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Talk 44: What is the Aim of Our Christian Life?

(MP3 duration: 3hrs 52mins) 

This talk is a continuation of Talk 43. In his own time, Saint Seraphim of Sarov said that Orthodox Christians had forgotten the true aim of the Christian life. Many had become immersed in the darkness of materialism or in routine and mechanical outward piety. Saint Seraphim revealed the true aim of the spiritual life to his disciple, Nicholas Motovilov. This revelation is considered one of modern Orthodoxy’s most important spiritual treasures.

In this talk, Father Kosmas explains how if such ignorance existed in Saint Seraphim’s time, how much more does it exist now. In our times, many have a wrong view of the essence of spiritual life. He emphasizes how many are confused by what exactly is meant by “good deeds”. By analyzing the saint’s revelation, Orthodox Christians will discover not only what good deeds are, but also the most important thing of all: what we need to do to be saved.

The following questions are also discussed: why is hypocrisy considered the worst of sins? Is confessing Christ as God enough, considering that the devil does the same? External versus internal piety – which is more important? Should not Christ have reprimanded those who followed man-made traditions? Should asceticism be considered more important than following the commandments? What is the first gift that God gives to those who are truly struggling?

Other points covered in this talk include: the danger of trusting oneself in the spiritual life; the danger of being obsessed with particular aspects of Orthodoxy; how strictly observing Church practices can become a form of idol worship; how an answered prayer does not always indicate spiritual progress; how the devil can imitate the gifts of the Holy Spirit; and the story of how a prostitute’s prayer raised a mother’s only son.

Acknowledgement: The Transfiguration of St. Seraphim, Mural in St. Seraphim Cathedral, Dallas, TX USA, by Vladimir Grygorenko, www.orthodox-icon.com

Talk 44 duration: 3hrs 39mins

Chanting duration: 13mins (Hymns from the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos)

Total duration: 3hrs 52mins


Talk Duration:
3hrs 39mins
Chanting Duration:
Total Duration:
3hrs 52mins
Priestmonk Kosmas
File Size:
St George Church, Carlton, Sydney
28 August 2011
24 January 2020
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