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Update on New Talks

Section One

The time will come for true confession of the Faith! All those who will confess, will be alone
and persecuted!
Saint John of San Francisco (†1966)


Section One

COVID Restrictions, Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccines,

Pandemic Prophesies and Deceptions

According to Saints, Holy Elders and Clergy

The opinions and information expressed in these articles may not necessarily be those of the Russian Orthodox Church or those of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia. 

To see the videos and articles compiled by Father Kosmas, click on the titles 

For the latest updates, please click here.

1. Wisdom from Athonite Fathers: Concerning Masks 
[This video presents the viewer with a prophecy spoken by Elder Basil of Kafsokalivia regarding mask-wearing in churches, with an assessment by Archimandrite Savvas Agioritis, followed by supplementary comments from the Gregory Decapolite channel.]

2. Dreadful Warnings from Heaven (2020) - Concerning the Ecclesial Renovations of 2020
[Archimandrite Savva
s Agioritis speaks about a dreadful occurrence in an Orthodox Church in 2020, when the bishop insisted the clergy wear masks to commune the people. This sermon is in Greek with English subtitles.] 

3. An Interview with Father Savvas  
[In this interview, Father Savvas discusses many topics such as face coverings in the church, obedience to bishops, and the blasphemy of using multiple spoons to commune the people. This interview is in Greek with English subtitles.]

4. Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou (Church of Cyprus) Warns Against Masks 
[In this short 3-minute video, Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou warns parents that they must never allow their children to wear facemasks. It would be better to take them out of school rather than allow them to wear facemasks. He says they want to create chaos and take away our freedom. This video is in Greek.]




5. God Has A Plan - Metropolitan Neophytos Regarding the End Times and Current Events 
[Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou discusses the reason the current events are taking place and what will follow in the coming times. He explains that God has a great plan for the world, so that He can save as many people as possible before the end .The Metropolitan also addresses the prophesies of Orthodox Saints and Elders about the end of the world, and how it seems they are being fulfilled in our times.]

6. An Epidemic is Coming by Metropolitan Augoustinos of Florina, Greece
[In 1990, the fiery Metropolitan Augoustinos Kantiotes of Florina (†2010) foretold a coming apocalyptic epidemic that sounds a lot like the current pandemic of the coronavirus.] 
the English translation while listening to his one minute speech in Greek.

7. An Athonite Elder Speaks Out About Covid and Vaccines 
[Elder Philotheos
of Karakallou Monastery says, “We sense that the coming of this pandemic was no accident, and in fact, that it was manufactured. And then came the vaccine, supposedly ‘to suppress the pandemic,’ but we sense that this is all being directed, is artificial, in order to achieve what they want—their ultimate purpose.”]

8. Father Savvas the Athonite on vaccination and side effects 
[Elder Savvas presents a frightening testimony of a priestmonk from Greece who made the mistake of getting vaccinated. The priestmonk tells of his experiences after receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine.]




9. St. Cyril of Kazan and the "sanitized" holy water of 1909 
[This video presents the account of Saint Cyril, Bishop of Kazan, who defied the official decree to boil water before it is sanctified.] 

10. Orthodox Church's Teaching on Whether There is a Danger of Spreading Disease
Through Holy Communion, Kissing the Hand of the Priest, or Our Presence in the
Holy Temple of God
 - Metropolitan of Edessa, Joel

11. Athonite Elder Speaks About Prayer Against COVID 
[Elder Parthenius of St Paul's Monastery on Mount Athos states, “Our hope is that whoever trusts in God will not be ashamed. We must rely not on our own strength, but on the mercy and love of God.”]   

12. This Could be the Last Mistake You Ever Make! - Please Don't! - Elder Gabriel of Mount Athos

 [Read a transcript of the above video]




13. The Apocalyptic Times are About to Fall Hard Upon Us - Elder Justin Parvu 
[Elder Justin is considered the last of the Romanian elders of the communist period to depart this world. He said, “The time will come when you will be sold by your shepherds. They will watch you being ripped apart by the wild beasts and they will not come to your help. Know that these are those apocalyptic times that are about to fall hard on us.”]

14. The Christian "Special Forces" fighting against antichrist - Prophetic words of Elder Ephraim 
[In this video recording, Elder Ephraim of Arizona talks about the importance of monasteries in the end times, as beacons of Orthodox spirituality, “Special Units”, fighting against the work of antichrist and “Big Brother”.]

15. Against those who dare to forbid the kissing of the Holy Icons 
[This video reveals that the 7th Ecumenical Synod (in the 7th Act) explicitly commands, that the Holy Icons be kissed. It also clearly condemns (in its 6th Act) those who accept the icons for the purpose of gazing upon them, but refuse to “embrace and kiss them fondly”.]




16. The chemical injections and delusions of the Antichrist
[This video presents the teachings of two contemporary Greek elders, Athanasios Mitilinaios and Savvas Achilleos. This is followed by footage of a 2005 Pentagon briefing.]
Read a transcript of the 3 sections of the above video. We have also included a very important disclaimer for the 2005 Pentagon video.

17. Should we flee from Holiness to avoid sickness? - Archpriest Peter Alban Heers
[Many people
trust science more than, or instead of, God. Of course, few Christians would ever admit this, although it is manifested by their deeds. Let such people repent.  Archpriest Peter Heers explains that it is a falling away from God to bring masks, gloves and other such things into the Temple of God.  The Church of Christ is consecrated and sanctified by God and has nothing to fear, for her members are in the embrace of the Father and in communion of the Holy Spirit.

18. A most dreadful prophecy
[A revelation fro
m Elder Savvas Achilleos, who reposed in 2016: “The antichrist will take over the health system. All medications will be turned to poison and whoever takes these medicines will be poisoned and will perish.”]

19. On those who do not venerate icons whether by force or out of fear 
[Extract from the video: “The decree of the Holy Synod repeats several times that anyone who refuses to kiss the holy icons is anathema. The decree does not make exceptions, it is absolute… Veneration is not an option.”]




20. The Coronavirus Crisis: Letter from the Holy Mountain
[Elder Euthymios of the Kelli of the Resurrection in Kapsala on Mt. Athos addresses the Coronavirus crisis and the Church’s response to it. He calls all of us to faithfulness, patience, prayer, and to sincere repentance.] 

21. Part 1: On the Holy Temple of God & COVID-19 Infection: Interview with Archimandrite Savvas Agioreitis 
[In the first part of this four-part discussion, Archimandrite Savvas Agioreitis answers the question of whether the Holy Temple and Holy Things can be a means of infection and sickness.]

22. Part 2: The Role of a Spiritual Father in the Current Crisis: Interview with Archimandrite Savvas Agioreitis 
[Archimandrite Savvas Agioreitis, in the second part of this four-part discussion, discusses the need to find, have and come under the direction of a spiritual father.]




23. Part 3: How Shall We Live During This Current Persecution of Orthodoxy?: Interview with Fr. Savvas Agioreitis 
[In part three of this four-part discussion, Fr Peter Heers and Archimandrite Savvas Agioreitis discuss a wide-range of matters concerning how we must live in a spiritual manner in the face of the current persecution of Faith in Christ and His Church.]

24. Part 4: The Current Challenge of Caesaropapism to the Orthodox Faith: Interview with
Fr. Savvas Agioreitis
[Archimandrite Savvas Agioreitis talks about the current crisis, including the innovations surrounding our understanding of the Holy Things in the Holy Temple of God. This is the final part of the four-part discussion.]

25. Saint Paisios the Athonite: On the Vaccine and the mark of the Beast!  
[Extract from the video: “Now a vaccine has been developed to combat a new disease, which will be obligatory, and those taking it will be marked… My thinking tells me that this is the system through which the Antichrist has chosen to take over the whole world.”]




26. St. Peter Zverev's Sermon on the 1910 Cholera Pandemic 
[Saint Peter: “It is not surprising that in the face of this frightful phenomenon people are brought to anxiety and are striving to think of any means whereby they may avoid the impending thunderstorm. But this is our grief – we have invented all the wrong means by which we think to be saved from this terrible sickness that has mercy on no one. We try to utilize various serums and vaccines… the vast majority of people almost completely leave out the spiritual starting point in a person – his soul; of this only they desire not to think!”]

27. St. John of Kronstadt and the 1903 Siberian Plague

28. St. Paisios of Mt. Athos on the Blasphemous Treatment of Holy Things, God's Wrath, and Trusting God




29. The Belt of the Theotokos and the Pandemic of 1910

30. Father Gabriel the Athonite answers questions - interview with Elder Gabriel

31. A Letter to an Abbess Concerning the Vaccines - By Elder Evthymios of Kapsala, Mt. Athos, a spiritual child of Saint Paisios the Athonite

32. Holy Communion and Germs - by Archbishop Michael of North and South America (Greek Archdiocese)

33. Valuable Life Lessons from Blessed Elder Athanasius of Grigoriou in a Time of Delusion and Apostasy




34. Cypriot Holy Synod Did Not Unanimously Recommend Vaccination as was Announced - Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou Says

35. Covid Persecution of the Church Accelerates by Fr. John Peck

36. Do Not Rush to go and Take the Vaccine - Metropolitan Neophytos
[We are working on providing a transcript in English of the Metropolitan's talk - hopefully we will have this ready in a few weeks.]

37. Bishops: Do not persecute the priests for preserving Orthodox traditions! by Metropolitan Ambrosios of Kalavryta and Aigialeia in northern Greece

38. Abba Pambo’s frightful prophecy about the End Times

39. Orthodox Ethos: Traitors Inside the Church by Fr. Athanasius Mitilinaios

40. Coronavirus: Morphou bishop comes out in support of arrested scientist




41. On Holy Communion and Wearing Masks in Church by Priest Stylianos Karpathiou 
[In this interview, Father Stylianos Karpathiou, an eminent and renowned Orthodox bioethicist, declares that whoever believes a person can get diseases from partaking of Holy Communion cannot be a Christian. He states that wearing masks in church is a denial of the grace of God. He even says that this denial is so serious, these people should be re-chrismated.]

42. Metropolitan Neophytos: God will find a way to save the good-hearted people of the world

43. This video is no longer available

44. The Gates of Hades Will Not Prevail Against My Church and The Truth About the Vaccines 
by Fr. Constantine Tzortzis, Nicholaos Papageorgiou, Petros Markou and John Tzortzis
[These two excellent articles by Fr. Constantine and his team will provide the faithful many answers to their questions regarding COVID-19, masks, other restrictions, vaccines, etc.]

45. The Temple of Pharmakon by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

46. The Broken Covenant
[A group of anonymous priests denounce their bishops for agreeing with government authorities that church services and priestly ministries in the community are not an essential service. A bit slow in the beginning but well worth the read.]

47. Crown of Creation: Orthodox Christians, Bio-Ethics, and The Covid-19 Vaccine

48. Have We Lived by Lies? by Fr. Zechariah Lynch

49. On Masks and Other Unacceptable Innovative Practices Introduced into Orthodox Worship as a result of COVID, Concluding with Advice on the COVID Vaccines - Sermon by Father Savvas Agiorites
[A transcript of Fr. Savvas's sermon in English with commentary by Father Kosmas.] 

50. Prophecies of Saint Nilus about the Last Days by Archimandrite Savvas Achilleos
[In this sermon, Archimandrite Savvas Achilleos examines the prophecy of Saint Nilus about the state of people in the last times and how it will be hard to distinguish between a man and a woman. The sermon is in Greek with English subtitles.]

51. Open Letter: To Our Beloved Hierarchs, Brother Concelebrants, and our Faithful Flocks

52. Pastoral Letter Regarding Vaccines by Bishop George of Canberra, Auxiliary Bishop, Australia-New Zealand Diocese, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia 

53. God Does Not Allow Anyone to Be Contaminated in the Temple - Sermon by Metropolitan Kosmas of Aitolia and Akarnania
the English translation of the Metropolitan's sermon.]

54. Elder Ephraim of Arizona Appeared and calls us to Repentance
[Referring to the people of the world, he said, "Get on your knees and weep; shed tears of repentance so that perhaps Christ will soften. This also has to do with what is happening in America. Many people will depart through all that is coming, many people will depart [i.e., they will die]."]

55. “We will have Modified People...” - A Call to Prayer Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou
[In this video, the Metropolitan explains that the current virus is only the beginning of a series of events, and that we must use these times as practice for what is to come. He goes on to emphasize that the "shots" meant to treat this virus are in fact harmful, and will lead to modified people in the same way genetically modified food exists.

56. Father Peter Heers: Why I will not be Receiving the Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine

57. Believers Denounce their Metropolitan as he Preaches About Vaccines
[“It is a disgrace, outrageous! This is not a spiritual sermon, speak to us about the saint. If we wanted to hear about vaccines, we would be watching SKAI TV!”] 

58. Pastoral Letter Regarding Vaccines by His Grace the Right Reverend Siluan, Bishop of Australia and New Zealand, the Serbian Orthodox Church 

59. Warning from Mount Athos (August, 2021)
[Romanian Elder Julian of Prodromos Skete, Mount Athos, who turned 95 on January 8, speaks about COVID-19 vaccinations and what effect they have on one's mind and soul. There seems to be a growing consensus amongst the elders that COVID-19 vaccinations are detrimental to one's soul.]

60. Communing During the Pandemic is an Act of Confession — Metropolitan Neophytos
of Morphou

61. A Statement Detailing the Basis of the Objection to Certain Vaccines with Supporting Evidence by Bishop George of Canberra, Auxiliary Bishop, Australia-New Zealand Diocese, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

62. The War Against God - Fr. Constantine Tzortzis, Nicholaos Papageorgiou and John Tzortzis
[Much has been written about COVID-19 vaccines being responsible for a high rate of adverse reactions, causing sickness and lifelong health issues and even death. However, little has been written about the spiritual consequences to one's soul after taking the COVID-19 vaccine. This is an excellent compilation and analysis of this much-neglected topic by Fr. Constantine and his team. After carefully reading through this, one will not be able to disregard the warnings of so many Orthodox saints and holy elders.

63. Open Letter to NSW and Victorian State Leaders by by Bishop George of Canberra, Auxiliary Bishop, Australia-New Zealand Diocese, Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia
[About mandatory vaccine passports, Bishop George says, The Church CANNOT enforce such discriminatory measures in our parishes and refuse entry to anybody who seeks to attend without the proposed vaccine passport, or any other certificate, as this would lead to discriminatory outcomes and would violate the Church’s teachings and canons.]

64. GOA Policy for Religious Exemption from Vaccination

65. Response to Archbishop Elpidophoros regarding mandatory vaccines and no religious exemptions
[Extract from the letter: “I respectfully submit that the Holy Synod should support Orthodox clergy and their parishioners who have asserted or wish to assert their sincerely held religious beliefs against the vaccines, if for no other reason than this: Orthodox Christians place tremendous value on free will, and as Americans, they place tremendous value on their individual right of religious freedom.”]

66. Father Savvas Agioritis: What is to come for those who are vaccinated?

67. Open letter by the Burning Bush Brotherhood: Men Have Become Wolves to Men
[An excerpt from the letter: “A troubling new ideology is developing in which even Christians are willing to advocate the “necessity” for the “greater good” of forcing vaccination – injections – against the will and conscience of another believer, in the name of “love.” Such attempts at compulsion through manipulating and distorting the meaning of “love” are abhorrent to the Christian and a distortion of true love found within the phronema of the Church.”]

68. Anonymous Orthodox Church of America (OCA) Clergy Write Letter Critical of Bowing Before the COVID Tyrants
[Excerpt from the letter: “The contract that binds the bishop, the priest, and the people together in the OCA is broken.  We have been forced to live in a cult of personal obedience to bishops who are themselves living outside of the norms of the Church. The question now is what to do about it.”]

69. His Grace the Right Reverend Siluan, Bishop of Australia And New Zealand, The Serbian Orthodox Church writes an open letter whereby he states that he will not be implementing vaccine passports in his churches.
[Excerpt from the letter: “I would also like to mention as a great concern the alarming prospects of the introduction of Vaccine Passports… In relation to this, media reports have also mentioned that “Churches will be required to use Vaccination Certificate Systems for Vaccinated-ONLY Worship”?!? This is totally foreign to the Spirit of the Church, to the ecclesiology, the Holy Gospel and Tradition of the Church. We could never accept or adopt such a practice! …We cannot accept the polarisation of the faithful, it goes against the very nature of the Church and we will not be implementing this system in our churches.”]

70. Pray For One Another: Advice During These Difficult Times by Metropolitan Neophytos of Morfou 

71. A Return of Evil Signs a short sermon by Father Geoffrey Korz

72. Eminent Orthodox Christians Speak Out Against Compromising the Faith for COVID Restrictions by James Purloff

73. The Error of Blind Obedience to Bishops – According to the Saints of the Orthodox Church

74. Video: Fr Anastasios Gotsopoulos on trial for Celebrating the Divine Liturgy
[Today you, tomorrow me… they are persecuting Fr Anastasios Gotsopoulos because he didn’t lock the sheep door and he opened it so God’s lambs could enter so they could be protected from the wolves who stalk them… Fr Anastasios Gotsopoulos is you, is me, is all of us who want to go to Church but they close the doors of the Churches if we’re “over the allowed numbers”, if we don’t wear masks, if we’re “not jabbed” etc. etc. Fr Anastasios is the conscience of the body of the Church, is the voice of God and the echo of the Saints, in the gloomy times where our bishops preach about the commandments of Pfizer instead of the Holy Gospel.]

75. Religious Exemption Letter signed by His Grace the Right Reverend Siluan, Bishop of Australia And New Zealand, The Serbian Orthodox Church
Supporting documentation for the religious exemption can be downloaded here.]

76. Religious Exemption Templates - Parish Priest letter and Personal letter
[This post includes a template that can be used by a priest to give a religious exemption as well as a personal letter for the workplace. They can be copied and pasted and relevant information added.
For both letters click here.

77. The 3 crowns of Elder Ephraim and how the U.S. will lose its superpower status - by Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou

78. Piraeus Metropolitan says: “The priests who are against the vaccine are schismatic” 
[The Metropolitan of Piraeus, Seraphim, speaking on the Greek channel SKAI, describes the priests who urge the people not to be vaccinated and do not observe the COVID-19 measures in the churches as schismatic.]

79. Sudden death of the former Chief Supervisor Elder Paul from Great Lavra, Mount Athos 
[Elder Pavlos Lavriotis passed away from a sudden heart failure a few days after taking the 3rd dose of COVID-19 vaccine.]

80. Fear Not – a sermon given by Archbishop Longin of Bukovina (Ukraine) 
[Therefore be at peace and do not be afraid, as the holy Fathers say. Things will become troublesome and ugly. There will be enmity between vaccinated and unvaccinated, this hatred and sin will be huge, but hatred is a death-bearing sin.]

81. Top Russian Bishop: Global Elites Trying to Destroy Image of God in Humans, Russia Faces 'Historic Decision'
[Bishop Porfiry, Abbott of the Solovetsky Monastery, caused an uproar back in July when he said in a sermon that the COVID vaccines might alter the image of God in humans. In this sermon, he doubles down on that assertion, and goes further, saying global elites want to wipe out 6 billion people.]

82. Moscow Conference of Conservative Christians Demands End to COVID Tyranny, Warns
of Schism
[From the resolution of the council:
"Today we are divided into masked and unmasked, injected and uninjected, with and without QR codes. Segregation is the precursor to civil war. Segregation today in Russia is so systematic that it gives the impression that our government seeks to plunge the country into war in order to impose a new world order."]

83. Church of Greece urges clergy, faithful to get vaccinated; Bishops threaten to suspend unvaccinated priests 

84. Metropolitan of Zakynthos: The Denying Priests are Accessories to Death 
[Read English
translation here.]

85. A Warning from Metropolitan Ignatius of Dimitrias to the denying priests: “Unacceptable stance, comply!” 
[Read English translation here.]

86. Fourteen Priests Suspended by Metropolitan Dionysios of Zakynthos 
[Read English translation here.]

87. The Church does not serve the World! from the writings of Vladyka Averky of Jordanville

88. An abbot of a monastery on Mount Athos forbade vaccinated monks to attend the services

89. Statistics for Monasteries and Monks on Mount Athos that have been vaccinated and not vaccinated

90. Video: Metropolitan Neophytos of Morfou: Christ and the Pandemic - Why are you afraid? 

91. Metropolitan of Minsk Sprinkles City with Holy Water from Helicopter Against Coronavirus 
[His Eminence Metropolitan Pavel of Minsk and Zaslavl took to the skies to bless the capital of Belarus. His Eminence served a moleben in times of devastating plague and the Small Blessing of Waters at the Church of All Saints in Minsk, together with parish clergy. Following the service, Metropolitan Pavel flew around the city of Minsk in a helicopter, making an aerial procession, calling God’s blessing upon the people of Belarus, and blessing the city with the holy Cross-reliquary and the Reigning Icon of the Mother of God.]




92. Wonderworking Icon of Theotokos carried through the streets of Craiova to ward off coronavirus
[After the Divine Liturgy on the Feast of Annunciation, Metropolitan Irineu of Oltenia led a procession through the streets of Craiova carrying a wonderworking icon of the Mother of God known as Madonna Dudu and the relics of Saint Niphon of Constantinople to help fight the coronavirus outbreak.]

93. Orthodox Reflections: An Orthodox doctor finally gets exposed for not being concerned that the COVID-19 vaccines are linked to aborted fetal cells
[Irene Polidoulis MD CCFP FCFP writes her thoughts after listening to an Ancient Faith Radio (AFR) Podcast on the Covid-19 vaccines (Part 1), an interview between Fr. John Parker and Dr. Ryan Sampson Nash, who despite identifying as “Orthodox,” did not bring an Orthodox perspective to the podcast. According to Dr. Nash, the use of fetal cell lines in the development and/or testing of the Covid-19 vaccines as a moral dilemma of “small” proportion because “we already live in a world tainted with fetal cell lines.” In other words, because these cells have already been used for several decades in the development and/or testing of other drugs and products, there is no point in resisting taking a Covid-19 vaccine on these grounds. Dr. Polidoulis should be commended for being one of the first doctors to finally expose this “Orthodox” doctor who is more like a spokesman for the vaccine companies. But what do you expect when someone loves the praise of men more than the praise of God (John 12:43).]

94. Met. Neophytos: On the Need to Repent for the Sins of the Pandemic
[An interview Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou gave to Cypriot media on 14 December 2022, translated by Fr. Peter Heers]



 More videos and articles will be added on a regular basis.

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To view more videos and articles, please click below:

Section Two: Doctors and Others Speak Out about Masks, Lockdowns, Vaccines, Early Treatment and COVID Misinformation

Section Three: Other Beneficial Orthodox Videos and Articles 

Section Four: More Webpages

Section Five: Beneficial Non-Orthodox Videos and Articles

By Father Kosmas: For the Orthodox Faithful who are Confused About Covidism


Christian shepherds, that is, bishops and priests, are going to be filled with vainglory (with some exceptions),
utterly failing to distinguish the right way from the left……The Churches of God are going to be deprived of godly
and pious shepherds.” Saint Nilus (†1651)

Now the devil is on vacation, because his work has been taken over by the bishops.” Fr. John Romanides (†2001)