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Other Beneficial Orthodox Videos and Articles

The opinions and information expressed in these articles may not necessarily be those of the Russian Orthodox Church or those of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia.

To see the videos and articles compiled by Father Kosmas, click on the titles 

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1. Fr. George Calciu: Should the Church Compromise with the Government?

2. Metropolitan Neophytos of Morfou: Onoufrios is the Canonical Metropolitan of Kiev 

3. Metropolitan Neophytos on the Plans of the New World Order

4. Christ will Intervene! Metropolitan Neophytos of Morfou discussing Saint Paisios' prophecies

5. The Miracle of Holy Fire, Jerusalem, 2017

6. The Holy Fire & Pascha at the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem - with commentary 

7. Easter Miracle of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem 2017!!! Commentary by Dr. Steve Turley 

8. Science Investigates the Easter Miracle of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem!!! Follow up video
by Dr. Steve Turley

9. Greek News article: The Holy Fire Miracle and the Scientific Research

10. Legalized by the Antichrist - the final Apostasy - the apocalyptic vision of Vladyka Averky Taushev of Jordanville

11. Fr. Seraphim Rose: on the modern "theologians"

12. Social justice and the Antichrist - from the writings of Vladyka Averky of Jordanville

13. Do we compromise to keep our churches open? Or do we flee to the catacombs? - A letter from St. Damascene the bishop of Glukhov

14. Can people be excommunicated for their Orthodoxy? - from the teachings of St. Dionysius the Areopagite, and St. Maximus the Confessor - with supplemental material from St. Nicodemos the Hagiorite 

15. St. Paisios the Athonite on Ecumenism, Common Prayer with the Heterodox, and the Erroneous Ecumenist Phronema concerning the Monophysites

16. The Stance of St Iakovos of Euboea on the Reception of Converts and the Baptism of the Heterodox

17. Ecumenism: A Betrayal of the Orthodox Faith 

18. Those Who will Give the Testimony of our Christ will become Awesome Martyrs, Awesome Saints in the other World! Elder Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona

19. A demon speaks about the Virgin Mary (Theotokos) Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou

20. Metropolitan Seraphim Replies to Phanar Hierarch Who Called the Pope His Patriarch
[According to Metropolitan Seraphim, “even the most fanatical Uniate (a papist in Orthodox vestments) will envy Metropolitan Polycarp's unacceptable compliments to the unrepentant heresiarch ‘Pope’ Francis.” While the clergy of the Roman Catholic Church is accused of thousands of sexual crimes and atrocities against the Orthodox, in particular, about 880,000 Orthodox Serbs were killed by the Ustasha hordes at the instigation of the Vatican, Pope Pius XII and Zagreb Cardinal Aloiziy Stepinac, convicted by the International Court of Justice for crimes against humanity.]

21. Erecting Babel: the call of the Serpent to mutual understanding and joint-mission - Metropolitan Augoustinos of Florina, Greece

22. Video: An Orthodox Examination of the “Council” of Crete and the New Emerging Ecclesiology - Protopresbyter Peter Heers.
[Read the lecture notes of the above video.]

23. The Bitter Truth - Metropolitan Augoustinos of Florina, Greece

24. Saint Iakovos of Evia, Greece, on common prayers with the non-Orthodox

25. How the Fire of Holy Communion burns heretics and schismatics - from the writings of the Catacomb Bishop, St. Basil of Kineshma

26. Greek Orthodox priest shouts at Pope Francis: ‘Pope, you are a heretic’ (Video)
[An elderly Greek Orthodox priest yelled, “Pope, you are a heretic” as Pope Francis entered the Orthodox Archbishopric in Athens in early December 2021 and was taken away by police, a reminder of the wavering distrust between the two divided churches.]

27. A Visual Tribute to Elder Ephraim of Arizona 
A visual trib
ute to our Geronda, Elder Ephraim of Arizona, in remembrance of his blessed repose on December 7th 2019, made by the sisters of the Holy Monastery of Panagia Parigoritissa monastery. May we have his blessing.]

28. The Holy Martyr Hariton of Kosovo (†1999) 
[A Serbian Orthodox monk who was tortured and beheaded by extremist Muslims who could not tolerate the Serbian Orthodox presence in Kosovo - Holy Martyr Hariton, pray to God for us!]

29. Do the Saints Get Involved in Politics? A Word to Quietists Who Distort the Practice of the Church - by Father Geoffrey Korz

30.Video: Elder Gabriel (a disciple of St. Paisios): on Patriarch Kirill 

31. Are the Terms “Christian” and “Orthodox” Accurate For Our Times? by Archbishop Averky of Blessed Memory

32. Migrants Desecrate More Than 2,000 Churches Just in Greece
[According to a new report published by Greece's Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, there were 2,339 incidents of church desecrations in the country between 2015 and 2020, when tiny Greece, seen as Europe's eastern gateway, was flooded with migrants from the Islamic world.]

33. Icons Streaming Myrrh in Church of Holy Sepulchre (+video)
Icons in two different
chapels inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre were found to be streaming myrrh recently (May 2022). Video footage shows four icons in the Chapel of St. Longinus and the Chapel of the Scourging streaming myrrh.]

34. Prophecy About Our Days and the Days Ahead 
[Fr Peter Heers:
"This prophecy by Elder Ephraim of Philotheou and Arizona is now circulating widely in Greek and undoubtedly has been told to many. This was told to me by a spiritual son of the elder a day before the elder’s Funeral Service and Burial. (The spiritual son said that the elder told him this in 2008) Thus, I heard it about 3 months before the difficulties he speaks of began."]

35. Experiences and Testimonies of Elder Evmenios (Saridakis) the Leper (1931-1999)
Elder Evmenios,
who himself was a leper, served at the leper colony of Athens and was instructed by St. Nikiphoros the Leper with whom he was close. Elder Evmenios was a hero and secret saint of Athens who kept his gifts hidden from others. St. Porphyrios remarked about Elder Evmenios one time, “He is a saint. He prays to God that he not be revealed to others but only at the end of his life will it be revealed.”]

36. The Monastery of St David in Evia (Greece) is Saved from Wildfires (+Video) 
The abbot and most of the monks of St. David of Evia Monastery on the Greek island of Evia were forced to evacuate as wildfires raced dangerously close towards the holy habitation in August 2021. A few monks stayed behind to gather the holy relics and other sacred treasures of the monastery. God helped, the monks say, turning the fire away in another direction.]

37. Village Saved from Fire After Procession with Relics of St. John the Russian (+Videos)
[In 2021, when
fires had been destructively raging across the Greek island of Evia, the residents were planning to evacuate. They instead resolved to turn to the Lord in prayer and to ask the intercessions of their beloved St. John the Russian whose relics repose on the island. All the inhabitants of Prokopi participated in a procession with the saint’s relics, calling upon him to halt the deadly flames. The prayers of the people were heard, and just a few hours later, a torrential downpour began, keeping the village of Prokopi safe.]



Archbishop Averky of Syracuse,
former Abbot of Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville


38. Vladyka Averky Taushev of Jordanville: On Apostasy!

39. Should I Receive a "Corrective Baptism"?

[In this video, Fr. Peter Heers discusses why we baptize and why nearly all converts to Orthodoxy should be baptized. The video is excerpted from "After 1,000 Years - An Orthodox Examination of Catholicism" by Fr. Peter Heers.]

40. Tucker Carlson compares Zelensky to Soviet dictator Lenin following raids on Ukrainian Orthodox Church
[Fox News host
Tucker Carlson compared Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy to 20th-century Russian Communist dictator Vladimir Lenin following reports of the Ukrainian government banning a branch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which has included the execution of military raids into churches, monasteries, and convents. He says, “Zelenskyy’s secret police have raided monasteries across Ukraine, even a convent full of nuns, and arrested dozens of priests for no justifiable reason whatsoever and in clear violation of the Ukrainian constitution, which no longer matters.... Last week, he announced his plan to ban an entire religion, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and to seize its property, all for being insufficiently loyal to his regime.”]

[A wonderful account of a lady's conversion to Orthodoxy from the Armenian Apostolic Church.]



Metropolitan Philaret and St John of Shanghai and San Francisco

42. St. John Maximovitch: are the Copts heretics?
As recounted
by Vladyka Philaret of NY.]





43. Metropolitan of Morfou Neophytos : "This is what Gerontissa Galaktia told me"



 More videos and articles will be added on a regular basis. 

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Section One: Orthodox Saints, Holy Elders and Clergy on COVID Restrictions, Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccines, Pandemic Prophesies and Deceptions

Section Two: Doctors and Others Speak Out about Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccines, Early Treatment and COVID Misinformation

Section Four: More Webpages

Section Five: Beneficial Non-Orthodox Videos and Articles

By Father Kosmas: For the Orthodox Faithful who are Confused About Covidism