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Update on New Talks

Important COVID facts that are conveniently omitted


       Important facts omitted by the pro mass vaccination

Orthodox clergy and others 


1. It is the first vaccine to have public health officials saying that people will have to expect adverse reactions;

2.This is the first vaccine to make no clear claims about reducing infections, transmissibility, or deaths that can occur from the disease.

3. There have been absolutely no mid- and long-term safety data for these vaccines;

4. Many renowned physicians and scientists are warning the public not to take these vaccines. Unlike traditional vaccines, COVID vaccines are an unprecedented novel gene therapy composed of either mRNA or DNA packaged in a synthetic lipid nanoparticle, all of which are potentially harmful to the body and have caused death to some who received them.

5. The COVID-19 vaccines do not act as traditional vaccines in that they do not prevent people from catching or spreading the virus (as confirmed above by the TGA in Australia). In America, the CDC openly accepts these facts, although spokespeople for the institution tend to de-emphasise them and persistently repeat warnings that people need to be vaccinated so they will not become sick and spread the virus. Whether someone is vaccinated or unvaccinated, they can, knowingly or unknowingly, each spread the disease to their neighbours. The act of vaccination offers no protection from being a transmitter of disease, or even a “superspreader”.

6. Newly released data from Israel and a study from the Cleveland Clinic show there is no reason to be vaccinated if a person has been previously infected with COVID-19 because they are much less likely to contract the Delta variant, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalised with the virus. The fully vaccinated are still getting COVID and experiencing adverse reactions. Natural COVID immunity is better than being fully vaccinated.

7. At first, national public health agencies around the world were strongly declaring that people need to be vaccinated to stop the spread of the virus. When it became evident that vaccinated people were still getting sick and spreading the virus, these agencies and their friends in the mainstream media, Big Tech and social media, became concerned that the public would refuse vaccination. So now, the new argument is that if a person is vaccinated and contracts COVID, their symptoms will be significantly reduced (less suffering).

8. No specific post-vaccine autopsy studies have been conducted. No public health agencies have asked for autopsy studies, even though so many deaths have been reported after people have been vaccinated – some died on the first day, some on the second, some even a few weeks later, and so on. These deaths should be enough to suspend the vaccination program, as is typically done with any other medication (a medication is usually suspended after 25 deaths).  Why have the public health authorities all over the world not demanded specific vaccine autopsy studies after so many deaths have occurred? Are they hiding something?

a) Read more here.

b) Read more here.

9. More children die from influenza every year than from COVID-19 - the survival rate of children after contracting COVID being 99.997% (statistically 100%). In general, many more people die every year from influenza and other causes than from COVID. As in every influenza season, people can reduce the spread of infection by simply staying home when they are sick, under a doctor’s care. The number of people that die of influenza around the world every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), is roughly 290,000 to 650,000, which is more devastating than COVID-19. But these figures are not accurate because many deaths are under-reported. In the US alone, it is reported that approximately 50,000 to 75,000 die from influenza annually.

Clearly influenza has a higher death rate than COVID-19, yet, we do not recall Orthodox clergy in the past ever insisting that the faithful receive a flu vaccine in order to not commit the sin of carelessly infecting someone else. The concept of influenza vaccination among the faithful seems to have been irrelevant in years past, despite the medical dangers it poses. What has changed? These Orthodox clergymen are being obedient to the newly canonised “saints” of the New World Order – “Saint” Fauci of Wuhan, “Saint” Bill Gates the Great, Emperor of the World, to name a few. In other words, many of these clergymen “loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” (John 12:43). We read in the Holy Gospel, “Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!” (Matthew 18:7) In other words, how terrible it will be for the world due to its temptations to sin! Temptations to sin are bound to happen, but how terrible it will be for that person who causes someone to sin!

10. The official survival rates, taken from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US, are also very high and themselves argue against mass vaccination from both a common-sense and public health perspective.

0-19 Years: 99.997%

20-49 Years: 99.98%

50-69 Years: 99.5%

70+ Years: 94.6%

Although the survival rates shown here are very high, these percentages are possibly even higher when we consider how they are calculated by tallying all deaths that were supposedly due to COVID. There is a great deal of evidence that many recorded COVID deaths were actually due to other causes, which would mean that actual deaths due to COVID are minimal. It is clear, regardless, that the death rate is higher in the elderly and in people above 50 years of age – the very age ranges where people are often suffering from many underlying health conditions as well.

When we look at the numbers above, we can see how strange it is that public health authorities are not using their current strict measures against more dangerous illnesses such as Ebola (which has had outbreaks) or Anthrax (which also has a vaccine available – although a more traditional one).

11. There are safe and effective medications and supplements for the prevention and early treatment of COVID-19, according to peer-reviewed and publicly available journals. These recommendations (unlike those promoted by the CDC and other health agencies around the world) are subjected to peer review and can be taken with higher confidence than the statements made at various times by medical organisations. It is important to realise that the latest recommendations for masking, for vaccination and now for the introduction of “booster shots” are not based on peer-reviewed evidence, but are simply formed from the opinions of so-called experts (aka medical “saints”). They are sometimes supplemented by “data” provided directly from the drug companies, who have serious conflicts of interest in that they gain huge financial benefits and profits from providing more vaccines.

12. Not one safety update has been given to the public from the World Health Organization (WHO), from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), from other public health agencies around the world, from the mainstream media outlets, from the scientific community or from medical experts, despite obvious safety concerns (see Part 13 Below). Important safety information should be frequently shared with the public as new facts emerge, particularly with a brand new medical treatment.  History shows us that new drugs need to be monitored for possible unexpected side effects.  Medical treatments once hailed as miracles sometimes are found to have such serious side effects that they need to be removed from the market (see the history of thalidomide, or the diet drug Fen-phen). More on this later. 

Publicly available databases with data of vaccine adverse events such as the TGA database in Australia, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database in the United States, the Canada Vigilance Adverse Reaction Online Database, and the United Kingdom’s Yellow Card database show the COVID-19 vaccines have been linked to serious medical side effects and harms such as paralysis and even death. However, no public safety update has been issued to raise the alarm about these concerning adverse events. 

It must be emphasised again that safety updates to the public are different to the reporting of vaccine adverse events which we see is happening (this will be discussed in the next point). For example, we can find on the VAERS website that there have been 1,700 reports of pregnant women who have miscarried after being vaccinated. Yet, there are no public safety updates warning pregnant women of this danger - so women who are pregnant are not made aware of this higher rate of miscarriage before they consider a vaccination. The same principle applies to other adverse effects.

13. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States shows that healthcare workers have reported the COVID-19 vaccines to be the cause of: 13,900 deaths, 57,000 hospitalisations, 76,000 urgent care visits, over 100,000 doctor’s office visits, 5,800 anaphylactic reactions (throat swelling that causes suffocation), 4,800 cases of Bell’s Palsy, 1,700 miscarriages, 6,200 heart attacks, 5,222 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis, 18,000 cases of permanent disability, 2,900 cases of thrombocytopenia (low platelet count), 14,300 life threatening allergic reactions, 27,000 severe allergic reactions, and 7,600 cases of reactivation of shingles (painful herpes zoster), among others (data dated 7 September 2021). See current VAERS update here

The government VAERS reporting system is believed, by statistical analysis, to only receive reports of about 1% to 10% of the actual adverse events and deaths from vaccines that are happening in the United States. It is estimated then that 90% to 99% of adverse effects or deaths from vaccines have not been reported to VAERS. So, the above numbers perhaps could be multiplied by a number between 10 and 100 to get a more accurate idea of what the real figures are.

It should be noted that on the VAERS website it says, “Reports are not proof of causality.” This means that the adverse events reported above are not technically proven to be caused by COVID-19 vaccines. Although there may be some truth to this, one has to question whether the big, influential, rich and powerful pharmaceutical companies have any influence over VAERS. This suspicion naturally arises since it is being exposed, more and more, that Big Pharma companies are influencing medical industries, medical establishments, medical boards, governments, politicians, the mainstream media, the entertainment industry, large corporations, Big Tech, (Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook), etc. There seems to be a lot of money being distributed around the world by Big Pharma to promote COVID-19 vaccines.

Considering the figures above, it is truly striking that no mention is made publically about the risks of coronavirus vaccination, instead there is the worldwide promotion of a concept that the coronavirus vaccines are a medical miracle, that they are remarkably “safe” and stunningly “effective”.   It seems is as if the facts shown above of serious side effects do not exist to Big Pharma and those who are being influenced by them – perhaps because these Big Pharma companies want to ensure that the vaccines do not have any negative publicity, which could hurt their revenue, even if that means hiding the truth from the public. This is the biggest propaganda machine ever seen in the history of the world. Some brave public health scientists and other informed individuals who did try and raise public awareness as to the dangers of the vaccines were and are ridiculed and sidelined. Some of them have been “deplatformed”, as if they were a terrorist. 

14. There are scientific concerns that the recent virus variants, like the Delta strain, are a consequence of the vaccines, and therefore extending the worldwide supposed pandemic for months longer than necessary. This is similar to how people use a large number of antibiotics irresponsibly – the antibiotics merely cause the bacteria to become resistant. When this occurs, the bacteria often become worse and deadlier than they were previously. This is currently happening with the Delta and other strains. Leading scientist Dr Geert Vanden Bossche states that: 

Mass injections in the middle of a pandemic is prone to promoting selection and adaptation of immune escape variants, that are featured by increasing infectiousness and resistance to spike protein (S)-directed antibodies (Abs), thereby diminishing protection in vaccines and threatening the unvaccinated. 

Read his statement here

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