

If you have a medical background, you’re a nurse or a physical therapist, start thinking, with other people: how can I repurpose my skills to barter and keep my family and myself going? Maybe work in a different job or for a small business to keep them alive and they don’t demand that you have the jab before working there. I mean find those, find each other. That’s the way you’re going to survive, and we are going to get to the other side.


Listen or read entire transcript here


On 8 November 2021, Dr. Jane Ruby was interviewed by Doug Billings on his show “The Right Side With Doug Billings”.

Regarding COVID-19 injections, Dr. Ruby said:

I have to side with Dr. David Martin right at the beginning: if you call it a vaccine, you have already lost the argument. This is not a vaccine, it’s not good for anybody of any age. You can argue with me all day long, I don’t care if you’re 100 years old or 5, this is not a vaccine…

I think it is important that people stop calling it a vaccine. You might say, it’s just a term… Language is very important because it gets people thinking a certain way and this is what has caused the fear and the trampling over each other to get these injections. So, it’s not a vaccine, it’s not good for anybody, it is a bioweapon intended to decimate our military, destroy our economy and weaken our American spirit. [Please see Part One for a detailed discussion of the popular use of the word ‘vaccines’ when discussing the COVID vaccines.]

On whether the COVID shots give more immunity than natural immunity:

It is one of the many lies that has been shoved down the throats of American, and actually worldwide citizens, that this vaccine, this magic vaccine (which is not a vaccine)… that this injection is life-saving or that it is better and more powerful than having any natural disease. First of all, if you haven’t figured out by now that you were lied to, you were told that these shots were 95% effective, right? Then you were told 6 months later, oops, it’s only 30% and I guess you have to take a booster. And I can tell you that there are additional boosters, not only in the patents, but in the protocols of these companies – so they’re coming and if you don’t stand up to it now, you’re going to have a harder time later.

There is nothing more powerful than natural immunity… When you have the natural disease and you survive it, you definitely come out of it. Unless you are immune compromised 100% or you’re immune suppressed, with drugs, you come out of it with a very robust immunity, and it’s called active immunity…

So, this lie is being perpetrated to get people to stay frightened enough to keep getting these boosters.




Regarding people that have taken the vaccine but do not want to get a booster, Dr. Ruby said:

I get hundreds… probably two to three hundred emails a day… with jab remorse, injection remorse. They’re sick, maybe they’re not sick but just scared, they’re not going to take the booster, they want to know how to get this out.

Before you go and take these, I just want you to know right now - here’s the scientific truth: Right now, it’s irreversible, we don’t know if it ever turns off, we don’t know if it kind of goes up and down in its activity… a nanoparticle can get across anything – blood-brain barrier, lipophilic [barriers], cellular barriers. So, my point is, you can inject it in the arm and they lie to you - it doesn’t stay there like a regular vaccine. Within minutes to hours, it’s in every cell of your body. This is the toxicity of this thing…

So, if you haven’t taken it yet, don’t take it. And if you’ve taken one, don’t take a second, and if you’ve taken the full – whatever your series is – don’t take the booster. It’s not an even exchange for your job, a European trip or even your military career. In two years, you’re going to write to me and thank me and hundreds of other frontline doctors.  

Regarding people experiencing adverse events after receiving the shots, Dr. Ruby said:

As you go from older people down into younger and younger age groups, the severity and the frequency of adverse events increases dramatically and that’s consistent across countries because I’ve seen data from Canada, I’ve seen EudraVigilance for the European countries [the European version of VAERS]. Why is that? Because children, young people, teens, children, have very robust immune systems - so when you inoculate them or inject these toxins, these poisons, poisons that have never been used in humans before, your body reacts to it… it is very, very, dangerous.

These age groups, I want people to understand, they’re very well-known to us in pharma drug development because they are reportable age ranges [reportable age ranges: those patients that require special attention and carefulness because they are more vulnerable - most often this includes children or pregnant women]. So, when you go to 5 to 11, that’s a reportable age range… You must understand that the data that was released to these press conferences and went to the advisory panel at the FDA last week, it’s a sham! This is not appropriate data, it’s not adequate data, it wasn’t acquired in the proper ways. There’s a process, you have to understand, of human drug research – it’s called Phases 1 through 4… None of that has happened.

This is how we know it’s a sham… we know that so much has been skipped and when they say, “safe and effective”, that’s a very particular term that has to meet a threshold of data, compliance, good manufacturing processes, good research practices – there are FDA guidelines and guidance documents and regulations. All out the window! Never happened…. they don’t have the data.

Regarding flu shots and developmental vaccines:

I wouldn’t trust anything coming from these companies right now… I’ve told my friends and family and their children – 100% moratorium [stop] on all seasonal flu shots and developmental vaccines because I’m telling you, they’ve already said they are integrating the mRNA technology into it. We’ve got 20,000 Americans dead that we know of. I believe the Harvard Pilgrim study said there was less than 1% reported into VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] – you know what that means? That means the real multiplier is 100. Think about it… so 20,000 Americans are dead, multiply 20,000 by 100 – that’s 2 million.

Dr Ruby was asked about the dangers if someone needed a blood transfusion in the event of an accident; how would they know if the blood supply given to them has the vaccine in it, and how can people protect themselves? Dr. Ruby replies:

We’re all in danger because the Red Cross, if you look up on their website – I’ve looked it up and read it in detail – has no plan to protect you. It is very dangerous because when you talk about transferring blood, you’re going to get spike proteins, you’re probably going to get some preliminary damage from them, and we haven’t even seen the manifestation of that yet. People can’t even wrap their heads around the fact that they’ve taken a shot and now they can’t walk anymore – “Oh, it must have been developmental, it couldn’t have been that shot.” How are they going to determine and accept that it happened?

On the probability of children getting jabbed at school without your permission and the need to homeschool:

Get your kids out of school – this is a very positive thing. Get your kids out because they’re going to jab them without your permission – I promise you almost 100%. So, get them out… look around your neighbourhood. Who do you know that are educators that have lost their jobs too? You can create homebound school, homeschooling, maybe some newer ideas for non-traditional educational schooling. 


Watch the entire interview here


Dr. Jane Ruby is the Medical Contributor for “The Stew Peters Show” three days a week and also has a weekly segment on “The Stew Peters Show” called “Ask Dr. Jane”. 

On 8 November 2021, Dr. Ruby spoke about the urgency of removing children from schools because of the new World Health Organisation policy which mandates that, regarding immunisation programs, school attendance automatically implies informed consent:

The World Health Organisation right now, on this day where the 5 to 11 jabs are really ramping up, they’re dictating your child’s healthcare decisions and mandating mass genocide of children. How do I know? They put out a document that is called “Considerations regarding consent in vaccinating children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old.” Here’s the important part of this: Article 3 of this new policy says that attendance in school implies informed consent. You’ve got to understand this. This new policy mandates that children who attend school have waived, for themselves and their parents, their informed consent rights as it relates to the kill shots. Given that this is the World Health Organisation policy, listen to this, and this is where it gets bad, even worse: All signatories to the 2005 international health regulations will have to implement this by treaty obligation.

Here's the bottom line: Get your kids out of school today – public, private, everywhere! Get them out now or forever hold your peace… You might as well send them to school with a note saying “jab my kid” – it’s the equivalent of that now. You’ve been warned. Terrible!



Watch full interview here


Read WHO policy “Considerations regarding consent in vaccinating children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old” here

Watch more videos from Stew Peters “Ask Dr. Jane” segment here


When asked to write something for this article, Dr. Ruby sent the following:

What you are witnessing, whether you see it or not, is a swarm model* implementation of a worldwide program of human destruction, human genome bastardization, and genocideThere is ample evidence that this is a criminal conspiracy by many interlocking groups and individuals that have pumped billions into this eugenics** program, and they have committed acts of terrorism upon the American people and the world citizens for control, power, and money.  They have violated numerous U.S. federal laws and by committing felonies, their shield from legal responsibility will be broken upon conviction. This will shut down the emergency use authorization for these toxic, experimental, bioweapons.  

Swarm model: Instead of one dictator or person leading an evil program like a Hitler or Stalin, the swarm model is where multiple evil people are all out working hard at the same goal: so Fauci, Gates, Soros, the NWO leaders, complicit heads of state, all working together on the same evil agenda. Swarm leadership is a phenomenon in which no one is in charge and yet all leaders follow the same principles and rules to accomplish more together than any one leader could alone.

** Eugenics: A controversial area of genetic science based on the belief that the human species can be improved by encouraging only people or groups with “desirable” traits to reproduce, while discouraging or even preventing reproduction among people with “undesirable” qualities. Its stated goal is to improve the human condition by “breeding out” disease, disability, and other subjectively defined undesirable characteristics from the human population. This involves sterilisation, marriage restrictions, and, in extreme cases, euthanasia.


Attacks and Suppression:

In her radio interview with Ashley James quoted above, Dr. Ruby speaks about the media and about suppression:

None of this would be happening, you have to understand, without a complicit, bought, and paid for, media. The media is a corporate entity now. …I was banned from Twitter twice, now it’s permanent... It’s just not even worth it because half the people on that channel, who have been good people that I would want to hear from, have been banned. I mean, they took out a sitting US president [Trump], so who cares about me?

I am still on Facebook, although I don’t get the following and the traction… I’m really pushing the envelope, so they’ll just ban me. Yeah, I found a really good home at Telegram. For those of you who are not on it yet, everybody hates change, but it’s great for breaking news and lots of conversation with people that really are soaking in information from all over.

An article titled, “Graphene Oxide in Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccines? Here Are the Latest Unsupported Claims” by Bruce Y. Lee, was posted on the Forbes website on 10 July 2021. Mr Lee does his utmost to belittle Dr. Ruby’s credentials and as such, discredit anything she says. He writes of himself, “I am a writer, journalist, professor, systems modeler, computational and digital health expert, avocado-eater, and entrepreneur, not always in that order.” Sadly, he was unable (or unwilling) to use his research skills to discover Dr. Ruby’s true and incredible credentials.

The article writes:

As PolitiFact.com, a nonprofit project operated by the Poynter Institute, described, the post indicated that graphene oxide, “is toxic to the human body and causes a number of problems.” A video accompanying the post featured someone named “Dr. Jane Ruby.” Ruby advanced claims that over 99% of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine consists of graphene oxide and that “There’s no other reason for this to be in here except to murder people.”

Murder people? The Covid-19 vaccine is being used to murder people? You can’t just slip in the word “murder” without offering more explanation or evidence. Imagine telling someone, “I had a great dinner with you, except for when you tried to murder me” or “my boss is OK, except for the whole murder thing.”

[The tweet] pointed out that Ruby has a doctorate in psychology not medicine. That's even though Ruby lists on her Twitter profile “Medical Expert”. The word “medical expert” is not something that you can just throw out there. It’s not like saying that you are an “asparagus petting” expert. If you position yourself as a medical expert, what you say can really affect people’s health. What degrees, training, and experience does Ruby have? Well, Ruby’s website has the following description: “Dr. Jane Ruby is a Washington DC health economist and New Right political pundit with fascinating conservative insights and breaking news in the world of New Media!” Does that sound like a “medical expert”?

Source - click here

The journalist intentionally failed to mention that Dr. Jane Ruby is a pharmaceutical drug development expert, a nurse practitioner with PhDs in psychology and education who studied at the prestigious University of Rochester in New York, and has over twenty years of experience in regulatory processes for drug approval with the FDA and the EMA, the European equivalent of the US FDA. A quick search on the PubMed database will show that Dr. Ruby does have publications in the peer-reviewed literature. She herself invited others to verify this fact during her podcast interview with Ashley Jones. Mr. Lee apparently failed to even consider this, or to investigate even the basics of Dr. Ruby’s claim of having expertise as regards pharmaceutical corporations. If these facts are not enough to qualify her as an expert, you can add that she has worked on human research studies, helping to launch some of the most famous compounds in the world used for depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, opioid addiction, and cardiopulmonary diseases – all of which more than qualify her to speak about medical issues. Perhaps the professor needs to slow down on the avocados because they may be affecting his thinking!

Read article: “Too much of a good thing: Is there such a thing as eating too much avocado?” here


For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. Ruby please refer to Section Two of our website, item numbers: 134, 246 and 293.


13. Dr. Brian Tyson MD - Emergency Medicine Physician




Dr. Brian Tyson, together with Dr. George Fareed, was one of the first physicians in America to pioneer early outpatient therapies for COVID patients using a combination of drugs including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. He has fourteen years of Emergency Medicine experience and ten years of inpatient hospital experience treating patients. Dr Tyson also built his own medical practice by opening three Urgent Care Clinics in southern California, where he has been seeing patients himself for almost four years. He clearly has a strong medical background in treating patients both in the outpatient and the inpatient settings.

From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr Tyson and his team have been starting patients on early treatment protocols, and their successes have been outstanding. Since April of 2020, they have treated over seven thousand patients and had only three deaths. Many of his patients are migrant farmworkers and meat-packing house employees who, because of their work, cannot avoid close contact with other people, and therefore cannot meet social distancing expectations.


When asked to make a comment on the COVID vaccines for this article, Dr. Tyson sent the following on 15 October 2021:

We should not mandate anything that does not prevent or lessen the spread of a disease. Informed consent is being ignored and the right to say, “no thank you!” If the risks outweigh the benefits, then it is criminal to mandate it!


On 12 September 2021, Australian politician Craig Kelly interviewed Dr. Tyson. 

When asked about his use of early treatments for COVID patients, Dr. Tyson said:

Like all illnesses, the earlier you treat something, the better. In our practice, early treatment is treatment before Day 7 of the infection. With everybody that we have treated before Day 7, we have a zero percent mortality rate.

… I’m not going to wait to treat hepatitis for 14 days, I’m not going to wait to treat HIV until they’re sick, I’m not going to wait until patients have Stage 4 cancer to treat their cancer. So, like anything in medicine, early treatment wins and it’s not a single drug treatment, that’s the hard part to get across to people. Viruses and these illnesses are treated with multi-drug therapy… We treat viruses all the time. We treat hepatitis C, we treat HIV, we treat influenza – we treat viruses. It’s insane to think that there is no early treatment for COVID-19.




When asked what he would say to the medical bureaucrats in Australia who have never seen a COVID patient yet are making rules that prohibit the treatment that Dr. Tyson is having success with, Dr. Tyson said: 

I say, you are killing your people! You are flat out killing your people. It is inhumane to offer somebody nothing. We are talking safe drugs. If we were talking about drugs that kill people, I wouldn’t have the success that I have had.

Regarding whether the early treatment protocols work equally as well with the Delta variant as with the earlier variants, he said: 

So far, so good – yes. The Delta variant seems to be more contagious but less of a mortality [risk]We are still seeing sick patients but not nearly as many as we were seeing back in December and January with the Alpha variant. 

Regarding whether double vaccinated people are still getting COVID-19:

Probably about 30-40% of all of our patients that test positive have had both vaccines. The sickest of the patients that I’ve had so far has been vaccinated. We are seeing hospitalisations going up in the vaccinated groups – that’s where we are at. If you compare what is going on in Israel and the U.K. they have much higher breakthrough* numbers – Israel’s up to 95% and the U.K. I think is up to 65% breakthrough cases of their hospitalised patients are all vaccinated.

* A COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infection happens when a fully vaccinated person gets infected with COVID-19. People with vaccine breakthrough infections may spread COVID-19 to others.

Regarding the false information of the vaccine giving 80% protection, Dr. Tyson says:

Yes, you know it is false because they are coming out with a third booster. If the vaccines were efficace [effective], and they worked, then why would you need a third booster? That’s proof right then and there that it is not working so they have to change the vaccine to try to keep up with the variants. But what they don’t realise is that the vaccines are pushing the variants and that goes back to virology 101 which is, if I put enough pressure on the virus to change, and we already know viruses change because influenza changes every year, and every year we have to have a new vaccine, it’s pretty common to know that if I mass vaccinate a large population during a pandemic, I’m going to change the virus, and that’s exactly what happened. We’re on the Delta variant, Lambda variant, Epsilon variant – you name the variant, we’ve seen 7 or 8 different variants here in our clinic

All of these variants started right around vaccination. And every time we have a new vaccination group – first it was the elderly, then the under 65, then it was the kids over 12, and every time we see these pushes we see different changes in the virus and that’s normal, that’s expected. So, the definition of insanity – right? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We’ve been at this for almost 2 years and guess what? We’ve gotten nowhere

The problem is, during a pandemic, you have to have treatment for the disease because if you are not vaccinated and you get sick, you need treatment. If you are vaccinated and you get sick, you need treatment… Treatment works.

Regarding vaccinating teenagers with the current vaccines:

Number one, they don’t need it. If you look at the adverse events rate, it is reported that between 0.4 and 0.9% for severe reactions – we know it’s higher than that, but that’s what’s reported. So, that’s 4,000 to 9,000 kids per million are going to have a problem with the vaccine – a severe problem. Well, Johns Hopkins did the CDC analysis of our data here in the U.S. and do you know what they found? That not a single child under the age of 18, who was healthy, died from COVID-19. Not a single kid. The 320 reported deaths had 3 to 5 comorbidities* in that age group. So, think about that – healthy kids did completely fine. When you look at the year before that in the influenza we have over 400 deaths in kids. So, the virus does not affect the kids any more than would influenza but yet we are harming these kids with shots that are causing massive problems with pericarditis and myocarditis and recently the study just came out, either yesterday or today, that said that the CDC has been massively underreporting those numbers. So, we’re doing damage to kids who don’t need it… We’ve had kids die from these vaccines. We don’t have healthy kids dying from COVID. We have healthy kids dying from these vaccines

* Comorbidities: the simultaneous presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions in patients.




Regarding preventative treatment (prophylaxis), Dr. Tyson says:

There are two schools of thought on that. No.1 – everybody agrees with the vitamins, so Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, N-Acetylcysteine or NAC and zinc. Those things will help boost your immune system and I think everybody should be on them. If you are able to get hydroxychloroquine, you can use that prophylactically or you can use ivermectin prophylactically.

Recently, with the variants, it seemed that the FLCCC is saying they’re not having as much success with ivermectin in prophylaxis and probably the school of thought is to go to hydroxychloroquine for prophylaxis and use ivermectin in higher dosages for actual treatment. There may be some concern that maybe there’s some resistance developing to ivermectin – that school of thought is still going back and forth and I don’t have an answer for that at this point. 

But what we do know is D3 levels are super important so make sure you are taking that, quercetin is another vitamin you can take that will help boost your immune system and all of these vitamins are completely benign [harmless], they should be available to everybody to help their immune system in the event that they do get infected.

Regarding weight loss as a form of protection against COVID-19 and the foolishness of keeping people indoors:

Another thing that they’re not talking about is exercise and weight loss. If you are going to lock everybody down, you need to give them an out to exercise and be healthy and try to lose some weight because the number one risk factor for death from COVID-19 is morbid obesity. Morbid obesity is the number one cause – so you’re locking people up in their houses, not letting them up to exercise, they’re going to gain weight. We saw 20-30 pound (9-14kg) weight-gains in all of our kids out here which is putting people at a higher risk [rather] than a lower risk. We know that being outdoors is healthy. We know you don’t spread the virus outdoors. So, people should be outdoors, not locked inside.

Regarding mask wearing indoors or outdoors:

It is absolutely ridiculous. There is no scientific evidence that cloth masks or surgical masks prevent viral infections. There is no evidence at all that outdoor transmission even occurs.




Regarding leaving children in schools and creating herd immunity, Dr Tyson says:

Kids should never have left school. Kids should be the ones in school right now helping herd immunity. Let them go to school, let them get COVID-19, let them super-bust this virus into pieces and give everybody around them the immunity that they need. When you look at the countries and the states where the kids went to school, the teachers were actually protected. Why? Because the kids break down this virus so fast it doesn’t even have a chance to spread. It doesn’t even have a chance to spread. You’d never see a kid infecting an adult, it’s always an adult infecting a kid. My son had it, he was 5, he had COVID-19 for literally 12 hours – that’s it. He had a headache for 12 hours, we tested his antibody level and he was positive.

Regarding the wrong messages politicians and public health departments are spreading which are costing people their lives:

I think we really have to look at the human side of things. When we’re sick, we look to people like physicians and doctors to get the help we so desperately need. I had a patient who sat for 8 days in a bed – this is a vaccinated patient with Pfizer, did everything he was supposed to do, got sick, laid in bed for 8 days wondering when he was going to get better… Luckily his daughter picked him up from the bed and drove him to my Urgent Care and two weeks later he’s back to work. His pulse ox [amount of oxygen in your blood] when he got to me was 84%. His pulse ox now is 98%. He would have died listening to the politicians and the public health department who said stay home for 14 days. He would not be here.

It’s ridiculous to think that this treatment doesn’t work. It’s ridiculous not to listen to frontline doctors and not to allow physicians to practise the art of medicine. It’s ridiculous to leave people at home in locked cages like they’re lab rats – it’s ridiculous, it’s inhumane. You would not do this to your mother or your wife or your kids, so don’t do it to the rest of humanity 

Do not follow the example of the U.S. – do not follow. It didn’t work and we have 600,000 dead people as a result. We could have saved probably 420,000 of them had we used early treatment - easy. It makes no sense to repeat the mistakes that we have done. Listen to those of us who tell you the treatment works. Let physicians be physicians – they’ll figure it out, I promise.


Watch full interview here


On 4 October 2021, Real America’s Dan Ball interviewed Dr. Tyson about masks and vaccine mandates.

Regarding Dr. Fauci’s statement that, as a member of society, “there comes a time when you have to give up what you consider your individual right of making your own decision for the greater good of society,” Dr. Tyson said:

He [Dr. Fauci] has the responsibility to tell the people the truth… The vaccine in all of these mandates – if you can show me that it prevents disease, which it does not, if you can show me that it prevents the spread of disease, which it doesn’t, then you can sit there and tell me that I need to contribute to society and I basically have to do what I am told. The fact that these vaccines no longer work – the Alpha variant has pretty much gone, the Delta variant is here, the virus is resistant to these vaccines at this point in time. I don’t need anybody telling me what to do if they are not going to be honest with the American people. They need to be the ones responsible and say, we’ve killed thousands of people by not allowing patients to get access to early treatment. We’ve killed thousands of people using these vaccines that are causing adverse effects such as myocarditis and blood clots and heart attacks and strokes. They need to be honest with the numbers and they need to be honest with the American people. He should have resigned
by now!


Watch full video here.


Attacks and Suppression:

Despite Dr. Brian Tyson’s success in treating COVID-19 patients, he is continually ridiculed and censored for his stance on early treatment and his strong opposition to vaccine mandates. He was informed that his license might be in jeopardy if he were to treat more patients with hydroxychloroquine - a drug that has been safely used for decades.

In an article by David Gorski dated 23 August 2021, on the website which calls itself, “Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues & controversies in science & medicine”, the author labels many doctors who are not following the popular COVID narrative as “physicians behaving badly”, “bad actors”, “dangerous” and calling for them to be sanctioned. Amongst these physicians who are being targeted Dr. Brian Tyson. 

I will admit, however, to being surprised at just how many doctors who had previously demonstrated no history of this sort of activity took the opportunity to dive head first into the COVID-19 misinformation pool. Even worse, as has been documented here, even some highly respected doctors and academics have become “COVID contrarians”. They minimize the risk of harm from the coronavirus (particularly in children), make risibly [foolishly] off-base predictions (e.g., “we’ll have herd immunity by April”) and advocate against mask mandates (particularly in schools) and vaccinating children—or even erroneously claim that respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is being misdiagnosed in children as COVID-19 and that hospitalizations of children are being exaggerated. Worse, when corrected for their mistakes, they almost never seem to have the humility to admit error and move on; often they double down and act as though their statements were never refuted… 

Meanwhile, Dr. Brian Tyson appears to be a run-of-the-mill hydroxychloroquine quack with an outsized social media presence, who is now promoting ivermectin as part of a “multidrug therapy” for COVID-19: 

Personally, I appreciated the FDA’s snark on this. Those of us who have criticized ivermectin believers acknowledge that, when used for its intended purpose, it’s a great drug. We just recognize that there’s no good evidence that it is as much of a “miracle” drug for COVID-19 as it is for river blindness… 

Unsurprisingly, many of the docs who promote COVID-19 misinformation on social media and old school media (TV, newspapers, etc.) often also practice according to that misinformation, discouraging masking, demonizing vaccines, promoting “miracle cures” such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (with zinc, and other drugs and supplements, of course!) as part of their treatment protocols. 

The sad thing in this article is that the author keeps stating that there is “no evidence” of early treatment and preventative protocols working yet there is a mountain of evidence – Dr. Tyson’s team alone had treated more than 6,000 patients. How can this rather long and tedious article by David Gorski be posted on a website called “Science-Based Medicine” when it does not quote any scientific studies but is rather a very misinformed opinion piece?

Source - click here

For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. Tyson please refer to Section Two of our website, item numbers: 341, 344 and 346.


14. Dr. George Fareed – Virologist, biochemist and physician




Dr. George Fareed graduated from Harvard Medical School with Honours in 1970 and completed a medical internship at Peter Bent Brigham Hospital from 1970 to 1971. He worked as a research associate at the NIAID during 1971-1973, joining the faculty at Harvard Medical School in 1973. He later received a research and teaching appointment as Associate Professor at the UCLA School of Medicine from 1976 to 1982. In these academic positions and through his experience at the NIAID, Dr. Fareed received valuable training in the fields of virology and biochemistry that would serve him later as a physician and scientist. He was a founder and director of scientific planning of Ingene (International Genetic Engineering, Inc.), a biotech company, from 1982 to 1990. Since 1991, Dr. Fareed has worked clinically in primary medical care in the Imperial Valley of California. He received a Border Hero Award for his HIV clinical care in 2008 and the Plessner Award (which honours the Californian physician who best exemplifies the ethics and practice of a rural country practitioner) from the California Medical Association.

Dr. Fareed has been on the frontline for early COVID-19 treatment in the Imperial Valley since March 2020 and has practiced across the whole spectrum of COVID-19 care, treating outpatients as well as inpatients as a hospitalist. He testified on 19 November 2020 in the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs on early COVID-19 treatment.


When asked to make a comment on the COVID vaccines for this article, Dr. Fareed sent the following on 17 October 2021:

It was one and half years ago that I started treating patients early for COVID-19, in March 2020. Along with my colleague Dr. Brian Tyson, we have now treated successfully over 7,000 patients. Early treatment is a safe, effective and reliable option which is much less invasive than the injection of genetic materials.


On 13 September 2021, Dr. Fareed spoke at the International COVID Summit 2021 in the Italian city of Rome. His speech centred around the importance and success of early treatment and how the standard “wait and see” approach to COVID-19 has been the greatest medical failure he has encountered.

Distinguished Senators and Dear colleagues, friends, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a great honour for me to address you today.

My name is Dr. George Fareed. I practice medicine in a rural town called Brawley, California that sits on the Mexican border. This small community became the epicentre of COVID-19 in California, and I, who continue to treat patients in both the outpatient and hospital setting, found myself in the “eye of the storm,” treating very sick and contagious patients – not a place I thought I would be at age 76.

My training in biochemistry and virology, along with my degree from Harvard Medical School, prepared me well for the battle ahead, a battle that I have been fighting now for the past 18 months, and continue to fight along with my colleague, Dr. Brian Tyson, who had an Urgent Care clinic that I worked in, in addition to my hospital clinics.

I, along with Dr. Tyson, are winning the battle against COVID-19 for one simple reason: we follow the science! COVID-19 is a disease that can be easily treated in its early stage, but becomes very difficult to treat as the disease progresses.

On learning more about early treatment from other renowned scientists and doctors:

As scientists such as Drs. Didier Raoult, Vladimir Zelenko, and Peter McCullough have taught us, the first stage of COVID involves viral replication resulting in symptoms such as flu-like symptoms of cough, fever, malaise, headache, and perhaps loss of taste and smell – if a patient is left untreated, this may progress into “cytokine storm” where oxygen saturation drops, and then into the thromboembolic stage where blood clots occur that can be fatal.

About Dr. Fareed’s success in treating patients with COVID-19:

I’ve treated patients in all three stages. Delaying treatment in an elderly or high-risk patient, or those with co-morbidities such as asthma or diabetes, is nothing short of cruel, as the disease predictably progresses; many then die. The standard “wait and see” approach to COVID-19 has been the greatest medical failure I have seen in my long career because deaths are preventable – but you must treat early!


Eighteen months ago, in March 2020, I, along with my colleague Dr. Brian Tyson, began treating COVID-19 patients early in the course of the disease with a combination of medications, initially primarily hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin or doxycycline, and nutraceuticals including zinc, vitamin D and C.

As Dr. McCullough explains, medications such as hydroxychloroquine act as ionophores to allow zinc into the cell to interfere with viral replication.




On learning more about COVID-19, and developing their range of early treatments:

As time progressed, so did our treatment, and we added drugs such as ivermectin, fluvoxamine, and monoclonal antibodies, as well as aspirin and budesonide (steroid) to treat the other aspects of the disease.

We became part of an international network of physicians, including groups such as the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons led by Dr. McCullough and leaders such as Dr. Jean-Pierre Kiekens from Covexit.com – all engaged in one singular goal – saving lives through early treatment.

I developed my own protocols which vary slightly from patient to patient – depending on their clinical situation.

Regarding the excellent results of early treatment for people of all ages as well as those with complications from other illnesses:

So, what do our results look like?

We have now treated over 7,000 patients, and there has not been a single death in patients treated within the first 5 to 7 days of the onset of symptoms. NOT A SINGLE DEATH. This includes patients with multiple co-morbidities as well as patients in their 90s!

As a medical director at a nursing home, while other nursing homes in the area suffered major losses, we saw very few deaths from COVID in our residents because of early treatment.

To put this in perspective, our county has seen around 30,000 COVID cases and there have been 750 deaths. We have treated over 20% of the patients [in our county], and seen just a few deaths, and NONE when we have treated early.

On helping people all over the U.S. who are desperately seeking early treatment:

Moreover—we are called on a daily basis from patients all over the US who are desperately seeking early treatment, and we have helped hundreds. The letters we receive from thankful patients are incredibly gratifying.

What is the proof that our treatment is “scientific”? Our results have been duplicated all around the world, and there are now hundreds of peer reviewed publications on early treatment. I have been honoured to be on a few of these publications, including on Dr. McCullough’s seminal paper on early treatment.

Regarding why COVID patients are not receiving early treatment from their own physicians:

What is going on that COVID patients cannot get the treatment they need from their own physicians?

Perhaps the major reason is that our own health agencies such as the FDA and CDC have come out against these medications—even making false claims that they are dangerous.

First, we were told that HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) was cardiotoxic, based on a sham study in the Lancet that was eventually retracted. Now we hear that Ivermectin is a “horse medication,” ignoring the fact that it is recommended by the CDC and WHO, and millions of doses have been given to humans to treat parasitic infections. The propaganda against early treatment is then echoed in the media.




Regarding attacks by licensing boards, prescriptions denied by pharmacies and censorship:

I, and other doctors who treat COVID early, have come under attack by our local health departments, hospitals, and even state licensing boards. With increasing frequency, my prescriptions are now being denied by pharmacies. Even as it becomes more evident that vaccines by themselves are not the answer, patients are finding it increasingly difficult to get treatment.

Moreover, there is censorship… my own YouTube videos regarding early treatment have been taken down and labelled misinformation… in the US, we say it is like the book “1984” or McCarthyism.

Censorship is never good in a free society, but it is especially damaging in medicine, where patients benefit when physicians exchange ideas. Rather, we depend on a few “experts” who don’t even treat COVID patients.

The results, as we have seen, have been tragic!

On how Dr. Fareed feels he has an ethical and moral obligation to fight for the many around the world who continue to die unnecessarily:

When I began working in my rural community in 1990, I never dreamed that I would one day be speaking in the United States Senate and then in an international conference… but because I have seen first-hand how early treatment of COVID-19 saves lives, I feel an ethical and moral obligation to speak out and fight for not only my patients, but for the many around the world who continue to die unnecessarily.

This is a time that calls on the greatest of human attributes – courage. Everyone here must understand that we are in the greatest fight of our lives – when doctors are prevented from treating their patients with life-saving medicine, we know that something sinister is going on.

I thank you all for being here, and applaud your courage for standing up for your patients and the rest of humanity.

Thank you.


Watch Dr. Fareed’s entire speech here (go to time: 1:37:00). 



Watch Dr. Fareed’s closing remarks during the COVID summit here. 

Read article here


In an article titled “FORWARD THINKERS: Dr. George Fareed: Not your ordinary country doctor”, author Tom Bodus quotes Dr. Fareed on how the rejection of early treatment is costing lives:

While Fareed and other doctors have continued to prescribe hydroxychloroquine off label, FDA’s rejection of the drug has cost lives, he said.

Doctors who were propagandized by this would tell their patients, ‘Don’t take that; it’s going to hurt you,’ or ‘You do what the government says, which is go home and rest and take some chicken soup and vitamins. If you get worse, come back and we’ll put you on a ventilator.’ And so, it’s been a terrible, disgraceful story,” Fareed said.

The people who make such decisions are “outside the circle of empathy; they don’t know,” he said. “They don’t treat these COVID patients - Dr. Fauci, for instance, the head of the FDA, the NIH people. And I was there. I could have spent my life at the NIAID, but I’m glad I didn’t.”

Instead, Fareed said he is grateful to continue doing “the most important thing I’ve ever done in my life, which is to stand for truth and for the benefit of our community and our patients.

Read entire article here


Attacks and Suppression:

As with all other physicians treating and helping patients, Dr. Fareed has been dismissed by mainstream media, social media, and some professional colleagues. As he himself mentioned above, he has had his videos removed from YouTube for spreading ‘misinformation’.

On the website “Quora”, the following question was posed: “Dr. George Fareed sent a letter to President Trump saying he has the solution for the Covid-19 situation, which is a prophylactic use of hydroxychloroquine, with either azithromycin or doxycycline, and zinc. How trustworthy is Dr. George Fareed?” Following are answers by some very misinformed people. We have included two answers from people, who although unknown, their views reflect what many others say about the drugs ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine:

One of the answers was:

No one has been able to duplicate his alleged results. A key component in science. What reputable studies did Dr. Fareed reference, quote and footnote to support his recommendation? Is the Dr qualified in infectious diseases? Does the Dr actually exist?

Thus far the actual science indicates hydroxychloroquine provides no benefit for those infected by COVID-19 and may lead to fatal heart arrhythmia. Absolutely no evidence exists that it serves as a prophylactic or preventative in avoiding COVID 19. Thus I would be very sceptical of this outlier’s recommendations.

The fact that this person asks for Dr. Fareed’s qualifications and then whether he even exists shows this poor man’s level of ignorance and paranoia. One quick internet search would reveal his prestigious qualifications. The author also asks for the reputable studies Dr. Fareed is referencing but for himself, he refers to “actual science” without referencing any science for his claims!

Another person attempts to discredit Dr. Fareed by saying:

Fareed’s paper was peer-reviewed, but nobody has been able to duplicate his results. Duplicating results is the key to any experiment. Without that, it means the experiment was flawed in some way.

ONLY if other scientists around the world, using the same equipment and methods, come up with the same results (within a reasonable margin of error) is the result scientifically relevant and worthy of further consideration.

Just as was the case with cold fusion and room temperature fusion, the result is bogus.

ALL other studies show that hydroxychloroquine has no effect in treating COVID-19. As Dr. Fauci said, the experiment was flawed because in addition to treating patients with hydroxychloroquine, they were also simultaneously treated with the antibiotic azithromycin. Sometimes two elements in isolation do nothing but in combination do something. However, normally you test each individually FIRST, and determine what effect, if any, that has. Also normally, antibiotics work only on bacteria, not viruses, but in this case azithromycin MAY somehow interfere with the development of SARS-COV-2 in our bodies.

It’s definite hydroxychloroquine does not help with COVID-19. It’s also true that it has serious side-effects, causing heart irregularities in many patients. The Hippocratic Oath says “first, do no harm.” Well, hydroxychloroquine causes harm in COVID-19 without being of any benefit. If it were of benefit, the benefit would have to outweigh the harm by helping more people than it harms. This is not the case. End of story.




In both responses one can find gross misinformation and distorted logic. We do not know who these people are, but they sound like they are supporters and defenders of the vaccine companies. Dr. Fareed clearly says that he and Dr. Tyson have been using a combination of drugs to treat COVID-19 patients and that they have had amazing success – a 100% recovery rate (when given early in the disease course). Also, we have repeatedly read that many doctors in countries around the world have had similar results. Furthermore, there are no reports that the hundreds of thousands of people around the world that have taken ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine during the pandemic have been hospitalised with frequent or serious drug-related toxicities but there have indeed been numerous reports that hundreds of thousands of vaccinated people have been hospitalised with short and long-term complications due to the vaccines, and many sadly have died from them as well. So, their comments that hydroxychloroquine causes excess harm is untrue and possibly intentionally deceitful.

These two people, and others of like mind, need to be put into a position where a loved one, or they, themselves, have COVID-19 and are deteriorating (which means it could lead to death) and be given the option of taking the relatively safe drugs, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and we will then see if they stick to their absurd and perhaps intentionally distorted views.

Source - click here


Considering the fact that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are mentioned repeatedly throughout this section (Part 9), it is time to address the false assertions that these medications can cause “serious side-effects”, such as “heart irregularities” and even “fatal heart arrhythmia”.

Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been known for decades to be two safe medications – so safe that they are often prescribed in resource-poor settings without any blood tests or monitoring, and in areas of the world where basic healthcare and even basic sanitation is lacking, such as rural Africa, where malaria and river blindness are common.

As with any medication or even vitamins, there can be side effects, which we do not discount in the case of hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. However, to say that hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin is causing harm to patients is a clear medical distortion (see below for details), similar to saying that giving someone aspirin or blood pressure medication is harming patients, because both aspirin and blood pressure medication can have serious side effects such as bleeding or kidney damage. We note the side effects below that should be taken into consideration, but we must clearly recognise that pandemic misinformation tends to overemphasise “risks” and ignore the “benefits” of COVID-19 early treatment medications. It is also startling to see that the same distorted way of approaching medicine is being followed very strictly by the pro-vaccination politicians and influencers as regards vaccines but in reverse, that is, they overemphasise the supposed benefits of the vaccine while ignoring the obvious and serious side effects. 

Side effects of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) include: retinal damage if used chronically (although COVID-19 patients would only use it briefly). The cardiac effects of hydroxychloroquine are believed to be very rare, and recently were discounted in published data from Taiwan in April 2021.

Source: click here.

Side effects of Ivermectin (IVM) include: dizziness and itching, both rare. In 2015, an entire community of 26 188 people in the Solomon Islands was given ivermectin and azithromycin as part of a safety study. Only 571 of those people experienced ‘mild’ side effects and all of the 571 were side effect free within 1 week.

Source: click here.

For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. Fareed please refer to Section Two of our website, item numbers: 73 and 350.


15. Dr. Byram Bridle Ph.D. – Viral Immunologist and vaccine researcher




Dr. Bridle is a viral immunologist and professor at the University of Guelph in Canada where he has been conducting detailed research on the human immune system and its interaction with viruses. He also lectures university students and teaches bioscience courses for health-science students at the undergraduate, graduate and health-professional level. He received his graduate training in immunology at the University of Guelph and then completed his postdoctoral training as a viral immunologist at McMaster University. Dr. Bridle’s research interests include the use of viruses to design cancer therapies as well as investigating the immune system’s anti-viral mechanisms. His research aim is to develop vaccines that protect against infectious diseases such as those caused by highly pathogenic coronaviruses. In his academic position, along with running a research lab, he also enjoys mentoring the next generation of Canadian scientists through his teaching duties as well as with his personal leadership.

See Dr. Bridle’s website here


On 17 September 2021, Dr. Bridle wrote an extensive open letter to Dr. Charlotte A.B. Yates, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Guelph regarding his strong opposition to the COVID-19 vaccine mandate at the university. He wrote:

You issued a mandate that everyone within the University of Guelph community must receive a COVID-19 vaccine. I have spent most of my lifetime learning to be a very deep and critical thinker and to follow the weight of scientific evidence. I am a well-recognized expert in vaccinology. As per my extensive funding, research, publication, and teaching records, I am a vaccine lover and an innovator in this field. I promote highly effective vaccines that have undergone extensive, rigorous, and proper safety testing as the most efficient type of medicines that exist. Vaccines that meet these criteria have prevented a vast amount of mortality and morbidities around the world. However, I could not be in stronger disagreement with you forcing the current COVID-19 vaccines upon everyone who is part of our campus community…

As a viral immunologist that has been working on the front lines of the scientific and medical community throughout the duration of the declared COVID-19 pandemic, I feel compelled to speak on behalf of the many who will not, due to extreme fear of retribution. We now live in a time when it is common practice for people to demand and expect to receive confidential medical information from others. I will not be coerced into disclosing my private medical information. However, for the sake of highlighting some of the absurdities of COVID-19 vaccine mandates I choose, of my own free will, to freely disclose some of my medical information here

Regarding those with naturally acquired immunity not needing to be vaccinated:

I participated in a clinical trial that has been running for approximately 1.5 years. The purpose is to develop a very sensitive and comprehensive test of immunity against SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19]; in large part to inform the development of better COVID-19 vaccines (see here). My personal results prove that I have naturally acquired immunity against SARS-CoV-2…

There is a plethora [overabundance] of scientific literature demonstrating that naturally acquired immunity against SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] is likely superior to that conferred by vaccination only. Indeed, it is much broader, which means that emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2 will have more difficulty evading it as compared to the very narrow immunity conferred by the vaccines. Importantly, the duration of immunity (i.e. how long a person is protected) has proven to be far longer than that generated by the current vaccines. The duration of immunity for the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines appears to be a horrifically short ~4.5 months… 

This is why places like Canada, the USA, and Israel have found it necessary to roll out third doses. And now there is talk (and a commitment in Israel) to roll out fourth doses (yes, that’s four doses within one year). The World Health Organization recognized the value of natural immunity quite some time ago. Unfortunately, in Canada and at the University of Guelph, we have failed to recognize that the immune system works as it was designed to.

As someone who develops vaccines, I can tell you that it is difficult to make a vaccine that will perform as poorly as the current COVID-19 vaccines. Indeed, most vaccines given in childhood never require a booster shot later in life. The take-home message here is that people like me, who have naturally acquired immunity, do not need to be vaccinated. Nor is it needed to protect those around the person who already has immunity.




Regarding those with natural immunity being at a greater risk of harm if vaccinated:

Research from three independent groups has now demonstrated that those with naturally acquired immunity experience more severe side-effects from COVID-19 vaccines than those who were immunologically naïve prior to vaccination. In other words, for those with natural immunity, vaccination is not only unnecessary, but it would put them at enhanced risk of harm. Knowing this, nobody should ever mandate COVID-19 vaccination. Instead, it would be in the best interest of helping everyone make the most informed health decisions for themselves to make voluntary testing for immunity available. 

Regarding the lack of COVID-19 vaccine safety data in pregnant females:

I would like to give another disconcerting safety-related example of why a COVID-19 vaccine mandate could be dangerous. We have pregnant individuals or those who would like to become pregnant on campus. There was a highly publicized study in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine that formed the foundation of declaring COVID-19 vaccines safe in pregnant females (see here). The authors of this study [wrongly] declared that there was no risk of increased miscarriage to vaccinated females. This study resulted in many policies being instituted to promote vaccination of this demographic, for which the bar for safety should be set extremely high. 

Did you know that this apparent confirmation of safety had to be rescinded [reversed] recently because the authors performed an obvious mathematical error? I witnessed several of my colleagues from Canada and other countries bravely push for a review of this paper under withering negative pressures. Once the editor finally agreed to do so, the authors had no choice but to admit that they made a mathematical error. Most of the world does not realize this. This admission of using an inappropriate mathematical formula can be found here. This means that the major rationale for declaring COVID-19 vaccines safe in pregnant females is gone! How can someone force a COVID-19 vaccine on a pregnant female when there are insufficient safety data available to justify it?

Regarding the breeding of hatred by instilling fear of a minority group:

We live in an era where issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion are supposed to be at the forefront of all discussions at academic institutions. However, you are openly discriminating against and excluding a subset of our community that happens to be highly enriched with people engendered with critical thinking; a quality that we are supposed to be nurturing and promoting. With COVID-19 mandates, an environment has been created on our university campus that promotes hatred, bullying, segregation, and fear of a minority group whose only wrongdoing has been to maintain critical thinking and decision-making that is based on facts and common sense. I have yet to meet an anti-vaxxer on our campus. Everyone I know of is simply against the mismanagement of exceptionally poor-quality COVID-19 vaccines. History tells us that instilling fear of a minority group never ends well. This scenario must be rectified immediately if our campus is ever to return to a safe and secure working and learning environment for all.

Read entire open letter here


In early October 2021, Dr. Byram Bridle spoke at a Toronto event aimed at “Let the Children Play”. During his inspiring speech, he spoke about many aspects of COVID-19 vaccines.

Regarding the COVID-19 vaccines causing menstrual oddities in females 12 to 93 years old, he said:

There was a big announcement on August 30 - women have been trying to get this message out for a long time – unusual menstrual bleeding. Our authorities had to admit that it seems to be a problem they can no longer ignore and so they’ve issued millions of dollars of funding to study the potential for the vaccines to cause this unusual menstrual bleeding. The issue here is that we need to conduct a safety study now to determine if it is a real problem. This is the reverse of the scientific process; we should have done the safety studies first… 

We are seeing these menstrual bleeding oddities in girls as young as 12 and women in their 90s, the oldest I’ve seen is 93. So, that’s not menstrual bleeding, it is almost certainly pathological haemorrhaging that is happening.

Regarding the AstraZeneca vaccine and blood clots:

Another thing I want to point out is that we were told that the AstraZeneca vaccine was perfectly safe. At that time, myself and two other professors wrote an open letter to many in Canada, including Health Canada, pleading, could we not roll out that vaccine, could we not authorise it under interim order, because of safety concerns that existed at that time for potential blood clots was being investigated in ten European countries? Fourteen hours later, there were two more European countries. A couple of months later, they shut down that [AstraZeneca] vaccine program [for people under age 55] because it was too unsafe for Canadian adults after several Canadians had died from fatal blood clots.  

Regarding the lies that the COVID vaccines do not cause heart inflammation: 

Also, we were told that there is no evidence that the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines cause heart inflammation… I announced on a short radio interview that I did think there might be a potential link between the mRNA vaccines and heart inflammation. The attacks on me have been relentless ever since. Yet 2 weeks ago, Ontario Public Health announced they were no longer going to use the Moderna vaccine in young males because it is causing heart inflammation in way too many of them. As you can see, they keep pushing this narrative until it becomes so obvious that they have to rescind [withdraw] their earlier messages.

Regarding the preparation of dual vaccines for COVID-19 and influenza:

They are starting to apply all these strategies, that is, masking, physical distancing, and forced vaccinations for the flu. If you don’t believe me, they are already working on dual purpose vaccines - simultaneously for SARS-CoV-2 and influenza… It’s just a matter of time. Like I have said from the beginning, if we put the spotlight on the flu, just like we’ve done for SARS-CoV-2, it will also look scary. And they’ve got us programmed to think about cases, not the severity or lack thereof, just the cases. So, they are going to continue this fear-mongering with the flu. If we don’t stop this now, people are going to be getting these shots indefinitely – over and over, and over again. Many of us have serious concerns with the 2-dose regimen, as we increase the doses, these safety concerns just amplify that much more.


Watch entire speech here


In early November 2021, Dr. Bridle had an on-street interview with Druthers, Canada’s new alternative newspaper.

Regarding countries with high vaccination rates, Dr. Bridle said:

A recent study came out looking at 68 different countries and they plotted on a graph the case rate for COVID-19 and the vaccination rate in the country, and the more vaccinated the country is, the more problems they are having with COVID-19.

And when you look at these countries that have low vaccination rates, they have been relying on effective early treatment strategies. For example, with Egypt… do you know what the No. 1 thing that they go to first? It’s hydroxychloroquine and No. 2 is ivermectin… So, Egypt has 3% vaccination rate – 14 cases per 100,000 of their population per day. Israel is at over 80% vaccination rate and has over 5,000 cases, right now, per day.




On the impossibility of achieving herd immunity with these COVID-19 vaccines:

These vaccines don’t come close to conferring sterilising immunity, they don’t properly protect the upper respiratory tract, they only confer 4 and a half months of immunity, it’s absolutely 100% impossible to achieve the goal of herd immunity with these vaccines – 100% impossible! 

For these companies, it would be such a quick, and easy, and cheap study to do, and they can definitively rule this problem in or out. Whenever there is such easy-to-do research and they won’t do it, that for me is always a red flag.

Regarding people who took the COVID-19 vaccine while they were in cancer remission:

What I have seen way too much of, and it does cause me very serious concern, is that we are seeing people who had cancers that were in remission, or that were being well controlled, and their cancers have gone completely out of control after getting the vaccine. We do know that the vaccine causes at least a temporary drop in T-Cell numbers. T-Cells are part of our immune system, and they are the critical weapons that our immune system has to fight off cancer cells… 

I would say that this is my newest major safety concern, and it is also the one that is going to be by far the most underreported in the adverse event database. And that’s because if a person had a cancer before the vaccine there is no way public health officials will ever link it to the vaccine. But what we are seeing is oncology teams that had pushed the cancers into remission, and keeping them well controlled, can no longer control them after the vaccine.

Regarding the reporting of unusual medical conditions after receiving a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine:

Our system [in Canada] is never going to work. First of all, we’re not informing people when they get the vaccine that they are supposed to report any unusual medical condition up to eight weeks after receiving a dose of the vaccine. And the attending physician is required, by law, to report anything unusual, but most physicians are not. Many don’t because they don’t want to contradict the current narrative and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario have turned out to be incredibly tyrannical and are crushing many physicians - and threatening many - who don’t go with this narrow public health narrative. Many also can’t get their submissions done because they are onerous [burdensome]. For example, in British Columbia, it can take up to 40 minutes to submit one of these reports… And once a physician does submit a report, it doesn’t go into our database. It goes to a local medical officer of health… and we are seeing unusually high percentages of these reports that do get submitted, being rejected… Because of all the filtering that is going on, we are not getting accurate numbers.

Regarding the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in early treatment:

[Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin] work best as an early treatment strategy. The sooner you administer them, the better the outcome. We’ve had physicians – and I know these people, they are good friends of mine – who have been absolutely destroyed for using ivermectin with their patients; they’ve kept their patients out of the hospital, they have kept them out of the ICU. 

I find it’s exceptionally frustrating because I keep getting criticised for raising my concerns about the vaccines and harms and I have physicians coming at me and saying: if only you saw on the frontlines what happens to people who die from COVID and how terrible it is. Yes, it is awful, and I feel terrible for all of them but the only thing that I point out is that it is estimated that more than half the people that have died in this pandemic would have been alive today if we had accepted these early treatment strategies. That’s the reality and I have seen it with every physician who has administered this.

They talk about our ICUs being overrun but every physician that I have worked with -- and I have worked with many -- who have used these effective treatment strategies, they’ve kept their patients out of the ICU. They don’t go to the ICU. They don’t die 

… The earlier you intervene, the better the outcome. And we have these early treatment strategies. The only one we’ve approved in Canada is called Remdesivir – it does have genuine safety issues and does virtually nothing for COVID-19 but it’s on patent and there’s tons of money that can be made. These other ones are dirt cheap – ivermectin, you can treat someone for about $1 a day. They’ve been used with great effect in all these low-income countries but in North America we’ve refused to adopt these strategies.

You have to understand that they even talk about safety issues – there are rare cases of safety issues associated with using the veterinary form, and that’s simply because of calculation errors, people making simple mathematical errors when trying to convert to the human dose. The reality is that ivermectin is on the list from the World Health Organisation of one of the 50 most needed drugs in the entire world, has an unbelievable safety record, and it is used world-wide to effectively treat all these parasitic diseases… so there’s absolutely no excuse…

Had they not rejected these effective early treatment strategies, at least half of their patients that have died in their practices, would be alive today. So, I’m sorry, I don’t have a lot of patience for these physicians… I usually don’t ever, ever criticise anybody’s expertise in a particular area of work, but we are in unique times. So, I think the public needs to be aware… The average family physician knows almost nothing about immunology and certainly [almost nothing] about vaccines. Vaccinology is a sub discipline of immunology… They are not immunologists, they are not vaccinologists, and they are ignoring the vaccinologists here in Canada.




On debating the science with people who keep saying that COVID-19 vaccine concerns are not legitimate:

People who keep arguing that those of us who have legitimate concerns are wrong, we are providing misinformation, we are lying, we don’t know what we are talking about need to ask themselves, why then are many of us, standing there in the arena, like the gladiators of old, waiting, and none of their champions will step forward… I’ve issued invitations to every single person who attacks me; I invite them to come and talk publicly… I’ve asked thousands of people and not one person, not even one, in all these months has been willing to talk openly, publicly about the science of medicine underlying COVID-19. It is exceptionally frustrating 

Even my own colleagues at the University Guelph who have attacked me, there are about 83 of them who signed a letter to the public naming me and saying I was lying to the public, providing misinformation. Do you realise that some of these individuals were just down the hallway from me, just a few doors down, not one of those people was ever willing to talk to me on the phone, in a zoom meeting, come to my office – I have an open-door policy – and I invited many of them to do so. Not one person.

Regarding the false narrative of the public health officials and the media:

I can tell you as a scientist – that’s why I am willing to debate anybody on it – they don’t have the science on their side, that’s very clear. And I have to point out that you no longer need to understand the science, you just need to understand the contradictions that are coming.

The reason why people like Dr. [Michael] Palmer and myself can stand up and talk off the cuff, without any script here is because we are speaking the truth, we are speaking based on our knowledge, and we don’t have to keep track of a story when we’re speaking the truth. We don’t have to make sure what we are saying today matches what we said at last week’s rally or the one before that. But the public health narrative has become so discombobulated [confused] now that they’re constantly contradicting themselves.

Regarding vaccinated athletes dying suddenly for no apparent reason:

There has been a remarkable number of young people who have died for no apparent reason, and in many cases, we can’t confirm their vaccination status. But I have been particularly concerned with the number of varsity athletes at our universities that have been dying completely unexpectedly and suddenly… I can’t tell you when they were vaccinated, but what I can tell you is that no varsity athlete in Ontario can participate in a varsity team without being vaccinated. They weren’t allowed exemptions… 

I won’t say definitively it is because of the vaccine, I’m a scientist, I am open to the possibility that there is some other underlying condition in any individual case. But there are too many of these to not investigate properly.    

Regarding the question: if the COVID-19 vaccines give protection, why are people still required to social distance and wear masks?

At my university, our president hosted the local Medical Officer of Health who declared the whole reason why the vaccine mandate made so much sense is that there is essentially no such thing as a breakthrough infection. And that’s still being claimed by many, although their ability to claim that continues to be eroded. But that was the idea – they cited like a 0.0003% breakthrough infection rate, so essentially zero, meaning you are completely protected. But you have to ask yourself, if you are completely protected, why then when you are in a workplace or a university where everybody’s vaccinated, why can’t you take off your mask and go back to life as normal?

When our president was asked about that recently, she created quite a fear on our campus because she completely contradicted the messaging that was just given. The reason why they still have to mask and physically distance is because it is well known that people who are vaccinated can still get infected, still get COVID and transmit the virus. In fact, there are very good immunological reasons why people who are vaccinated can still transmit the virus and the scientific data that is emerging is showing that they can transmit at least as efficiently as someone who has no immunity whatsoever.




Regarding COVID-19 being less fatal than the annual flu.

There are many cases where people have been infected and didn’t even know it, and have natural immunity… For those individuals, they were infected, but this was not a pathogen for them, and they recovered without developing disease. We now know this is much more common, but we have no idea just how common… In February, it was published at that time that the infection fatality rate was 0.15%, not 1% like we were being told… If you took out those who were 70 years old and older, it dropped to 0.05%. So just to put that into perspective, a bad flu season would be 0.1%... so we are actually dealing with a problem that is less fatal than the annual flu… when you start getting down to 10 years of age, virtually no one has died, but when we look at the flu, it is far more dangerous for these individuals

Regarding COVID-19 vaccinations for pregnant and breastfeeding women:

Even pregnant or breastfeeding women are being encouraged to get vaccinated to protect their infants – it’s crazy… Infants are quite resistant to infection with this virus and that is why we haven’t been seeing deaths among that population… So, this is all crazy to be encouraging breastfeeding women to be vaccinated to protect their infants – their infants are already naturally protected. So, if we go down and start vaccinating 6-month-old breastfeeding infants, what we’re doing is bypassing the natural protection they have from the virus… when we put the vaccines in, they are at least as susceptible as adults to all the harms.    


Watch entire video here


Attacks and Suppression: 

Dr. Bridle has been relentlessly attacked for his opposition to the COVID-19 vaccines. He has been scorned and harassed by colleagues, slandered, and there is even a false Twitter account and a website that has been created and deceptively named ByramBridle.com, set up just to “fact check” Dr. Bridle’s statements. It uses his name to impersonate and harass him, and to draw people into the lies it publishes.


In an article by Kenneth Armstrong posted on 19 June 2021 titled “U of G prof says he is receiving workplace harassment after sharing vaccine concerns”, the author outlines how Dr. Bridle is being harassed by colleagues, in the workplace and on social media, after speaking out publicly regarding the current COVID-19 vaccines.

A University of Guelph professor says he is being harassed by colleagues after speaking out publicly about concerns he has with current COVID-19 vaccines. Byram Bridle is an associate professor of viral immunology at U of G and for over a year has been speaking publicly about concerns he has about current COVID-19 vaccines being offered to the public. Some of those concerns have been countered by people who say the research doesn’t hold water, but Bridle said the way in which his detractors have gone about sharing that view is libellous… 

In his remarks, Bridle said he is currently being subjected to a very public smear campaign as a result of his public statements about his concerns about current vaccines. “There’s colleagues of mine who have been harassing me both in the social media and in the workplace,” he said…

The harassment issue has been especially difficult, said Bridle, since he was interviewed on a Global News radio program two weeks ago where he was asked if there could be a possible link between reports of heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines.

“I felt I could express concern and that there might be a possible link between this heart inflammation that is occurring and these COVID-19 vaccines,” said Bridle. He said his life was turned upside down after the interview aired and likened the response by many to a nuclear bomb going off.

“I have been undergoing daily attacks either through email or people attempting to call me,” said Bridle. “I should also mention I am experiencing harassment — lots of harassment — in the workplace.”

One form of harassment, said Bridle, is a web site that was registered under his name which seems to debunk his claims about the vaccines. He said the website that was created is libellous and a Twitter account that was also developed seeks to slander him. 

Bridle also claims that private medical information about his parents was leaked. “This has been very hard on me and my family,” he said.

Source - click here


On 7 June 2021, an article posted on the website Politifact about Dr. Bridle claims that there is “No proof for researcher claim that COVID-19 vaccines’ spike protein is a ‘toxin’”.

A university expert claimed on talk radio that he has new evidence that COVID-19 vaccines produce a “toxin. 

The credentials of Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, include research funding from the Canadian government and the Canadian Cancer Society, as well as dozens of publications in research journals. 

But experts told PolitiFact that, despite a document Bridle cites, there is no evidence to back his claim that what is known as the vaccines’ spike protein produces a toxin that could cause heart problems and neurological damage. 

“There is no data that the spike is a toxin,” said Dr. Drew Weissman, a vaccine expert and professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. “The document he cites is an anti-vaxxer product with no real scientific data supporting its claims. 

When you check the sources for this fact check – they are other Politifact articles, emails, the aforementioned deceptive website which uses Dr. Bridle’s name as the web address, and the CDC website (which is full of lies), just to name a few.

Source - click here


In his 17 September 2021 open letter to the President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Guelph cited above, Dr. Bridle addresses these fact checkers.

My detractors, rather than showing a deep understanding of the science underlying COVID-19 vaccines, continually refer to the so-called ‘fact checks’ that have been posted about me. Let me tell you some things about the so-called ‘fact checkers’. Firstly, they give scientists and physicians of integrity unreasonably short periods of time to respond to their requests for answers. For example, as I write this letter, I have 13,902 unread messages in my inbox and my voice mail is at maximum capacity. I have yet to see a ‘fact check’ request prior to its expiry, which remarkably, is often within mere hours of an e-mail being sent. This is an unreasonable expectation from a busy professional. Also, many ‘fact checkers’ lack sufficient expertise. In some cases, ‘fact checker’ sites have had to rely on postdoctoral trainees in other countries to write responses. 

Most of the harassment against me began after ‘fact checkers’ cherry-picked one short radio interview that I gave to a lay audience. Some have accused me of only giving half the story in that interview. They were most kind; I was only able to reveal ~0.5% of the story. It is unfair to critique a tiny portion of one’s arguments that were presented off-the-cuff to a lay audience with no opportunity for me to respond in real-time. For your information, I have rebutted every single one of the ‘fact checks’ that I am aware of in various public interviews.

For more articles, videos and interviews with Dr. Bridle please refer to Section Two of our website, item numbers: 132, 260 and 327.



PART TEN: Blood Clots, Heart Problems and Their Link to the COVID-19 Jabs

Is it necessary to dedicate a specific section to blood clots and heart problems?

Before we started working on Part Nine, it had been decided to dedicate Part Ten to the use of cells from aborted fetuses (Fetal Cell Lines - FCLs) in the testing and production of COVID-19 vaccines. However, the more we worked on Part Nine, the more we noticed that the doctors and scientists featured in the previous section were making continual references to the COVID-19 vaccines causing blood clots and serious heart problems. Furthermore, they are unanimously in agreement that many have died due to these particular side effects, making this a shared medical opinion of multiple experienced doctors and scientists. Yet, these two side effects are only rarely spoken of when discussing the COVID-19 vaccines: whether in the Church, the medical community, the mass media, politicians and generally amongst people in the world.

Therefore, before dedicating a section to the use of cells from aborted fetuses in the testing and production of COVID-19 vaccines, it would be beneficial to dedicate Part Ten to the two major side effects associated with these vaccines - blood clots and heart problems. These two health issues are very important for those considering vaccination or for those who have decided against vaccination but may have loved ones who are thinking of being (or have already been) vaccinated. The more knowledge one has, the easier it will be to make an informed decision, or to help others who do not know about the seriousness of becoming sick or dying from blood clots and heart problems after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.


Is there a link between the mRNA vaccines, heart inflammation and blood clots?

Let us begin by compiling all references to blood clots from the previous section and then we can look at what other doctors and scientists have said about these fatal side effects. Relevant videos and articles on this topic will also be included.


1. Dr. Peter McCullough – cardiologist and epidemiologist

We have FDA official warnings: myocarditis in Pfizer, Moderna, blood clots in the brain and other areas for J&J and now paralysis for J&J. So, the FDA is trying to tell Americans: watch out, these products have huge safety issues.

I’m a doctor. I’m an internist and cardiologist. I just came from the hospital. In my practice, where I see patients a few days a week in the office, and I’m in the hospital and I do academic work. I’ve had a woman die of the COVID-19 vaccine! And it was explosive! She had shot number one. She had shot number two. After shot number two, she developed blood clots throughout her body. She required hospitalization. She required intravenous blood thinners. She was ravaged. She had neurologic damage.

She finished after that hospitalization in a walker. She came to my office. I checked for more blood clots. I found more blood clots. I put her back on blood thinners. I saw her back about a month later. She seemed like she was a little better. Family was really concerned…. The next month I get called by the Dallas Coroner office saying she’s found dead at home.




For videos of Dr. Peter McCullough speaking about heart problems arising from the vaccines, please see the following:



Myocarditis from COVID vs Myocarditis from the Vaccine - see video here



How these so called "Experts" push fear: Cardiac Complications in Young People - see video here



Dr. Peter McCullough joins The Alex Jones Show to break down the mounting evidence of heart injuries in children under age 12 following COVID injections - see video here.


2. Dr. Vladimir Zelenko - Board Certified Family Physician

We are seeing the number one cause of death, in the short term, is from blood clots and most of it is happening within the first 3 - 4 days

The other problem is that it's causing myocarditis, or inflammation in the hearts of young adults.




3. Dr. Roger Hodkinson - pathologist

The so-called vaccine is better described as the “Clot Shot”, as it is killing as many as it allegedly saves due to blood clots in vital organs. I’m talking about heart attacks, strokes and pulmonary emboli [blood clots in the lungs]. This experimental agent has never been safety tested by the usual 5-7 year protocol due to the Covid-19 pandemic being called a Public Health Emergency – it was no such thing, and its use is therefore reckless, particularly for children and pregnant women. The Clot Shot should be stopped immediately. It will be remembered as the most grievous blunder in the history of Public Health. 

This of course is an experimental vaccine. It should never have been released. It was never an emergency which predicated the development of the vaccine. And as with all vaccines, there are complications, which were predictable… In particular, complications are now coming out that are very disturbing. The latest one, over the last few days, starting off in Israel, is the frequency of myocarditis in young adult males. And [it’s] worse, the younger they are, [especially] in teenagers. Just so I can translate that, myocarditis is a medical term for inflammation of the heart…  

Myocarditis is never ‘mild’, as they are describing it for the general public, meaning ‘not terribly significant’. The heart muscles, the cells that make up the heart muscles never regenerate. If one [cell] dies, [it’s] done. It’s not like the liver or the kidney that regenerates. When a heart muscle dies, it is dead, and it’s never replaced. Myocarditis, means a generalised inflammation of the heart muscle. So, muscle cells in the heart will be dying. The number [of dying cells] is hard to determine, obviously, because the person is still alive. 

But I can tell you [with] categorical certainty, supported by Dr. McCullough’s conversation with me this morning, that myocarditis is totally unpredictable in terms of its long term consequences. [The consequences] may only present 20 years later, because of the reserve of the heart*We are talking here about cardiac arrhythmia developments, abnormal heart beats. We are talking about heart failure, and so on. This is a most worrying development, and of course it is exactly the kind of complication that would have come out of a normal clinical trial for a vaccine, which typically takes a couple of years.…

* Note: The reserve of the heart (the backup ability) hides the fact that myocarditis has caused cell death – once that reserve goes away (in 20 years or so) – then the consequences are seen. So, children who have suffered myocarditis, may not have ill effects from it for a few decades yet.




4. Dr. Dolores Cahill – professor and immunologist

And I did read from the World Health Organisation that they said that they really do not recommend these injections for children. But really, anyone under 50, or anyone under 60, with prevention and treatment now available, no one in the world need die. And it is shocking and outrageous, and I would say a crime, and a crime against the young people because they are definitely getting heart attacks, and becoming very ill, and the list of adverse events for children, as well as adults, there’s about 60 different diseases. 

I think the sad thing will be that when the people realise, those who have had the injection, that it will shorten their lives by many years, they will be extremely disappointed and angry, and also their loved ones, because we see now, every day, people are getting clots.




5. Registered Nurse Megan - Whistleblower

We are seeing those things. We actually had a paramedic in our hospital die within seven days of receiving the vaccine. He’d had a prior COVID infection and he had a massive heart attack within seven days of having the vaccine, and that hit home, that was personal. And yes, we are seeing vaccine injuries, we are seeing an increase in strokes, and increase in M.I. [Myocardial Infarction – heart attack], pulmonary embolism, blood clots in the legs, cognitive decline – major cognitive decline in the older population, neurological symptoms; we’re seeing all of that, and it is again, just criminal that their stories are not being told.




6. Dr. Brian Tyson MD - Emergency Medicine Physician

We’ve killed thousands of people using these vaccines that are causing adverse effects such as myocarditis and blood clots and heart attacks and strokes. They need to be honest with the numbers and they need to be honest with the American people.




7. Dr. Byram Bridle Ph.D. – Viral Immunologist and vaccine researcher

Also, we were told that there is no evidence that the messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines cause heart inflammation… I announced on a short radio interview that I did think there might be a potential link between the mRNA vaccines and heart inflammation. The attacks on me have been relentless ever since. Yet two weeks ago, Ontario Public Health announced they were no longer going to use the Moderna vaccine in young males because it is causing heart inflammation in way too many of them. As you can see, they keep pushing this narrative until it becomes so obvious that they have to rescind [withdraw] their earlier messages.




Another thing I want to point out is that we were told that the AstraZeneca vaccine was perfectly safe. At that time, myself and two other professors wrote an open letter to many in Canada, including Health Canada, pleading, could we not roll out that vaccine, could we not authorise it under interim order, because of safety concerns that existed at that time for potential blood clots was being investigated in 10 European countries? Fourteen hours later, there were two more European countries. A couple of months later, they shut down that [AstraZeneca] vaccine program [for people under age 55] because it was too unsafe for Canadian adults after several Canadians had died from fatal blood clots.


8. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – MD, microbiologist, infectious disease researcher




Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi is a famous German microbiologist who has been speaking out against the COVID-19 hysteria since the beginning of the crisis and has been an outspoken critic of the COVID-19 vaccination programs worldwide. Dr. Bhakdi completed his MD training in Germany in 1970, after which he joined the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology, where he remained for four years as a post-doctoral researcher specialising in immunology. Dr. Bhakdi then joined the Institute of Medical Microbiology at Giessen University, where he became an associate professor in 1982. In 1990, he was honoured with the position of professor as well as Chair of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz. During his academic career at these famous research institutions in Western Europe, Dr. Bhakdi published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, for which he has received numerous awards, including the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate, the highest award given by the German state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

During his time at the University of Mainz, Dr. Bhakdi studied many areas of medical science relevant to the field of vaccinology, and he notes that he is “certainly pro-vax with regards to the vaccinations that work and that are meaningful.” In his research regarding the coronavirus vaccines which were then in development, Dr. Bhakdi was concerned about the possibility of serious side effects such as over-activation of the immune system. In 2020, along with the famous German scientist Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, Dr. Bhakdi was sounding alarms that the proposed worldwide use of the current coronavirus vaccines was unacceptable. It should be noted that Dr. Wodarg, a medical doctor and epidemiologist, is famous for investigating and identifying corrupt practices surrounding the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic on behalf of the EU’s Council of Europe.  

As the vaccination programs began in late 2020 and have continued until this day, official and unofficial news from all around the world has proven that Dr. Bhakdi’s concerns were correct, particularly regarding blood clots and other serious side effects attributed to the mRNA, viral vector and other coronavirus vaccines.


Open Letter From Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi To German Chancellor Dr Angela Merkel – see video here.

WHO Scientist: Swine Flu Pandemic Was “Completely Exaggerated” – see article here.

Dr Wodarg and Dr Bhakdi warn about RNA/DNA vaccines in late 2020– See article here.


Drs. Bhakdi and Wodarg have also raised the alarm regarding the strange similarities in what they have seen during the current pandemic and the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic. In both cases, definitions of “pandemic” and “vaccine” were suddenly changed by the WHO during a global response to a new virus, and a rushed vaccine led to serious life-long injuries. Again, in both cases, the vaccines were allowed to be given to millions of people even though the drug companies knew there was a problem with them. The end result was not improved global health, but rather enormous profits for the pharmaceutical companies.  

Staying Awake And Pandemrix - The Swine Flu Scandal – see article here.

GlaxoSmithKline fails to warn of pandemic flu vaccine’s alarming safety signal – see article here.




Dr Bhakdi is married to the research scientist and biologist Dr. Karina Reiss, who joined him in co-authoring the bestselling book “Corona, False Alarm?”, which sold over 200,000 copies in the first 6 weeks of release in Germany. Dr. Reiss’s record of work includes over sixty articles published in the fields of cell biology and biochemistry, covering topics including infectious disease and inflammation. Some of these publications have gained international recognition and she has received prestigious honours and awards.




On 28 May 2021, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi produced a “Vaccine Appeal” for the Planet Lockdown Series. In it he warns about the dangers of blood clots forming after taking any of the available coronavirus vaccines.

My name is Sucharit Bhakdi. I am a physician and scientist. This magic bullet, the jab, is supposed to cause your immune system to explode into action and combat the virus. We have always had deep concerns that this explosion would set off chain reactions leading to the formation of blood clots in your vessels, clots that no one can see but they can feel. If the clots form in your brain, you have splitting headaches, nausea, vomiting, paralysis, so many things that so many people have been reporting. How to find out? You see, there is a lab determination, the D-dimers, that if they go up in your blood it is proof that clot formation has taken place in your vessels.




Now, a number of German doctors have been measuring the D-dimer in the blood of patients before vaccination and days after vaccination, irrespective of symptoms, and they have just found out that triggering of clot formation is a very common event with all [coronavirus] vaccines, meaning that when you take this jab you are triggering a reaction that is potentially lethal.

Therefore, I strongly advise people not to get the shot. If you want to, as an adult, you may but you must realise that you are undergoing a threat. Do not give the shot to children because they are absolutely without any possibility of defending themselves. If you give that jab to your child, you are committing a crime.


Watch full video here

The above video is only two minutes long and very simple to understand – it is highly recommended.


On 29 March 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi was interviewed by John Kirby for the “Perspectives on the Pandemic” series. This episode titled “Blood Clots and Beyond” is Number 15 in the series.

When asked about a letter he and other prominent scientists sent to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on 28 February 2021, he said:

The bottom line of this letter was that we were concerned that the dangers of thrombosis, clot formation, intravasal (intravascular) clot formation, had not been sufficiently addressed by the EMA (European Medicines Agency), and we asked them to supply evidence that this danger of clot formation had been considered, and that there was evidence to exclude that our fears were founded - that is the gist of the letter. Based on what is known in medicine, one would have to fear that people – especially young people, by the way — who received these gene-based vaccines, would develop clotting abnormalities.

…in that one week, ironically enough, reports came in from all of Europe of young people who had coagulopathies, that means clotting abnormalities, with a series of deaths. And this caused fifteen countries to suspend their vaccination program with AstraZeneca vaccine…

Now, I want to go into this because this has become a very, very important issue. They [The EMA] said that these deaths had been due to one of two very rare clotting abnormalities. One was the so-called DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation. That is a condition that arises when you have so many clots forming in your body that your clotting system is exhausted and so you start to bleed. This is very paradoxical, and it’s extremely rare.

The second was the formation of blood clots in the veins of your brain… cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT)... Every condition, every case, suspected case of CVT is an emergency.

On the symptoms of blood clots in the brain:

The formation of clots in the brain veins is something so horrible to think of. And I told you that you need emergency care. What are the symptoms of clot formations in the brain? The first symptom is a splitting headache. Then lots have nausea, vomiting, then they have dizzinessthey start to have paralysis, they become hard of hearing, blurred vision, all of this. Clot formation in brain veins can give you any symptom you want. And, I think, that is the reason why the symptoms of these people who are getting their second shot of the vaccine are so diverse. Even these people who have jerking, limb movements that they can’t control anymore. This can be one of the consequences of clot formation in these vessels…

And I don’t want to know whether there’ve been even worse effects that people are not talking about… but profuse bleeding has been seen in individuals who have gotten the Moderna vaccine, right? They have bleeding of the skin. This jerking over the whole body, which also can be the consequence of thrombus formation in the brain, has been reported from America, from people getting that vaccine. And this jerking, which is horribl